1,487 research outputs found

    Parity nonconserving two-pion exchange in elastic proton-proton scattering

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    Parity nonconserving two-pion exchange in elastic pp scattering is investigated in the presence of phenomenological strong distortions in various models. Parity violation is included in the nucleon-pion vertex considering NN and N Delta(1232) intermediate states in box and crossed box diagrams. Using the derived parity nonconserving two-pion exchange potential we calculate the longitudinal analyzing power A_L in elastic pppp scattering. The predicted effect is of the same order as vector meson exchanges.Comment: 13 pages, 8 eps figure

    Positive pion absorption on 3He using modern trinucleon wave functions

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    We study pion absorption on 3He employing trinucleon wave functions calculated from modern realistic NN interactions (Paris, CD Bonn). Even though the use of the new wave functions leads to a significant improvement over older calculations with regard to both cross section and polarization data, there are hints that polarization data with quasifree kinematics cannot be described by just two-nucleon absorption mechanisms.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Exact solutions of the isoholonomic problem and the optimal control problem in holonomic quantum computation

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    The isoholonomic problem in a homogeneous bundle is formulated and solved exactly. The problem takes a form of a boundary value problem of a variational equation. The solution is applied to the optimal control problem in holonomic quantum computer. We provide a prescription to construct an optimal controller for an arbitrary unitary gate and apply it to a k k -dimensional unitary gate which operates on an N N -dimensional Hilbert space with N≄2k N \geq 2k . Our construction is applied to several important unitary gates such as the Hadamard gate, the CNOT gate, and the two-qubit discrete Fourier transformation gate. Controllers for these gates are explicitly constructed.Comment: 19 pages, no figures, LaTeX2

    Electronic cooling of a submicron-sized metallic beam

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    We demonstrate electronic cooling of a suspended AuPd island using superconductor-insulator-normal metal tunnel junctions. This was achieved by developing a simple fabrication method for reliably releasing narrow submicron sized metal beams. The process is based on reactive ion etching and uses a conducting substrate to avoid charge-up damage and is compatible with e.g. conventional e-beam lithography, shadow-angle metal deposition and oxide tunnel junctions. The devices function well and exhibit clear cooling; up to factor of two at sub-kelvin temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Complete next-to-leading order calculation for pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions at threshold

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    Based on a counting scheme that explicitly takes into account the large momentum sqrt(M m_pi) characteristic for pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions we calculate all diagrams for the reaction NN --> NN pi at threshold up to next-to-leading order. At this order there are no free parameters and the size of the next-to-leading order contributions is in line with the expectation from power counting. The sum of loop corrections at that order vanishes for the process pp --> pp pi^0 at threshold. The total contribution at next-to-leading order from loop diagrams that include the delta degree of freedom vanishes at threshold in both reaction channels pp --> pp pi^0, pn pi^+.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Mortonin jalan ja Freibergin taudin yleisyyden ja variaation arviointi Pohjois-Suomen 1966 syntymÀkohortista

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    TiivistelmÀ. Mortonin jalka tarkoittaa jalkaterÀn anatomista poikkeavuutta, jossa ensimmÀisen varpaan metatarsaali (jalkapöydÀnluu) on lyhyt suhteessa toisen varpaan metatarsaaliin. Mortonin jalka on vÀestössÀ yleinen anatominen variaatio. Sen esiintyvyys vaihtelee eri maissa muutamasta prosentista kymmeniin prosentteihin. Freibergin taudilla tarkoitetaan vÀestössÀ suhteellisen harvinaista jalan toisen (harvemmin myös kolmannen tai neljÀnnen) metatarsaalin distaalipÀÀn nivelpinnan nekrotisoitumista ja sitÀ seuraavaa kiputilaa. Tauti on yleisempi naisilla kuin miehillÀ (suhteessa 5:1). TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa luokiteltiin Pohjois-Suomen syntymÀkohortti 1966 osaotoksen jalkaterÀröntgenaineistoa ja selvitettiin metatarsaalien pituuksia ja Freibergin taudin yleisyyttÀ ja variaatiota, sekÀ sitÀ, lisÀÀkö pitkÀ toinen metatarsaali Freibergin taudin kehittymisen riskiÀ. Yleisesti vakiintunutta menetelmÀÀ metatarsaalien pituuksien mittaamiseen ei ole, joten tutkimuksen alussa vertailtiin kolmea toisistaan poikkeavaa menetelmÀÀ; Hardy-Clapham, Maestron ja Coughlinin menetelmiÀ. Lukijan sisÀisen ja lukijoiden vÀlisen toistettavuuden mittauksissa yhtÀpitÀvimmÀksi ja siten lopulliseksi luokitusmenetelmÀksi valikoitui Coughlinin menetelmÀ, jolla mittaukset aineistoon suoritettiin. Tutkimus osoitti, ettÀ Freibergin tauti on suomalaisessa vÀestössÀ hyvin harvinainen, ja ettei toisen metatarsaalin pituus korreloi Freibergin taudin esiintyvyyden kanssa

    Introduction to the Special Issue on Pricing, Financing, Regulating Transport Infrastructures and Services

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    Re-analysis of the Levanluhta skeletal material : Sex and stature estimation of individuals in an Iron Age water burial in Finland

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    Levanluhta, an Iron Age water burial site in Finland, and its material consisting of commingled skeletal remains and artifacts, has been studied by several researchers over the past 100 years, resulting in multiple interpretations of the people and the site. Previous skeletal analyses have concluded that the majority of the individuals represented in the remains were females and children and were of relatively short stature, so possibly nutritionally deprived. This study re-analyzed the commingled adult human remains with updated methods. The methods applied in this study to estimate sex and stature were based on more representative European reference samples than the previously applied methods. The methods included morphology, osteometrics, and computed tomography (CT) scans. Our results indicated that depending on the reference data, the majority of the individual adult bones including os coxae (73%, n = 45) and long bones (humerus 83%-89%, n = 52; radius 72%-89%, n = 47; ulna 50%-65%, n = 58; femur 92%-100%, n = 25; tibia 77%-85%, n = 26) were classified as females based on their size and morphology. The cross-sectional bone properties of humerii, femora, and tibiae visualized using CT scanning also supported these findings. However, the cranial morphology did not show as clear female-biased sex ratio as other methods (42% females, 33% males, 24% undetermined, n = 33). In females, the mean stature based on the tibia (155.3 cm, n = 10) was within the range of the coeval European females and did not necessarily indicate nutritional deprivation, which is in line with previously published stable isotope findings from the site. The mean stature based on the tibia suggested that the Levanluhta males were short (164.0 cm, n = 3), but final interpretations were limited due to the small number of male individuals. The current study affirmed that the Levanluhta skeletal assemblage was female biased and gave new insights into interpretation of the stature.Peer reviewe

    Unitarity constraint for threshold coherent pion photoproduction on the deuteron and chiral perturbation theory

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    The contribution of the two-step process gamma + d -> p + n -> pi0 + d to the imaginary part of the amplitude for coherent pion production on the deuteron is calculated exploiting unitarity constraints. The result shows that this absorptive process is not negligible and has to be considered in an extraction of the elementary neutron production amplitude from the gamma + d -> pi0 + d cross section at threshold. In addition, it is argued that a consistent calculation of gamma + d -> pi0 + d in baryon chiral perturbation theory beyond next-to-leading order requires the inclusion of this absorptive process.Comment: 11 pages revtex including 2 postscript figure
