242 research outputs found

    The unitary conformal field theory behind 2D Asymptotic Safety

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    Being interested in the compatibility of Asymptotic Safety with Hilbert space positivity (unitarity), we consider a local truncation of the functional RG flow which describes quantum gravity in d>2d>2 dimensions and construct its limit of exactly two dimensions. We find that in this limit the flow displays a nontrivial fixed point whose effective average action is a non-local functional of the metric. Its pure gravity sector is shown to correspond to a unitary conformal field theory with positive central charge c=25c=25. Representing the fixed point CFT by a Liouville theory in the conformal gauge, we investigate its general properties and their implications for the Asymptotic Safety program. In particular, we discuss its field parametrization dependence and argue that there might exist more than one universality class of metric gravity theories in two dimensions. Furthermore, studying the gravitational dressing in 2D asymptotically safe gravity coupled to conformal matter we uncover a mechanism which leads to a complete quenching of the a priori expected Knizhnik-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov (KPZ) scaling. A possible connection of this prediction to Monte Carlo results obtained in the discrete approach to 2D quantum gravity based upon causal dynamical triangulations is mentioned. Similarities of the fixed point theory to, and differences from, non-critical string theory are also described. On the technical side, we provide a detailed analysis of an intriguing connection between the Einstein-Hilbert action in d>2d>2 dimensions and Polyakov's induced gravity action in two dimensions.Comment: 64 page

    Aneurysmaentwicklung nach Aortendissektion : eine retrospektive Vergleichsstudie zwischen konservativer und operativer Behandlung von Aortendissektionen Typ-B nach Stanford

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    Aortendissektionen (AOD) stellen lebensbedrohliche Krankheitsbilder dar. Trotz inten-siver Weiterentwicklung diagnostischer und therapeutischer Ansätze sind Patienten durch vielfältige Komplikationen in der initialen Akutphase und im postinterventionel-len Verlauf bedroht. Im Studienzeitraum vom 01.01.2008 bis zum 31.12.2011 wurden 35 Patienten (65,3 ± 12,92 Jahre, 28,6% weiblich) mit gesicherter Typ-B-Dissektion an unserer Klinik behandelt. Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit dem klinischen Outcome, Überlebens- und Reinterventionsrate im Kurz- und Langzeitverlauf sowie CT-morphologischen Veränderungen bezüglich Aortendiameter, wahrem und falschem Lumen (TL/ FL). 29 Patienten wurden initial mit Schmerzen, jeweils ein Patient mit Apoplex und Paraplegie, sowie jeweils vier Patienten mit Ischämien der Extremitäten und Viszeralorgane aufgenommen. Drei Patienten waren bei instabilen Kreislaufver-hältnissen katecholaminpflichtig. Es erfolgte bei 28,6% eine konservative und bei 68,6% eine operative Therapie (konventionell, endovaskulär, Kombinationseingriffe). Zur Beurteilung von Diameter sowie TL und FL wurden Messungen an sieben definierten Schnittebenen mittels multiplanarer Rekonstruktion durchgeführt. Die 30-Tage-Letalität lag bei 11,4% (4/35). Todesursache waren Multiorganversagen (n=2) und zerebrale Minderperfusion (n=1), ein Patienten verstarb präoperativ. Die Ka-plan-Meier-Analyse zeigte nach sechs Jahren eine Überlebensrate von 79,7% und eine Reinterventionsfreiheit von 69,1%. Im Langzeitverlauf kam es bei zwei Patienten zu einer Konversion zur endovaskulären Therapie. Bei 15 Patienten (acht operativ, sieben konservativ) konnten über einen Kontrollzeitraum von 1,47 - 5,95 Jahren Messungen an CT-Bildmaterial durchgeführt werden. Es kam bei 14 von 15 Patienten zu einer Zunah-me des Aortendiameters, thorakal durchschnittlich um 6,6 mm in der operativen Gruppe und um 9,4 mm in der konservativen Gruppe. In der operativen Gruppe war eine Regre-dienz des FL thorakal und abdominal zu verzeichnen, in der konservativen Gruppe kam es bei fünf von sieben Patienten abdominal zu einer Zunahme des FL. Insgesamt fand sich eine Aortenexpansion in 63,3% der Schnittebenen mit dissezierter Aorta. Initial hohe Morbiditäts- und Mortalitätsraten, sowie Komplikationen und Reinterven-tionen im Langzeitverlauf verdeutlichen die Komplexität dieses Patientenkollektivs und die Notwendigkeit für regelmäßige CT-angiographische und gefäßchirurgische Kon-trolluntersuchungen.Aortic dissection is a life-threatening disease with high initial morbidity and mortality. Acute and follow-up management of type B aortic dissection (BAD) still remains chal-lenging due to various complications even though diagnostic devices, surgical and endovascular techniques have improved in the past decades. Between January 2008 and December 2011, 35 patients with uncomplicated and com-plicated BAD (median age 65,3 ± 12,92 years, 28,6% female) received medical (28,6%, BMT) or surgical treatment (68,6%, open surgical (OSR), endovascular with TEVAR, combination). 29 patients were initially admitted with pain, one patient with apoplexy, one with paraplegia, four with visceral ischemia and four with limb ischemia. Three patients needed catecholamine therapy due to hemodynamic instability. We aimed to evaluate clinical outcome, survival and re-interventions, as well as CT-morphological changes of aortic diameter, true and false lumen (TL/ FL) through short- and long-term follow-up. In order to assess changes in aortic diameter, TL and FL we measured at seven predefined locations by multi planar reformat. We observed a 30-day mortality-rate of 11,4%, where four patients died out of 35. Causes of death were multi organ failure (n=2) and cerebral hypoperfusion (n=1), one patient died before surgery. Kaplan-Meier estimate over 6 years demonstrated 79,7% of cumulative survival and 30,9% re-intervention rate. During long-term follow-up con-version from prior conservative therapy to endovascular therapy was necessary for two patients. We performed CT-measurements of 15 patients (eight operative, seven medical) over mean-follow-up of 1,47-5,95 years. We observed increased aortic diameters in 14 out of 15 patients. Average growth was 6,6 mm in thoracic aortic segments of surgically treated patients and 9,4 mm in the medically treated group. Patients who received surgery showed a decrease in thoracic and abdominal FL, whereas an increase of abdominal FL was shown in 5 out of 7 medi-cally treated patients. 63,3% of analyzed section planes with visible dissection showed aortic growth. The complexity of aortic dissections including high morbidity- and mortality-rates as well as late complications and re-interventions emphasizes the need for CT-scans and long-term follow-up

    Tempos de pandemia: E agora, José? As aulas são online

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    Resumo: Neste estudo será abordado o momento de pandemia no Brasil, relacionando-o com o contexto educacional, para discutir sobre o processo de capacitação dos professores e alunos para atuarem nas aulas remotas. O objetivo é apresentar, dentro de uma perspectiva empírica, com aportes teóricos, as inquietações dos sujeitos envolvidos nesse processo de ensino e aprendizagem, frente à urgência de estar letrado com as Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDICs), ter o letramento digital. Discorre-se sobre a dificuldade dos professores, alunos, juntamente com os responsáveis, em saber utilizar as ferramentas digitais para as aulas remotas, visto que não era suficiente ter um celular e/ou um computador de última geração, era preciso utilizá-lo para fins pedagógicos. A discussão apresentada foi vivenciada em Rondônia. Nesse contexto, foi possível observar como o manuseio das tecnologias foi favorecido em tempos de pandemia. Houve provocação e intensificação do uso das TDCIs. Isso, certamente, deixou um legado para o aluno que pôde utilizar a tecnologia em prol do aprendizado escolar. Conclui-se, após essa vivência, que os envolvidos no processo das aulas remotas estão melhores preparados para atuarem nas práticas sociais que envolvem as ferramentas digitais

    Hochschulen, studentische Bedürfnislagen und psychische Gesundheit: Studierende der Universität Siegen in der Corona-Pandemie

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    Eine Befragung von Studierenden an fünf deutschen Standorten im Herbst 2021, die German Student Well-being Study (GSWS), hat gezeigt, dass Studierende, die ihre Bedürfnisse in der Pandemie durch die Politik wenig bis nicht berücksichtigt sehen, über einen besseren mentalen Gesundheitsstatus berichten als weniger kritische Studierende. Diese scheinbare Paradoxie erweist sich aus unserer Sicht anschlussfähig an den soziographischen Klassiker "Die Arbeitslosen von Marienthal" (Jahoda, Lazarsfeld und Zeisel 1933). Diese inhaltliche Anschlussfähigkeit haben wir mit qualitativen Folgeinterviews unter Siegener Studierenden weiter ergründet


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas susu segar yang diperoleh langsung dati peternakan dan susu segar edar yang diperoleh dari pedagang susu keliling dalam hubungannya dengan jumlah kuman E.coli dan tingkat pencemaran kuman S.aureus berlandaskan surat Keputusan· Direktur Jenderal Petemakan no 17 /Kpts I DJP I Deptan./ 83 tentang syarat-syarat, tata cara, pengawasan dan pemeriksaan kualitas susu produksi dalam negeri. Sampel penelitian ini berupa susu segar yang diperoleh langsung dari petemakan dan susu segar edar yang diperoleh dari pedagang susu keliling, masing-masing diambil sebanyak 10 sampel. Untuk: penghitungan kurnan E.cali digunakan metode Most Probable Number (MPN). Penanaman kuman S.aureus dilakukan pada media Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA)

    (Con)fusão de línguas : impasses entre hospitalidade e hostilidade frente a migração haitiana

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    Este estudo dedicou-se a abordar as confusões de línguas relativas aos impasses entre hospitalidade e hostilidade que incidem na experiência migratória de haitianos, aproximando os conceitos de Sándor Ferenczi de confusão de línguas e de desmentido à noção de hospitalidade conforme proposto por Jacques Derrida. Para tanto, buscou-se acessar a narrativa de sujeitos de origem haitiana que fizeram movimentos migratórios em direção ao Brasil. Suas narrativas permitiram testemunhar acerca de vivências singulares e coletivas atreladas ao processo migratório que permeou a experiência desses participantes. O reconhecimento das confusões no campo das migrações decorrentes das exigências impostas pelas configurações da “acolhida” operou como um interrogante fundamental que possibilitou problematizar a complexidade da experiência migratória no que concerne à qualidade da acolhida oferecida àquele que chega. As aproximações com o campo de pesquisa e com as narrativas dos participantes permitiram constatar como os impasses no laço social, entre migrantes e autóctones, são revestidos de hostilidade quando não há reconhecimento das diferenças, dos aspectos singulares que compõem a historicidade individual daquele que chega e, além disso, quando é exigido que este renuncie à sua cultura e à sua língua para ser “aceito” no país de destino. Além disso, constatou-se que experiências de violências, roubos e estupros, constituíram-se como impactantes testemunhos a respeito do incremento e do não reconhecimento das condições de vulnerabilidade dos migrantes, permitindo argumentar sobre como a hostilidade interfere, de modo devastador, na experiência de deslocamento, dificultando ainda mais a adaptação ao novo país. Evidenciou-se, também, a imprescindibilidade de reflexões acerca da postura ética do pesquisador, a qual pode constituir-se como mais um fator traumatizante se for guiada pelo desmentido que inviabiliza o reconhecimento e a genuína consideração aos aspectos singulares que concernem ao sujeito a quem se convida a testemunhar na experiência da pesquisa.This study was dedicated to addressing the confusion of languages related to the impasses between hospitality and hostility that affect the migratory experience of Haitians, approaching Sándor Ferenczi's concepts of language confusion and denial of the notion as proposed by Jacques Derrida. Therefore, we sought to access the narrative of subjects of Haitian origin who made migratory movements towards Brazil. Their narratives allowed testifying about singular and collective experiences linked to the migratory process that permeated the experience of these participants. The recognition of the confusions in the field of migration arising from the requirements imposed by the configurations of “welcoming” operated as a fundamental question that made it possible to problematize the complexity of the migratory experience with regard to the quality of the welcome offered to the arrival. The approximations with the research field and with the narratives of the participants made it possible to verify how the impasses in the social bond, between migrants and natives, are coated with hostility when there is no recognition of the differences, of the singular aspects that make up the individual historicity of the one who arrives and , moreover, when they are required to renounce their culture and language in order to be “accepted” in the country of destination. In addition, it was found that experiences of violence, robberies and rape constituted impactful testimonies regarding the increase and non-recognition of the conditions of vulnerability of migrants, allowing us to argue about how hostility interferes in a devastating way in the experience of displacement. , making it even more difficult to adapt to the new country. The indispensability of reflections on the ethical posture of the researcher was also evidenced, which can constitute another traumatizing factor if it is guided by the denial that prevents the recognition and genuine consideration of the singular aspects that concern the subject to whom it is addressed. invites you to testify in the research experience

    O SENTIDO DAS PALAVRAS "SOLTAS": Protocolo de leitura Circuito Fechado de Ricardo Ramos

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    R E S U M O: No presente artigo discorremos sobre leitura, de modo geral, e um protocolo desenvolvido para a compreensão do texto Circuito Fechado, de Ricardo Ramos. Argumentamos, também, sobre repetições, o sentido do texto, informações implícitas, propósitos das palavras e expressões. O objetivo é avaliar o procedimento, em observação à matriz de referência de Língua Portuguesa, especificamente dos descritores do tópico I. Contribuíram teoricamente: Antunes (2003), Magalhães e Machado (2012), Bortone e Martins (2008), Bortoni-Ricardo (2012). Ao concluir, defendemos que o docente, ao realizar a mediação da leitura, contribui para a aprendizagem significativa, formação de leitores proficientes e com a qualidade do ensino