475 research outputs found

    The Role of Opioids on Motor Activity in Physio-pathological Conditions

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    To date, four principal classes of opioid peptide receptors, μ (MOP), κ (KOP), δ (DOP) and ORL- 1 (NOP) have been identified and cloned. The experimental and clinical importance of this receptor family has been amply demonstrated in many diseases, though historically they have mainly been associated with antinociception (pain relief). The current work described herein discusses the impact of opioid systems on movement disorders, namely Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD is a relatively common neurological disease in which the motor symptoms result from the death of a particular dopamine (DA) containing cell population in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc). This inevitably results in a dysregulation of the activity of basal ganglia (BG); a set of midbrain structures responsible for normal movement programming and execution. The BG structures highly express opioid receptors and their endogenous peptides and, throughout the course of PD, opioidergic transmission appears dysregulated. The view that opioids are involved in compensatory or pathogenic mechanisms following loss of DA neurons lends support to the notion that they may represent a suitable target for the treatment of PD. The work contained herein describes the benefits of opioid receptor ligand administration under physiological or pathological conditions (e.g. in experimental models of PD). For instance, we discovered that the endogenous MOP receptor peptide endomorphin-1 (EM-1), when injected or perfused into the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) of naïve rats facilitates and inhibits spontaneous locomotion depending on dose. Additionally, we have tested DOP receptor agonists in an experimental model of PD (i.e. 6- hydroxydopamine hemilesioned rats). These studies demonstrated the ability of the selective nonpeptide DOP receptor agonist SNC-80 to alleviate symptoms in experimental PD, such as akinesia and poor coordinated movement. We have also showed that when administered systemically, the novel peptide agonist UFP-512 causes both facilitation and inhibition of movement depending on the dose used. Lastly, we demonstrated a functional relationship between NOP and DOP receptors in SNr. We showed that in SNr, blockade of NOP receptors with the selective antagonist J-113397 and activation of DOP receptors with SNC-80 synergistically enhances motor performance in experimental PD. In addition to demonstrating the behavioral outcome of opioid receptor stimulation or blockade on a variety of movement-related parameters, we have correlated these behaviors with novel neurochemical findings in each of the presented studies. The overall findings of the work presented shed additional light on the subject of opioidergic systems and movement disorders and may contribute to future therapeutics for diseases such as PD

    A Literature Review on Emotion Recognition Using Various Methods

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    Emotion Recognition is an important area of work to improve the interaction between human and machine. Complexity of emotion makes the acquisition task more difficult. Quondam works are proposed to capture emotion through unimodal mechanism such as only facial expressions or only vocal input. More recently, inception to the idea of multimodal emotion recognition has increased the accuracy rate of the detection of the machine. Moreover, deep learning technique with neural network extended the success ratio of machine in respect of emotion recognition. Recent works with deep learning technique has been performed with different kinds of input of human behavior such as audio-visual inputs, facial expressions, body gestures, EEG signal and related brainwaves. Still many aspects in this area to work on to improve and make a robust system will detect and classify emotions more accurately. In this paper, we tried to explore the relevant significant works, their techniques, and the effectiveness of the methods and the scope of the improvement of the results

    Asas Lex Specialis Systematis dan Hukum Pidana Pajak

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    Salah satu ciri asas hukum adalah bersifat dinamis sehingga dapat disesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman. Demikian juga asas lex specialis derogat legi generali yang mengalami perkembangan secara teoretik. Salah satu derivate dari asas lex specialis derogat legi generali adalah asas lex specialis systematis. Dalam konteks hukum pidana, dikenal pembagian menurut sumber hukum pidana yang melahirkan hukum pidana umum dan hukum pidana khusus. Salah satu hukum pidana khusus tertua adalah hukum pidana pajak yang secara teoretik memenuhi kriteria sebagai lex specialis systematis. Metode penelitian dalam tulisan ini seluruhnya menggunakan studi pustaka. Selain menganalisis teori-teori yang aktual terkait asas lex specialis derogat legi generali dan hukum pidana pajak. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa hukum pidana pajak memenuhi kriteria sebagai lex specialis systematis karena adresat-nya sangat khusus yaitu wajib pajak dan petugas pajak. Selain itu, baik ketentuan materiil maupun ketentuan formil dalam hukum pidana pajak menyimpang dari KUHP dan KUHAP. Adapun saran yang dapat diusulkan kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dan Presiden sebagai pembentuk undang-undang adalah: Perlu melakukan perubahan mendasar terhadap undang-undang ketentuan umum pokok perpajakan dengan mengingat hukum pidana pajak adalah ius singular sebagai hukum adminstrasi yang diberi sanski pidana


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    This study aims to determine factors that influence the use of information resources from Youtube for learning purposes. This study is TAM model to identify behavioral intention of Youtube as a learning resource. It aims to know the effects of Perceived Ease of Use towards Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use towards Attitude to Use, Perceived Usefulness towards Attitude to Use, and Attitude towards Use towards Behavioral Intention. Also, to know whether this model fits to the studied data. Samples comes from 155 respondents. This research uses Sctructural Equation Modelling. The result of this research showed that Perceived Ease of Use variable proved affects towards Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use variable unproved affects towards Attitude to Use, Perceived Usefulness variable proved affects towards Attitude to Use, and Attitude to Use proved affects towards Behavioral Intention. The results on the model tested indicates that this model fits to the population

    The Integration between Linguistics, Humanities, and Social Sciences in Highlighting the Guidance of the Quranic Stories in Combating Hate Speech

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    يعاني الدعاة المصلحون من ضعف تأثير وسائلهم المُتَّبعة؛ للحد من خطاب الكراهية المنتشر بين أطراف الخطاب التداولي في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، وغيرها من المنابر الإعلامية، جاء هذا البحث؛ لمناقشة إمكانية توظيفهم لما تقدمه اللسانيات من نظريات معرفية: كاللسانيات البراغماتية، وبخاصة مبدأ التعاون الذي وضع أسسه بول غرايس، يعتمد البحث مجموعة من المناهج الاستدلالية والوصفية، يُظهر البحث حضور مبدأ التعاون في خطاب الأنبياء التداولي، ويبيَّن أنَّ خرقهم هذا المبدأ كان لخدمة أغراض اقتضاها الحوار، وكل ذلك بهدف تيسير سبل تبليغ الموضوع الرئيس، وتقليل بواعث خطاب الكراهية. يوصي الباحث بالاستفادة من المساحة اللغوية التي توفرها الدراسات اللسانية الحديثة؛ لمقاربة النصوص الشرعية من زوايا مبتكرة جديدة، دون أن يكون الباحث أسيرًا لنظرياتها غير المستقرة، ولا أنْ يجعلها معيارًا لنقد النصوص الشرعية القطعية، ومراعيًا قداسة القرآن الكريم.Preachers' methods increasingly have little influence in limiting the spread of hate speech in social networks and other media platforms. This research discusses the possibility of benefiting from the epistemological theories presented in pragmatics linguistics, namely Paul Grice's Cooperation Principle. I begin by justifying the accuracy of that uses; then, I trace its presence in the prophets' speech utilizing a set of inductive, deductive, and descriptive methods. The research shows the presence of the cooperation principle in the deliberative discourse of prophets. Additionally, it proves that their violation of this principle was to serve the purposes of certain dialogues, all to facilitate communicating the main issues and reducing the motives of hate speech. The research recommends taking advantage of the linguistic tools of modern linguistic studies to approach religious texts from new innovative aspects, without being captive to its theories, nor making it a standard for critiquing fundamental religious texts, and taking into account the holiness of the Quran

    Cyberbullying on Children in Victimology Perspective

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    Cyberbullying is intimidation carried out in cyberspace. Virtual space opens opportunities for cyberbullying to attack children. Children who are victims of cyberbullying tend not to report the bullying done on them. In this research, two issues will be discussed, namely the study of the victimology of cyberbullying on children and the responsibility of the State in protecting children from cyberbullying. This research is a normative juridical approach with criminal law and vicimology approach. The victimism study of cyberbullying on children shows the urgency of protecting children who are victims of cyberbullying. Cyberbulling has an impact on children's mental well-being. Those who become victims will be embarrassed, decide to quit school, feel negative feelings, even commit suicide. Judging from the possible impacts on victims, cyberbullying on children is more dangerous than bullying done in a real way, and is more dangerous than if it is done on adults. The responsibility of the State in protecting children from cyberbullying is by formulating, implementing, and forcing the rule of law on the offender. The State is also obliged to implement international commitments in preventing cyberbullying on children

    Towards Developing a Study about the Inimitability in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah

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    The study aims at investigating a detailed outline for studying inimitability practically. The study consists of an introduction in order to define the project, conclusion and five sections. The first section deals with vision, message and the core values of the project. The second includes an introduction that identifies the aims and conditions of the study. The third, however, clarifies the suggested administrative structure for the supervisory academic board. The fourth section is the core of the study; it introduces the suggested courses, their descriptions and their study plan. The final section mentions the main facilities that the academy must have. The researcher concluded the study and introduced some recommendations. Keywords: Inimitability, Holy Qur'an, Sunnah, practical study

    Analisa Manfaat Biaya (Benefit Cost Ratio) Pada Proyek Raya Bogor Flyover Jakarta

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    Analisa manfaat Oiaya adalah salah satu analisa proyek yang paling banyak digunakan pada proyck Pcmerintah/ Publik, analisa ini mengevaluasi proyek dari aspc~ ckonomi dimana proyck di lihat dari sudut pcrekonomian secara keselun1han. Bcrbcda dengan proyck swasta yang menilai kelayakan proyek dari keuntungan yang dijunjikan,proyck publik lebih mclihal manfaat umum yang diterima masyarakat baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dirasakan. Contoh proyck publik adalah jernbatan layang di Jalan Raya Bogor. manfaat yang diharapkan pemerintah dari proyck terse but ia lah agar masalah kemacetan dapat teratasi dan manfaat lainnya yang timbul yaitu Pcnghcmalan Biaya Opcrasional Kendaraan. Penghematan Waktu. Pcnghematan biaya Perawatan. Disamping manfaat yang ada tcrscbut, biaya yang tc~jadi ialah Oiaya proyek. Setclah di lakukan hasil perhitungan didapatkan pcrbandingan amara manfaat dan biaya atau Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) sebesar - 0.00047358, anW<a ini tcrjadi karena kccilnya nilai manfaat dibandingkan biaya yang dikcluarkan. Pada tingkat suku bunga yang berbcda seperti 10 %,15%,20%.25%, dan 30%. nilai BCR pun tctap memberikan nilai dibawah I (BCR <I

    From Commission to Social Movement: Research-led Design in Action

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    In May 2013 the Center for Research Design and Entrepreneurship received a commission from the company Maersk Oil Qatar to design a brochure about the proper installation and use of child car seats. The team tasked with creating the brochure began with a question: how can design change peoples’ behavior? This question was the first step toward the quick evolution and exponential expansion of the project from a single brochure on child car seats to a nation-wide campaign and social movement encompassing all aspects of road safety. In Qatar traffic accidents account for one out of every eight deaths, and are responsible for more deaths than cancer or cardiovascular diseases. The dangerous conditions on Qatari roads are the product of a lack of education about safe driving practices, in some cases a lack of experience, and widespread distracted driving behaviors. The need to address this issue is vital for Qatar, however, it does present a complex set of challenges, including what can be done to effect changes in peoples’ behavior. The Center for Research Design and Entrepreneurship at VCUQatar began with ideas for the commissioned brochure on child car seats as a foundation and turned to both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to answer key questions about changing behaviors and the impact of design. Working with psychologists at VCUQatar, the team combined design thinking and research to develop a series of pilot projects, which led to the development of the “ONE SECOND” campaign. The government of Qatar has adopted this campaign and the team is now responsible for deploying the project nationwide. This panel discusses the evolution of the project from small and focused to large scale and widespread, and the integration of research and design at each step. We will also delve into the “ONE SECOND” campaign as an example of a successful integrative-interdisciplinary research project that demonstrated a practical model that could be applied for any future social problem