301 research outputs found

    Papel de la gammagrafía ósea en la estimación de la incidencia de amiloidosis cardíaca

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    La amiloidosis cardíaca (AC) es una enfermedad causada por el depósito de proteína amiloide en el miocardio pudiendo ocasionar insuficiencia cardíaca y un fallo cardíaco. Esta patología está infradiagnosticada sobre todo por la inespecificidad de los síntomas y por el desconocimiento de su prevalencia en la población. El primer objetivo de nuestro trabajo es intentar estimar la incidencia de AC causada por transtiretina (ATTR-AC), mediante la valoración de las gammagrafías óseas de cuerpo entero realizadas a pacientes de las Áreas de Salud de Valladolid. Como segundo objetivo planteamos correlacionar esos hallazgos gammagráficos con la clínica cardíaca que presentan los pacientes.Grado en Medicin

    Nutrient release through litterfall in short rotation poplar crops in mediterranean marginal land

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    Producción CientíficaA detailed knowledge of how poplar leaf litter decomposes under Mediterranean marginal conditions can help to minimize fertilization inputs and determine the profitability and sustainability of energy crops established in these particularly sensitive areas for bioenergy. Leaf litter decomposition was monitored for 32 months using the litterbag technique in a poplar crop under short rotation conditions in a marginal Mediterranean area. In addition, nutrient dynamics, together with the production and composition of the woody and foliar biomass produced, were studied for a period of four years. Leaf litter decomposition was relatively slow, particularly during the winter months, and accelerated in early spring, coinciding with the rainy season. At the end of the decomposition study 50% of the initial litterfall was decomposed, releasing roughly 60% of the N, 40% of the K, and 70% of the P initially present in fresh leaves. Annual yields of 6.0 dry Mg ha−1 were obtained. The aerial biomass produced the first year of the second rotation cycle extracted 83, 8.7, and 29 kg ha−1 of N, P, and K, respectively, whereas the amount of nutrients that were estimated to be naturally supplied to the system through leaf litter decomposition were 180 kg ha−1 of N, 19 kg ha−1 of P, and 30 kg ha−1 of K. Therefore, four years after establishing the energy crop, leaf litter was able to release higher amounts of primary macronutrients into the environment than the nutrient uptake by the produced aboveground biomass (woody and foliar biomass).Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España - FEDER (PS-120000-2005-6

    Controlling the Biological Effects of Spermine Using a Synthetic Receptor

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    Polyamines play an important role in biology, yet their exact function in many processes is poorly understood. Artificial host molecules capable of sequestering polyamines could be useful tools for studying their cellular function. However, designing synthetic receptors with affinities sufficient to compete with biological polyamine receptors remains a huge challenge. Binding affinities of synthetic hosts are typically separated by a gap of several orders of magnitude from those of biomolecules. We now report that a dynamic combinatorial selection approach can deliver a synthetic receptor that bridges this gap. The selected receptor binds spermine with a dissociation constant of 22 nM, sufficient to remove it from its natural host DNA and reverse some of the biological effects of spermine on the nucleic acid. In low concentrations, spermine induces the formation of left-handed DNA, but upon addition of our receptor, the DNA reverts back to its right-handed form. NMR studies and computer simulations suggest that the spermine complex has the form of a pseudo-rotaxane. The spermine receptor is a promising lead for the development of therapeutics or molecular probes for elucidating spermine’s role in cell biology.

    Experimental correlations on critical Reynolds numbers and friction factor in tubes with wire-coil inserts in laminar, transitional and low turbulent flow regimes

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    This paper analyses 23 circular helicoidal wire-coils with different geometric characteristics ranging from: dimensionless pitch p/d = [0.25–3.37], dimensionless thickness e/d = [0.071–0.286] and a Reynolds number interval from 50 to 8000. This interval widely includes the Reynolds number range in which rigid wire-coil inserts present better performance as passive enhancement technique for tubular heat exchanger applications Re = [200–2000]. Based on their hydraulic performance, the wire-coil inserts are categorized according to a new dimensionless parameter: the Transition Shape Parameter (TSP). A new set of correlations are obtained to predict the Fanning friction factor coefficient as a function of Reynolds number and geometrical characteristics of the insert within the three flow regimes: laminar, transitional and low turbulent. Additional correlations are proposed to estimate the critical Reynolds number at the beginning and ending of the transition region, which allows to select the most adequate friction factor correlation as a function of the operational Reynolds number for a heat exchanger design application. Finally, a comparative between the proposed and the published correlations in the open literature for laminar and turbulent regimes is presented. This brings to light the need and interest of having the suitable and reliable set of correlations presented in this paper to compute the friction coefficient covering all the wire-coil applicability range as an enhancement technique.The authors gratefully acknowledge the “Fundación Séneca” (Fundación Séneca: Project with Ref. 15297/PI/10) and the Spanish Ministry of Science (Project with Ref. ENE2011-28571-C02-01) for supporting this research

    Validation of a new methodological approach for the selection of wire-coil inserts in thermal equipment

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    The use of wire-coils is especially relevant at low Reynolds numbers (below the critical number to turbulent flow in smooth tubes) according to its inherent positive features such as the advance of transition onset and, if they present suitable geometric characteristics, the establishment of an extended transitional flow in a critical Reynolds number interval [ReCL − ReCT ], with a predictable friction coefficient and Nusselt number. This paper presents the experimental validation of a new methodology based on the evaluation of a non-dimensional geometry-based parameter: the TSP (Transition Shape Parameter) that allows to predict the friction coefficient evolution with wire-coil inserts and enables to compute the extension of the transitional flow region. The close relationship between hydraulic and thermal performance of wire-coil inserts makes this methodology a valuable tool for selecting the most appropriate wire-coil geometry for a given tubular heat exchanger. It is observed that to promote an increase in heat transfer, the value of the ReCL of the wire coil must be less than the operating Reynolds number range of the equipment. Thus, the ReCL − ReCT interval of the insert should fall into this range. In order to validate the methodological approach, an application to harp-type solar thermal collectors with typical Reynolds number range [40–6000] is presented. Four representative wire-coils, with a wide geometrical range characterized by TSP values of 759, 196, 35.3 and 3.1 (exhibiting significant differentiated behaviours in their friction factor curves and critical Reynolds numbers) were inserted inside the risers of a modified solar collector and experimentally tested at laboratory conditions. Static temperature at different locations at the absorber plate, and pressure drop were measured to obtain friction factor and Nusselt number inside riser covering the laminar, transitional and low-turbulent regions. For a general application with friction factor constraints the most suitable wire-coil geometry is the TSPW02 = 196 with a range of critical Reynolds number of ReCL = 663 and ReCT = 2286 and Nuw02/Nus = 2.21 for Re = [300 − 3000] with f w02/fs = 3, 82. However, for the case study presented (a harp-type solar collector) it is feasible to insert the third wire-coil geometry TSPW03 = 35.3 due to its early transition, with a range of critical Reynolds number of ReCL = 364 and ReCT = 2324, and Nuw/Nus = 1.35 for Re = 300 with a high friction factor augmentation f w03/fs = 18.84. This geometry also promotes the highest absorber temperature reduction. The greatest temperature reduction is observed in the range of Reynolds numbers [700–2000], reaching approximately 6 ◦C, which represents approximately 15 %The authors gratefully acknowledge to European Regional Development Fund and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Agencia Estatal de Investigación for the financial support of the project ALTES: “Active Latent Thermal Energy Storage”, Ref. PGC2018-100864-B-C21

    The role of insert devices on enhancing heat transfer in a flat-plate solar water collector

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    This work presents a comparative experimental study of heat transfer enhancement in a flat-plate solar water collector using insert devices. Three wire-coils and three twisted-tapes were selected with representative geometrical characteristics typically employed in industrial applications. Isothermal pressure drop tests were carried out to obtain the fully-developed Fanning friction factor for a range of Reynolds numbers Re = [80–9000]. The increase in friction factor in comparison to smooth tube was computed for all the devices. Depending on Reynolds number and insert geometry fi/fs values ranged from 1.3 to 79.8. Furthermore, detailed temperature profiles were obtained for different sections along the absorber plate and the risers for five different mass flow rates covering the Reynolds range from [400–2500]. The increase of the inner heat transfer coefficient by the inserts caused an important decrease of the absorber temperature. At increasing mass flow rates (from Re ≈ 1000), all the inserts showed a very similar thermal performance which make them suitable for inserting within harp-type solar collectors, where pressure drop is not a constraint. The best inserts TT03, WC01 and WC02 gave at Re ≈ 1500 maximum absorber temperature decreases (insert vs smooth tube) of 5.05 °C, 5.40 °C and 5.34 °C. In serpentine-type solar collectors, due to pressure drop constraints, the wire coil WC01 with a moderate pitch to wire-diameter ratio (p/d = 1.5 and e/d = 0.07), is the best specimen to insert. WC01 presents a moderate pressure drop increase (fi/fs = 2.8 at Re ≈ 1000), an early promotion of turbulent flow (at Re ≈ 700), and a significant reduction of the absorber temperature (decreasing 4.84 °C vs smooth tube at Re ≈ 1000).The authors gratefully acknowledge the “Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia” (Fundación Séneca: Project with Ref. 15297/PI/10) and the Spanish Ministry of Science (Project with Ref. ENE2011-28571-C02-01) for supporting this research

    The Role of Galectin-3 and ST2 in Cardiology: A Short Review

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    Galectin-3 is a lectin that binds beta-galactosides. It is involved in cardiac remodeling and fibrosis through the activation of macrophages and fibroblasts. ST2 is secreted by myocardial cells due to cardiac overload. These two biomarkers have been traditionally studied in the field of heart failure to guide medical therapy and detect the progression of the disease. Nevertheless, there are novel evidences that connect galectin-3 and ST2 with coronary heart disease and, specifically, with atrial fibrillation. The aim of this article is to concisely review the diagnostic and prognostic role of galectin-3 and ST2 in different cardiac diseases.Fil: Merino, Ana. University Hospital of Burgos; EspañaFil: González Bernal, Jerónimo. University Hospital of Burgos; EspañaFil: Fernández, Darío. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Saez Maleta, Ruth. University Hospital of Burgos; EspañaFil: Pérez Rivera, José Ángel. University Hospital of Burgos; Españ

    Reporte del monitoreo ambiental en el marco de la supervisión regular a establecimientos industriales pesqueros: Inversiones Himalaya S.A., distrito y provincia Sechura, departamento de Piura, llevado a cabo el 24 de abril de 2014.

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    Presenta el reporte del monitoreo ambiental de efluentes realizado en el marco de la supervisión regular a establecimientos industriales pesqueros, Inversiones Himalaya S.A en el distrito y provincia de Sechura, departamento de Piura, llevado a cabo el 24 de abril de 2014. No incluye los resultados analíticos del monitoreo ambiental. Contiene los siguientes anexos: copia de certificado de calibración de equipo, copia de cadena de custodia con sello de recepción del laboratorio, y registro fotográfico

    Método para la generación de modelos realistas en tres dimensiones de células neuronales

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    Esta invención presenta un método para la generación de modelos tridimensionales de células neuronales partiendo de la información morfológica incompleta extraída mediante métodos de muestreo estándar. Los modelos generados incluyen un soma realista, árboles dendríticos y axonales, y espinas dendríticas, pudiendo ser generados a diferentes niveles de resolución. La invención propone una técnica innovadora que permite obtener una forma realista del soma partiendo de una definición simple del mismo (tal como centro y radio) que resulta incompleta para reconstruir la forma 3D original. El método propuesto se basa en la deformación de una forma inicial, guiada por restricciones establecidas de acuerdo a las propiedades morfológicas de los árboles dendríticos y axonales (por ejemplo: posición y grosor de las dendritas de primer orden). La distribución de un conjunto de espinas a lo largo de las dendritas completa el modelo, generando un modelo tridimensional adecuado para su visualización en una amplia gama de entornos 3D.Peer reviewedUniversidad Rey Juan Carlos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Método para la generación de modelos realistas en tres dimensiones de células neuronales

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    Esta invención presenta un método para la generación de modelos tridimensionales de células neuronales partiendo de la información morfológica incompleta extraída mediante métodos de muestreo estándar. Los modelos generados incluyen un soma realista, árboles dendríticos y axonales, y espinas dendríticas, pudiendo ser generados a diferentes niveles de resolución. La invención propone una técnica innovadora que permite obtener una forma realista del soma partiendo de una definición simple del mismo (tal como centro y radio) que resulta incompleta para reconstruir la forma 3D original. El método propuesto se basa en la deformación de una forma inicial, guiada por restricciones establecidas de acuerdo a las propiedades morfológicas de los árboles dendríticos y axonales (por ejemplo: posición y grosor de las dendritas de primer orden). La distribución de un conjunto de espinas a lo largo de las dendritas completa el modelo, generando un modelo tridimensional adecuado para su visualización en una amplia gama de entornos 3D.Peer reviewedUniversidad Rey Juan Carlos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic