39,663 research outputs found

    Conservation law for distributed entanglement of formation and quantum discord

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    We present a direct relation, based upon a monogamic principle, between entanglement of formation (EOF) and quantum discord (QD), showing how they are distributed in an arbitrary tripartite pure system. By extending it to a paradigmatic situation of a bipartite system coupled to an environment, we demonstrate that the EOF and the QD obey a conservation relation. By means of this relation we show that in the deterministic quantum computer with one pure qubit the protocol has the ability to rearrange the EOF and the QD, which implies that quantum computation can be understood on a different basis as a coherent dynamics where quantum correlations are distributed between the qubits of the computer. Furthermore, for a tripartite mixed state we show that the balance between distributed EOF and QD results in a stronger version of the strong subadditivity of entropy.Comment: Published versio

    Phase transitions in dependence of apex predator decaying ratio in a cyclic dominant system

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    Cyclic dominant systems, like rock-paper-scissors game, are frequently used to explain biodiversity in nature, where mobility, reproduction and intransitive competition are on stage to provide the coexistence of competitors. A significantly new situation emerges if we introduce an apex predator who can superior all members of the mentioned three-species system. In the latter case the evolution may terminate into three qualitatively different destinations depending on the apex predator decaying ratio qq. In particular, the whole population goes extinct or all four species survive or only the original three-species system remains alive as we vary the control parameter. These solutions are separated by a discontinuous and a continuous phase transitions at critical qq values. Our results highlight that cyclic dominant competition can offer a stable way to survive even in a predator-prey-like system that can be maintained for large interval of critical parameter values.Comment: version to appear in EPL. 7 pages, 7 figure

    Model inspired by population genetics to study fragmentation of brittle plates

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    We use a model whose rules were inspired by population genetics, the random capability growth model, to describe the statistical details observed in experiments of fragmentation of brittle platelike objects, and in particular the existence of (i) composite scaling laws, (ii) small critical exponents \tau associated with the power-law fragment-size distribution, and (iii) the typical pattern of cracks. The proposed computer simulations do not require numerical solutions of the Newton's equations of motion, nor several additional assumptions normally used in discrete element models. The model is also able to predict some physical aspects which could be tested in new experiments of fragmentation of brittle systems.Comment: We have modified the text in order to make the description of the model more clear. One Figure (Figure 1) was introduced showing the steps of the dynamics of colonization. Twelve references were adde

    Invasion controlled pattern formation in a generalized multi-species predator-prey system

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    Rock-scissors-paper game, as the simplest model of intransitive relation between competing agents, is a frequently quoted model to explain the stable diversity of competitors in the race of surviving. When increasing the number of competitors we may face a novel situation because beside the mentioned unidirectional predator-prey-like dominance a balanced or peer relation can emerge between some competitors. By utilizing this possibility in the present work we generalize a four-state predator-prey type model where we establish two groups of species labeled by even and odd numbers. In particular, we introduce different invasion probabilities between and within these groups, which results in a tunable intensity of bidirectional invasion among peer species. Our study reveals an exceptional richness of pattern formations where five quantitatively different phases are observed by varying solely the strength of the mentioned inner invasion. The related transition points can be identified with the help of appropriate order parameters based on the spatial autocorrelation decay, on the fraction of empty sites, and on the variance of the species density. Furthermore, the application of diverse, alliance-specific inner invasion rates for different groups may result in the extinction of the pair of species where this inner invasion is moderate. These observations highlight that beyond the well-known and intensively studied cyclic dominance there is an additional source of complexity of pattern formation that has not been explored earlier.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. To appear in PR

    Ocorrência de Thanatephorus cucumeris em feijão na região Transamazônica.

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    O avanço de uma nova doença no rebanho nordestino é preocupante.

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    Utilização do whiteside modificado e California Mastitis Test no diagnóstico da mastite subclínica em búfalas e sua relação com o exame microbiológico.

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    Foram avaliadas a sensibilidade e a especificidade dos testes California Mastitis Test (CMT) e Whiteside Modificado (WM) como métodos auxiliares no diagnóstico da mastite subclínica em búfalas do Estado de Pernambuco. Estabeleceu-se, também, uma relação entre o estágio e o número de lactações frente à infecção da glândula mamária e a participação dos agentes etiológicos na enfermidade. Foram analisadas 196 amostras de leite procedentes de 49 búfalas em cinco propriedades rurais da Zona da Mata Sul. Destas, 139 (70,9%) amostras foram positivas ao exame microbiológico, isolando-se 76 (55%) amostras de Staphylococcus spp, sendo 18 (13%) de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e 58 (42%) Staphylococcus coagulase negativa. Isolaram-se também 25 amostras de bastonetes (18%) Gram negativos, oito de (6%) Streptococcus spp e três (2,2%) de Micrococcus spp em culturas puras ou em associação, além de 45 amostras (32,4%) de Bacillus spp. A análise dos testes CMT e WM demonstraram baixa sensibilidade e especificidade quando comparados ao isolamento bacteriano. O número e o estágio da lactação não influenciaram no aparecimento da infecção na glândula mamária desta espécie. ABSTRACT - One hundred and ninety six buffalo milk samples were analyzed from farms in the South region of Pernambuco State, Brazil. The sensibility and specificity of the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and the Modified Whiteside were studied as auxiliary methods in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis. A relationship between the stage and the number of lactations regarding mammary infection was established. One hundred and thirty nine (70,9%) samples were positive in the microbiological exam, resulting in 76 samples of Staphylococcus spp. Fifty eight samples (42%) were classified as coagulase negative Staphylococcus. Other bacterias isolated were Bacillus spp (45/32,4%), Gram negative bacillus (25/18%), Streptococcus spp (8/6%) and Micrococcus spp (3/2,2%) in pure or mixed culture. The CMT and WM analysis showed low sensibility and specificity when compared to bacterial isolation. The number and stage of lactations did not influence on occurrence of the infection in the mammary gland of this species