38 research outputs found

    Chemical Constituents of Hedyotis dichotoma and their Biological Activity

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    Two compounds, isovitexin and ursolic acid, were isolated from the aerial parts of Hedyotis dichotoma. Anti-microbial assays indicated that isovitexin was active against fungus and candida. The structures of both compounds were assigned using modern spectroscopic techniques

    Chemical Constituents of Vitex ovata (Verbenaceae)

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    Three compounds, luteolin, ursolic acid and meta-hydroxybenzoic acid were isolated from the leaves of Vitex ovata. The structures of the compounds were identified using modern spectroscopic techniques

    Anthraquinones from Morinda elliptica

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    Phytochemical studies on roots of Morinda elliptica have resulted in the isolation of a new anthraquinone, 2-formyl-1-hydroxyanthraquinone, and 10 known anthraquinones. The structures of the anthraquinones were established based on spectral studies

    Three Flavan-3-ols from Artocarpus reticulates

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    Tiga senyawa turunan flavan-3-ol, yakni afzelekin-3-O-a-L-ramnosida (1), katekin (2), dan afzelekin (3), telah ditemukan pada kulit batang dan kulit akar tumbuhan Artocarpus reticulatus Miq. (Moraceae), suatu tumbuhan langka yang berasal dari Sulawesi dan endemik untuk Indonesia, serta dikenal dengan nama daerah maumbi. Struktur molekul ketiga senyawa tersebut telah ditetapkan berdasarkan data fisika dan spektroskopi. Three Flavan-3-ols from Artocarpus reticulatesThree flavan-3-ol derivatives, namely afzelechin-3-O-α-L-rhamnoside (1), catechin (2) and afzelechin (3), were isolated from the tree and the root barks of Artocarpus reticulaltus Miq. (Moraceae), a rare species found in Sulawesi and endemic to lndonesia, locally known as maumbi. The structures of all these compounds were elucidated based on physical and spectroscopic data

    Artelastokromen Suatu Diprenilpiranoflavon dan B-Resorsilaldehid dari Kayu Batang Artocarpus Lanceifolius

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    Abstrak. Dua senyawa, yaitu artelactokromen (1), suatu diprenil piranoflavon, dan B-resorsilaldehid (2) telah ditemukan untuk pertama kalinya pada kayu batang tumbuhan Artocarpus lanceifolius Roxb. (Moraceae), suatu tumbuhan langka yang endemic untuk Indonesia dan dikenal dengan nama Keledang. Struktur molekul kedua senyawa tersebut telah ditetapkan berdasarkan data fisika dan spektroskopi (MS, 1H dan 13C NMR). Baik artelastokromen (1) maupun B-resorsilaldehid (2) tidak terlalu toksik terhadap nauplii udang Artemia salina Leach., masing-masing dengan LC50 298,2 dan 79,7 ug/mL. Artelastochromene a Diprenylphyranoflavone and Î’-Resorcylaldehyde from the Wood Trunk of Artocarpus LanceifoliusAbstract. Two phenolic constituent, namely artelastochromene (1), a diprenyl pyranoflavone, and β-resorcylaldehyde (2) had been isolated from the wood trunk of Artocarpus lanceifolius Roxb. (Moraceae), an endemic species of Indonesia, locally known as Keledang. The structures of both compounds were elucidated based on physical and spectroscopic data (MS, 1H and 13C NMR). Both artelastochromene (1) and β-resorcylaldehyde (2) showed very slight toxic effect against shrimp nauplii Artemia salina Leach., LC50 298,2 and 79,7 μg/mL, respectively

    Artoindonesianin-E suatu senyawa baru turunan flavanon dari tumbuhan Artocarpus Champeden

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    Sari. Suatu senyawabaru turunan flavanon, yakni 5,7-dihidroksi-2',4',6'-trimetoksiflavanon yang diberi nama artoindonesianin-E(1 ), telah ditemukan untuk pertama kalinya bersama-samad engan artokarpin (2) dan heteroflavanon-A (3) pada ekstrak benzena kulit batang tumbuhan Artocarpus champeden Spreng (Moraceae), suatu tumbuhan yang endemik untuk Indonesia, serta dikenal dengan narna Cempedak. Struktur molekul senyawa tersebut telah ditetapkan berdasarkan data fisika dan spekroskopi (MS, 1H dan 13C NMR).Artoindonesianin-E a New Flavanone Derivative from Artocarpus ChampedenAbstract. A new flavanone derivative, 5,7-dihydroxy-2',4',6'-trimethoxyflavanone named artoindonesianin-E (1) had been isolated for the first time, together with artocarpin (2) and heteroflavanone-A (3) from benzene extract of the tree bark of Artocarpus champeden Spreng. (Moraceae), a species endemic to Indonesia and locally known as Cempedak. The structure of this compound was elucidated based on physical and spectroscopic data (MS, 1H and 13C NMR)