3,885 research outputs found

    Importância do manejo de entressafra.

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    Comparação de composto orgânico de Barcarena com adubos orgânicos tradicionais quanto às propriedades químicas.

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    Imazaquin sorption in surface and subsurface soil samples.

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    The objective of this work was to study the sorption and desorption of imazaquin, in surface and subsurface soil samples from Brazil. Sorption and desorption steps were carried out using batch equilibration and high performance liquid chromatography analytical routines. The value of Kf,ads was positively correlated with clay content, and negatively correlated with pH of supernatant. Samples from Typic Haplustox, clayey soil profile having high clay content, provided higher Kf,ads values, and negative correlation with organic carbon, silt content, cation exchange capacity and pH

    Avaliação da maturação de composto orgânico produzido com lixo orgânico urbano nos municípios de Barcarena e Moju, PA.

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    Efeito de composto orgânico em diferentes estádios de maturação na produção de matéria seca de milho.

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    Distribution of annual rainfall in homogeneous regions through data mining techniques in southern Brazil.

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    This study aimed to transform time series of annual data of precipitation of Rio Grande do Sul in homogeneous precipitation regions through clustering techniques (data mining).Resumo em português: Distribuição da precipitação pluvial anual em regiões homogêneas por meio de mineração de dados, no sul do Brasil. SIC 2015


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    The transfer of heat and mass by natural convection is present in the most diverse physical and chemical phenomena of nature and engineering equipment. In the last decades, the number of research on natural convection has grown dramatically, highlighting studies in physical-mathematical modeling and numerical solutions, experimental analysis and design and optimization techniques for fluid-thermal systems. This case study analyzed the influence of several numerical parameters in physical-mathematical modeling and numerical solution of natural convection heat transfer problems on isothermal plates with square waves in turbulent conditions of high Rayleigh number. The numerical parameters analyzed were the mesh refinement degree, wall boundary conditions (with or without wall functions implemented in the turbulent parameters) and computational physical domain influence. Free and open-source computational numerical tools were exclusively used in the construction of this work. Meshes with wall functions implemented in turbulent parameters presented greater accuracy and required less computational effort and simulation time, besides enabling the use of a lower degree of mesh refinement. The best numerical configuration of the physical model for the situation problem studied were defined from the criteria of accuracy, computational effort demanded, and stability and numerical convergence of the solution


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    Natural convection heat transfer is present in the most diverse applications of Thermal Engineering, such as in electronic equipment, transmission lines, cooling coils, biological systems, etc. The correct physical-mathematical modeling of this phenomenon is crucial in the applied understanding of its fundamentals and the design of thermal systems and related technologies. Dimensionless analyses can be applied in the study of flows to reduce geometric and experimental dependence and facilitate the modeling process and understanding of the main influence physical parameters; besides being used in creating models and prototypes. This work presents a methodology for dimensionless physical-mathematical modeling of natural convection turbulent flows over isothermal plates, located in an “infinite” open environment. A consolidated dimensionless physical-mathematical model was defined for the studied problem situation. The physical influence of the dimensionless numbers of Grashof, Prandtl, and Turbulent Prandtl was demonstrated. The use of the Theory of Dimensional Analysis and Similarity and its application as a tool and numerical device in the process of building and simplifying CFD simulations were discussed