181 research outputs found

    There are no magnetically charged particle-like solutions of the Einstein Yang-Mills equations for Abelian models

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    We prove that there are no magnetically charged particle-like solutions for Abelian models in Einstein Yang-Mills, but for non-Abelian models the possibility remains open. An analysis of the Lie algebraic structure of the Yang-Mills fields is essential to our results. In one key step of our analysis we use invariant polynomials to determine which orbits of the gauge group contain the possible asymptotic Yang-Mills field configurations. Together with a new horizontal/vertical space decomposition of the Yang-Mills fields this enables us to overcome some obstacles and complete a dynamical system existence theorem for asymptotic solutions with nonzero total magnetic charge. We then prove that these solutions cannot be extended globally for Abelian models and begin an investigation of the details for non-Abelian models.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figur

    Особливості реновації промислових об'єктів (закордонний досвід)

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    The article discusses the features of the renovation of industrial buildings. The renovation includes a new feature providing non-production industrial facilities, ensuring their adaptation to the modern urban environment. In addition to cost-effectiveness of the existing industrial buildings, renovation is the method of the historical outline of the town preserving, solving of aesthetic and ethical problems of the existence of old objects.В статье рассматриваются особенности реновации промышленных зданий. Реновация предусматривает предоставление новой функции непроизводственного характера промышленным объектам, обеспечение их адаптации в современной градостроительной среде. Кроме экономической эффективности использования существующих промышленных зданий, реновация является средством сохранения исторической канвы города, решения эстетических и этических проблем существования старых объектов.В статті розглядаються особливості реновації промислових будівель. Реновація передбачає надання нової функції невиробничого характеру промисловим об’єктам, забезпечення їх адаптації в сучасному містобудівному середовищі. Крім економічної ефективності використання існуючих промислових будівель, реновація є засобом збереження історичної канви міста, вирішення естетичних і етичних проблем існування старих об’єктів

    Model of expert assessment of psychic disorders in persons with dependence from psychoactive substances, who did criminal actions

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    Oliynyk O. P. Model of expert assessment of psychic disorders in persons with dependence from psychoactive substances, who did criminal actions. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2019;9(3):239-248. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2592689 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/6698 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2019; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 20.02.2019. Revised: 28.02.2019. Accepted: 13.03.2019. MODEL OF EXPERT ASSESSMENT OF PSYCHIC DISORDERS IN PERSONS WITH DEPENDENCE FROM PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCES, WHO DID CRIMINAL ACTIONS O. P. Oliynyk State Enterprise "Research Institute of Psychiatry ", Kiev, Ukraine Abstract Background. Mental disorders as a result of various forms of addictions and high criminogenicity of such persons has led to the need for a number of legislative changes in the field of jurisprudence (law), medicine and expertise. Materials and methods. Mental state of 661 examinees persons was studied. The presence of states of dependence on psychoactive substances and their impact on the ability to apprehend the sense of one’s actions and manage (ASAM) them and apprehend the sense of one’s actions (ASA) was studied. Objective: to develop a model of forensic psychiatric expert assessment of the ability of persons with states of dependence on the psychoactive substances to apprehent their actions and (or) manage them in accordance with existing legislation. Results and conclusions. It was established that 1.1% of examenees could not ASAM completely in criminal proceedings, 93.2% could ASAM, and 5.7% could not ASAM. In the civil process, with a retrospective definition of the mental state at the time of the conclusion of an agreement, an expert decision on the significant impact of psychoactive substances was made in 45% of cases, on the preservation of the ability to ASAM - 31.7%, of the inability to ASAM - 23.3%. This testifies to the non-use of expert practice in making decisions on "restraint locus standi” in the widespread use of the category of "limited capacity" in the civil process, which leads to an unjustified restriction of judges in choosing medical and legal measures for the prevention of repeated crimes by persons with states of dependence on psychoactive substances. Key words: dependence on psychoactive substance, mental disorder, crime, forensic psychiatric examination

    Finite deformation simulation of CPTu tests in saturated structured clays

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    In this paper a finite deformation version of an isotropic hardening elastoplastic constitutive model for bonded soils is used to reproduce the behaviour of a saturated soft structured clay during the penetration of a piezocone in standard CPTu tests. The formulation of the model is based on the multiplicative split of the deformation gradient and on the existence of a free energy function for the elastic behaviour. The model is equipped with two bonding–related internal variables which provide a macroscopic description of the effects of clay structure. The mechanical effects of structure degradation associated to the plastic deformations are quantified by suitable evolution equations. In order to deal with strain localization, typically observed in bonded geomaterials upon yielding, the model has been equipped with a non–local version of the hardening laws for the internal variables, which has proven to be capable of regularizing the pathological mesh dependence of classical finite element solutions in the post–localization regime. The results of the numerical simulations, conducted for different soil permeabilities and bond strengths, show that the model is capable of capturing: a) the development of plastic deformations induced by the advancement of the cone tip; b) the destructuration of the clay associated with such plastic deformations; c) the space and time evolution of pore water pressure as the cone tip advances. The possibility of modelling the CPTu tests in a rational and computationally efficient way opens a promising new perspective for their interpretation in geotechnical site investigations

    Статус юридической риторики в эпоху Средневековья и Возрождения

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    Розглянуто розвиток релігійності ієзуїтичного типу та процвітання схоластики юридичної риторики у середні віки; досліджено різницю між красномовством, що формується в середні віки, і красномовством античності; проаналізовано красномовство слов’ян як наслідувачів класичної античної риторики і західноєвропейської думки пізнього Середньовіччя; розглянуто перетворення, які відбулись у світогляді особистості часів Відродження, відновлення судового і парламентського та поява торгового красномовства, започаткування моди на гостру писемну полеміку, розквіт письмової риторики епохи Відродження; досліджено особливості розвитку юридичної риторики епохи Відродження; встановлено процеси зближення загальної риторики, і, зокрема, юридичної, з вивчення поетичної і художньої мови.Religiosity iyezuyitychnoho considered development and prosperity of scholasticism type of legal rhetoric in the Middle Ages, studied the difference between eloquence, which is formed in the Middle Ages, and the beautiful antique analyzed eloquence Slavs as imitators of classical ancient rhetoric and Western views of the late Middle Ages, considered transformation which took place in the worldview of the person during the Renaissance, the restoration of judicial and parliamentary eloquence and the emergence of shopping, fashion launch urgent written polemic, rhetoric writing flowering of the Renaissance, the singularities of the legal rhetoric of the Renaissance and determined the overall processes of convergence of rhetoric and, in particular, legal, the study of poetic and artistic language.Рассмотрены развитие религиозности иезуитичного типа и процветания схоластики юридической риторики в средние века; исследована разница между красноречием, формируемый в средние века, и красноречием античности; проанализированы красноречие славян как подражателей классической античной риторики и западноевропейской мысли позднего Средневековья; рассмотрены преобразования, произошедших в мировоззрении личности эпохи Возрождения, возрождение судебного и парламентского и появление торгового красноречия, мод на острую письменную полемику, расцвет письменного риторики эпохи Возрождения; исследованы особенности развития юридической риторики эпохи Возрождения; установлено процессы сближения общей риторики и, в частности, юридической, в изучении поэтического и художественного языка

    Метод нелінійних паралельних сценаріїв в постмодерністичному інтер’єрі

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    The method of the work of an architect on interior design in the style of post–modernism is considered as an example by the design–project of cafe "Shokoko" of "Group Bondarenko", Kharkiv; the modelling of non–linear scenarios of perception of such object is described.Рассматривается методика работы архитектора при разработке интерьера в стиле постмодернизма на примере проекта кафе «Шококо» харьковской «Группы Бондаренко», описываются способы построения нелинейных сценариев восприятия такого объекта.Розглядається методика роботи архітектора при розробці інтер’єрів у стилі постмодернізму на прикладі проекту кафе «Шококо» харківської «Групи Бондаренко», описані засоби побудови нелинійних сценаріїв сприйняття такого об’єкту


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    Головною метою статті є висвітлення маловідомих фактів наукової діяльності В.М. Лігіна (1846-1900). Талановитий вчений та педагог, активний громадський діяч, широко відомі його праці з механіки та математики, але його праці з історії науки та техніки не набули широко розголосу в ХІХ ст. та майже втрачені протягом ХХ ст. Сучасна історична наука не розглядала цю частину наукового спадку одеського механіка. Деякі праці науковця представленні вперше

    Model of expert assessment of psychic disorders in persons with dependence from psychoactive substances, who did criminal actions

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    Background. Mental disorders as a result of various forms of addictions and high criminogenicity of such persons has led to the need for a number of legislative changes in the field of jurisprudence (law), medicine and expertise. Materials and methods. Mental state of 661 examinees persons was studied. The presence of states of dependence on psychoactive substances and their impact on the ability to apprehend the sense of one’s actions and manage (ASAM) them and apprehend the sense of one’s actions (ASA) was studied. Objective: to develop a model of forensic psychiatric expert assessment of the ability of persons with states of dependence on the psychoactive substances to apprehent their actions and (or) manage them in accordance with existing legislation. Results and conclusions. It was established that 1.1% of examenees could not ASAM completely in criminal proceedings, 93.2% could ASAM, and 5.7% could not ASAM. In the civil process, with a retrospective definition of the mental state at the time of the conclusion of an agreement, an expert decision on the significant impact of psychoactive substances was made in 45% of cases, on the preservation of the ability to ASAM - 31.7%, of the inability to ASAM - 23.3%. This testifies to the non-use of expert practice in making decisions on "restraint locus standi” in the widespread use of the category of "limited capacity" in the civil process, which leads to an unjustified restriction of judges in choosing medical and legal measures for the prevention of repeated crimes by persons with states of dependence on psychoactive substances