348 research outputs found

    Effect of stocking density on the growth of Thai pangas, Pangasius sutchi (Fowler) in net cage fed on formulated diet

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    A three month long experiment was conducted to observe the effect of stocking density on the growth of Pangasius sutchi in net cages. The size of each cage was 1m³.The three stocking densities used were 40, 50 and 60 fishes/m³ and designated as treatment T1, T2 and T3 respectively. Each treatment had three replicates. All the fishes were of same age group having mean length and weight of 7.13 ± 1.37 cm and 2.46 ± 0.12 g respectively. The fish in all the net cages were fed a diet containing 34% protein. The result of the study showed that fish in the treatment T1 stocked at the rate of 40 fish/m³ resulted the best individual weight gain followed by T2 and T3 respectively. The specific growth rate (SGR) ranged between 3.51 and 3.09, the food conversion ratio (FCR) values ranged between 1.73 and 2.04 with treatment T1 resulting the lowest FCR. The protein efficiency ratios (PER) values were 1.69, 1.16 and 1.43 for treatment T1, T2 and T3 respectively. There was no significant (P>0.05) variation among the survival rates of fish which ranged between 92 and 95%. The net productions in different treatments were 2189, 2343, and 2283g for treatment T1, T2 and T3 respectively. The result of the present study indicated that the best individual growth of P. sutchi was obtained at a density of 40 fish/m³ but the highest total production was obtained at a stocking density of 50 fish/m³ in net cages

    Implementasi Discovery Learning Berbasis Think Talk Write Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Pada Aspek Peluang (Ptk Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas X Tekstil B Semester Genap Smkn 9 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015)

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    This research aims to increase the outcomes of learning mathematics through discovery learning based on think talk write strategy. This type of research is a classroom action research which was conducted at SMK Negeri 9 Surakarta. The subject of the research is class X Textile B SMKN 9 Surakarta which amounted to 31 students, and the subject of implementing measures is a teacher of mathematics class X Textile B. The technique of data collection is observation, field notes, testing, and documentation. The validity of data using triangulation of sources, triangulation of technique and triangulation of researcher. Based on these research results of increase the outcomes of learning mathematics can refer to indicators are: (1) The ability of students to ask / expression prior to action 22,58% increased to 67,74% at the end of the action. (2) students’s score are heigher than Standar Minimum Criteria that is greater than or equal to 67 prior to action 25,81% increased to 70,97% at the end of the action. This study suggests that the application of the discovery learning based on think talk write strategy can increase the outcomes of learning mathematic

    Effects of duckweed (Lemna minor) as dietary fishmeal substitute for silver barb (Barbodes gonionotus Bleeker)

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    A 60-day long growth trial was conducted to evaluate the suitability of duckweed Lemna minor as dietary fish meal substitute for silver barb (Borbodes gonionotus Bleeker). Five iso-nitrogenous diets were formulated to contain 35% protein and each treatment had three replicates with 15 fish in each aquarium with a mean initial weight of 1.5 ± 0.2 g. Duckweed was used in the experiment to replace 10, 20, 30 and 35% of the dietary fish meal in diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Fish meal was used as the sole source of protein in control diet (Diet 1). Fish were fed three times daily at satiation level. In terms of growth, food conversion and protein utilization, the control diet and diet containing 17.07% duckweed showed the best (P<0.05) performance followed by diets containing 34.14%, 51.21% and 59.24% duckweed. Fish fed diets containing higher levels of duckweed had higher carcass moisture and lower lipid content compared to the control diet. Histopathological examination revealed abnormalities in the liver of fish fed diets containing higher inclusion of duckweed. It was noted that 10% of the dietary fish meal protein could be replaced by duckweed (L. minor) in the diet of silver barb (B. gonionotus)

    Growth performance and morphological variations of local and Thai climbing perch (Anabas testudineus, Bloch)

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    Climbing perch locally known as koi (Anabas testudineus) is a popular food fish in our country. Thai climbing perch was introduced in Bangladesh from Thailand. To explore the variation in growth performance and orphological features of local and Thai climbing perch a study was undertaken. The highest gain in length, weight and SGR were found in Thai koi 12.23±0.38 cm, 55.83±0.53 g and 7.92±0.11 %/day respectively. Fourteen morphometric characters were studied where eleven (TL, SL, HL, HBD, LBD, DFL, PECFL, PELFL, AFL, UJL and LJL) showed significant difference (p<0.01) in Thai koi from the local ones. Of the meristic characters no. of dorsal fin rays (hard), anal fin rays (hard), caudal fin rays and scale along lateral line (upper and lower) as recorded from the Thai koi were significantly higher (p<0.01) than that of the local koi. The no. of dorsal fin rays (soft) in Thai koi were also significantly higher (p<0.05) from that of local koi. The number of vertebra were also variable in local and Thai climbing perch (25 in case of local koi and 26 in case of Thai koi). Hence, the results obtained form the present study satisfy the characteristics of A. testudineus which reveals that both the local and Thai koi belongs to the same species. Growth performance of Thai koi was better compared to local koi reared in same conditions

    Assessment of surface treatment on fatigue life of cylinder block for linear engine using frequency response approach

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    Objectives: This study was focused on the finite element techniques to investigate the effect of surface treatment on the fatigue life of the vibrating cylinder block for new two-stroke free piston engine using random loading conditions. Motivation: An understanding of the effects related to the random loading is necessary to improve the ability of designers to accurately predict the fatigue behavior of the components in service. An internal combustion engine cylinder block is a high volume production component subjected to random loading. Problem statement: Proper optimization of this component that is critical to the engine fuel efficiency and more robustly pursued by the automotive industry in recent years. A detailed understanding of the applied loads and resulting stresses under in-service conditions is demanded. Approach: The finite element modeling and analysis were performed utilizing the computer aided design and finite element analysis codes respectively. In addition, the fatigue life prediction was carried out using finite element based fatigue analysis code. Aluminum alloys were considered as typical materials in this study. Results: The frequency response approach was applied to predict the fatigue life of cylinder block using different load histories. Based on the finite element results, it was observed that the fatigue life was significantly influenced for the nitriding treatment. The obtained results were indicated that the nitrided treatment produces longest life for all loading conditions. Conclusion: The nitriding process is one of the promising surface treatments to increase the fatigue life for aluminum alloys linear engine cylinder block

    Dissimilar materials laser welding characteristics of stainless steel and titanium alloy

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    Welding parameters are directly influenced by the work material properties. Thermal properties such as thermal conductivity and melting point are very important to estimate the range of power required and the allowable scanning speed. However, when two or more different materials are involved, modifying lasing parameters are not enough to counter the problems such as imbalance melting region and weak adhesion of contact surface. To counter this problem, the characteristics of welding beads formation for both materials need to be clarified. In this study, comparison of welding beads constructed using the same scanning parameters were done to understand the different and similarity of melted region for the both materials. Actual welding of the both materials were done under different offset distance to obtain a balanced melting area and well mixed melting region

    Program Intervensi Narimo Ing Pandum untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Psikologis Keluarga Pasien Skizofrenia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh program intervensi Narimo Ing Pandum (NIP) untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologis keluarga dengan skizofrenia. NIP dikembangkan berdasarkan nilai-nilai Jawa yaitu kesabaran, kebersyukuran dan narimo. Responden penelitian ini adalah 2 keluarga yang merawat penderita gangguan skizofrenia. Pendekatan penelitian quasi experiment dengan desain kasus tunggal A-B-A design diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Ada dua instrument yang digunakan, yaitu Skala NIP dan Skala Kesejahteraan Psikologis. Analisis data digunakan Visual inspection dan analisis kualitatif. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa intervensi NIP dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologis keluarga yang merawat anggota keluarga yang mengalami gangguan skizofrenia. Meskipun dalam tahap tindak lanjut ada sedikit penurunan kesejahteraan psikologis, tapi sikap narimo ing pandum mereka masih stabil

    Register Used in Chanel Official Instagram Account(Sociolinguistics Perspective)

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    This research aims to (1) find out the linguistic form of the register in the Chanel official instagram account (2) to find out the meaning of the register from captions contained in the Chanel official instagram account. This research is descriptive qualitative which the data are captions from photos taken on the Chanel official Instagram account (www.instagram.com/chanelofficial). In analyzing data, the writer used the linguistic form theory of Marcella Frank (1972) to find out the type of linguistic form of the registers found and the writer used the theory of "Speaking" from Dell Hymes (1974) to find out the meaning of registers found in the Chanel official instagram account. The results of this study indicate that (1) the forms of language found were (a) Nouns (66,6%) (b) Adjectives (27,8%) (c) Verbs (5,6%) and (2) the meaning of the data are giving information (55,6%) and promoting product (44,4%)

    The response by selected rice genotypes to organic ameliorants in tidal swampland which is affected by Fe toxicity

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    Received: February 28th, 2022 ; Accepted: July 6th, 2022 ; Published: July 12nd, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] Fe toxicity in rice has been reported to be one of several major limitations in terms of wetland rice production. Previous studies have reported a decrease in paddy rice yields of between 12–100% due to this problem. A study was conducted in order to determine the growth and yield factors for selected rice genotypes as a response to the presence of organic ameliorants, and their interaction in controlling ferrous Fe toxicity levels in rice which is grown in tidal swampland. Experiments formed part of this study, with these being conducted in tidal swampland around Danda Jaya village and Belandean village in Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design to test the organic ameliorant treatments (the control was fresh Salvinia sp, with the compost being formed of Salvinia sp, plus rice straw, and cow manure as the main plots, and sub-plots being formed of rice genotypes (TOX-4136, Inpara-1, Inpara-2, Inpara-4, and IR-64). Results from the experiments revealed the fact that organic ameliorants could reduce ferrous Fe toxicity levels, as well as Fe content in plant tissues, while plant height and the number of tillers also decreased. Rice genotypes which are medium tolerant or fully tolerant to ferrous Fe toxicity when organic amelioration treatments are added can serve to decrease ferrous Fe toxicity and increase the number of filled grains and yield. Applications of fresh Salvinia and Salvinia compost were as effective as an application of rice straw and cow manures when it came to successfully increasing the yield of rice grown in tidal swampland. Ferrous iron toxicity in rice which has been produced in tidal swampland can be overcome by using tolerant genotypes (Inpara-1 and Inpara-4), or organic ameliorants (Salvinia sp)

    Knowledge and practices on food safety among secondary school students in Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

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    The issue of food safety is an issue that is discussed widely, but cases of food poisoning in particular, are still continuing. This may be associated with their own level of knowledge and practices on food safety. This study was aimed to examine the level of food safety knowledge and practices from two secondary school students, to investigate the association between food safety knowledge and practices with gender, to identify the correlation between food safety knowledge levels with practices and to compare the difference of knowledge and practices level between both of the school. Information concerning demographic, food safety knowledge and practices were collected using self administered questionnaire. 339 students comprising 202 male and 197 female from two schools were randomly selected to answer the questionnaire provided. Analyzed data obtained stated that knowledge on food safety was good for both school and their also practiced on food safety by 79.1% included in good practice range. Results also showed that a high level of food safety knowledge and practices was possessed by both groups, male and female students in quite similar value of means. Correlation between food safety knowledge and practices on food safety indicated, there was a small positive correlation with [r = 0.148, n = 221, p<0.05] for Sekolah Tinggi Arab Maahad and [r = 0.053, n = 178, p<0.5] for Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Gelang Patah