3,925 research outputs found


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    Weight–length relationships (WLR) of 57 fish species belonging to 22 families from the coastal rivers of the south–eastern of Ivory Coast were studied. Samples were collected with two fleets of monofilament gill nets. The value of the exponent b in the WLR (W=aLb) ranged from 2.213 to 3.729. The mean and the median values were 2.892 and 2.899 respectively, whereas 50% of the value ranged between 2.787 and 3.048. For 11 species, these relationships are described for the first time for this sub–region.U radu je istraĆŸivan teĆŸinsko–duĆŸinski odnos (WRL) 57 vrsta riba koje su pripadale 22–dvjema porodicama, a koje se nalaze u rijekama jugoistočnog dijela Obale Bjelokosti. Uzorci su sakupljeni dvjema vrstama mreĆŸa. Vrijednost eksponenta b u WRL (W=aLb) kretao se između 2,213 i 3,729. Prosječna i srednja vrijednost bile su 2,892, odnosno 2,899, dok je 50% te vrijednosti bilo između 2,787 i 3,048. Za 11 vrsta ti su odnosi opisani prvi put u ovoj podregiji

    Aid Disaggregation, Endogenous Aid and the Public Sector in Aid-Recipient Economies: Evidence from C.te d'Ivoire

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    foreign aid, aid effectiveness, aid disaggregation, fiscal response literature, C.te d'Ivoire

    The Impact of Aid on Growth an aid disaggregation approach

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    This paper investigates the impact of aid on growth. A clear departure from the vast majority of the existing literature is that we a disaggregate aid by functional classification. Using the GMM SYS approach to dynamic panel estimator we test the three main competing specifications in the aid and growth literature for a sample of aid recipient countries over the 1974-2001 period. Our results clearly show that the different categories of aid exert different effects on growth. Indeed, we find that project aid exerts a positive and significant impact on growth whilst financial programme aid generally impacts on growth negatively. Our results also show that the impact of non-financial aid, technical assistance grants and food aid, is statistically insignificant. We found, however, no evidence to suggest that policy enhances the growth effect of the aid categories. Our non-linearity tests suggest that only project aid is associated with diminishing returns. Finally, our results confirm the finding that climate related conditions affect the working of aid (project). --Aid,Growth,Dynamic Panel Methods

    The Composition of Aid and the Fiscal Sector in an Aid-Recipient Economy: A Model

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    foreign aid, fiscal sector, fiscal response literature, aid effectiveness

    The Impact of Financial Crises on the Informal Economy: The Turkish Case

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    Turkey has a large informal economy and has been hit by severe financial crises causing a devastating impact on its economy. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of financial crises on the informal economy in Turkey. We distinguish between four types of financial crises that make up or aggregate financial crises: internal, external, currency and banking crises. Using vector autoregression (VARX) in the presence of two key variables (the financial crisis and the informal economy), we conduct annual time series analysis from 1980 to 2011 and estimate the response of the informal economy to each type of crisis. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study to examine the effects of financial crises on the informal economy in the context of the Turkish economy. The results show that each type of crisis produces a significantly positive response to the informal economy. In particular, the findings of this paper show that financial crises tend to have a permanent positive effect on the informal economy, suggesting that the informal economy is an important buffer, which tends to expand in times of crises in Turkey

    Re-examining stock market integration among BRICS countries

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    The main goal of this paper is to contribute to the international investment decision making process among the BRICS countries and to the development or changes of policies in response to the dynamics in these countries. The background is important for international investors seeking diversification benefits abroad and for policy makers reacting to the developments in the aforementioned economies. Thus, the context of this paper is directed to the examination of the stock market interaction among the BRICS countries. The objective of this research paper is to analyze the existence of the short-term linkages and long-term cointegration among the BRICS markets. Augmented Dicker-Fuller (ADF) and Philips-Perron tests (PP) are used to analyze stationarity among the selected variables. The research applies the correlation test on the stock markets returns to investigate the degree of freedom existing among the markets. The long run and the short run are also investigated using Johansen cointegration test while the Pairwise Granger Causality and the Wald tests are applied to assess the direction of the causality between the stock market indices. The study also extends the investigation by employing the impulse response function and variance decomposition to evaluate the reaction of each stock to a shock from other stock indices. The quarterly data consisted of fifteen years from 2000 to 2015 and are exclusively composed of stock market index of selected countries. One of the key findings of the research is that the Chinese stock markets are mostly independent from other BRICS markets, implying diversification benefits for the international investors both in the short and the long run. Another important finding is that the BRICS stock markets are not cointegrated in the long run, thus, being a favorable destination for the long-term investments

    Students’ experience of learning bookkeeping

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    This research is an investigation of students’ experience of learning Bookkeeping and will be conducting a scoping study with a view to applying relevant findings to the London South Bank University. From personal observation, it appears that students experience difficulties with the subject when learning bookkeeping and its principles. It is then important to obtain their views, their perceptions on how they feel that they are effectively learning bookkeeping. Notably, research in accounting field has largely neglected due to both student perceptions of the learning context and their approaches to learning. Instead, studies have focused on either the teaching context or the outcomes of learning. This exclusion has meant that accounting educators repeatedly have difficulty in understanding what students consider learning to be, how they perceive the learning tasks, or how they approach learning. The purpose of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of what students perceive to be the problems or ways in learning Bookkeeping. This paper is important as it might give to both university and students the opportunity to improve the students’ learning experience in a core subject of the module that might influence decisions about module design which will benefit students and ultimately increase their employability

    Effects of concentration of dispersions on particle sizing during production of fine particles in wet grinding process

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    Stirred media milling is a prospective technology for producing colloidal dispersions by means of wet grinding process. In the past, many researchers have studied the effects of different operating parameters such as size, shape, nature and quantity of grinding medium, the speed of agitator in grinding chamber, the feed rate of dispersions, etc. in stirred media mills. However, it is still less known how particle sizing which generates valuable information of particle size of the product to interpret, control and optimize the grinding process, is influenced by the concentration of the dispersion during stirred media milling where particles change their size from micron to colloidal range rapidly. One of the reasons of this lack had been our incapability in the past to study the particle size distribution of dispersions without dilution. The recent advent of acoustic attenuation spectroscopy is known to be capable of studying dispersions without dilution, under real process conditions and on line. The study employs acoustic attenuation spectroscopy to investigate the effects of concentration of dispersions of CaCO3 on its particle sizing during size reduction process in a stirred media mill (LabStar manufactured by NETZSCH). The dispersions of CaCO3 at 5%, 10%, 20% and 30% (m/m) were studied about six hours under a selected set of operating conditions. Contrary to the existing knowledge obtained through other techniques of particle sizing that are based on the principle of dilution, acoustic attenuation spectroscopy shows that, under certain grinding time at given operating conditions, increase in concentration of dispersion results in better grinding results yielding smaller particles. The causes behind the differences in results of acoustic attenuation spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering have been thoroughly investigated. We find certain limitations of acoustic attenuation spectroscopy in particle sizing. A typical phenomenon which causes misleading trends in particle sizing is multiple scattering in acoustic measurements. Multiple scattering, particularly, influences acoustic results when particles approach to fine size range during size reduction process
