625 research outputs found

    The Leeway of Shipping Containers at Different Immersion Levels

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    The leeway of 20-foot containers in typical distress conditions is established through field experiments in a Norwegian fjord and in open-ocean conditions off the coast of France with wind speed ranging from calm to 14 m/s. The experimental setup is described in detail and certain recommendations given for experiments on objects of this size. The results are compared with the leeway of a scaled-down container before the full set of measured leeway characteristics are compared with a semi-analytical model of immersed containers. Our results are broadly consistent with the semi-analytical model, but the model is found to be sensitive to choice of drag coefficient and makes no estimate of the cross-wind leeway of containers. We extend the results from the semi-analytical immersion model by extrapolating the observed leeway divergence and estimates of the experimental uncertainty to various realistic immersion levels. The sensitivity of these leeway estimates at different immersion levels are tested using a stochastic trajectory model. Search areas are found to be sensitive to the exact immersion levels, the choice of drag coefficient and somewhat less sensitive to the inclusion of leeway divergence. We further compare the search areas thus found with a range of trajectories estimated using the semi-analytical model with only perturbations to the immersion level. We find that the search areas calculated without estimates of crosswind leeway and its uncertainty will grossly underestimate the rate of expansion of the search areas. We recommend that stochastic trajectory models of container drift should account for these uncertainties by generating search areas for different immersion levels and with the uncertainties in crosswind and downwind leeway reported from our field experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures and 5 tables; Ocean Dynamics, Special Issue on Advances in Search and Rescue at Sea (2012

    Hydraulic control of a highly stratified estuarine front

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 35 (2005): 374-387, doi:10.1175/JPO-2692.1.Observations at the mouth of the Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada) indicate an abrupt frontal transition between unstratified river outflow and a highly stratified river plume with differences in salinity greater than 25 psu across a few meters in the vertical direction and several hundred meters in the horizontal direction. The front roughly follows a natural break in the bathymetry, crossing the channel at an angle of approximately 45°, and is essentially stationary for a period of approximately 3.5 h centered on the low tide following the larger of two daily ebbs. The location of the front is coincident with observations of significantly supercritical internal Froude numbers at the front, based on velocities in the along-flow direction. This observation contradicts the one-dimensional theory, which indicates that the Froude number should be 1. However, because the front is oriented obliquely to the outflow, a coordinate system can be selected that is normal to the front and for which a critical Froude number of 1 is obtained. This indicates that a Froude angle, similar in application to a Mach angle for transonic flows, can be used to determine critical conditions when the front is oblique to the principal flow direction.This work was performed as a part of D. MacDonald’s Ph.D. thesis, and was funded by Office of Naval Research Grants N000-14-97-10134 and N000-14-97- 10566, National Science Foundation Grant OCE- 9906787, a National Science Foundation graduate fellowship, and support from the WHOI Academic Programs Office

    Quantitative chemical mapping of InGaN quantum wells from calibrated high-angle annular dark field micrographs

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    We present a simple and robust method to acquire quantitative maps of compositional fluctuations in nanostructures from low magnification high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) micrographs calibrated by energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) mode. We show that a nonuniform background in HAADF-STEM micrographs can be eliminated, to a first approximation, by use of a suitable analytic function. The uncertainty in probe position when collecting an EDX spectrum renders the calibration of HAADF-STEM micrographs indirect, and a statistical approach has been developed to determine the position with confidence. Our analysis procedure, presented in a flowchart to facilitate the successful implementation of the method by users, was applied to discontinuous InGaN/GaN quantum wells in order to obtain quantitative determinations of compositional fluctuations on the nanoscale

    A consistent treatment for pion form factors in space-like and time-like regions

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    We write down some relevant matrix elements for the scattering and decay processes of the pion by considering a quark-meson vertex function. The pion charge and transition form factors FπF_\pi, FπγF_{\pi\gamma}, and FπγF_{\pi\gamma^*} are extracted from these matrix elements using a relativistic quark model on the light-front. We found that, the form factors FπF_\pi and FπγF_{\pi\gamma} in the space-like region agree well with experiment. Furthermore, the branching ratios of all observed decay modes of the neutral pion, that are related to the form factors FπγF_{\pi\gamma} and FπγF_{\pi\gamma^*} in the time-like region, are all consistent with the data as well. Additionally, FπF_\pi in the time-like region, which deals with the nonvalence contribution, is also discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic confinement of radiotherapy beam-dose profiles

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    We have used electron and photon beams from the 50 MV electron microtron at UM Hospital together with a large-bore 3.5T superconducting solenoid to demonstrate the magnetic confinement of HE electron and photon beam-dose profiles for typical radiotherapy beams. The HE electron beams in particular exhibit a large reduction in penumbra when entering a tissue-equivalent phantom and, in addition, confinement of the secondary electrons produced by the primary beam. Likewise photon beams show a similar confinement of the dose from secondary electrons. While the results resemble features predicted from Monte Carlo calculations, there are a number of anomalous details in the actual experimental data which serve to illustrate the problems associated with practical clinical implementations. However the data suggest that in certain cases HE electrons may provide a cost-effective alternate to proton or HI radiotherapy beams and, also, improve the dose profile for HE photon beams. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87615/2/44_1.pd

    Is Mitigation Translocation an Effective Strategy for Conserving Common Chuckwallas?

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    Mitigation translocation remains a popular conservation tool despite ongoing debate regarding its utility for population conservation. To add to the understanding of the effectiveness of mitigation translocation, in 2017 and 2018 we monitored a population of protected common chuckwallas (Sauromalus ater) following translocation away from the area of construction of a new highway near the South Mountains, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. We removed chuckwallas from the construction right-of-way, paint-marked and pit-tagged them, and then released them in a nearby municipal preserve. We deployed very high frequency radio-telemetry transmitters on a sub-sample of 15 translocated adult chuckwallas. We monitored the radio-marked chuckwallas once a day at 1- to 3-day intervals for up to 46 days to document survival, body mass, and post-release movements. The average distance moved following translocation was 359 ± 53 m. Using minimum convex polygons, the average home range size of translocated lizards was 0.9 ± 0.3 ha, which was 18–45 times larger than expected for the species. Following translocations, we surveyed the translocation sites 1 month later and again 1 year later to determine the presence of translocated chuckwallas. Translocated individuals were rarely observed a second time: in 2017, only 11 of 160 translocated chuckwallas were seen again, and in 2018, only 11 of 192 translocated chuckwallas were detected. In the light of low recapture rate, consistent loss of body mass, and large movements of marked lizards, we conclude that survival of translocated chuckwallas was low over a single year. In the future, efficacy of mitigation translocation could be better evaluated by assessing the spatial ecology of both resident and translocated individuals simultaneously using radio-telemetry

    Reading Peer Review: PLOS ONE and Institutional Change in Academia

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    How do you change the world of academia and what insight can peer review provide into this question? The study of academic peer review is often difficult owing to the confidentiality of reports. As an occluded genre of writing that nonetheless underpins scientific publication, relatively little is known about the ways that academics write and behave, at scale, in their reviewing practices. In this book, we describe for the first time the database of peer review reports at PLOS ONE, the largest scientific journal in the world, to which we had unique access. Specifically, this book presents the background contexts and histories of peer review, the data-handling sensitivities of this type of research, the typical properties of reports in the journal to which we had access, a taxonomy of the reports, and their sentiment arcs. This unique work thereby yields a compelling and unprecedented set of insights into the evolving state of peer review in the twenty-first century, at a crucial political moment for the transformation of science. It also, though, presents a study in radicalism and the ways in which PLOS’s vision for science can be said to have effected change in the ultra-conservative contemporary university