414 research outputs found

    Animal Production from Tropical Pastures Renovated by Subsoiling and Fertilization in the Cerrados of Brazil

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    A grazing trial was conducted, to study the effects of fertilization on the maintenance of the productivity of four tropical grasses. The paddocks were subsoiled, and dived into halves: one (LF1) received 400 kg/ha of a fertilizer formula 0-20-20.and the other (LF2) 800 kg/ha of the same fertilizers, in January 1995. Annually, 50 kg/ha of N was applied. The productivity on LF2 pastures was greater than that on FL1 pastures, averaging 520 and 410 kg of liveweight gain/ha/year. A double strategy should be followed to sustain animal production in the savanna: maintain soil P over a critical value of 3.0 mg P(Mehlich-1)/dm3, and annual N application

    Evaluation of \u3ci\u3eBrachiaria brizantha\u3c/i\u3e Ecotypes under Grazing in Small Plots

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    An intense search for new cultivars amongst recently collected and introduced ecotypes from Africa is in effect since 1988, at the National Beef Cattle Research Center, of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa Beef Cattle). After agronomic evaluations of a large collection, 21 ecotypes were pre-selected for multilocational trials and from these, eight were elected for evaluation under grazing. The objective of this trial was thus to evaluate the persistence and carrying capacity of these eight new Brachiaria brizantha ecotypes after two years of grazing. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with nine treatments and two replicates. The experimental area was divided into 18 paddocks of 1000 m2. They were grazed according to a deferred flexible system. After two years, it was possible to select four ecotypes, which were indicated for animal performance trials aiming at releasing at least one of them as a new cultivar in 2002

    Animal Performance and Productivity of New Ecotypes of Brachiaria Brizantha in Brazil

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    Brazil has the competitive advantage of a very dynamic and cost effective animal production system on pastures over other countries. The pursuit for more productive forages that will result in higher quality beef at a lower cost is then justified. Brachiaria is the most important forage genus utilised in Brazil, thus an intense search for new cultivars amongst collected and introduced ecotypes from Africa is underway. Following agronomic evaluation of this material in plots, 8 pre-selected Brachiaria ecotypes were tested under intermittent grazing in paddocks (Euclides et al., 2001). Continuing on the process of cultivar development, two out of the eight, selected for superior agronomic characteristics were compared to the standard cultivar Marandu, under grazing and the results are presented in this paper


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    In the title compound, C21H13N5O4, the dihedral angles formed between the planes of the phenyl and nitro­phenyl rings and that of the heterotricyclic plane are 41.29 (7) and 61.35 (6)°, respectively. In the crystal, weak C—H⋯O interactions help to establish the packing

    Peptide-based supramolecular hydrogels as drug delivery agents: recent advances

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    Supramolecular peptide hydrogels have many important applications in biomedicine, including drug delivery applications for the sustained release of therapeutic molecules. Targeted and selective drug administration is often preferential to systemic drug delivery, as it can allow reduced doses and can avoid the toxicity and side-effects caused by off-target binding. New discoveries are continually being reported in this rapidly developing field. In this review, we report the latest developments in supramolecular peptide-based hydrogels for drug delivery, focusing primarily on discoveries that have been reported in the last four years (2018–present). We address clinical points, such as peptide self-assembly and drug release, mechanical properties in drug delivery, peptide functionalization, bioadhesive properties and drug delivery enhancement strategies, drug release profiles, and different hydrogel matrices for anticancer drug loading and release.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding of CQUM (UID/QUI/00686/2019). FCT, FEDER, PORTUGAL2020 and COMPETE2020 are also acknowledged for funding under research project PTDC/QUI-QOR/29015/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029015)

    Salvado de harina y salvado de fécula de mandioca como potenciales excipientes para comprimidos

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    Acknowledgements: Fundação Dom Aguirre, for finantial support to Valéria Campos Orsi. Project funding by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil) (FAPESP Ref. No. 2018/05522-9 (Project PsaPhageKill)) in the form of a BPE fellowship granted to Victor M. Balcão is hereby gratefully acknowledged. This work also received support from CNPq, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development Brazil, in the form of Research Productivity (PQ) fellowships granted to Victor M. Balcão (Refs. No. 306113/2014-7 and 308208/2017-0).Objectives: The physicochemical characteristics of bran of cassava starch flour and bran of cassava flour (viz. organoleptic characteristics, pH value, moisture content, total ashes, lipid, protein, starch and fiber contents) and biopharmacotechnical parameters (viz. granulometry, flow capacity, angle at rest, outflow time and apparent density) were evaluated aiming at assessing their potential use as tablet excipients. Methodos: Three tablet formulations of venlafaxine hydrochloride were proposed, having as excipients bran of cassava flour, bran of cassava starch flour and Starch 1500®. The tablets were produced using two different pressures (98±5 MPa and 32±6 Mpa) and their mechanical (hardness and friability) and dissolubility characteristics were evaluated. Results and Conclusions: The tablets produced with both cassava flours, using higher pressures, presented similar physicochemical characteristics to those obtained with the excipient Starch1500®, thus indicating that cassava flours possess the potential to be used as disintegrating agents in tablets.Objetivos: Se evaluaron características físico-químicas del salvado de harina y del salvado de la fécula de mandioca (características organolépticas, pH, humedad, cenizas totales y contenido de lípidos, proteínas, almidones y fibras) y biofarmacotécnicas (granulometría, capacidad de flujo, ángulo en reposo, tiempo de salida y densidad aparente) con el objetivo de evaluar el uso de estos residuos como excipientes para comprimidos. Métodos: Se propusieron tres formulaciones en comprimidos de venlafaxina teniendo como excipientes salvado de harina de mandioca, salvado de fécula de mandioca y Starch 1500 ®. Las pastillas se produjeron utilizando dos presiones diferentes (98 ± 5 MPa y 32 ± 6 Mpa). Las características mecánicas (dureza y friabilidad) y de disolución de los comprimidos se evaluaron. Resultados y Conclusiones: Los comprimidos producidos con ambos salvados de mandioca, utilizando las presiones más elevadas, presentaron características físico-químicas similares a las obtenidas con el excipiente Starch1500®, indicando que las harinas de mandioca poseen potencial para ser utilizadas como agentes desintegrantes en comprimidos

    Direct and indirect immunofluorescence

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    A imunofluorescência é um valioso instrumento auxiliar no diagnóstico das dermatoses bolhosas autoimunes e desordens inflamatórias, uma vez que seus achados clínicos e histopatológicos podem não ser determinantes. Consiste em um método laboratorial factível, que requer profissionais técnicos experientes, e detecta imunocomplexos in situ e/ou circulantes, que podem estar envolvidos na patogênese de tais enfermidades cutâneas.Immunofluorescence is a valuable auxiliary diagnostic tool for autoimmune bullous diseases and inflammatory disorders, since their clinical and histopathologic findings may be inconclusive. It is a feasible laboratory method that requires experienced technicians and detects in situ and circulating immune deposits that may be involved in the pathogenesis of such skin diseases.CNP

    Draft Genome Sequence Of The Biosurfactant-producing Bacterium Gordonia Amicalis Strain Ccma-559, Isolated From Petroleum-impacted Sediment.

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    Gordonia amicalis strain CCMA-559 was isolated from an oil-contaminated mangrove swamp and shown to produce biosurfactants. This strain is a strict aerobe that readily degrades an array of carbon sources, including N-acetylglucosamine, cellobiose, Tween 80, and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, and, like other G. amicalis strains, likely desulfurizes dibenzothiophene.

    Salvado de harina y salvado de fécula de mandioca como potenciales excipientes para comprimidos

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    Objectives: The physicochemical characteristics of bran of cassava starch flour and bran of cassava flour (viz. organoleptic characteristics, pH value, moisture content, total ashes, lipid, protein, starch and fiber contents) and biopharmacotechnical parameters (viz. granulometry, flow capacity, angle at rest, outflow time and apparent density) were evaluated aiming at assessing their potential use as tablet excipients. Methodos: Three tablet formulations of venlafaxine hydrochloride were proposed, having as excipients bran of cassava flour, bran of cassava starch flour and Starch 1500®. The tablets were produced using two different pressures (98±5 MPa and 32±6 Mpa) and their mechanical (hardness and friability) and dissolubility characteristics were evaluated. Results and Conclusions: The tablets produced with both cassava flours, using higher pressures, presented similar physicochemical characteristics to those obtained with the excipient Starch1500®, thus indicating that cassava flours possess the potential to be used as disintegrating agents in tablets.Objetivos: Se evaluaron características físico-químicas del salvado de harina y del salvado de la fécula de mandioca (características organolépticas, pH, humedad, cenizas totales y contenido de lípidos, proteínas, almidones y fibras) y biofarmacotécnicas (granulometría, capacidad de flujo, ángulo en reposo, tiempo de salida y densidad aparente) con el objetivo de evaluar el uso de estos residuos como excipientes para comprimidos. Métodos: Se propusieron tres formulaciones en comprimidos de venlafaxina teniendo como excipientes salvado de harina de mandioca, salvado de fécula de mandioca y Starch 1500 ®. Las pastillas se produjeron utilizando dos presiones diferentes (98 ± 5 MPa y 32 ± 6 Mpa). Las características mecánicas (dureza y friabilidad) y de disolución de los comprimidos se evaluaron. Resultados y Conclusiones: Los comprimidos producidos con ambos salvados de mandioca, utilizando las presiones más elevadas, presentaron características físico-químicas similares a las obtenidas con el excipiente Starch1500®, indicando que las harinas de mandioca poseen potencial para ser utilizadas como agentes desintegrantes en comprimidos
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