5,992 research outputs found

    The Abundance of Molecular Hydrogen and its Correlation with Midplane Pressure in Galaxies: Non-Equilibrium, Turbulent, Chemical Models

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    Observations of spiral galaxies show a strong linear correlation between the ratio of molecular to atomic hydrogen surface density R_mol and midplane pressure. To explain this, we simulate three-dimensional, magnetized turbulence, including simplified treatments of non-equilibrium chemistry and the propagation of dissociating radiation, to follow the formation of H_2 from cold atomic gas. The formation time scale for H_2 is sufficiently long that equilibrium is not reached within the 20-30 Myr lifetimes of molecular clouds. The equilibrium balance between radiative dissociation and H_2 formation on dust grains fails to predict the time-dependent molecular fractions we find. A simple, time-dependent model of H_2 formation can reproduce the gross behavior, although turbulent density perturbations increase molecular fractions by a factor of few above it. In contradiction to equilibrium models, radiative dissociation of molecules plays little role in our model for diffuse radiation fields with strengths less than ten times that of the solar neighborhood, because of the effective self-shielding of H_2. The observed correlation of R_mol with pressure corresponds to a correlation with local gas density if the effective temperature in the cold neutral medium of galactic disks is roughly constant. We indeed find such a correlation of R_mol with density. If we examine the value of R_mol in our local models after a free-fall time at their average density, as expected for models of molecular cloud formation by large-scale gravitational instability, our models reproduce the observed correlation over more than an order of magnitude range in density.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophys. J, changes include addition of models with higher radiation fields and substantial clarification of the narrativ

    Estimating Euler Equations

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    The Influence of Metallicity on Star Formation in Protogalaxies

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    In cold dark matter cosmological models, the first stars to form are believed to do so within small protogalaxies. We wish to understand how the evolution of these early protogalaxies changes once the gas forming them has been enriched with small quantities of heavy elements, which are produced and dispersed into the intergalactic medium by the first supernovae. Our initial conditions represent protogalaxies forming within a fossil H II region, a previously ionized region that has not yet had time to cool and recombine. We study the influence of low levels of metal enrichment on the cooling and collapse of ionized gas in small protogalactic halos using three-dimensional, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations that incorporate the effects of the appropriate chemical and thermal processes. Our previous simulations demonstrated that for metallicities Z < 0.001 Z_sun, metal line cooling alters the density and temperature evolution of the gas by less than 1% compared to the metal-free case at densities below 1 cm-3) and temperatures above 2000 K. Here, we present the results of high-resolution simulations using particle splitting to improve resolution in regions of interest. These simulations allow us to address the question of whether there is a critical metallicity above which fine structure cooling from metals allows efficient fragmentation to occur, producing an initial mass function (IMF) resembling the local Salpeter IMF, rather than only high-mass stars.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, First Stars III conference proceeding

    Aggregating Elasticities: Intensive and Extensive Margins of Female Labour Supply

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    There is a renewed interest in the size of labour supply elasticities and the discrepancy between micro and macro estimates. Recent contributions have stressed the distinction between changes in labour supply at the extensive and the intensive margin. In this paper, we stress the importance of individual heterogeneity and aggregation problems. At the intensive margins, simple specifications that seem to fit the data give rise to non linear expressions that do not aggregate in a simple fashion. At the extensive margin, aggregate changes in participation are likely to depend on the cross sectional distribution of state variables when a shock hits and, therefore, are likely to be history dependent. We tackle these aggregation issues directly by specifying a life cycle model to explain female labour supply in the US and estimate its various components. We estimate the parameters of different component of the model. Our results indicate that (i) at the intensive margin, Marshallian and Hicksian elasticities are very heterogeneous and, on average, relatively large; (ii) Frisch elasticities are, as implied by the theory, even larger; (iii) aggregate labour supply elasticities seem to vary over the business cycle, being larger during recessions

    Failure of Intravenous Morphine to Serve as an Effective Instrumental Reinforcer in Dopamine D2 Receptor Knock-Out Mice

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    The rewarding effects of opiates are thought to be mediated through dopaminergic mechanisms in the ventral tegmental area, dopamine-independent mechanisms in the nucleus accumbens, or both. The purpose of the present study was to explore the contribution of dopamine to opiate-reinforced behavior using D2 receptor knock-out mice. Wild-type, heterozygous, and D2 knock-out mice were first trained to lever press for water reinforcement and then implanted with intravenous catheters. The ability of intravenously delivered morphine to maintain lever pressing in these mice was studied under two schedules of reinforcement: a fixed ratio 4 (FR4) schedule (saline, 0.1, 0.3, or 1.0 mg/kg, per injection) and a progressive ratio (PR) schedule (1.0 mg/kg, per injection). In the wild-type and heterozygous mice, FR4 behavior maintained by morphine injections was significantly greater than behavior maintained by vehicle injections. Response rate was inversely related to injection dose and increased significantly in the wild-type and heterozygous mice when the animals were placed on the PR schedule. In contrast, the knock-out mice did not respond more for morphine than for saline and did not respond more when increased ratios were required by the PR schedule. Thus, morphine served as a positive reinforcer in the wild-type and heterozygous mice but failed to do so in the knock-out mice. Under this range of doses and response requirements, the rewarding effects of morphine appear to depend critically on an intact D2 receptor systemFil: Elmer, Greg I.. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Pieper, Jeanne O.. National Institutes of Health; Estados UnidosFil: Rubinstein, Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Low, Malcolm J.. Oregon Health and Sciences University; Estados UnidosFil: Grandy, David K.. Oregon Health and Sciences University; Estados UnidosFil: Wise, Roy A.. National Institutes of Health; Estados Unido

    Low temperature relation for the trace of the energy-momentum tensor in QCD with light quarks

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    It is shown that the temperature derivatives of the anomalous and normal (quark massive term) contributions to the trace of the energy-momentum tensor in QCD are equal to each other in the low temperature region. The physical consequences of this relation are discussed.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, no figure

    Concepts in Order Statistics and Bayesian Estimation

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    In this paper, some basic concepts related to order statistics and Bayesian estimation is discussed which includes tests of life, order statistics and concept of reconstruction that has various fields in the application such as reconstruction for industrial units or organisms. This paper also describes significant functions in the reconstruction such as probability of life function or failure probability function, surviving probability function, life probability density function and failure rate function. Furthermore, it illustrated in depth idea concerning Bayesian statistics for the study and evaluation of different Bayesian methods. Keywords Bayesian statistics, failure probability function, order statistic

    Fish farm effluent as a nutrient source for algae biomass cultivation

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    One of the challenges of microalgae biotechnology is the cost of growth media nutrients, with microalgae consuming enormous quantities of fertilisers, more than other oil crops. The traditional use of synthetic fertilisers in mass cultivation of microalgae is associated with rising prices of crude oil and competition from traditional agriculture. The fact that fish farm wastewater (FFW) nutrients are released in the form preferred by microalgae (NH3 for nitrogen and PO4 -3 for phosphate), and the ability of microalgae to use nitrogen from different sources, can be exploited by using fish farm effluent rich in nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in the cultivation of cheaper microalgae biomass for production of biodiesel. The cultivationof algae biomass in FFW will also serve as wastewater treatment. We reviewed the benefits and potential of fish effluent in algae cultivation for the production of biodiesel. Microalgae can utilise nutrients in FFW for different applications desirable for the production of biomass, including the accumulation of lipids, and produce a fuel with desirable properties. Also, treating wastewater and reducing demand for fresh water are advantageous. The high lipid content and comparable biodiesel properties of Chlorella sorokiniana and Scenedesmus obliquus make both species viable for FFW cultivation for biodiesel production. Significance: The cost associated with microalgae growth media nutrients can be saved by using fish farm wastewater,which contains nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) suitable for microalgae cultivation. Fish farm wastewater has lower nutrient concentrations when compared to standard growth media suitable for higher lipid accumulation. Microalgae used as a biodiesel feedstock, cultivated in fish farm wastewater, has added benefits, including wastewater treatment

    Low temperature relations in QCD

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    In this talk I discuss the low temperature relations for the trace of the energy-momentum tensor in QCD with two and three quarks. It is shown that the temperature derivatives of the anomalous and normal (quark massive term) contributions to the trace of the energy-momentum tensor in QCD are equal to each other in the low temperature region. Leading corrections connected with ππ\pi\pi-interactions and thermal excitations of KK and η\eta mesons are calculated.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX2e. Talk given at 12th International Seminar on High-Energy Physics (QUARKS 2002), Novgorod, Russia, 1-7 Jun 200
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