47 research outputs found

    Application of the bees algorithm to the selection features for manufacturing data

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    Data with a large number of features tend to be deficient in accuracy and precision. Some of the features may contain irrelevant information caused by data redundancy or by noise. A “wrapper” feature selection method using the Bees Algorithm and Multilayer Perception (MLP) networks is described in this paper. The Bees Algorithm is employed to select an optimal set of features for a particular pattern classification task. Each “bee” represents a possible set of features. The MLP classification error is computed for a data set with those features. This information is supplied to the Bees Algorithm to enable it to select the combination of features producing the lowest classification error. The proposed method has been tested on data collected in semiconductor manufacturing. The results presented in the paper clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the method

    Data clustering using the bees algorithm

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    Clustering is concerned with partitioning a data set into homogeneous groups. One of the most popular clustering methods is k-means clustering because of its simplicity and computational efficiency. K-means clustering involves search and optimization. The main problem with this clustering method is its tendency to converge to local optima. The authors’ team have developed a new population based search algorithm called the Bees Algorithm that is capable of locating near optimal solutions efficiently. This paper proposes a clustering method that integrates the simplicity of the k-means algorithm with the capability of the Bees Algorithm to avoid local optima. The paper presents test results to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm

    Antimicrobial peptides expression by ocular surface cells in response to Acanthamoeba castellanii: an in vitro study

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    International audienceAims: Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are natural effectors of the innate immune response. Much work has been done to study their response and effects on bacterial and viral infection. Little if any information is available in relation to protozoal infections. Our aim was to comprehensively study the gene expression of the ocular AMPs in human corneal limbal epithelial cells (HCLE) stimulated with Acanthamoeba castellanii (AC). Methods: Human corneal limbal epithelial cells were exposed to AC at different time points, up to 9 hours, the genomic profile of the AMPs were analysed at these time point using real time PCR. HCLE cells not infected with AC were used as controls. Results: Seven of the 8 studied AMPs showed statistically significant upregulation in gene expression. Human beta Defensin 3 (hBD3) showed a very significant 10 fold upregulation in the exposed cells and Ribonuclease-7 (RNase-7) showed a very early and consistent increase. Human beta Defensin 1 (hBD1) was the only downregulated AMP. Conclusions: The study data suggests a possible role of the AMPs in combating the amoebic infection at the ocular surface. Using AMPs singly or in combination is a promising avenue for further exploration in the treatment of the sight threatening Acanthamoeba keratitis

    Modulation of epithelial immunity by mucosal fluid

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    Mucosal epithelial cells, including those at the ocular surface, resist infection by most microbes in vivo but can be susceptible to microbial virulence in vitro. While fluids bathing mucosal surfaces (e.g. tears) contain antimicrobials, potentially pathogenic microbes often thrive in these fluids, suggesting that additional mechanisms mediate epithelial resistance in vivo. Here, tear fluid acted directly upon epithelial cells to enhance their resistance to bacterial invasion and cytotoxicity. Resistance correlated with tear fluid-magnified activation of NFÎşB and AP-1 transcription factors in epithelial cells in response to bacterial antigens, suggesting priming of innate defense pathways. Further analysis revealed differential regulation of potential epithelial cell defense genes by tears. siRNA knockdown confirmed involvement of at least two factors, RNase7 and ST-2, for which tears increased mRNA levels, in protection against bacterial invasion. Thus, the role of mucosal fluids in defense can include modulation of epithelial immunity, in addition to direct effects on microbes

    Analisis Pemahaman Importir Terhadap Peraturan Bea Cukai Pada Kegiatan Jasa Titip Barang Impor

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    Kegiatan ekspor impor merupakan dua istilah ekonomi yang kerap di sebutkan. Secara sederhana, ekspor dapat dipahami sebagai aktivitas perdagangan internasional dengan cara menjual barang ke luar negeri, dan impor merupakan kegiatan perdagangan internasional yang membeli barang dari luar negeri. Pada kegiatan ekspor impor ada beberapa kebijakan intansi terkait yang diterapkan agar perekonomian dan mekanisme pasar di Indonesia dapat berfungsi dengan baik, hal ini berpengaruh pada dapat tidaknya suatu barang di keluarkanm dari Pelabuhan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian dekriptif kuantitatif dikarenakan dianggap sebagai penelitian yang relevan, pengumpulan data menggunakan: wawancara/interview kepada salah satu karyawan Perusahaan Jasa Ttitipan, kuesioner diberikan kepada importir yang diolah dengan perhitungan sederhana yaitu Skala Likert