75 research outputs found

    AB0-incompatibility of mother and fetus: the role of anti-glycan alloantibodies in the hemolytic disease of newborns

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    The mother and fetus incompatibility due to Rh-factor, blood group or other blood factors can lead to hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDN). HDN is a clinical disease condition of the fetus and newborn as a result of hemolysis, when maternal IgG alloantibodies cross the placenta and destroy the red blood cells of the fetus and newborn. The child disease begins in utero and can dramatically increase immediately after birth. As a result, hyperbilirubinemia and anemia develop, that can lead to abortions, serious complications, or death of the neonates in the absence of proper therapy. The range of HDN has changed significantly now compared to previous decades. Half a century ago, HDN was considered an almost complete synonym of RhD-alloimmunization, and this was a frequent problem for newborns. By now due to the high effective of Rh-conflict prevention, immunological AB0-conflicts have become the most common cause of HDN. The review aimes to one of the main causes of jaundice and anemia in neonates at present, i.e. HDN due to immunological AB0-conflict of mother and newborn (AB0-HDN). The main participants of the AВ0- incompatibility mother and child are considered, namely A- and B-glycans, as well as the corresponding anti-glycan alloantibodies. Close attention is paid to the structure features of glycan alloantigens on the red blood cells of the fetus and adult. The possible correlation of the frequency and severity of HDN with the blood group of mother and child, as well as with the titer of maternal alloantibodies, has been considered. The influence of immunoglobulin G subclasses on the AB0-HDN development has been evaluated. In most cases, AB0-HDN appear when the mother has the blood group 0, and the fetus has the group A (subgroup A1) or the group B. Other rare incidences of AB0-incompatibility with severe course are occurred. As a whole the etiology of AB0-HDN is complex and the HDN severity is influenced by many factors. The authors have analyzed statistical data, as well as the prevalence of AB0-incompatibility and AB0-HDN in various regions of the world. Current approaches to the diagnosis of AB0-HDN are discussed in addition. By now the problems of AB0- HDN occurrence and developing of ways to overcome this disease remain relevant

    Синдром VEXAS: на рубеже смены представлений об известных заболеваниях

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    This article presents the first case of VEXAS syndrome identified in the Russian Federation as well as characteristics of currently known clinical manifestations and treatment approaches. The clinical observation described is an impressive example of how the identification of a new pathogenic mutation can change the understanding of the classification, diagnosis and treatment of previously known immunoinflammatory diseases. Thus, in refractory forms of relapsing polychondritis, neutrophilic dermatosis, atypical forms of vasculitis, inflammatory joint diseases or undifferentiated systemic inflammatory syndrome, especially when associated with macrocytic anemia and myelodysplastic syndrome, VEXAS syndrome should be suspected and genetic testing should be performed to exclude the autoinflammatory nature of the existing condition.В статье приведен первый случай синдрома VEXAS, выявленный в Российской Федерации, а также характеристика известных на настоящий момент клинических проявлений и подходов к его терапии. Описанное клиническое наблюдение является ярким примером того, как выявление новой патогенной мутации может изменить представление о классификации, диагностике и терапии ранее известных иммуновоспалительных заболеваний. Так, при рефрактерных формах рецидивирующего полихондрита, нейтрофильного дерматоза, нетипичных формах васкулита, воспалительных заболеваний суставов или недифференцированном системном воспалительном синдроме, особенно при ассоциации с макроцитарной анемией и миелодиспластическим синдромом, необходима настороженность в отношении синдрома VEXAS и проведение генетического исследования для исключения аутовоспалительной природы имеющегося состояния

    An integrative analysis of endometrial steroid metabolism and transcriptome in relation to endometrial receptivity in in vitro fertilization patients

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    Objective: To study the relationship between the steroid concentration in the endometrium, in serum, and the gene expression level of steroid-metabolizing enzymes in the context of endometrial receptivity in in vitro fertilization (IVF) patients. Design: Case-control study of 40 IVF patients recruited in the SCRaTCH study (NTR5342), a randomized controlled trial investigating pregnancy outcome after “endometrial scratching.” Endometrial biopsies and serum were obtained from patients with a first failed IVF cycle randomized to the endometrial scratch in the midluteal phase of the natural cycle before the next fresh embryo transfer during the second IVF cycle. Setting: University hopsital. Patients: Twenty women with clinical pregnancy were compared with 20 women who did not conceive after fresh embryo transfer. Cases and controls were matched for primary vs. secondary infertility, embryo quality, and age. Intervention: None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Steroid concentrations in endometrial tissue homogenates and serum were measured with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The endometrial transcriptome was profiled by RNA-sequencing, followed by principal component analysis and differential expression analysis. False discovery rate-adjusted and log-fold change >|0.5| were selected as the threshold for differentially expressed genes. Result(s): Estrogen levels were comparable in both serum (n = 16) and endometrium (n = 40). Androgens and 17-hydroxyprogesterone were higher in serum than that in endometrium. Although steroid levels did not vary between pregnant and nonpregnant groups, subgroup analysis of primary women with infertility showed a significantly lower estrone concentration and estrone:androstenedione ratio in serum of the pregnant group (n = 5) compared with the nonpregnant group (n = 2). Expression of 34 out of 46 genes encoding the enzymes controlling the local steroid metabolism was detected, and estrogen receptor β gene was differentially expressed between pregnant and nonpregnant women. When only the primary infertile group was considered, 28 genes were differentially expressed between pregnant and nonpregnant women, including HSD11B2, that catalyzes the conversion of cortisol into cortisone. Conclusion(s): Steroidomic and transcriptomic analyses show that steroid concentrations are regulated by the local metabolism in the endometrium. Although no differences were found in endometrial steroid concentration in the pregnant and nonpregnant IVF patients, primary women with infertility showed deviations in steroid levels and gene expression, indicating that a more homogeneous patient group is required to uncover the exact role of steroid metabolism in endometrial receptivity. Clinical Trial Registration Number: The study was registered in the Dutch trial registry (www.trialregister.nl), registration number NL5193/NTR5342, available at https://trialsearch.who.int/Trial2.aspx?TrialID=NTR6687. The date of registration is July 31, 2015. The first enrollment is on January 1, 2016

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Meeting abstrac

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Contains fulltext : 172380.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Composition and Structural Characterization of the Extractive Pitches as Compared with the Commercial Reference Pitches of Different Origins

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The chemical and group composition, the empirical properties and the molecular structural characteristics of the extractive pitches produced by thermal dissolution of three medium-ranked coals were studied in comparison with the reference commercial pitches including typical coal-tar pitch, petroleum-derived pitch and the pitch sample derived from the blended mixture of coal tar with petroleum feedstock. The structural parameters of the average pitch molecules have been compared based on the 1H and 13C NMR spectra. It was shown that, in terms of chemical composition and empirical properties including carcinogen content, the extractive pitches resemble blended pitch sample, the structural parameters being close to commercial coaltar pitch sample. The average pitch molecule of extractive pitches was composed of predominantly aromatic nuclei with rather pericondensed structure

    Atomic emission spectrometer "Grand" for studying the features of accumulation and distribution of chemical elements in objects of animal origin

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    In this paper, the possibilities of using the arc atomic emission spectrometer “Grand” with multichannel emission spectrum analyzers (MAES) in terms of elemental analysis of objects of animal origin are expanded. Metrologically certified methods that have passed preliminary metrological examination were used for research. Of particular interest is the construction of periodic dependences of changes in certain parameters of the objects under study with an increase in the ordinal number of the element determining their structure and organization, as well as the construction on this foundation of predictions about the properties and behavior of living objects when interacting with each other. The features of the distribution of chemical elements as the charge of the atomic nucleus increases are reflected in the internal structure of the periodic system. In this regard, it is established in this work that the dependences of the accumulation and distribution of chemical elements in the studied living organisms with increasing ordinal number of the element in the periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev are also periodic

    The role of platelets in inflammation and immunity

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    In recent decades, significant progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms of platelet function and platelet hemostasis correction. Platelets are considered as the most important participants of both normal, and pathological thrombotic process characteristic of the most different diseases and states. In the present review pathophysiological mechanisms of platelet synthesis of various mediators with paracrine effects, which can influence the function of other cells, are consecrated. The physiology of platelets was considered in detail. The leading role of platelets in pathogenesis of the majority of diseases of cardiovascular system as modulators of inflammatory reactions of the immune response which are considered as the leading mechanism of development of atherosclerosis was shown. The ability of platelets to encode inflammatory proteins allowing them to influence adaptive immunity functions was discussed. The role of platelets as a key component of the innate immune system was presented, which is confirmed by the presence of Tolllike receptors (TLR) and glycoproteins, such as integrin αIIbβ3, glycoprotein Ib-IX and FcγRIIa, involved in interaction with bacterial cells. The pathogenesis of the formation of platelet-leukocyte aggregates due to the rapid reversible interaction of P-selectin (CD62P) on the platelet surface with ligand-1 glycoprotein P-selectin (PSGL-1) on the plasma of leukocytes and the mechanism of extracellular neutrophil traps (NETs), as well as the influence of platelets on the function of lymphocytes was presented. The role of platelets in cancer progression, metastasis and thrombosis is considered, and the interrelation of thrombosis and metastasis in malignant diseases was analyzed. The efficiency of the use of antithrombotic drugs in the prevention of thrombosis and, as a consequence, in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer was discussed