1,105 research outputs found

    Nutritional and Bread-Making Quality of Wheat as Influenced by Mineral Fertilization in a Compost-Amended Regosol soil

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    This experiment was conducted to assess the effect of different levels of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilization on growth, grain yield, nutritional and bread-making quality of wheat in a compost-amended regosol soil. Wheat cultivar Minaminokaori was grown in containers containing a mixture of regosol and aerobic compost (2:1 v/v). This study comprised a non-fertilized control (F1) and six levels of NPK fertilizers: F2 (80 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 +40 kg K2O ha-1), F3 (110 kg N + 60 kg P2O5 + 55 kg K2O ha-1), F4 (140 kg N + 80 kg P2O5 + 70 kg K2O ha-1), F5 (170 kg N + 100 kg P2O5 + 85 kg K2O ha-1), F6 (200 kg N + 120 kg P2O5 + 100 kg K2O ha-1) and F7 (230 kg N + 140 kg P2O5 + 115 K2O kg ha-1). A significant improvement in agronomic performance, grain nutritional and bread-making quality of wheat was observed with the F6 treatment, it increased the grain yield (151.6%), crude protein (65.3%), water-soluble pentosan (40.5%), and dry gluten (4-fold) compared to the control. The F6 treatment also increased grain total N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Zn and inorganic phosphorus contents by 65.2, 33.6, 8.9, 19.7, 165.9, 26.1 and 80.0%, respectively, compared to control. However, it slightly increased grain phytate P content. The results from this study suggest that agronomic performance, grain yield, nutritional and bread-making quality of wheat can be improved with an appropriate dose of NPK in a compost-amended regosol soil

    Effects of sub-lethal concentrations of Euphorbia turcomanica extract on some liver biochemical parameters of Zebra Aphanius (Aphanius dispar)

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    In the present study, effects of sub-lethal concentrations of Euphorbia turcomanica extract with ranging from 0.00, 0.0055 (5% of LC50), 0.011 (10% of LC50) and 0.022 (20% of LC50) g/lit were investigated over 30 days on biochemical parameters of Zebra Aphanius (Aphanius dispar). The average (±SE) 24, 48, 72 and 96 LC50 rates of E. turcomanica on fish were 0.28±0.14, 0.19±0.06, 0.14±0.03 and 0.11±0.02 g/lit, respectively. The biochemical parameters including aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine phosphokinase (CK), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities in the liver tissue were measured after 15 and 30 days. Significant changes in AST, ALT, ALP, LDH and CK activities were observed in fish exposed to different concentrations of E. turcomanica extract when compared with control group. The significant increase was determined in AST, LDH and ALP while in ALT and CK, significant decrease was revealed. Also in liver total protein, a significant descending trend related to exposure time was demonstrated. In conclusion, the findings from this study provide basic information about toxicity of E. turcomanica extract on Zabra Aphanius, as well as developing guidelines for evaluating the effects of administration of E. turcomanica derivatives in water

    Seasonal Pattern of Acute Appendicitis in Basrah

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    Background: appendicitis is the most common acute surgical condition of the abdomen.Aim: The aim of the project is to study the seasonal variation in the incidence of acute appendicitis in Basrah and its correlation to gender, age, presentation and length of hospital stay of affected patients. Material and methods: Patients with acute appendicitis who admitted to the surgical unit in Basrah General hospital during the period from January 2010 to December 2013 were prospectively evaluated according to the demographic features, particularly age and sex, length of hospital stay, seasonal variation and the postoperative outcome.Results: out of 1261 patients included in the study (57%) patients were males and (43%) of patient were females with age range from 3-70 years. All the patients treated surgically by open and laparoscopic means. 34 patients found to have perforated appendix, 25 patients presented with abdominal mass and 7 patients were presented with appendicular abscess. A significant seasonal effect was observed, with the rate of acute appendicitis being higher in the summer months.Conclusion: Appendicitis is more common in males, in those aged 10-19years, and during the summer month

    Lead, Nickel, Copper, Cadmium and Zinc concentrations in airborne particulates and Lead in Blood, in Al- Tarmiayh city, north Baghdad-Iraq

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    The concentrations of lead, nickel, copper, cadmium and zinc in airborne particulates and lead in blood, have been measured in the area of Tarmiya, during a period of one year 2011.The air pollution levels caused by these elements are still in somehow comparatively medium or low. Concerning the Pb concentrations in blood from different groups of individuals, the levels do not exceed the safe limits. And we distinguish the groups of elements and stations by using multidimensional scaling (MDS)

    Tracing and Analysis of Manganese, Nickel, Cadmium ,Copper, zinc , Lead And Aluminum Concentration and PH Values In Iraqi Chewing Gums

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    Evaluation of trace elements in Iraqi chewing gums are unavailable, particularly pollution of toxic elements, materials which change the values of PH in the Oral. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) were successfully employed to determine the concentration of 7 trace elements (essentially toxic and nonessential) and the PH, in thirteen different brands of chewing gum generally consumed in Iraq. Combined wet and dry digestion procedures were applied. Two types of heated graphite tubes were used, coated and uncoated tubes treated with tungsten solution. Result showed that Cu, Al and Zn were at very high levels in almost all brands whereas Mn was found to be high in brands A and O only. Keywords: Trace metals – heavy elements, Chewing gums - AAS-  Baghdad – Iraq

    Fixed point theorem in fuzzy metric space for owc maps satisfying integral type inequality

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    This paper introduces the fixed point in complete fuzzy metric space, and how to find a common fixed point between occasionally weakly compatible mappings
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