455 research outputs found


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    В статье рассматривается влияние мотивации на запоминание информации и на устойчивость компетенции процессу «угасания»The article discusses the influence of motivation on retention of learned information and on comptency resistance to its los

    On a competency loss

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    The article describes the problem of students’ and graduate’s competency loss and methods, which can slow down this processРассматривается проблема «угасания» компетенций обучающихся и выпускников, а также методы, позволяющие замедлить этот процес

    Socio-psychological aspects of students’ attitudes to the use of psychoactive substances

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    Today increased attention to a healthy way oflife among students. This is due to the concern of society for the health professionals, produced by the higher school, the growth of TB morbidity in the process of professional preparation, declining health. One of the components of a healthy lifestyle is the prevention of bad habitsСегодня повысилось внимание к здоровому образу жизни студентов. Это связано с озабоченностью общества по поводу здоровья специалистов, выпускаемых высшей школой, ростом заболеваемости в процессе профессиональной подготовки, последующим снижением работоспособности. Одной из составляющих здорового образа жизни является профилактика вредных привыче

    Influence of orthopedic pathology on progression of children myopia

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    The problem of studying myopia as multifactorial disease remains relevant due to the increase and morbidity of the disease, particularly in childhood. One of the factors of progressing myopia among children - orthopedic pathology which progresses simultaneously with myopia - is discussed in the article. The aim of the work was to reveal dependance between orthopedic pathology and progression of myopia. A retrospective analysis of the restuls of prophylactic examination of children of decreed ages in 2007-2012 years was realized. The analysis of the results of medical examinations showed that myopia and accomodation spasm come to 80 % of cases in the structure of revealed ophthalmic pathology. It was revealed that orthopedic pathology accompanies and often provides development and progression of myopia. The increase of morbidity with refraction disorder is registered during 5years. Direct dependance between orthopedic pathology and progression of myopia was revealed

    Formación de la interacción social competencia de futuros especialistas del ámbito gerencial

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    Trends in the economic situation development in the Russian Federation determine the basic requirements for graduates of Russian universities in the direction of “management” training, whose professional competence depends directly on the level of mastering communication skills and social interaction skills. The social interaction competence for managers is the key one in the formation of professional competencies and affects the decision-making of many professional tasks. The social interaction competence plays an important role in the management personnel training because they have a need for constant interaction with people, staff and clients. Lack of social interaction competence can lead to failures in professional activities. Thus, the bachelor of management should have not only knowledge in the professional sphere, but also be able to interact with various specialists, clients, and partners, carrying out high-level social communication that can affect effectively the result of professional activity.Las tendencias en el desarrollo de la situación económica en la Federación de Rusia determinan los requisitos básicos para los graduados de las universidades rusas en la dirección de la formación de “gestión”, cuya competencia profesional depende directamente del nivel de dominio de las habilidades de comunicación y de interacción social. La competencia de interacción social para los gerentes es la clave en la formación de competencias profesionales y afecta la toma de decisiones de muchas tareas profesionales. La competencia de interacción social juega un papel importante en la capacitación del personal de gestión, ya que tienen una necesidad de interacción constante con las personas, el personal y los clientes. La falta de competencia de interacción social puede conducir a fallas en las actividades profesionales. Por lo tanto, el licenciado en administración debe tener no solo conocimiento en el ámbito profesional, sino también poder interactuar con varios especialistas, clientes y socios, llevando a cabo una comunicación social de alto nivel que pueda afectar de manera efectiva el resultado de la actividad profesional

    Лиганды сигнальных белков Ерас как инструменты для изучения их биологической активности и создания новых оригинальных лекарственных средств

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    The review discusses modern views about the structure and functions of Epac proteins (exchange proteins directly activated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate). The involvement of Epac proteins both in the regulation of the physiological functions of the body and in the initiation of various pathological processes allows to consider them as a fundamentally new biological target for creating original, highly effective drugs. Information on existing Epac protein agonists and antagonists was collected, and the influence of Epac ligands structure on the values of their affinity and selectivity was analyzed. Presumptive mechanisms of the interaction of ligands with Epac proteins are presented.В обзоре рассмотрены современные представления о строении и функциях белков Ерас (exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP, обменные белки, напрямую активируемые циклическим аденозинмонофосфатом). Вовлечённость белков Ерас как в регуляцию физиологических функций организма, так и в инициации различных патологических процессов позволяет рассматривать их как принципиально новую биомишень для создания оригинальных, высокоэффективных лекарственных средств. Собраны сведения о существующих агонистах и антагонистах белков Ерас, проанализировано влияние строения лигандов Ерас на значения их аффинности и селективности. Представлены предполагаемые механизмы взаимодействия лигандов с белками Ерас

    BRAFV600E mutation in anaplastic thyroid carcinomas and their accompanying differentiated carcinomas

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    Frequency of a BRAFV600E mutation in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, which is thought to be derived mainly from papillary carcinoma by multi-step carcinogenesis, is much lower than that in papillary carcinomas. To clarify this phenomenon, we analysed BRAFV600E mutation in 20 cases of anaplastic carcinoma and 13 accompanying differentiated carcinomas. Among twenty cases of anaplastic carcinomas, nine and four accompanied papillary and follicular carcinomas, respectively. BRAFV600E mutation was found in four (20%) cases. BRAFV600E mutation was found in three of nine (33.3%), none of four and one of seven (14.3%) anaplastic carcinomas with papillary carcinoma, follicular carcinoma and without differentiated components, respectively. All three papillary carcinomas accompanied by anaplastic carcinoma with a BRAFV600E mutation were also shown to have a BRAFV600E mutation. In summary, BRAFV600E mutation was occasionally observed in anaplastic carcinomas with papillary carcinoma, and the low frequency of BRAFV600E mutation in anaplastic carcinoma was thought to be due to the low frequency of anaplastic carcinomas with papillary carcinoma. These findings raise a question about the classical model of anaplastic transformation and suggest some roles of thyroid cancer stem cells in the generation of anaplastic carcinoma