23 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of promotion on consumer trust, the impact of promotion on consumer purchase intentions, the impact of consumer trust on purchase intentions, and the impact of promotion on purchase intentions with consumer trust as a mediating variable. This research is a case study on Shopee e-commerce, with the research population being Shopee visitors in 2019, as many as 90.7 million. Determination of the sample by purposive as many as 100 people. This study is different from several previous studies which only examined the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. The novelty of this research is to present a mediating variable. The approach used in data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Square. The research output explains that in Shopee e-commerce there is a significant positive impact at the 10% real level for promotional variables on consumer trust, as well as promotion on purchase intention, the same results are also shown for the impact of consumer trust on purchase intention, as well as on promotional variables on purchase intention with consumer trust as a mediating variable

    Pengaruh Religiusitas, Pengetahuan Akuntansi Syariah, Pelatihan Profesional Dan Pertimbangan Pasar Kerja Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Akuntansi

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of religiosity, knowledge of Islamic accounting, professional training and labor market considerations on the interest of career accounting students in Islamic financial institutions. The dependent variable in this study is the interest of career accounting students in Islamic financial institutions (Y). The population used in this study were students of Pamulang University in 2017-2018, totaling 391 students, the sampling technique used random sampling in which this sampling technique was what the researcher wanted and met the criteria, namely sharia accounting students at Pamulang University Regular A, B and C, a minimum of 8 semesters who have taken courses in Sharia Accounting and Sharia Financing Institutions. The research method used is quantitative research methods. The results showed that religiosity and professional training had a negative and insignificant effect on students' interest in a career in Islamic financial institutions. Meanwhile, labor market considerations have a positive and significant impact. And accounting knowledge has no significant effect on student interest in a career in Islamic financial institutions

    Structural equation modeling-partial least squares: Analysis of the effect of hedonic value on customer satisfaction and loyalty

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    Testing the effect of hedonic value on loyalty, the hedonic value on satisfaction, and customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty, and investigating the effect of hedonic value on consumer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable is the purpose of this study, with a case study on e-commerce Shopee.  The sample aims to be a method of determining the sample with a total of 100 respondents. The intended respondents are Pamulang University students, Faculty of Economics, S1 Accounting Department as well as consumers of Shopee e-commerce. The Research model used SEM-PLS Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square Approach. The results of this study indicate that the hedonic value has a positive influence and also has a significant value on consumer loyalty at the real level of 10%. The results of the study also state hedonic value has a significant positive effect on consumer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on consumer loyalty with the satisfaction of consumer as a variable of intervening with 10% level


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh hubungan budaya organisasi dan motivasi kerja terhadap variabel kepuasan kerja karyawan PT Bank X. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang menjelaskan informasi dan karakteristik populasi atau fenomena yang sedang dipelajari. Uraian yang digunakan adalah untuk perhitungan statistik. Sedangkan penelitian survei dilakukan untuk mengukur variabel melalui penyebaran kuesioner dengan 31 pernyataan yang menggunakan lima poin skala Likert. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi hasil survei beberapa penelitian dengan regresi. Data primer yang dikumpulkan dari responden PT Bank X. Selain itu juga menggunakan data sekunder untuk mendukung informasi. Untuk menganalisis sampel yang digunakan sebagai data primer, menggunakan purposive sample. Dengan demikian, data dianalisis dengan hasil menggunakan metode korelasi. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara budaya organisasi dan motivasi kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan PT Bank X

    Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Intensitas Aset Tetap, Dan Pertumbuhan Penjualan Terhadap Penghindaran Pajak

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of company size, fixed asset intensity, and sales growth on tax avoidance on the LQ45 company index listed on the IDX in 2016-2019. This research is quantitive with data used, namely secondary data sourced from financial statement with the of sample in the study were 26 companies obtained using purposive sampling method. The data analys method used descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, and multiple linier regression using calculations using Eviews Version 9. Based on the test results, it is found the company size and sales growth have no significant effect on tax avoidance, meanwhile fixed asset intensity has an significant effect on tax avoidance. As well as company size, fixed asset intensity and sales growth simultaneously effect tax avoidanc

    The Effect of Credit Risk And Efficiency on Bank Performance in Indonesian Banking: With Liquidity as A Mediation Variable

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    Bank performance is important in the stability of a country. If a bank's financial performance is poor, it will have an impact on channeling funds to who need funds and will hinder the economy of a country. Therefore, this research was conducted to examine the factors that influence bank performance. This research has developed novelty that is of from research before with the use of an intermediary variable is Liquidity. This research uses secondary data in the form quarter time series from 2013 to 2019. The population and samples in this study are 41 conventional banks. The sampling technique used is exhaustive sampling method. The data analysis technique used is Path Analysis and Sobel Test to measure Intervening variables. The results of research on substructure I that partially Credit Risk and Efficiency have a negative and significant effect on Bank Performance, while the level of Liquidity has no effect on Bank Performance. In substructure II, Credit Risk and Efficiency do not affect the Liquidity Level. For the path analyze results in this research using the single test, it is found that the liquidity level does not interfere in the effect of credit and efficiency on bank performance

    Pengelolaan Manajemen Keuangan dalam Industri Kecil Menengah di Komunitas Tangsel Berkibar

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    AbstractOne of the components in Tridharma Colleges is implementing community service activities. Each lecturer has an obligation to perform devotion to the community who aims to share the knowledge that has to support the progress of society. The implementation of community dedication in this activity is the management of financial management in the small and medium industries in the Tangsel Berkibar community. Small and medium industries are one of the businesses that produce various types of products on the small and medium scale in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Industry No. 64/M-IND/7/2016.Small and medium-sized enterprises have a strategic role in national economic development. These dedication activities are also in line with government programs that drive the advancement of small and medium enterprises. The goal of this activity is the members of the Tangsel Berkibar community. This Program is implemented for 3 days (26-28 April 2019). The method is to provide training on financial management for the small and medium industries. The results showed that the participants were enthusiastic about training to run the financial arrangements in his business. For subsequent devotion, activities are expected to provide ongoing training to improve the ability of small and medium industry actors in implementing financial management


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    Penelitian ini memodifikasi Penelitian Suprianto (2017). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh impor, inflasi, dan suku bunga, nilai tukar rupiah terhadap ekspor di Indonesia. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Periode data mulai dari Januari 2009 sampai dengan Desember 2019. Berdasarkan analisis regresi linier berganda, diperoleh bahwa jumlah nilai impor mempengaruhi jumlah nilai ekspor yang signifikan secara statistik sebesar 0.636032 pada taraf nyata 1%. Kurs rupiah mempengaruhi jumlah nilai ekspor yang signifikan secara statistik sebesar -0.194044 pada taraf nyata 1%. Adjusted R-Squared dalam model penelitian ini adalah sebesar 77.7415%