12 research outputs found


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    The research was aimed to know the influence of Mnemonic Technique towards studentsā€™ vocabulary mastery, and to know whether or not the average score of the studentsā€™ vocabulary mastery which is taught by using Mnemonic Technique. In conducting the research, the writer used experimental method. The population in this research were the students at the second semester of eighth class at MTs Negeri 1 Tanjung Karang 319 students in 9 classes. The sample of this research was two classes, one class was VIII KK as experimental class there were 30 students, and another class was VIII F as the control class there were 31 students. In determining the sample, the writer used cluster random sampling technique. In collecting the data, the writer used vocabulary test. In analyzing the data the writer used t-test formula. Based on the data analysis, the students who were taught Mnemonic technique get higher score than those who were taught translation technique. It can be seen from calculating of the result of the hypothesis testing and average score of the experimental class that was higher than the control class. The average score of experimental class is 74.66 and the average score of the control class is 70.53. it also can be seen at the significant level 0.01 and 0.05 the ttest  is higher than ttable (ttest ttable),that is 2.73 > 1.68 for significant level 0.01 and 2.73 > 2.02 for significant level 0.05. Therefore, substitution strategy gave the positive influence of Mnemonic technique towards studentsā€™ vocabulary mastery at the eighth class of MTs Negeri 1 Tanjung Karang in 2017/2018

    Model-Model Pengembangan Kurikulum Bahasa di Sekolah

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    This research aims to investigates models of language curriculum development in schools. Sometimes referred to as library research or librarianship, this study involves the exploration and acquisition of related materials from various sources, such as magazines, books, and articles on a specific issue. The process has been completed. The result of this research is curriculum development, encompassing the planning and design process by the curriculum model developer, along with activities conducted to transform it into teaching and reference materials to achieve national education goals. In designing the curriculum, teachers can choose from several models of Language Curriculum Development in Schools, including the Curriculum Model developed by Robert S. Zais, Peter F. Olivia, Jack Richard, and Graves. It is crucial to examine the strengths and weaknesses of each curriculum development model. The process of developing a language curriculum involves multiple stakeholders, including education administrators, education experts, curriculum experts, science experts, teachers, parents, and community leader


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    Sari, Sinta Novia. 2018. ā€œTransformation Analysis of Short Story and Scenario Entittled Filosofi Kopiā€. Thesis. Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University Semarang. Advisor: Ken Widyawati, S. S., M. Hum. dan Laura Andri. R. M., S. S., M. A. Filosofi Kopi scenario by Jenny Jusuf is an adaption of short stories by Dewi Lestari called Filosofi Kopi. Both works are recounted Benā€™s journey to find the meaning of perfection life through the coffee. Ben, with his expertise about coffee, claims that all the meanings of life can be represented by the tastes of his coffee blends. Includes the meaning of the perfection life. While Ben is searching the meaning of the perfection life, he faces variuos cases that made him aware about the true meaning of life. Through that process Ben finally giving up his ambition and admited that there is no perfection in this world, and the imperfection is actually part of life that must be enjoyed. I was analyzing the process of transformation from Filosofi Kopi short story into script of movie. The transformation from the art works into the another art works are definitely have certain changes. The focus of this research is the dynamic changes that held in transformation process of short stories into scenario by doing a comparison between short story and scenario. The material objects are the short stories and the scenario of Filosofi Kopi. Data from short stories and scenario is using reading technique, scrutinize, and note. This research is contains a description of the intrinsic element in Filosofi Kopi short story and scenario. And description of the transformation process that occurred in the both works. This study was analyzed by using theory of structural, which is theme, character and characterizations, setting, plot, and theory of transformation. The research shows there are scenes that deliberately removed, added, and be changed according to the needs. The changes in transformation process of short stories into movie develop the downsizing, addition, and change vary. The aspects of downsizing was found 6 scenes, the aspects of addition was found 16 scenes, and the aspects of change vary was found 11 scenes. The process of downsizing, addition, and change varied is done for that the essence of short stories delivered effectively. The changing information of the stories does not give a big influence to the whole scenario. Keyword: transformation, short stories, scenario, Filosofi Kopi

    Pelatihan Asertivitas untuk Memperkuat Self Confidence pada Mahasiswa di Yogyakarta

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    The study aims to examine the influence of assertiveness training toward increasing self confidence in college students woman dormitories "DD" West Kalimantan in Yogyakarta. The subjects of the study were 10 college students woman who had low self confidence and assertiveness, divided into two groups namely experiment and control of each of the five subjects. The research design used was pretest-posttest control group design, with U-Mann Whitney analysis and Wilcoxon Rank Test analysis. U-Mann Whitney analysis results showed a significant difference in the self confidence and assertiveness score of the experimental group and the control group that is self confidence (p=0.009 <0.05) and assertiveness (p=0.009 <0.05). Average subjects result of self confidence in the experimental group (84.40) and the control group (74.20), and the average value of assertiveness subjects in the experimental group (102.20) and the control group (89.20). The result of the Wilcoxon Rank Test showed a significant difference in the self confidence and assertiveness score of theĀ  experimental group between before and after being given assertiveness training, that is confidence (p=0,043 < 0,05) and assertiveness (p=0,043 < 0,05). This result are supported on self confidence score before training (75.20) increasing to (84.40) after assertiveness training and the assertiveness score before training (92.40) increased to (102.20) after assertiveness training. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that assertiveness training can improve self confidence in college students woman dormitories "DD" West Kalimantan in Yogyakarta.

    Akomodasi Komunikasi Dalam Interaksi Budaya Pada Mahasiswa Rantau Asal Kalimantan Barat Yang Berkuliah Di Surakarta

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    Intercultural communication problems are usually caused by the lack of people's ability to interpret cultural diversity in the form of stereotypes about one culture with another, as well as West Kalimantan students who are studying in the city of Solo, Central Java. When they interact with the local people of Solo, they will initially have difficulty communicating with the people in the city of Solo, more Javanese in daily conversation, new students are certainly not yet mature in preparing themselves to adjust, modify and even regulate behavior when dealing with other people who have language and cultural differences. Unconsciously, communication will usually be done where in the process is the use of internal cognitive scripts to be used when talking to other people who have cultural differences. The purpose of this study was to see how the communication accommodation process for overseas students from West Kalimantan studying in Surakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The result of this research is that West Kalimantan students initially have information related to the language that will be used in life, the views / perspectives of the language that will be used in communication. Accommodations made by West Kalimantan students in this case include the flight approach and setting of communication which they use as a form of solution to find ways to communicate to achieve certain goals

    Strategi Koping Pada Remaja dengan Kecenderungan Berperilaku Agresif

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    Agression among teenagers, including bullying, school gangsters, and even students criminality, has been an issue for years. On the other hand, teenagers are expected to adapt well in society, to make healthy social relations, in order to become healthy and responsible adults. These developmental task takes a capability to adapt and overcome problems in everyday life, which is defined as coping strategy. This study aims to investigate the relationship between coping strategy and agrressive behavior in teenagers using Coping Strategy Scale for Teenagers and Aggressive Behavior Scale. The subjects were 416 students of middle and high schools in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Data were analyzed using Product Moment correlation test. The result showed that there was a negative correlation between coping strategy and aggressive behavior in teenagers (r= -0,287; p0,01). Teenagers who had better ability to cope with stressful events demonstrated less aggressive behavior

    Career Self-Efficacy Dan Kesiapan Kerja Pada Mahasiswa Semester Akhir

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between career self-efficacy with the readiness of work in the last semester students. The hypothesis proposed is that there is a positive relationship between career self-efficacy and job readiness. Subjects in this study were last semester students of ā€œXā€ University Yogyakarta with the whole subject 110. Methods of data collection using the scale of Work Readiness and scale Career Self Efficacy. Results of analysis with product moment correlation test obtained (rxy) of 0.772 (p = 0.000). This shows that there is a positive relationship between career self-efficacy with the readiness of work in the last semester students, so the hypothesis proposed in this research is acceptable. Higher the career self-efficacy followed higher the readiness of work in the final semester students. On the contrary, lower the career self-efficacy followed lower the readiness of work on the last semester students. Coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.60 means that the career self-efficacy variable in this study is able to contribute 60% to the readiness of work to the last semester students. This at once confirms the influence of other variables that are not examined in this study by 40%