13 research outputs found

    Option for Credit in Fundamenting the Financial Structure of Enterprise

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    The development of the economic activities make almost inevitable the necessity of completing the equities with sources which represent the object of the enterprise’s leveraging. In our paper, we intend to underline the effects of a correct debt policy, concretized in an optimum capital structure, respectively in establishment of such report between the debt capital and the equities that could determine a minimum weighted average cost of capital. Reaching the objective of the optimum financial structure could be achieved most of the time, on a pragmatic way, based on the analysis of many hypothesis of leveraging, the managers taking the option towards the maximization of the firm’s value.credit, effect of financial leverage, financial structure, cost of capital

    Scenarios of grounding the financial structure of the enterprise

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    The creation of an optimal financial structure of the invested capital will allow the act of minimizing the balanced medium cost of the capital and implicitly the act of maximizing the enterprise value. As a result, there exists a interdependence between the capitals’ costs – financial structure and that is why the issue of optimizing the capital structure makes the object of the capital structure policy, being an issue of financial management which differentiates, from the point of view of the efficiency, the competitors with similar financial efforts.financial structure, capital structure, CAPM, Gordon/Shapiro model


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    The tendency of passing from the internalization to the globalization of the economic life was an outstanding feature of the business background evolution on worldwide scale- during 20th century. This tendency was to be noticed in the field of the commercial transactions (the spreading out of the world commerce), of the foreign investments (output internationalization), of the organizational business structures (firm internationalization).settling up; commercial transaction; international economical globalization; internalization; GATT/OMC;

    The analysis of cost-profit-volume in making a decision about the volume of activity of a company

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    This work tries to dimension the volume of activity so that it can emphasis the break even point and the predicted volume for the desired profit. The relationship between volume-cost-profit, known as economies of scale, is explained by the unit profit growth as the volume of production raises, as a consequence of the decrease of the unit cost by reducing the fixed unit costs and keeping the variable unit costs as they are. There are analyzed the effect in trying to eliminate the competition and in practicing a political monopoly by the top companies and the measures of political economy undertook to erase the unfair competition and dumping.cost, profit, volume of activity, economies of scale

    The improvement of the financial structure in the domain of administrating the railway infrastructure

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    The improvement of the financial structure is achieved based on the constrains determined by a series of internal hexogen factors of the activity of the company, controllable or not in one way or another, that can affect the way in which a company appeals to finances through proper or loaned funds.financial structure, railway infrastructure, railroad network

    The investment - strategic decision for entreprise

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    The investment decision represents an important agent of the general policy, for the continuation and the increase of their activity. The necessity of achievement some important investments for national railway infrastructure is determined by the present situation of the railway transport system, insufficiently developed and an uncorrespondingly guality, this affecting the quality, the safety and travelling time from the departure point to the destination one, for persons and merchandise.investment decision, railway infrastructure, government policy, transportation system

    Banking’s implications on Romanian’s business environment in context of global financial crisis

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    The Romanian banking system is on the edge of becoming a mature one. Even if the last year represented a decrease of its profitability, the chance to be closer to the Western banking systems is still on the horizon. The main problem for the Romanian banks in 2010 is the government’s and central bank’s strategic vision on economic development. In our opinion, the main problems facing companies in our country are: late payments from customers or partners, declining demand, the depreciation of our currency, company liquidity, cash and inflation. For 2011, the resumption of economic growth is influenced by central bank monetary policy together with other components of overall economic policy. The paper addresses the impact of global financial crisis on business in our country and presents some considerations lines of action aimed at companies to adjust their costs.global financial crisis, trend, business environment


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