16 research outputs found

    Cultural Resources Investigations for the Bexar County Agricultural Extension, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas

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    Raba Kistner Environmental, Inc. (RKEI), was contracted by Debra Dockery Architects (CLIENT) to conduct an intensive cultural resources survey of 10.03 acres for the proposed Bexar County Agricultural Extension Station in Bexar County, Texas. All work was conducted in accordance with the Archeological Survey Standards for Texas as set forth by the Council of Texas Archeologists (CTA) and the Texas Historical Commission (THC) under Texas Antiquities Committee Permit Number 8403. The cultural resources field investigations for the Bexar County Agricultural Extension Station was conducted on October 2, 2018. The investigations included a background review and a pedestrian survey augmented by shovel testing and backhoe trenching. The background review revealed that no previous archaeological surveys had been conducted and no archaeological sites have been recorded within the Area of Potential Effect (APE). RKEI recommended an intensive pedestrian survey. During the pedestrian survey, evidence of modern disturbances was prevalent. Various utility installations within the lot impacted portions of the APE. Utility disturbances observed within the lot consisted of AT&T manholes, AT&T underground lines, a fiber optic line, and a sewer line. The AT&T manholes and lines were located in the eastern section of the project area, with the lines intersecting the southeastern portion of the project area. The fiber optic line was parallel with Edgar Drive on the southeastern boundary of the project area and did not impact the project area. A sewer line intersected the project area on the western side of the Salado Creek tributary. Additional disturbances included push piles, remains of homeless camps, and random trash piles. As part of the pedestrian survey, RKEI excavated 20 shovel tests within the 10.03 acre APE. Due to the high amount of gravels and cobbles in the soils, only one shovel test was excavated to 1.97 feet (60 cm) below surface, with the rest excavated to a depth of no greater than 1.37 feet (40 cm). The soils within the shovel tests consisted of mostly dark sandy clays over gravels, likely indicating disturbance. Soils in the eastern portion of the APE exhibited a higher content of yellowish sandy clays over gravels, this also may be due to disturbance from utilities placed in the area. No subsurface prehistoric or historic cultural materials were encountered within the shovel tests. In addition to the shovel testing, RKEI excavated three backhoe trenches within the APE. Backhoe trenches were excavated to a maximum depth of five feet (152 cm) below surface. The backhoe trenching confirmed the extent of disturbances on the lot. No significant prehistoric or historic cultural materials were observed within the spoils or trench walls. RKEI has made a good faith effort identifying cultural resources within the APE. No significant deposits or features were identified during the intensive pedestrian survey. As a result, RKEI does not recommend further archaeological investigations within the APE. However, should changes be made to the project APE, further work may be required

    Archaeological Investigations for the Planned Escondido Creek Linear Park, City Of Kenedy, Karnes County, Texas

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    Raba Kistner Environmental, Inc. (RKEI), was contracted by DUNAWAY Associates, L.P. (CLIENT), on behalf of San Antonio River Authority (SARA), to perform cultural resources investigations for the proposed Escondido Creek Linear Park Project in Kenedy, Karnes County, Texas. The project is sponsored by SARA, with public funding from the City of Kenedy. The undertaking will consist of the construction of a hike and bike trail, trailhead parking areas, a small amphitheater, parking spaces, picnic units, a playground, pavilion, associated restroom facilities, and two pedestrian bridges/weirs, within a 24.7 acre tract, along the banks of Escondido Creek. The undertaking will impact portions of Escondido Creek, a water of the United States, and lands owned by the City of Karnes. As such, the proposed undertaking is subject to review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) (16 United States Code 470) and its implementing regulations (36 Code of Federal Regulation 800), as well as the Antiquities Code of Texas (ACT). The purpose of the investigations were to identify any surface-exposed or buried cultural deposits within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) and, if feasible, assess their significance and eligibility for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NHRP). Investigations included an intensive pedestrian survey augmented with shovel testing and backhoe trenching, and a Historic Resources Assessment. All work was performed in compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA and the ACT under ACT Permit No. 8435. The cultural resources investigations were conducted over the course of three days, May 18, 22, and 23, 2018. Antonio E. Padilla served as the Principal Investigator for the project. Staff Archaeologist Chris Matthews and Archaeologist Jason Whitaker conducted the pedestrian survey and shovel testing. Backhoe trenching was conducted by Project Archaeologist Rhiana D. Ward, with the assistance of Staff Archaeologist Chris Matthews. Rhiana D. Ward also conducted the Historic Resources Assessment. A background review of the direct and indirect APE was conducted prior to investigations. The background review revealed that no previous cultural resource investigations or archaeological sites have been conducted or recorded within the direct or indirect APE. In addition to the background review, a review of the 1950, 1955, 1961, 1981, 1989, 1995, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 historical aerial photographs of the area was conducted. The historical aerial photograph review revealed potential historic resources along the eastern and central portions of the indirect APE. Additionally, the historical aerial photographs revealed that the majority of the direct APE along Escondido Creek has been mechanically altered due to the construction of US Highway 181, the realignment of the creek channel, and during flood prevention activities sometime prior to 1981. During the pedestrian survey, evidence of disturbance from the mechanical impacts were observed. Impacts consisted of grading and widening of the flood plain along the creek channel. Visual inspection of the surface identified modern trash scattered along areas near the US Highway 181 Bridge and along North 5th Street. Scatters of modern trash were also observed in areas where two-track roads intersected the two surface roads. Modern trash observed consisted of clear and brown glass sherds, paper, and plastic fragments. As part of the pedestrian survey, RKEI excavated 13 shovel tests (CM01–CM07 and JW01–JW06) along transects no greater than 98 feet (30 m) apart. Shovel tests were excavated at intervals between 328 and 492 feet (100 and 150 m) in areas where surface visibility was below 30 percent. Of the 13 shovel tests excavated, one (JW04) was positive for cultural materials. Cultural materials were encountered at a depth between 7.87 inches and 1.97 feet (20 and 60 cm) below surface and consisted of an two sherds of undecorated white earthenware and a piece of clear glass at a depth of 3.94 to 7.87 inches (10 to 20 cm), a piece of clear glass and an unidentifiable metal fragment at a depth of 11.81 to 15.75 inches (30 to 40 cm) and a bovine tooth at a depth of 1.64 to 1.97 feet (50 to 60 cm). Due to the presence of possible historic material encountered at a depth between 3.94 to 7.87 inches (10 to 20 cm), six additional shovel tests (CM08-CM10 and JW07-JW09) were excavated to further investigate the findings. During the excavation of the six additional shovel tests, one (JW09), was positive for cultural materials. Cultural materials encountered within JW09 consisted of a metal can top with can piercer (church key) punctures, an undecorated white earthenware sherd, and single pieces of clear and brown glass, at a depth between 3.93 and 7.87 inches (10 and 20 cm). An unidentified metal fragment and a piece of clear glass was encountered at a depth of 11.81 inches and 1.31 feet (30 and 40 cm). Due to the historic age cultural materials encountered within the two shovel tests within 30 meters of each other and more than three artifacts being recovered from a shovel test, the findings were designated as site 41KA216. Site 41KA216 is a 150 feet east/west by 39 feet north/south (46 m east/west by 12 m north/south) ephemeral historic scatter. The historic cultural materials encountered are most likely related to an early twentieth century homestead that is depicted on the 1950, 1955, and 1967 historical aerial photographs of the area. During the investigations, the historic cultural materials were encountered, mixed with modern cultural materials within two shovel tests at a depth of 3.93 to 7.87 inches (10 to 20 cm) below surface. Due to the mixed context and limited historic cultural materials, lack of a structure or other cultural features, and previous impacts within the APE, site 41KA216 lacks potential to provide additional information contributing to the regional history of the area. As such, RKEI assesses site 41KA216 as NOT ELIGIBLE for listing on the NRHP and no further work is recommended. In addition to the excavation of 20 shovel tests within the direct APE, RKEI excavated eight backhoe trenches (BHTs). BHT were excavated to a depths reaching 6 to 8.43 feet (1.83 to 2.57 m) below surface. Of the eight BHTs excavated, six were located along the channel of Escondido Creek, one was located within the proposed area of the amphitheater, and one was located in the area of the proposed restrooms. Excavation of the BHTs revealed evidence of disturbance along the channel of Escondido Creek. As previously mentioned, the central portion of the channel within the direct APE had been realigned during the construction of the US Highway 181 Bridge, realignment of the creek channel, and flood prevention activities. During the excavation of BHT03–BHT06, evidence of disturbance was observed, with the mixing of modern materials and historic materials reaching depths of 7.87 to 4.5 feet (20 cm to 1.37 m) below surface. No significant cultural materials or cultural features were observed. In compliance with Section 106, the indirect effects of the proposed project was considered. RKEI conducted a Historic Resource Assessment of a 150-feet (46 m) radius of the direct APE. Right-of-entry was not obtained for any properties beyond the direct APE, therefore the survey was conducted from the public right-of-way. As a result of the assessment, six historic resources (HR 1–6) were identified, including three commercial buildings, two residential dwellings, and one shed. No resources were considered potentially eligible for listing on the NRHP. In accordance with 33 CFR 800.4, RKEI has made a good faith effort in identifying cultural resources within the direct and indirect APE. Based on the results of the investigations, RKEI recommends that a NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES AFFECTED determination be made for the proposed undertaking and no further cultural resources investigations area warranted within the defined APE of the project. However, should changes be made to the project APE, further work may be required

    Public Scholarship at Indiana University-Purdue University

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    Community engagement is a defining attribute of the campus, and the current Strategic Plan identifies a number of strategic actions to “Deepen our Commitment to Community Engagement.” In May 2015, A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on Public Scholarship was established in May, 2015 to address the campus strategic goals to “recognize and reward contributions to community engagement” and “define community engagement work…in Faculty Annual Reports and promotion and tenure guidelines.” At IUPUI, scholarly work occurs in research and creative activity, teaching, and/or service. In terms of promotion and tenure, faculty members must declare an area of excellence in one of these three domains. The FLC on Public Scholarship is a 3-year initiative co-sponsored by Academic Affairs and the Center for Service and Learning (CSL). Seven faculty members from across campus were selected to be part of the 2015-2016 FLC, and two co-chairs worked closely with CSL staff to plan and facilitate the ongoing work. The FLC is charged with defining public scholarship, identifying criteria to evaluate this type of scholarship, assist faculty in documenting their community-engaged work, and working with department Chairs and Deans in adapting criteria into promotion and tenure materials. The intended audiences for this work includes faculty, community-engaged scholars, public scholars, promotion and tenure committees, external reviewers, and department Chairs and Deans. The following provides background to the campus context and a brief summary of work to date, including definition and proposed criteria to evaluate public scholarship.IUPUI Center for Service and Learning; IUPUI Office of Academic Affair

    Prevalence of chronic kidney disease among individuals with diabetes in the SUPREME-DM Project, 2005-2011

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    AIMS: Diabetes is a leading cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Different methods of CKD ascertainment may impact prevalence estimates. We used data from 11 integrated health systems in the United States to estimate CKD prevalence in adults with diabetes (2005-2011), and compare the effect of different ascertainment methods on prevalence estimates. METHODS: We used the SUPREME-DM DataLink (n = 879,312) to estimate annual CKD prevalence. Methods of CKD ascertainment included: diagnosis codes alone, impaired estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) alone (eGFR \u3c 60 mL/min/1.73 m(2)), albuminuria alone (spot urine albumin creatinine ratio \u3e 30 mg/g or equivalent), and combinations of these approaches. RESULTS: CKD prevalence was 20.0% using diagnosis codes, 17.7% using impaired eGFR, 11.9% using albuminuria, and 32.7% when one or more method suggested CKD. The criteria had poor concordance. After age- and sex-standardization to the 2010 U.S. Census population, prevalence using diagnosis codes increased from 10.7% in 2005 to 14.3% in 2011 (P \u3c 0.001). The prevalence using eGFR decreased from 9.7% in 2005 to 8.6% in 2011 (P \u3c 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that CKD prevalence and prevalence trends differ according to the CKD ascertainment method, highlighting the necessity for multiple sources of data to accurately estimate and track CKD prevalence