15 research outputs found

    The Menace of Political Godfatherism as a Factor in the Underdevelopment of Nigeria: Justifying Rostow’s Thesis

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    This article examined the menace of political godfatherism, one of the major internal factors hindering the advancement of the democratization process and development of Nigeria in order to validate Rostow thesis. The study employed the descriptive approach andtherefore collected its data from secondary sources. Moreover, the study examined the two opposing models on the subject of development and also discussed the problem of godfatherism and its implications on the democratization process and developmentof Nigeria. The paper suggests love, patriotism, hard work, sacrifice, commitment, condemnation of evil and celebration of good, not only for the elite class, but also for the entire citizenry. These could be used to stop the escalation of political godfatherism in order to enthrone true the democracy that is needed for national unity and development. In actualizing this, this paper concluded that the elite class needs to be saturated or dyed with positive attributes, which hinge on national unity and consciousness, development-oriented mentality, public-spirit and patriotism. These are essential to galvanize the available resources and generate the necessary sentiments for the progress and well-being of Nigerians

    Social Vices Associated with the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in a Private Christian Mission University, Southern Nigeria

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    This study is designed to address social problems associated with Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and implications they portend on studentship in a Private Christian Mission University, Southern Nigeria. It tries to find out how the engagement of ICT devices results in social vices on campus. Drawing from recorded data between 2006 and 2012 academic year, the study reported six ICT tools associated with eight social- ills. Relying on raw data of 900 students disciplined within this period, the study reported that 187 students were expelled while 46 were advised to withdraw due to their involvement in ICT-related vices. Moreover, the study shows that 78 students served 1 year suspension while 589 students were suspended for one month. Findings of the study also revealed loss of all student rights infinitely for expelled students, nearly all rights for those advised-to-withdraw and all for a specified period for the suspended students. Practical implications of these disciplinary actions are discussed and potential future directions on this subject are proposed

    A Study of the Socio-Economic Status of Work-Study Students, Covenant University, Ota

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    This study examined the socio-economic status of work-study students in Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria. The study used survey method (questionnaire) to collect information from 120 respondents. Findings of the study showed that a percentage change in parental income and occupation significantly increased the likelihood of student participation in work and study programme by 0.453 and 0.367 percentages. The above result is found significant at 5 percent (P<0.05) and 1 percent level of significance (P<0.001) respectively. The study concluded that a significant support of parental income and occupation played a significant role in student individual choices of whether to enroll for a work-study initiative or otherwis

    Effects of College Roommate Relationships on Student Development at a Private University, Southern Nigeria

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    This paper examined the effect of roommate relationships on students’ development in a selected university campus. It used questionnaire to collect data from 470 respondents in a faith based university, Ota, Ogun State Nigeria. The study engaged Spearman's correlation method to test hypotheses formulated for the study at 0.01 level of significance. The study found a correlation between roommate relationship and students’ academic performance and students’ spiritual life. The study equally found a correlation between roommate relationships and involvement of students in social vices. Moreover, the study discovered correlation between roommate relationships and students emotional stability. Lastly, the study found a correlation between roommate relationships and student resource management

    The Love of Money and Pay Level Satisfaction: Measurement and Functional Equivalence in 29 Geopolitical Entities around the World

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    Demonstrating the equivalence of constructs is a key requirement for cross-cultural empirical research. The major purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to assess measurement and functional equivalence or invariance using the 9-item, 3-factor Love of Money Scale (LOMS, a second-order factor model) and the 4-item, 1-factor Pay Level Satisfaction Scale (PLSS, a first-order factor model) across 29 samples in six continents (N = 5973). In step 1, we tested the configural, metric and scalar invariance of the LOMS and 17 samples achieved measurement invariance. In step 2, we applied the same procedures to the PLSS and nine samples achieved measurement invariance. Five samples (Brazil, China, South Africa, Spain and the USA) passed the measurement invariance criteria for both measures. In step 3, we found that for these two measures, common method variance was non-significant. In step 4, we tested the functional equivalence between the Love of Money Scale and Pay Level Satisfaction Scale. We achieved functional equivalence for these two scales in all five samples. The results of this study suggest the critical importance of evaluating and establishing measurement equivalence in cross-cultural studies. Suggestions for remedying measurement non-equivalence are offered

    Behavioral economics and monetary wisdom: A cross-level analysis of monetary aspiration, pay (dis)satisfaction, risk perception, and corruption in 32 nations

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    Corruption involves greed, money, and risky decision-making. We explore the love of money, pay satisfaction, probability of risk, and dishonesty across cultures. Avaricious monetary aspiration breeds unethicality. Prospect theory frames decisions in the gains-losses domain and high-low probability. Pay dissatisfaction (in the losses domain) incites dishonesty in the name of justice at the individual level. The Corruption Perceptions Index, CPI, signals a high-low probability of getting caught for dishonesty at the country level. We theorize that decision-makers adopt avaricious love-of-money aspiration as a lens and frame dishonesty in the gains-losses domain (pay satisfaction-dissatisfaction, Level 1) and high-low probability (CPI, Level 2) to maximize expected utility and ultimate serenity. We challenge the myth: Pay satisfaction mitigates dishonesty across nations consistently. Based on 6500 managers in 32 countries, our cross-level three-dimensional visualization offers the following discoveries. Under high aspiration conditions, pay dissatisfaction excites the highest- (third-highest) avaricious justice-seeking dishonesty in high (medium) CPI nations, supporting the certainty effect. However, pay satisfaction provokes the second-highest avaricious opportunity-seizing dishonesty in low CPI entities, sustaining the possibility effect—maximizing expected utility. Under low aspiration conditions, high pay satisfaction consistently leads to low dishonesty, demonstrating risk aversion—achieving ultimate serenity. We expand prospect theory from a micro and individual-level theory to a cross-level theory of monetary wisdom across 32 nations. We enhance the S-shaped Curve to three 3-D corruption surfaces across three levels of the global economic pyramid, providing novel insights into behavioral economics, business ethics, the environment, and responsibility

    The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil: Pay Satisfaction and CPI as Moderators

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    By incorporating pay satisfaction at Level 1 and Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) at Level 2, we investigated the relationship between the love of money and self-reported corrupt intent among 6,382 managers in 31 geopolitical entities across six continents. Our significant cross-level three-way interaction effect showed that for managers with high pay satisfaction, the intensity (slope) of the love of money to corrupt intent relationship was almost identical in high or low CPI entities but the former had the lowest magnitude of corrupt intent, whereas the latter had the highest. For those with low pay satisfaction, the slope was the steepest in high CPI entities, but was flat in the low CPI entities and the difference between the two was significant

    Monetary Intelligence and Behavioral Economics Across 32 Cultures: Good Apples Enjoy Good Quality of Life in Good Barrels

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    Monetary Intelligence theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critical concerns in the context and strategically select certain options to achieve financial goals and ultimate happiness. This study explores the bright side of Monetary Intelligence and behavioral economics, frames money attitude in the context of pay and life satisfaction, and controls money at the macro-level (GDP per capita) and micro-level (Z income). We theorize: Managers with low love of money motive but high stewardship behavior will have high subjective well-being: pay satisfaction and quality of life. Data collected from 6586 managers in 32 cultures across six continents support our theory. Interestingly, GDP per capita is related to life satisfaction, but not to pay satisfaction. Individual income is related to both life and pay satisfaction. Neither GDP nor income is related to Happiness (money makes people happy). Our theoretical model across three GDP groups offers new discoveries: In high GDP (rich) entities, \u201chigh income\u201d not only reduces aspirations\u2014\u201cRich, Motivator, and Power,\u201d but also promotes stewardship behavior\u2014\u201cBudget, Give/Donate, and Contribute\u201d and appreciation of \u201cAchievement.\u201d After controlling income, we demonstrate the bright side of Monetary Intelligence: Low love of money motive but high stewardship behavior define Monetary Intelligence. \u201cGood apples enjoy good quality of life in good barrels.\u201d This notion adds another explanation to managers\u2019 low magnitude of dishonesty in entities with high Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) (risk aversion for gains of high probability) (Tang et al. 2015. doi:10.1007/s10551-015-2942-4). In low GDP (poor) entities, high income is related to poor Budgeting skills and escalated Happiness. These managers experience equal satisfaction with pay and life. We add a new vocabulary to the conversation of monetary intelligence, income, GDP, happiness, subjective well-being, good and bad apples and barrels, corruption, and behavioral ethics