494 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Mutasi Jabatan Struktural Yang Dilakukan Oleh Pemerintah Kota Malang (Studi Pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Malang)

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    : The Implementation of Structural Rank Mutation Conducted by The Government of Malang City (A Study of Local Employment Agency of Malang City). This research is carried out because there is a problem within the implementation of structural rank mutation conducted by the Government of Malang City. The mutation is implemented without the analysis of rank. The political factor is involved due to the agenda of 2013 Local Election such that some ranks may not match with the competence required. This research is descriptive with qualitative approach. The focus of this problem are (1) The implementation of structural rank mutation conducted by the Government of Malang City (2) Factors are constraining the implementation of structural rank mutation conducted by the Government of Malang City. Result of research indicates that the implementation of structural rank mutation accordance with Government Regulation No. 13 of 2002 on The Revision over Government Regulation No. 100 of 2000 on The Appointment of Civil Servant into Structural Rank although there is some the factors constraining from the implementing

    Manajemen Web Untuk Mendukung Aplikasi Informasi Peta Digital Pada Smartphone Berbasis Android

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    The society with massive schedule in the fully modern life, gives effect of limitation to the society in doing many activities. For example, while taking a trip in a city without knowing the area might cause many troubles. Using location searching in a city using GPS technology which connected to the android smartphone tools, will make it easier and saving cost, time and energy. The method of this research for the mapping is using google map facility. In this application, the data like mesjid, church, market, hotel, restaurant and hospital data is saved in server web which make possible for the user to add new data to the application with verification performed by the administrator. Smartphone tools which have GPS facility can be used to acknowledge important spot location in a city and the user location at the sam time. This kind of application can be functioned if this smartphone tools with facility GPS has connection with the internet

    Development of Science Textbook Based on Scientific Literacy for Secondary School

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    The purpose of this research is to develop scientific literacy-based science text books and to determine the characteristics, validity, readability, as well as the effectiveness of the textbooks.The study started with product development and then continued by feasibility test and readability test. Feasibility test was done with the respondent of lecturer and science teachers of VII, VIII, IX grade at SMP N at Central Java. Readability test used cloze test that filled by VII, VIII, and IX grade students at that schools. The data analysis was done with percentage discription and t-test. The study results in feasibility test showed that the developed literacy science textbook has average score 90,74%. It means the literacy science textbook is suitable. Based on the readability test result, science literacy textbook is easy to learn. The average of score of cloze test was 88,14%. The effectiveness of the developed science textbook was classified as an effective stimulant to increase students\u27 scientific literacy.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan buku ajar IPA berbasis literasi sains, menentukan karakteristik, kevalidannya, tingkat keterbacaan, dan keefektifannya. Penelitian pengembangan ini dimulai dengan analisis kebutuhan, penyusunan tema, pengembangan buku ajar, uji kevalidan dan keterbacaan buku yang telah dikembangkan. Validasi dilakukan oleh dosen dan guru IPA kelas VII, VII, IX. Uji validitas, tingkat keterbacaan dan keefektifan buku dilakukan di SMP N di Jawa Tengah. Subjek ujicoba adalah siswa kelas VII, VIII, IX. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif persentase untuk uji kevalidan dan keterbacaan, dan uji t untuk keefektifan. Hasil validasi menunjukkan seluruh buku yang dikembangkan adalah valid dengan rata-rata skor 90,74% berada pada kategori sangat valid. Skor rata-rata tingkat keterbacaan sebesar 88,14% beradapada kategori mudah dipahami. Buku ajar yang dikembangkan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains

    Hubungan Senam Jantung Sehat Dengan Tingkat Stres Pada Lansia Di Kelompok Senam Jantung Sehat Among Roso Kecamatan Ngluwar Kabupaten Magelang

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      The situation is causing the elderly experience different kinds of stress one of which is the psychological stress, psychological stress is a set of physiological changes as a result of the body exposed to the danger of the threat. This stress can affect the physical and psychological affects the elderly. One is a healthy heart gymnastics, Gymnastics Healthy Heart is a sport that is prepared with always put the ability of the heart, the movement of large muscle and joint flexibility, as well as attempts to include as much oxygen as possible. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship healthy heart gymnastics with Stress Levels in the Elderly in Group Gymnastics Heart Healthy Heart Among Roso Ngluwar District of Magelang regency. The method used was a cross sectional, with a sample of 57 elderly. The instrument used was a questionnaire heart gymnastics and stress levels. Data processed by Spearman rank test. The result showed a p-value 0,000 < = 0.05, which means that therea is a relationship between a healthy heart gymnastics with the level of stress in Group Gymnastics Heart Healthy Heart Among Roso Ngluwar District of Magelang regency

    Information Technology for Travel Agency

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    The purposes of this research are to describe, analyze, and determine the online marketing strategy of domestic travel agent at Bandung Tour Expert. In this case, the authors focused on SWOT analysis to find out the right marketing strategy for the tour packaging. In this research, the data was collected using the observation method, meanwhile the data analysis method used were descriptive qualitative and SWOT analysis. Internet users number are increasing, especially adults with high mobility. For them who often travel outside the city, internet is crucial because it connects them with the travel agent. Nowadays, the convenient use of Internet technology is used to market products and services offered by travel agents, so that it provides many benefits for business travel agents with minimum marketing costs. The results of this study were the use of internet and online marketing had impacts on the increasing profits of the travel agents. The conclusion of this research is Bandung Tour Expert as a company need to improve their variant of tour package to make tourist more interest to visit the company website

    Evaluating customer satisfaction and service quality using servqual model in the Courier Service Delivery (CSD) provider (Pilot study: Surabaya city, Indonesia)

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    In the last decade, the number of Courier Service Delivery (CSD) Providers has been increasing and growing rapidly, it certainly makes the characteristics of each providers more diverse as well. The Government who serve as assessors who are follow-up of monitoring and evaluation results, often find many problems in the selection of variables used as aspects of assessment. One important aspect in figuring out valuation is the value of customer satisfaction. This study aims to measure and evaluate the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) modification with the use of service qualities dimension or known as SERVQUAL model. Not only that, this paper also examines the influence of five dimensions on the model to the customer satisfaction using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression method. The dimensions are Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. This research was conducted on a total of 249 respondents in 6 sample providers. According to the results obtained that CSI scores in the range of 80.27 to 84.76 (good and very good) and the dimensions of service quality that significantly affect on customer satisfaction were Tangible and Responsivenes

    Pengembangan Modul Enkripsi dan Dekripsi pada Php dengan Modifikasi Metode Kriptografi Vigenere Cipher dan Cipher Block Chaining (Studi Kasus pada Geekybyte.com)

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    Penggunaan fungsi hash pada pengamanan data atau informasi pada sebuah web site sudah tidak aman lagi, karena memiliki kelemahan berupa collision. Pengamanan yang dilakukan tidak tergantung pada kerahasiaan metode atau algortima yang digunakan, tetapi pada kreativitas memodifikasi dan mengimplementasikan algoritma atau metode yang digunakan. Berdasarkan keadaan di atas modifikasi dan implementasi algoritma kriptografi Vigenere Cipher dan Cipher Block Chaining pada pengamanan data sebuah web site sangat dibutuhkan agar data atau informasi tidak disalahgunakan. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah pengembangan algoritma kriptografi melalui metode modifikasi dan implementasi vigenere cipher dan cipher block chaining. Langkah penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan study literatur, analisa metode vigenere cipher dan cipher block chaining, merancang modifikasi vigenere cipher dan cipher block chaining untuk proses enkripsi dan dekripsi, melakukan percobaan dan implementasi pada sebuah web site dengan bahasa perograman PHP. Dari penelitian ini akan dihasilkan “Pengembangan Modul Enkripsi Dan Dekripsi Pada PHP Dengan Modifikasi Metode Kriptografi Vigenere Cipher Dan Cipher Block Chaining (Studi kasus pada geekybyte.com)”. Informasi yang dihasilkan yaitu hasil enkripsi data dari web yang tidak bisa dibaca oleh orang lain