599 research outputs found

    Constraints and Dedication as Drivers for Relationship Commitment: An Empirical Study in a Health-Care Context

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    The objective of this study is to empirically determine the role of constraints and dedication as drivers of relationship commitment as most of the existing work is of a conceptual nature only. We assess how and to which extent these two drivers fit into the established relationships between overall service quality, satisfaction, trust and commitment. Using LISREL, we estimate the conceptual model based on a sample of customers of health-care centers. The results indicate that both constraints and dedication are important drivers of relationship commitment. The study has important implications for relationship marketing theory and for service providers aiming at relationship commitment.marketing ;

    Linking Trade and Transport Statistics: the Dutch Case

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    International trade flows are important for a trading nation such as the Netherlands. They are an important source of income, value added, and welfare. Trade flows are strongly related to transport flows of goods to and from a country. However, not all international transport flows through a country are registered as merchandize trade flows. For example, transit flows of goods are not recorded in international merchandize trade statistics. Such flows can just as well serve as a basis for value added, though. For example, goods transferred in Rotterdam harbour and transported and distributed by Dutch logistics firms create a basis for value added in services trade. Moreover, transport flows of goods entail costs as well, such as the costs of traffic congestion and environmental pollution. Therefore, it is of interest to have good information on the value and quantities of goods transported through countries, and the modes of transport used for various types of flows. For this purpose, we need integrated statistics on trade flows and transport flows in goods. To be able to match trade and transit flows with transport statistics, complete and plausible information on mode of transport and gross weight is needed. This paper describes the scope and coverage of trade statistics in comparison to transport statistics for the Netherlands. We use transport statistics to allocate the plausible mode of transport to trade and transit flows. Creating an integrated view on trade and transport flows in goods, the paper intends to contribute to an improved understanding of the impact of merchandize trade and transit flows on the economy, both in terms of domestic value added and in terms of potential social costs related to congestion and the emission of pollutants.

    The Impact Of Need For Social Affiliation And Consumer Relationship Proneness On Behavioural Intentions - An Empirical Study In A Hairdresser’s Context

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    This study investigates whether a consumer’s need for social affiliation and a consumer’s relationship proneness impact behavioural intentions (word-of-mouth communication, price sensitivity, repeat purchasing) towards a hairdresser’s. Data were collected from a systematic sample of a hairdresser’s consumers in Belgium. LISREL results revealed that need for social affiliation is a strong determinant of word-of-mouth communication and price sensitivity, while consumer relationship proneness has an indirect effect on price sensitivity via commitment. Important implications of the salient role of both constructs in determining behavioural intentions in a hairdresser’s context are provided.marketing ;

    The Psychology Behind Commitment And Loyalty - An Empirical Study In A Bank Setting

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    Despite the extant literature on customer loyalty, it is recognized that the psychological processes behind commitment and customer loyalty are still ill understood. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to assess the impact of three psychological antecedents (position involvement, volitional choice and informational complexity) on affective, calculative and normative commitment to a bank. In turn, we assess the impact of an individual difference variable (consumer relationship proneness) on these three psychological antecedents. And finally, this research project addresses the consequences of affective, calculative and normative commitment on loyalty in terms of word of mouth, purchase intention, price insensitivity and complaining. An empirical research among 439 bank customers was conducted to test our conceptual model. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) results reveal the pivotal role of affective commitment as an antecedent of customer loyalty. In turn, affective commitment can best be explained by position involvement. Moreover, relationship proneness seems to be most strongly related to position involvement. Managerial implications, limitations and directions for future research are provided.marketing ;


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    The main objective of this study is to empirically test a fourth-order hierarchical model of experiential value in an online book and CD setting. In addition, we provide empirical evidence for the role of hedonic and utilitarian value components in creating attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Finally, we develop an online customer typology, based on the underlying value sources. Based on a sample of 190 visitors of online book and CD retailers, we used PLS to test a third and fourth order hierarchical model of experiential value, emphasizing a hedonic (intrinsic) and utilitarian (extrinsic) value component and the existence of the holistic concept of experiential value. Our results demonstrate that experiential value consists of the third order components hedonic (intrinsic) and utilitarian (extrinsic) value. Both value aspects impact attitudinal loyalty ultimately leading to behavioral loyalty which is also directly affected by utilitarian value. Finally, a nonhierarchical (k-means) cluster analysis identified four segments of online visitors: hedonists, utilitarians, active negativists, and reactive positivists.marketing ;

    Consumers’ Trade-Off Between Relationship, Service Package, And Price: An Empirical Study In The Car Industry

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    The prime objective of our study is to assess whether consumer segments based on relational aspects, service aspects, or price aspects have different preferences concerning these three key decision making variables when buying a car. In addition, we assessed consumer segments resulting from simultaneously incorporating relationships, service package, and price. We investigated a large sample of Mitsubishi drivers in the Netherlands emphasizing consumers’ trade-off between dealer relationship, service package and price. Conjoint analysis showed that dealer relationships (as opposed to price) represent a very important decision making variable when buying a car and consumer preferences concerning relationships provide a useful instrument for segmenting markets. Cluster analyses on the basis of three aspects simultaneously revealed that some consumers do value relationships, while others emphasize the service package in their purchase, both opposed to the third segment that is most probably not inclined to be loyal to a car dealer at all.Our study clearly indicates that different consumer segments can be distinguished on the basis of preferences for relationships and service packages rather than on the basis of price. This knowledge enables car dealers to use their resources more effectively.marketing ;

    Investments In Consumer Relationships - A Critical Reassessment And Model Extension

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    This study is a critical reassessment and extension of De Wulf, Odekerken-Schröder, and Iacobucci’s (2001) framework investigating retail investments in consumer relationships. Their initial model relates four types of relationship marketing efforts to perceived relationship investment, in turn influencing relationship quality and ultimately behavioral loyalty. Based upon signaling theory, we extend this model by introducing product and service efforts as additional antecedents. Moreover, in contrast to the use of self-reported measures in the initial model, we apply customer database information in order to measure the construct of behavioral loyalty. Based upon 187 consumers reporting on their relationship with a Belgian apparel retailer, the SEM results provide guidelines for retailers how to increase the quality of their relationships with consumers by strengthening consumers’ perceptions of relationship investment.marketing ;
