11 research outputs found

    Delayed Presentation of Diaphragmatic Rupture due to Penetrating Trauma: Acute Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction

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    WOS: 000485707300017Although traumatic diaphragmatic ruptures are rare, it is a critical condition that can cause life-threatening complications. Traumatic diaphragmatic rupture may be discovered years after the presentation of the injury, with gastrointestinal or pulmonary symptoms due to a diaphragmatic hernia. Intestinal obstruction due to an isolated diaphragmatic rupture that emerges after a penetrating trauma is highly rare. The present study presents the case of a male patient who underwent laparotomy for intestinal obstruction due to a diaphragmatic hernia caused by a sharp object-induced injury to the thorax 1 year prior to his presentation. We believe that diaphragmatic ruptures are one of the reasons of mechanical intestinal obstruction and that they require urgent surgery

    Unusual Presentation of Meckel’s Diverticulum: Gangrene due to Axial Torsion

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    Meckel’s diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly of the small bowel. The majority of cases are asymptomatic; however, life-threatening complications can also take place. We present a case of a 37-year-old male who was admitted with symptoms of acute, severe abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa. The patient was operated on with the preoperative diagnosis of acute appendicitis but the operative findings were consistent with torted Meckel’s diverticulum due to presence of mesodiverticular band and he was treated successfully with surgical resection

    Aksilla tutulumu olmayan erken evre meme kanserli hastalarda, sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisinin güvenilirliğive etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada klinik olarak aksilla negatif erken evre meme kanserli hastalarda sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisinin etkinliği araştırıldı. Yöntemin sen- tinel lenf nodunu bulma ve yanlış negatiflik oranları hesaplanarak erken evre meme kanserli hastalarda aksillanın değerlendirilmesinde sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisinin yerinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu prospektif çalışma, erken evre meme kanseri tanısıyla Mart 2006 – Mart 2009 tarihleri arasında Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı’nda tedavi edilen 57 hastada yapıldı. Hastalar iki farklı gruba ayrıldı. Grup I’de 35 hastada mavi boya tekniği, Grup II’de 22 has- tada kombine teknik uygulandı. İnvaziv kanser saptanan 46 hastaya sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisi sonrası aksiller lenf nodu diseksiyonu yapıldı. Bulgular: Grup I’de 2 hastada, Grup II’de 1 hastada olmak üzere toplam 3 hastada sentinel lenf nodu saptanamadı. Sentinel lenf nodu bulma oranı tüm hastalar için %94,7 olup bu oran Grup I’de %94,2 , Grup II’de %95,4 idi. Yanlış negatiflik oranı Grup I’de %22,2 , Grup II’de %30 olup tüm hastalar için %26,3 idi. Tekniği öğrenme sürecindeki ilk 15 olgu değerlendirme dışı bırakıldığında tüm grupta sentinel lenf nodu bulma oranı %96,8’e yükselirken yanlış negatiflik oranı %0’a geriledi. Sonuç-Yorum: Bu çalışmada erken evre meme kanserli hastalarda aksillanın evrelemesinde sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisinin etkin ve güvenli bir yöntem olduğu belirlendi. Her merkezin yeterli deneyim kazanıncaya kadar, sentinel lenf nodu biyopsisi ile aksiller lenf nodu diseksiyonunu beraber yapmasının daha güvenli olacağı düşünüldü.Purpose: In this study, sentinel lymph node identification and false negative rates were calculated and determination of the place of sentinel lymph node biopsy in the evaluation of axilla in patients with early stage breast cancer was aimed. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was performed on 57 patients with early stage breast cancer who were treated at the Department of Sur- gery in Medical Faculty of Çukurova University between 2006-2009. Blue dye technique was performed in 35 (Group I ) and the combined technique was performed in 22 patients (Group II). Axillary lymph node dissection was per- formed after sentinel lymph node biopsy on 46 patients who have invasive breast cancer. Results: Sentinel lymph node was not detected in two patients in Group I and one in Group II. Sentinel lymph node identification rate was 94.7% for all pa- tients, and it was 94.2% in Group I and 95.4% in Group II. False negative rate was 26.3% for all patients which was 22.2% in Group I and 30.0% in Group II. Sentinel lymph node identification rate was increased to 96.8% and false negative rate decreased to 0% when the first 15 patients within the learning period was excluded from the statistical analysis. Conclusion: Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a safe and effective technique on staging of axilla in patients with early stage breast cancer. Nevertheless, every medical center should perform sentinel lymph node biopsy and axillary lymph node dissection together untill getting experienced

    Comparison of open and laparascopic splenectomy in elective cases

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    WOS: 000458742100026Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare open splenectomy (OS) and laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) in patients undergoing elective splenectomy. Materials and Methods: The study included 95 patients who underwent elective splenectomy between January 1, 2013 and January 1, 2018 in the Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, cukurova University. Demographic information, etiology, duration of operation, amount of blood loss and preoperative spleen size were measured. The necessity to switch from laparoscopic surgery to open surgery, duration of hospitalization, postoperative blood products replacement and postoperative complications were examined. Results: A total of 95 patients, 79% (n=75) who underwent OS, and 21% (n=20) who underwent LS were included in our study. The mean age in the study group was 43.0 +/- 17 (18-78) for OS and 39.3 +/- 13.9 in LS (1962). Of the patients who underwent OS, 31 were male (41.3%) and 44 were female (58.7%). Of the patients who underwent LS, 7 were male and 13 were female (65%). Of the 75 cases who underwent OS; 19 (25.3%) were treated for splenomegaly, 16 (21.3%) for immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), 11 (14.7%) for a mass, and 7 (9.3%) cases were operated on for Thalassemia. Of the 20 cases who underwent LS; 12 (60%) cases were operated on for ITP, 3 (15%) cases for hemolytic anemia and 2 (10%) cases for lymphoma.The length of hospital stay, amount of bleeding and spleen size were superior in LS; while the duration of surgery was significantly higher in OS. Conclusion: LS is a stronger alternative to OS because of its lower complication rate, hospitalization time and cost

    The Effect of Lymph Node Dissection on Gallstone Formation in Patients Undergoing Total Gastrectomy for Gastric Adenocarcinoma

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    WOS: 000485683800007Objective: Formation of gallbladder stone is frequently observed after resection for gastric cancer. Extended lymph dissection is shown to be among risk factors. Materials and Methods: We compared patients with limited lymphatic dissection (D1) and extended lymphatic dissection (D2) in terms of gallstone formation and complications. Results: We observed gallbladder stone formation in 13 (12.8%) patients. Gallbladder stone formation was observed in 11.1% of patients in the D1 group and in 14.3% of patients in the D2 group, but no statistically significant difference was found between lymphatic dissections. Of 13 patients, 5 (38.4%) were symptomatic and 3 (23.1%) developed choledocholithiasis. Five patients who were symptomatic were operated without any problems. The groups did not show a statistically significant difference in terms of cumulative survival times. While patients who underwent D2 dissection had more formed gallbladder stone, there were no significant differences between the groups. Conclusion: The complications related to gallbladder stone developed after gastrectomy can be safely managed

    Sekonder peritonitte prokalsitonin, CRP ve tiroit hormonlarının prognostik değeri; ileriye yönelik çalışma

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    AMAÇ: Enfeksiyon ve sepsis, sekonder peritonitli hastalarda morbidite ve mortalitenin en önemli sebeplerinden biri olmaya devam etmektedir. Klinisyenler helen septik komplikasyonların erken ve güvenilir tanı yöntemini bulma konusunda çaba sarfetmektedir. Bu çalışmada sekonder peritonitin şiddetini belirlemede enflamatuvar markır olarak Prokalsitonin (PKT), C-reaktif protein (CRP) ve tiroit hormonlarının yerini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Ocak 2008-Ocak 2010 tarihleri arasında, sekonder peritonit nedeniyle ameliyat olan 84 ardışık hasta üzerinde ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası 1-3-5-7-14. günlerde PKT, CRP ve tiroit hormaon seviyeleri incelendi. Veriler Statistical Package for Social Sciences 15.0 (SPSS 15.0) programında analiz edildi. BULGULAR: Organ perforasyonu (peptik ülserperforasyonu, ince bağırsak ve kolon perforasyonu) olan olgular değerlendirildiğinde, PKT anlamlı olarak düşük seyretti. Ameliyat sonrası komplikasyonu olan veya ölen hastalara göre ameliyat sonrası dönemi sorunsuz olan veya taburcu olan hastalarada yüksek tiroit hormon düzeyler gözlendi. PKT düzeyleri ise CRP düzeylerleri ve beyaz küre sayısıyla anlamalı olarak ilişkili bulundu. TARTIŞMA: Ameliyat sonrası komplikasyonların yokluğunda PKT, sekonder peritonit tanısında CRP'den daha iyi bir belirliyicidir. Çalışmamız sekonder peritonitin şiddetini belirlemede düşük tiroit hormon düzeylerinin önemli bir prognostik faktör olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.AMAÇ: Enfeksiyon ve sepsis, sekonder peritonitli hastalarda morbidite ve mortalitenin en önemli sebeplerinden biri olmaya devam etmektedir. Klinisyenler helen septik komplikasyonların erken ve güvenilir tanı yöntemini bulma konusunda çaba sarfetmektedir. Bu çalışmada sekonder peritonitin şiddetini belirlemede enflamatuvar markır olarak Prokalsitonin (PKT), C-reaktif protein (CRP) ve tiroit hormonlarının yerini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Ocak 2008-Ocak 2010 tarihleri arasında, sekonder peritonit nedeniyle ameliyat olan 84 ardışık hasta üzerinde ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası 1-3-5-7-14. günlerde PKT, CRP ve tiroit hormaon seviyeleri incelendi. Veriler Statistical Package for Social Sciences 15.0 (SPSS 15.0) programında analiz edildi. BULGULAR: Organ perforasyonu (peptik ülserperforasyonu, ince bağırsak ve kolon perforasyonu) olan olgular değerlendirildiğinde, PKT anlamlı olarak düşük seyretti. Ameliyat sonrası komplikasyonu olan veya ölen hastalara göre ameliyat sonrası dönemi sorunsuz olan veya taburcu olan hastalarada yüksek tiroit hormon düzeyler gözlendi. PKT düzeyleri ise CRP düzeylerleri ve beyaz küre sayısıyla anlamalı olarak ilişkili bulundu. TARTIŞMA: Ameliyat sonrası komplikasyonların yokluğunda PKT, sekonder peritonit tanısında CRP’den daha iyi bir belirliyicidir. Çalışmamız sekonder peritonitin şiddetini belirlemede düşük tiroit hormon düzeylerinin önemli bir prognostik faktör olduğunu ortaya koymuştur

    Abdominal extragenital endometriosis: single centre experience

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    WOS: 000437950900019Purpose: This study aimed to present our clinical experience on symptomatic intaabdominal extragenital endometriosis cases. Materials and Methods: In this study, patients undergoing surgery various indications and for which final histopathologic results reported as endometriosis were evaluated. Demographic characteristics, clinical presentations, localization of disease, surgical procedures and recurrence rates within follow-up period were presented. Results: Histopathologically confirmed 778 endometriosis patients were retrospectively analyzed. Extragenital abdominal endometriosis were present in 32 (4.1%) patients and all cases were symptomatic. The most common symptoms at index admission were mass detected within abdominal wall (n: 13; 40.6%) and chronic recurrence abdominal/pelvic pain (n: 9, 28.1%). 22% (n=7) of patients with abdominal extragenital endometriosis were diagnosed preoperatively. The operations performed were as follows: mass excision from the abdominal wall (n=14, 43.8%), appendectomy (n=5, 15.7%), pelvic mass excision(n=6, 18.8%), anterior resection (n=3, 9.4%), right hemicolectomy (n=2, 6,3%), and laparotomy with urinary stenting (n=2, 6,3%). Recurrence is reported in 6 (18.7%) cases at median follow-up of 42 months. Conclusion: Due to extragenital involvement, endometriosis should be part of differential diagnosis in all women who are reserved for abdominal surgery during reproductive era. Along with the complete excision, wound protector use can potentially decrease recurrence rates in cases diagnosed pre- or intraoperatively as endometriosis

    Effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, Cerb-B-2, vascular endothelial growth factor and Ki-67 in patients with locally advanced breast cancer

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    WOS: 000458742100030Purpose: The aim of this study is aimed to demonstrate the changes in the tumor diameter and expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), Ki-67, and Cerb-B2 status after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Sixty-nine patients who diagnosed with locally advanced breast cancer and treated with were prospectively evaluated. The tumor diameter and VEGF, Ki-67, ER, PR, and Cerb-B2 expressions tested by immunohistochemistry (IHC) were evaluated before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in the tumor diameter and in the expression of VEGF, Ki-67, ER, PR, and Cerb-B2 after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Conclusion: The significant reduction in VEGF expression suggests that the tumor angiogenesis and its metastatic ability may be reduced by neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The significant change in the Ki-67 proliferation index may suggest the reduced proliferative activity of malignant cells with neoadjuvant chemotherapy

    İnsülinomanin Cerrahi Yönetiminde Uzun Dönem Sonuçlar: Tek Merkez Deneyimi

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    Objective: Limited data are available in regards to the surgical management and outcomes of insulinoma. This study aimed to assess the outcomes associated with surgical treatment of insulinoma, as the most common pancreatic endocrine tumor Methods: Medical records of patients who diagnosed as insulinoma from 2000 to 2010 at General Surgery Department of Cukurova University Hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Surgical treatment (resection vs. enucleation) was based on preoperative radiological investigations (abdominal spiral contrast tomography, ultrasound, selective angiography for selected cases) and intra-operative ultrasound imaging once indicated. Conclusion: Surgical treatment of insulinoma is associated with favorable outcomes.Intra-operative ultrasound with manual palpation is still the gold standard for localizing insulinoma. Location, size and relationship with main pancreatic duct of the lesions are key components for the selection of optimal surgical procedure.Giriş: İnsülinomanin cerrahi yönetimi ve sonuçlarıyla ilişkili olarak sınırlı miktarda bilgiler mevcuttur.Bu çalısma en sık pankreatik endokrin tümör olan insülinomaların cerrahi tedavisiyle ilgili sonuçları değerlendirmeyi amaçlamıştır Yöntemler: Çukurova Üniverstitesi Genel Cerrahi Departmanında 2000 ile 2010 yılları arasında insulinoma tanısıyla ameliyat edilen hastalar geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Rezeksiyon yada enükleasyondan oluşan cerrahi tedavi kararı preoperatif radyolojik değerlendirme (abdominalkontrastlı tomografi, ultrason ve endikasyou olan hastaraselektifanjiografi) ve intraoperatifultrasonografik görüntülemeye göre yapıldı. Bulgular: Cerrahi olarak tedavi edilen, insulinoma tanısı alan ve ortalama takip süresi 5.3 yıl (0.5-10) olan 13 hasta (K/E:9/4) calışmayadahil edildi. Enükleasyon 11 hastaya uygulanırken 2 hastaya distalpankreatektomi (biri dalak koruycu) uygulandı. Mortalite izlenmedi. Cerrahi sonrası tüm hastalar tekrar ameliyat gereksinimi olmaksızın kabul edilebilir komplikasyon oranları (panreatik fistül, n=3; pankreatit, n=1) ile normoglisemik hale geldi. Sonuç: İnsülinomanin cerrahi tedavisi olumlu klinik sonuçlarla ilişkilidir. İnsulinomanin lokalizasyonunu saptamada intraoperatifultrasonla birlikte palpasyonla yapılan değerlendirme altın standarda sahiptir. Uygun cerrahi prosedürü belirlemede lezyonun lokalizasyonu, boyutu ve ana pankreatik kanal ile ilişkisi kritik öneme sahiptir

    Hepatik Alveolar Ekinokokkoz Cerrahisinde Zorluklar, Prognoz ve Yönetim: Tek Merkez Deneyimi

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    Giriş: Alveolar ekinokokkoz (AE) primer olarak karaciğeri etkileyen ve tümör benzeri davranış gösteren, agresif ve potansiyel olarak fatal bir infeksiyondur. Bu infeksiyon için cerrahi prosedürlere ilişkin sonuçlar nadiren raporlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada hepatik AE'in cerrahi tedavisi ile ilişkili olarak uzun dönem sonuçları değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Yöntemler: 2001 ve 2013 yılları arasında, metastaz durumuna bakılmaksızın hepatik AE nedeniyle komplet rezeksiyon için uygun bulunan hastaların yönetimi ve sonuçları tanımlandı. Tüm hastaların preoperatif AE tanısı klinik bulgular, görüntüleme teknikleri ve serolojik testelere göre konuldu. Echinococcus multilocularis metasestod antijenine karşı oluşan antikor düzeyleri, Western Blot tekniğiyle elde edilen AE serolojik tanısı için spesifik markırlarlar olarak kullanıldı. Oral albendazol protokolü komplet rezeksiyonun yapılabildiği tüm hastalara uygulandı. Bulgular: Çalışma periyodu boyunca patolojik olarak hepatik AE olduğu konfirme edilen 12 hastaya (K/E=7/5) komplet rezeksiyon uygulandı. Ortanca takip süresi 82 ay idi. En sık başlangıç semptomları karın ağrısı (n=9) ve sarılık (n=4) idi. Beyin, sürrenal, dalak ve kolon olmak üzere 4 hastada metastaz tespit edildi. Alınan uygun önlemlere karşın bir hastada mortalite gözlenirken, gelişen diğer komplikasyonların tamamı başarı ile tedavi edildi. Sonuç: İleri evre hepatik AE olgularında uzun dönemdeki olumlu sonuçlar, komplet cerrahi rezeksiyon ile birlikte yapılan Albendazol uygulaması ile elde edilebilir.Objective: Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is an aggressive and potentially fatal infection, which affects the liver primarily and presents as a tumor-like lesion. Outcomes associated with surgical procedures for this infection have been rarely reported. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate long-term surgical treatment outcomes associated with hepatic AE. Methods: Between 2001 and 2013, the management and outcomes of twelve consecutive hepatic AE patients who were considered feasible for complete hepatic resection with/without metastasectomy were described. In all patients, pre-operative diagnosis of AE was based on clinical findings, imaging studies, and serological tests. Antibodies against antigens of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes were screened as specific markers for the serological diagnosis of AE by Western blot. The oral albendazole protocol was administered for hepatic AE patients who had complete resection. Results: Twelve patients (F/M=7/5) underwent complete resection for pathologically confirmed hepatic AE during the study period. Median follow-up was 82 months. The most common initial symptom was abdominal pain (n=9) followed by jaundice (n=4). Four patients had metastasis: Brain, surrenal, splenic and colon. One patient was lost due to massive pulmonary emboli despite appropriate interventions. All other complications that emerged were treated successfully. Conclusion: Long-term favorable outcomes can be achieved by complete surgical resection followed by chemotherapy with albendazole in advanced hepatic AE case