2,079 research outputs found

    Rethinking the transition process in Syria: constitution, participation and gender equality

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    A just and sustainable peace for Syria can only be attained through the equal participation of women\u2019s rights defenders at the negotiation table and throughout the transitional process. Understanding the legal framework within which such participation takes place \u2013 and the challenges of promoting women\u2019s rights through a gender-responsive constitution \u2013 is crucial. This publication, resulting from a collaboration between Euromed Feminist Initiative and the University of Padova, builds on the knowledge of academics and advocates, shedding new insights on those challenges. It aims at supporting institutional efforts being made to guarantee women\u2019s participation in the Syrian reconstruction, as well as advocacy initiatives carried out to ensure women\u2019s participation in political and economic decision-making in the country\u2019s future

    Mosaico de imagens de satélite do Pantanal no ano 2000.

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    O Pantanal devido a sua extensão e dificuldade de acesso representa um desafio para o desenvolvimento de atividades de produção e conservação da natureza. Nesse sentido as tecnologias de Sensoriamento Remoto podem contribuir muito para o conhecimento e manejo desse ecossistema. O presente trabalho apresenta o mosaico de imagens Landsat 7 ETM do ano 2000 do Pantanal, onde ao contrário dos demais produtos dessa natureza, apresenta uma maior precisão de posicionamento em função de um extenso trabalho de campo realizado para o georreferenciamento das imagens. Esse trabalho é o resultado da parceria entre a Embrapa Pantanal e a WWF Brasil e está disponível também na homepage da Embrapa Pantanal. Esperamos com essa iniciativa estar cumprindo com nosso objetivo de levar à comunidade informações sobre o Pantanal.bitstream/item/81191/1/DOC43.pd

    Protonated CO2 in massive star-forming clumps

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    Interstellar CO2 is an important reservoir of carbon and oxygen, and one of the major constituents of the icy mantles of dust grains, but it is not observable directly in the cold gas because has no permanent dipole moment. Its protonated form, HOCO+, is believed to be a good proxy for gaseous CO2. However, it has been detected in only a few star-forming regions so far, so that its interstellar chemistry is not well understood. We present new detections of HOCO+ lines in 11 high-mass star-forming clumps. Our observations increase by more than three times the number of detections in star-forming regions so far. We have derived beam-averaged abundances relative to H2 in between 0.3 and 3.8 x 10^{-11}. We have compared these values with the abundances of H13CO+, a possible gas-phase precursor of HOCO+, and CH3OH, a product of surface chemistry. We have found a positive correlation with H13CO+, while with CH3OH there is no correlation. We suggest that the gas-phase formation route starting from HCO+ plays an important role in the formation of HOCO+, perhaps more relevant than protonation of CO2 (upon evaporation of this latter from icy dust mantles).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    How many radio-loud quasars can be detected by the Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope?

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    In the unification scheme, radio quasars and FR II radio galaxies come from the same parent population, but viewed at different angles. Based on the Comptonization models for the gamma-ray emission from active galactic nuclei (AGNs), we estimate the number of radio quasars and FR II radio galaxies to be detected by the Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) using the luminosity function (LF) of their parent population derived from the flat-spectrum radio quasar (FSRQ) LF. We find that ~1200 radio quasars will be detected by GLAST, if the soft seed photons for Comptonization come from the regions outside the jets. We also consider the synchrotron self-Comptonization (SSC) model, and find it unlikely to be responsible for gamma-ray emission from radio quasars. We find that no FR II radio galaxies will be detected by GLAST. Our results show that most radio AGNs to be detected by GLAST will be FSRQs (~99 % for the external Comptonization model, EC model), while the remainder (~1 %) will be steep-spectrum radio quasars (SSRQs). This implies that FSRQs will still be good candidates for identifying gamma-ray AGNs even for the GLAST sources. The contribution of all radio quasars and FR II radio galaxies to the extragalactic gamma-ray background (EGRB) is calculated, which accounts for ~30 % of the EGRB.Comment: 4 pages, accepted by ApJ Letter

    Infrared Colors of the gamma-ray detected blazars

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    Blazars constitute the most enigmatic class of extragalactic gamma-ray sources, and their observational features have been ascribed to a relativistic jet closely aligned to the line of sight. They are generally divided in two main classes: the BL Lac objects (BL Lacs) and the Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs). In the case of BL Lacs the double bumped spectral energy distribution (SED) is generally described by the Synchrotron Self Compton (SSC) emission, while for the FSRQs it is interpreted as due to External Compton (EC) emission. Recently, we showed that in the [3.4]-[4.6]-[12] micron color- color diagram the blazar population covers a distinct region (i.e., the WISE blazar Strip, WBS), clearly separated from the other extragalactic sources that are dominated by thermal emission. In this paper we investigate the relation between the infrared and gamma-ray emission for a subset of confirmed blazars from the literature, associated with Fermi sources, for which WISE archival observations are available. This sample is a proper subset of the sample of sources used previously, and the availability of Fermi data is critical to constrain the models on the emission mechanisms for the blazars. We found that the selected blazars also lie on the WISE blazar Strip covering a narrower region of the infrared color-color planes than the overall blazars population. We then found an evident correlation between the IR and gamma-ray spectral indices expected in the SSC and EC frameworks. Finally, we determined the ratio between their gamma-ray and infrared fluxes, a surrogate of the ratio of powers between the inverse Compton and the synchrotron SED components, and used such parameter to test different emitting scenarios blazars.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ, to appear in 2012 March 20 editio

    Poor Outcome in a Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy Patient with a Novel TYMP Mutation: The Need for Early Diagnosis.

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    Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE) is a devastating autosomal recessive disorder due to mutations in TYMP, which cause loss of function of thymidine phosphorylase (TP), nucleoside accumulation in plasma and tissues and mitochondrial dysfunction. The clinical picture includes progressive gastrointestinal dysmotility, cachexia, ptosis and ophthalmoparesis, peripheral neuropathy and diffuse leukoencephalopathy, which usually lead to death in early adulthood. Therapeutic options are currently available in clinical practice (allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and carrier erythrocyte entrapped TP therapy) and newer, promising therapies are expected in the near future. However, successful treatment is strictly related to early diagnosis. We report on an incomplete MNGIE phenotype in a young man harboring the novel heterozygote c.199 C>T (Q67X) mutation in exon 2, and the previously reported c.866 A>C (E289A) mutation in exon 7 in TYMP. The correct diagnosis was achieved many years after the onset of symptoms and unfortunately, the patient died soon after diagnosis because of multiorgan failure due to severe malnutrition and cachexia before any therapeutic option could be tried. To date, early diagnosis is essential to ensure that patients have the opportunity to be treated. MNGIE should be suspected in all patients who present with both gastrointestinal and nervous system involvement, even if the classical complete phenotype is lacking

    Mapeamento e descrição das áreas de ocorrência dos eventos de decoada no Pantanal.

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    Decoada ou dequada é o nome popular que se dá no Pantanal aos eventos anuais de alteração natural da qualidade da água durante a fase hidrológica de enchente, cuja intensidade varia de acordo com o clima e os padrões de inundação anuais. Ocorrem alterações das características físicas e químicas da água, que incluem mudanças para cor escura, depleção de oxigênio dissolvido (OD), chegando à anoxia, diminuição do pH (< 6,0) e aumento do CO2 Livre, de aproximadamente 20 mg/L para mais que 100 mg/L, podendo ocorrer expressivas mortandades de peixes dependendo da magnitude das alterações. Neste estudo mapeamos e descrevemos a área de ocorrência desses eventos no Pantanal, baseados nos dados de monitoramento de qualidade de água de 1988 a 2011, nas informações de técnicos e moradores da região e também fizemos uma estimativa da intensidade dos eventos. A concentração de OD nos rios e lagoas principais foi utilizada como indicador, em que OD< 3,0 mg/L durante a época de inundação foi considerado indicativo de ocorrência potencial do evento. De acordo com os registros obtidos, os eventos de decoada foram observados desde Cáceres, ao Norte, até Porto Murtinho, ao Sul, sendo de alta intensidade no rio Paraguai, principalmente abaixo de Bela Vista do Norte. No rio Cuiabá, os eventos são comuns desde Porto Cercado até a sua foz com o rio Paraguai, considerados de média a alta intensidade. No rio Taquari, os eventos foram considerados de baixa intensidade, sendo mais intensos somente próximo ao Paraguai-Mirim. No rio Miranda, a decoada pode ser observada desde a foz do rio Aquidauana até a confluência com o rio Paraguai, mas é no Passo do Lontra onde a intensidade pode ser alta a ponto de afetar os peixes. As lagoas (baías) Uberaba e Gaíva seriam os locais com menor probabilidade de ocorrência dos eventos de decoada. Já as baías Vermelha, Castelo e Tuiuiú, na área de alta inundação, são os locais onde eventos com alta frequência e intensidade foram registrados, ocorrendo anualmente.bitstream/item/83348/1/BP121.pd