490 research outputs found

    Challenging (Strategic) Human Resource management Theory

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    To fully understand the relationship between human resource management and performance in different contexts, we are in need of a synthesis between resource-based theory and new institutionalism. We argue that differences in institutional settings (between for example countries or branches of industry) affect the shaping of HRM. In this paper we develop a conceptual model (human resource based theory of the firm) that will be illustrated by means of empirical evidence on macro, meso and micro level. The model enables to analyze the interaction between industrial relations and human resource management at different levels (international, national, branch of industry, company-level) and how that affects the shaping of HR policies in a specific company. In this way the paper broadens the present HRM and Performance debate by explicitly taking into account factors that are decisive in shaping HR policies. Factors like the product-market-technology dimension, administrative heritage, the social-cultural-legal dimension and the dominant coalition with its degree of leeway.human resource management;performance;HRM theory;new institutionalism;resource based view

    Contingent Employment in the Netherlands

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    In the last decade the Dutch labour market has demonstrated an admirable capacity to generate jobs. Consequently, the unemployment rate has significantly decreased. However, the newly generated jobs are a-typical in the sense that they are not full-time jobs based on open-ended contracts. Instead, the job growth has relied on the growth of part-time and contingent jobs. While the creation of part-time jobs seems to be employee-driven, contingent employment, in contrast, seems to be driven by motives of employers to gain numerical flexibility. Data from the Netherlands show that, with the exception of student workers, contingent work is predominantly involuntary.This paper analyses the growth of contingent employment in the Netherlands.flexibility;'temps';contingent employment;labour market policies;temporary work agencies

    Human Resource management, Institutionalisation and Organisational Performance

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    The relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) and firm performance has been a hotly debated topic over the last decade, especially in the United States (e.g. Osterman, 1994; Huselid, 1995; MacDuffie, 1995). The question arises whether the domination of USA oriented models, however appropriate they might be for, say, the USA, hold in other for example more institutionalised contexts. Now we have the opportunity to study recent empirical data on the effectiveness of human resource management in the Netherlands, using Control versus Commitment HR Theory (Walton, 1985; Arthur, 1994) in combination with New Institutionalism (Dimaggio and Powell, 1983). We were able to include three different Dutch sectors/branches of industry i.e. Health care, Local Government and Tourism. Empirical results suggest that the effect of HRM is lower in highly institutionalised sectors (hospitals and local governments) than in a less institutionalised sector like hotels.HRM;performance;institutionalism;hospitals & local governments;hotels

    Web Based Organizing and the Management of Human Resources

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    The paper focuses on the consequences of web-based business-to-business transactions in medium and large old economy companies in particular and discusses the implications for HRM and HR professionals. Medium and large old economy companies can be involved in transactions within the new economy in different ways. First of all the paper gives an overview of the striking characteristics that distinguish web-based transactions from more traditional transactions. The paper continues with an overview of the different ways in which old economy companies are attempting to integrate elements of web-based organizing into their current business and the implications of it for human resources management. Three different ways of integration are distinguished:-Seeing the Net as an extension of normal market channels for buying and selling.-Using the Net to expand and improve current co-makership relationships amongst key suppliers (section 4).-Totally re-thinking business models before deciding on e-commerce strategy and practice, which implies desegregation and organizational revolution. Each of these areas will be highlighted and possible implications for human resources management and HR managers considered.human resource management;business to business transactions;human resource managers;web-based organizing

    Human Resource Management and Performance

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    The relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) and performance of the firm has been a hot debated topic in the field of HRM/IR for the last decade. Most scientific research on this topic originates from the USA. In our paper we will give an overview of recent USA-based research outcomes as a frame of reference for presenting recent findings from the Netherlands in this respect. These Dutch findings are interesting and contrasting USA-based approaches because they reflect the Western-European model for industrial relations or the so-called Rhineland model. A model in which legislation, institutions andstakeholders like workscouncils and trade unions play an important role in shaping HRM policies and practices. So the very often proclaimed relationship between corporate strategies, aligned HRM policies and their subsequent effect on performance is in a Dutch setting mitigated by institutions and stakeholders inside and outside the organization.human resource management;performance;HRM theory;institutionalism;overview

    Employee Perception on Commitment Oriented Work Systems

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    Human resource management (HRM) does matter! Prior empirical research, summarized and classified in the work of Delery and Doty (1996), Guest (1997) and Boselie et al. (2000), suggests significant impact of HRM on the competitive advantage of organizations. The mainstream research on this topic reveals encouraging results on organizational level. Further research on the perception of the individual employee may reveal new insights in the effectiveness of HRM in organizations. Now we have the opportunity to study recent empirical data of a Dutch employment agency. These data on individual employee level provide us new insights in the perception of commitment oriented HR systems and their relationship with perceived job security and employee trust. High scores on employee participation, payment system, training and development, information sharing, and support of the direct supervisor result in employee trust and high scores on perceived job security.human resource management;performance;commitment (versus control) systems;employee trust;perceived job security

    Challenging (Strategic) Human Resource management Theory

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    To fully understand the relationship between human resource management and performance in different contexts, we are in need of a synthesis between resource-based theory and new institutionalism. We argue that differences in institutional settings (between for example countries or branches of industry) affect the shaping of HRM. In this paper we develop a conceptual model (human resource based theory of the firm) that will be illustrated by means of empirical evidence on macro, meso and micro level. The model enables to analyze the interaction between industrial relations and human resource management at different levels (international, national, branch of industry, company-level) and how that affects the shaping of HR policies in a specific company. In this way the paper broadens the present HRM and Performance debate by explicitly taking into account factors that are decisive in shaping HR policies. Factors like the product-market-technology dimension, administrative heritage, the social-cultural-legal dimension and the dominant coalition with its degree of leeway

    Human Resource management, Institutionalisation and Organisational Performance

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    The relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) and firm performance has been a hotly debated topic over the last decade, especially in the United States (e.g. Osterman, 1994; Huselid, 1995; MacDuffie, 1995). The question arises whether the domination of USA oriented models, however appropriate they might be for, say, the USA, hold in other for example more institutionalised contexts. Now we have the opportunity to study recent empirical data on the effectiveness of human resource management in the Netherlands, using Control versus Commitment HR Theory (Walton, 1985; Arthur, 1994) in combination with New Institutionalism (Dimaggio and Powell, 1983). We were able to include three different Dutch sectors/branches of industry i.e. Health care, Local Government and Tourism. Empirical results suggest that the effect of HRM is lower in highly institutionalised sectors (hospitals and local governments) than in a less institutionalised sector like hotels

    Contingent Employment in the Netherlands

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    In the last decade the Dutch labour market has demonstrated an admirable capacity to generate jobs. Consequently, the unemployment rate has significantly decreased. However, the newly generated jobs are a-typical in the sense that they are not full-time jobs based on open-ended contracts. Instead, the job growth has relied on the growth of part-time and contingent jobs. While the creation of part-time jobs seems to be employee-driven, contingent employment, in contrast, seems to be driven by motives of employers to gain numerical flexibility. Data from the Netherlands show that, with the exception of student workers, contingent work is predominantly involuntary. This paper analyses the growth of contingent employment in the Netherlands
