28 research outputs found


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    This article examines the influence of national culture on the behavior of enterprises by comparing two countries - Ukraine and Slovakia. The data is based on the original author's own research on the enterprises of Ukraine and Slovakia. The paper is investigated why and how cultural factors (informal institutions) may influence the perception of companies of rules of the game, and the formation of appropriate behavior. On the basis of surveys conducted among enterprises of Ukraine and Slovakia main conclusions about current formal rules of the game in these countries, perception by entrepreneurs these rules and the formation of certain behavior by them are done. In work on the basis of comparative analysis conclusions about the impact of national culture on the development of entrepreneurship in the national economy are done.The author of the article examines the following indicators: national culture, personal characteristics of respondents, subordination of norms, opportunism, and coherence of formal and informal institutions at the national level. In particular the most important indicators of the perception of norms are: indicators of perception of entrepreneurs of regulation and public policies in the field of entrepreneurship, business productivity, perceptions of bribery and tax evasion, etc


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    The article analyzes the development of small businesses at the national level through a comparative analysis between the former Soviet countries – Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. These countries are comparable by the previous path dependence (the period of the USSR, communism), by the position of the geographical location, as well as by similarity of cultural development. As can be seen from the analysis, which was conducted in article, the quantitative characteristics of small business development in the above countries are similar, based on the dependence on foreign markets and conditions in national economies. However, qualitative indicators of small business development in these countries are different. These differences can be attributed to the activities of the institutional environment (formal and informal institutions) and its impact on the national economy. Conclusions about the effectiveness of quality of development of small business sector through the analysis of its contribution to the national economy are done

    Central Bank Communication: Information and Policy shocks

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    The study proposes a novel way to identify the effects of monetary policy shocks taking into account time-varying signals of the central bank. I augment the standard monetary policy Bayesian Vector Autoregression (BVAR) with additional information variables from Fed statements, which allows studying the information-free effects of monetary policy shocks and to take into account forward-looking information released by the central bank. The results show that, compared to surprises in 3-month federal funds futures, the policy shock identified in this study has a more negative effect on GDP, a more prolonged negative effect on inflation, and a greater impact effect on the excess bond premium. In the short-run it causes S&P500 to decline and the Fed to raise its interest rate. Furthermore, the results of large-scale Bayesian VAR confirm the standard transmission channels of monetary policy

    The Use of Modern Digital Technologies in the Design and Technology VET in Ukraine

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    The objective of this paper is to substantiate the system of vocational education and training (VET) of fashion designers and technologists to perform computer modeling and design of the clothes. The use of the developed system of training specialists in fashion design, which provides for the use of CAD systems, contributes to the formation of readiness of future fashion designers to use specialized software in their professional activities. To increase the efficiency of VET, we used the following types of educational projects: development of creative collage, development of artistic sketches of clothes, design of templates for different sizes, use of programs for the 3D design of the clothes. A feature of this study is the selection of the software used in the design of the clothes, namely GraziaCAD and JULIVI CAD. The effectiveness of these types of tasks is confirmed by an experiment, in which 80 students from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design took part (CG 44 students, EG 36 students). Comparing the results of incoming and outgoing control of the level of students’ readiness, a decrease in the number of students with a low level of readiness for the use of ICT in the professional activities was noted: from 22.7 % to 11.4 % in CG and from 22.2 % to 5.6 % in EG. At the same time, the percentage of students with a high level of readiness increased in both groups: from 29.5 % to 38.6 % in CG and from 25.0 % to 66.7 % in EG. Also, it should be noted that the biggest changes in the number of students with a high level of knowledge took place in EG. According to Pearson’s criterion, the compliance of CG and EG with the level of significance 0.05 was determined, and after the experiment, the difference between CG and EG with 95 % reliability was stated. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of the generally accepted international practice of using digital design in VET in the field of fashion design and technologies

    Accounting Institute: on the Genesis and Impact of Management Revolutions

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    The aim of the study is to establish the presence of a causal relationship between the historical development of the accounting system (its modification) with management revolutions, identification of new characteristic features and accounting functions arising from changes in management approaches and requirements for accounting information for management purposes. Achieving the goal of the study involves identifying opportunities for further improving the accounting system based on the experience of its genesis under the influence of managerial revolutions. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of cognition. The use of the historical method allowed to establish the logical dependence of the evolution of accounting on the requirements of the management system. Analytical and systematic methods were used to identify and form descriptions of the relationship of the accounting system in budgetary institutions with the processes of management system transformation and management revolutions. The impact of managerial revolutions on the accounting system in Ukraine and their consequences are established on the basis of an empirical generalization of historical archival and literary descriptions, as well as a critical analysis of the regulatory regulation of accounting, its norms and practices. The existence of a direct influence of managerial revolutions on the content, requirements, principles and methods of accounting is justified. The above result is based on the results of the analysis of the historical content of accounting, its evidence (accounting documents), as well as the assessment of the functions of the persons who carried out the accounting. The study of works on the history of accounting made it possible to assess the genesis of the introduction of the institutional approach and accounting as the basis for its transformational changes aimed at strengthening compliance with management needs. The study showed that accounting is changing under the influence of transformations in management, changes in its requests, determined by the existing needs of management.&nbsp

    Study of properties of overcoating fabrics during design of women’s clothes in different forms

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    The article presents a study of the process of designing women’s garments of the coating and suiting assortment, made from different fabrics to determine the fabric properties effect on the parameters of shaping the volume-silhouette form of clothes. An expert evaluation of the signifi cance of material properties for the creation of tectonic forms of clothes was carried out and the most signifi cant properties were determined, i.e. rigidity, thickness, drapeability, mass per unit area, type of weave, raw material composition. An experimental study of physical and mechanical characteristics of overcoating fabrics was performed. To validate the research results, we made samples of women’s coats in different forms at a garment company. It was determined that the raw material composition of fabrics does not affect signifi cantly their physical and mechanical characteristics (drapeability, rigidity). The weave of fabrics which determines other indicators was considered to be more signifi cant. As a result, the relationships between the physical and mechanical properties of fabrics of the coat group and the shaping of women’s coats in different volume- silhouette forms were identifi ed. The latter can be used in the design of garments for an individual and mass production

    Methodological approach to design of protective equipment for military aviation flight runners

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    A methodological approach to information support and development of protective equipment is used, which is based on the study of the peculiarities of professional and service activities, dangerous and harmful factors, microclimatic conditions of the environment; general method of analysis of existing samples with subsequent design of the product based on the obtained data. The expediency of using an unloading vest with a set of equipment bags has been established

    Študija lastnosti tkanin med oblikovanjem ženskih vrhnjih oblačil različnih oblik

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    The article presents a study of the process of designing women’s garments of the coating and suiting assortment, made from different fabrics to determine the fabric properties effect on the parameters of shaping the volume-silhouette form of clothes. An expert evaluation of the significance of material properties for the creation of tectonic forms of clothes was carried out and the most significant properties were determined, i.e. rigidity, thickness, drapeability, mass per unit area, type of weave, raw material composition. An experimental study of physical and mechanical characteristics of overcoating fabrics was performed. To validate the research results, we made samples of women’s coats in different forms at a garment company. It was determined that the raw material composition of fabrics does not affect significantly their physical and mechanical characteristics (drapeability, rigidity). The weave of fabrics which determines other indicators was considered to be more significant. As a result, the relationships between the physical and mechanical properties of fabrics of the coat group and the shaping of women’s coats in different volume-silhouette forms were identified. The latter can be used in the design of garments for an individual and mass production.V članku je predstavljena študija procesa oblikovanja vrhnjih ženskih oblačil, od plaščev do vrhnjih oblek, ki so bila izdelana iz različnih tkanin z namenom, da bi ugotovili vplive lastnosti tkanin na parametre oblikovanja volumske silhuete oblačil. Strokovno je bil ovrednoten pomen posameznih lastnosti materialov za ustvarjanje tekstonskih oblačilnih form. Med ugotovljene najpomembnejše lastnosti spadajo togost, debelina, pad, površinska masa, vezava in surovinska sestava materiala. Opravljena je bila analiza fi zikalnih in mehanskih lastnosti izbranih tkanin za vrhnja oblačila. Preverjanje dobljenih rezultatov je bilo izvedeno na vzorcih ženskih plaščev različnih oblik, izdelanih v oblačilnem podjetju. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da surovinska sestava tkanin ne vpliva bistveno na njihovo togost in pad. Vezava tkanin se je izkazala za vplivnejši dejavnik. Posledično so bila ugotov ljena razmerja med fi zikalnimi in mehanskimi lastnostmi tkanin in oblikovanjem ženskih plaščev različnih volumskih oblik in različnih silhuet, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti pri oblikovanju oblačil po meri posameznika in za masovno proizvodnjo

    Creativity and innovation in the design of public service announcements: classification and design models

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    In the study, we analyzed the relationship between creativity and innovation in the design of public service announcements. Their synthesis became the basis for the creation of dynamic visual communications that changed the perception of social message. Using widely known examples of public service announcements, we rethought the content and project features of such phenomenon as public service announcement from a design point of view. We consider innovative public service announcement as a set of dynamic processes which are based on different types of interactions. Therefore, we put a focus on the integration of visual communications with the environment and, moreover, with a human being as an integral part of the information message. The study resulted in the classification of innovations in modern social advertising, which is based on creative experiments related to composition, human sensory sensations, communication and environmental technology. It has been proven that the creation of creative artistic images is based on universal design models, formed as a result of the synthesis of design thinking and innovation and, therefore, they are suitable for solving a wide range of social problems. The study substantiates the system of strategic goals for the development of innovative public service announcements which are aimed at sustainable development of society