572 research outputs found

    The impact of the spacecraft system SÄNGER on the composition of the middle atmosphere

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    A two-dimensional chemical model and physical considerations are used to estimate the impact of the spacecraft system SÄNGER on stratospheric and mesospheric ozone in relation to other spacecraft and other anthropogenic perturbations. Perturbations of middle atmospheric NOy H2O and H2 concentrations, and their impact on the radiative balance of the atmosphere, including contrail formation, are discussed. It is found, that in case of about 24 launches per year the perturbations due to SÄGER are about negligible on a global scale. However, if a SÄGER version would be used for a hypersonic fleet of commercial aircraft a serious ozone depletion is predicted. © 1992 by Wax Planck Society

    Nitrogen compounds and ozone in the stratosphere: comparison of MIPAS satellite data with the Chemistry Climate Model ECHAM5/MESSy1

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    International audienceThe chemistry climate model ECHAM5/MESSy1 (E5/M1) in a setup extending from the surface to 80 km with a vertical resolution of about 600 m near the tropopause with nudged tropospheric meteorology allows a direct comparison with satellite data of chemical species at the same time and location. Here we present results out of a transient 10 years simulation for the period of the Antarctic vortex split in September 2002, where data of MIPAS on the ENVISAT-satellite are available. For the first time this satellite instrument opens the opportunity, to evaluate all stratospheric nitrogen containing species simultaneously with a good global coverage, including the source gas N2O which allows an estimate for NOx-production in the stratosphere. We show correlations between simulated and observed species in the altitude region between 10 and 50 hpa for different latitude belts, together with the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of model results and observations. This is supplemented by global charts on pressure levels showing the satellite data and the simulated data sampled at the same time and location. We demonstrate that the model in most cases captures the partitioning in the nitrogen family, the diurnal cycles and the spatial distribution within experimental uncertainty. There appears to be, however, a problem to reproduce the observed nighttime partitioning between N2O5 and NO2 in the middle stratosphere

    Nitrogen compounds and ozone in the stratosphere: comparison of MIPAS satellite data with the chemistry climate model ECHAM5/MESSy1

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    The chemistry climate model ECHAM5/MESSy1 (E5/M1) in a setup extending from the surface to 80 km with a vertical resolution of about 600m near the tropopause with nudged tropospheric meteorology allows a direct comparison with satellite data of chemical species at the same time and location. Here we present results out of a transient 10 years simulation for the period of the Antarctic vortex split in September 2002, where data of MIPAS on the ENVISATsatellite are available. For the first time this satellite instrument opens the opportunity, to evaluate all stratospheric nitrogen containing species simultaneously with a good global coverage, including the source gas N2O and ozone which allows an estimate for NOx-production in the stratosphere. We show correlations between simulated and observed species in the altitude region between 10 and 50 hpa for different latitude belts, together with the Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of model results and observations. This is supplemented by global maps on pressure levels showing the comparison between the satellite and the simulated data sampled at the same time and location. We demonstrate that the model in most cases captures the partitioning in the nitrogen family, the diurnal cycles and the spatial distribution within experimental uncertainty. This includes even variations due to tropospheric clouds. There appears to be, however, a problem to reproduce the observed nighttime partitioning between N2O5 and NO2 in the middle stratosphere using the recommended set of reaction coefficients and photolysis data

    Simulation of polar stratospheric clouds in the chemistry-climate-model EMAC via the submodel PSC

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    The submodel PSC of the ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry model (EMAC) has been developed to simulate the main types of polar stratospheric clouds (PSC). The parameterisation of the supercooled ternary solutions (STS, type 1b PSC) in the submodel is based on Carslaw et al. (1995b), the thermodynamic approach to simulate ice particles (type 2 PSC) on Marti and Mauersberger (1993). For the formation of nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) particles (type 1a PSC) two different parameterisations exist. The first is based on an instantaneous thermodynamic approach from Hanson and Mauersberger (1988), the second is new implemented and considers the growth of the NAT particles with the aid of a surface growth factor based on Carslaw et al. (2002). It is possible to choose one of this NAT parameterisation in the submodel. This publication explains the background of the submodel PSC and the use of the submodel with the goal of simulating realistic PSC in EMAC

    Near Superhydrophobic Carbon Nanotube Coatings Obtained via Electrophoretic Deposition on Low‐Alloy Steels

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    Sucker rods are a key element in certain oil-extraction processes as they link the motor group on the surface with the pumps located downhole. During the transport from the production site toward the extraction well, these components are prone to corrosion. A hydrophobic carbon nanotube (CNT) coating, deposited via electrophoretic deposition (EPD), is proposed as a protective layer, shielding the rods from harsh environmental conditions. Three different coating systems are considered and thoroughly characterized (depending on the additive that is used to deposit the CNT), namely, magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (Mg–Nit), triethylamine (TEA), and a duplex coating (DD). The latter presents an approach which combines the advantages of each additive, mechanical stability from Mg–Nit and strong hydrophobicity from TEA (near superhydrophobic). The former coatings are further processed to overcome their individual shortcomings, resulting in an increase in the coating's stability for TEA coating, as well as transforming the hydrophilic Mg–Nit surface into a hydrophobic surface

    Uncertainties in atmospheric chemistry modelling due to convection parameterisations and subsequent scavenging

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    Moist convection in global modelling contributes significantly to the transport of energy, momentum, water and trace gases and aerosols within the troposphere. Since convective clouds are on a scale too small to be resolved in a global model their effects have to be parameterised. However, the whole process of moist convection and especially its parameterisations are associated with uncertainties. In contrast to previous studies on the impact of convection on trace gases, which had commonly neglected the convective transport for some or all compounds, we investigate this issue by examining simulations with five different convection schemes. This permits an uncertainty analysis due to the process formulation, without the inconsistencies inherent in entirely neglecting deep convection or convective tracer transport for one or more tracers. <br><br> Both the simulated mass fluxes and tracer distributions are analysed. Investigating the distributions of compounds with different characteristics, e.g., lifetime, chemical reactivity, solubility and source distributions, some differences can be attributed directly to the transport of these compounds, whereas others are more related to indirect effects, such as the transport of precursors, chemical reactivity in certain regions, and sink processes. <br><br> The model simulation data are compared with the average regional profiles of several measurement campaigns, and in detail with two campaigns in fall and winter 2005 in Suriname and Australia, respectively. <br><br> The shorter-lived a compound is, the larger the differences and consequently the uncertainty due to the convection parameterisation are, as long as it is not completely controlled by local production that is independent of convection and its impacts (e.g. water vapour changes). Whereas for long-lived compounds like CO or O<sub>3</sub> the mean differences between the simulations are less than 25%), differences for short-lived compounds reach up to ±100% with different convection schemes. <br><br> A rating of an overall "best" performing scheme is difficult, since the optimal performance depends on the region and compound

    Stratospheric dryness: model simulations and satellite observations

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    The mechanisms responsible for the extreme dryness of the stratosphere have been debated for decades. A key difficulty has been the lack of comprehensive models which are able to reproduce the observations. Here we examine results from the coupled lower-middle atmosphere chemistry general circulation model ECHAM5/MESSy1 together with satellite observations. Our model results match observed temperatures in the tropical lower stratosphere and realistically represent the seasonal and inter-annual variability of water vapor. The model reproduces the very low water vapor mixing ratios (below 2 ppmv) periodically observed at the tropical tropopause near 100 hPa, as well as the characteristic tape recorder signal up to about 10 hPa, providing evidence that the dehydration mechanism is well-captured. Our results confirm that the entry of tropospheric air into the tropical stratosphere is forced by large-scale wave dynamics, whereas radiative cooling regionally decelerates upwelling and can even cause downwelling. Thin cirrus forms in the cold air above cumulonimbus clouds, and the associated sedimentation of ice particles between 100 and 200 hPa reduces water mass fluxes by nearly two orders of magnitude compared to air mass fluxes. Transport into the stratosphere is supported by regional net radiative heating, to a large extent in the outer tropics. During summer very deep monsoon convection over Southeast Asia, centered over Tibet, moistens the stratosphere

    The influence of natural and anthropogenic secondary sources on the glyoxal global distribution

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    Glyoxal, the smallest dicarbonyl, which has recently been observed from space, is expected to provide indications on volatile organic compounds (VOC) oxidation and secondary aerosol formation in the troposphere. Glyoxal (CHOCHO) is known to be mostly of natural origin and is produced during biogenic VOC oxidation. However, a number of anthropogenically emitted hydrocarbons, like acetylene and aromatics, have been positively identified as CHOCHO precursors. The present study investigates the contribution of pollution to the CHOCHO levels by taking into account the secondary chemical formation of CHOCHO from precursors emitted from biogenic, anthropogenic and biomass burning sources. The impact of potential primary land emissions of CHOCHO is also investigated. A global 3-dimensional chemistry transport model of the troposphere (TM4-ECPL) able to simulate the gas phase chemistry coupled with all major aerosol components is used. <br><br> The secondary anthropogenic contribution from fossil fuel and industrial VOCs emissions oxidation to the CHOCHO columns is found to reach 20–70% in the industrialized areas of the Northern Hemisphere and 3–20% in the tropics. This secondary CHOCHO source is on average three times larger than that from oxidation of VOCs from biomass burning sources. The chemical production of CHOCHO is calculated to equal to about 56 Tg y<sup>−1</sup> with 70% being produced from biogenic hydrocarbons oxidation, 17% from acetylene, 11% from aromatic chemistry and 2% from ethene and propene. CHOCHO is destroyed in the troposphere primarily by reaction with OH radicals (23%) and by photolysis (63%), but it is also removed from the atmosphere through wet (8%) and dry deposition (6%). Potential formation of secondary organic aerosol through CHOCHO losses on/in aerosols and clouds is neglected here due to the significant uncertainties associated with the underlying chemistry. The global annual mean CHOCHO burden and lifetime in the model domain are estimated to be 0.02 Tg (equal to the global burden seen by SCIAMACHY over land for the year 2005) and about 3 h, respectively. The model results are compared with satellite observations of CHOCHO columns. When accounting only for the secondary sources of CHOCHO in the model, the model underestimates CHOCHO columns observed by satellites. This is attributed to an overestimate of CHOCHO sinks or a missing global source of about 20 Tg y<sup>−1</sup>. Using the current primary emissions of CHOCHO from biomass burning together with the anthropogenic combustion sources of about 7 Tg y<sup>−1</sup> leads to an overestimate by the model over hot spot areas

    Stratospheric dryness

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    International audienceThe mechanisms responsible for the extreme dryness of the stratosphere have been debated for decades. A key difficulty has been the lack of models which are able to reproduce the observations. Here we examine results from a new atmospheric chemistry general circulation model (ECHAM5/MESSy1) together with satellite observations. Our model results match observed temperatures in the tropical lower stratosphere and realistically represent recurrent features such as the semi-annual oscillation (SAO) and the quasi-biennual oscillation (QBO), indicating that dynamical and radiation processes are simulated accurately. The model reproduces the very low water vapor mixing ratios (1?2 ppmv) periodically observed at the tropical tropopause near 100 hPa, as well as the characteristic tape recorder signal up to about 10 hPa, providing evidence that the dehydration mechanism is well-captured, albeit that the model underestimates convective overshooting and consequent moistening events. Our results show that the entry of tropospheric air into the stratosphere at low latitudes is forced by large-scale wave dynamics; however, radiative cooling can regionally limit the upwelling or even cause downwelling. In the cold air above cumulonimbus anvils thin cirrus desiccates the air through the sedimentation of ice particles, similar to polar stratospheric clouds. Transport deeper into the stratosphere occurs in regions where radiative heating becomes dominant, to a large extent in the subtropics. During summer the stratosphere is moistened by the monsoon, most strongly over Southeast Asia