20 research outputs found

    Primer registro de la ballena de aleta Balaenoptera physalus para el Caribe mexicano

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    Background. Until 2015, the aquatic mammals biodiversity in the Mexican Caribbean was unknown, but was in that year when 18 species were confirmed to be distribute in this region, none of them a Rorcual species. Goals. The aim of this work is to report the first sighting of a Balaenopteridae whale in the Mexican Caribbean. Methods. CONANP patrolling activities at the National Park Isla Contoy were conduced. Results On 2th August 2018, a stranded-live whale was found. The animal was identified as a ~18m (in length)  fin whale Balaenoptera physalus (Linnaeus, 1758). Conclusions. This note is the first confirmed record of this species in the Mexican Caribbean increasing the list of confirmed aquatic mammal species distributed in this region.Antecedentes. Hasta 2015 la biodiversidad de los mamíferos acuáticos en el Caribe mexicano era desconocida, pero en ese año se confirmó la distribución de 18 especies en esta región, ninguna de ellas una especie Rorcual. Objetivos. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar el primer avistamiento de una ballena Balaenopteridae en el Caribe mexicano. Métodos. Se llevaron a cabo actividades de patrullaje de la CONANP en el Parque Nacional Isla Contoy. Resultados. El 2 de agosto de 2018, se encontró una ballena varada la cual se identificó como una ballena de aleta Balaenoptera physalus con una longitud de 18 m. Conclusiones. Esta nota es el primer registro confirmado de esta especie en el Caribe mexicano y aumenta la lista de especies confirmadas de mamíferos acuáticos distribuidas en esta región.&nbsp

    Professional competencies in Psychology: Students´ conception

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    Con frecuencia, las funciones desarrolladas por los profesionales de la Psicología y de la Psiquiatría son confusas y difíciles de delimitar para la población general, dificultando el reconocimiento público de la identidad propia de cada una de ellas y perpetuando estereotipos manidos sobre las mismas. Pero ¿qué ocurre respecto al alumnado de dichas disciplinas? Sería esperable un mayor grado de conocimiento y concreción en cuanto a las competencias que implican a estas dos profesiones, sin embargo, la investigación no siempre secunda esta afirmación. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo una aproximación inicial a las competencias que corresponden, según el alumnado de Psicología, a los profesionales de la Psicología y de la Psiquiatría, manifestando sus diferencias y similitudes. Para ello se tomó una muestra de 210 alumnos/as pertenecientes a la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Sevilla, divididos en grupos de 70 según su pertenecía a 3º, 4º o 5º de licenciatura y 3º curso del nuevo Grado en Psicología, a quienes se les administró el Cuestionario de Actitudes hacia la Psicología Clínica y los Psicólogos, de elaboración propia, del cual se seleccionó un único ítem consistente en una tabla resumen de afirmaciones acerca de posibles aptitudes y tareas características de dichos profesionales, debiendo mostrar los participantes su acuerdo o desacuerdo con las mismas respecto a uno u otro profesional (psicólogo / psiquiatra). Los resultados parecen indicar el establecimiento de diferencias precisas entre las características y funciones que comparten ambas disciplinas y cuáles las diferencian con independencia del plan de estudios o curso de pertenencia. No obstante se detecta un considerable número de atribuciones populares hacía una y otra profesión, por lo que se estima necesario en el futuro modificar algunas de las premisas docentes actuales, más orientadas a las cuestiones técnicas y menos a establecer las bases de lo que podría denominarse “Rol del psicólogo clínico”.Frequently the functions developed by professionals of Psychology and Psychiatry are confused and hard to delimit for the general population, obstructing the general recognition of the own identity of each one and perpetuating stereotypes about them. But, what happens with the students of these areas? It was expected a bigger grade of knowledge and concretion about the competencies that involve both professions, however, the investigation is not always supporting this affirmation. The present study has as objective an initial approximation to the competencies that correspond, according to the Psychology student body, to Psychology and Psychiatry professionals, manifesting their similarities and differences. For this it was taken a sample of 210 students that belong to the Psychology Faculty from the University of Seville, divided according to belong to 3rd, 4th or 5th degree of the old plan of studies (licenciatura), and 3rd degree of the new plan of studies (grado), whom were administer the Questionnaire of Atitudes about Clinical Psychology and the Psychologists, of own elaboration, from which was selected a single item that consisted in a resume table of affirmations about the probable aptitudes and characteristic tasks of this professionals, where the participants have to answer agreement or disagreement with these affirmations according to one or other professional (Psychologist/Psychiatric). The results seem indicate the establishment of differences between the characteristics and functions that share both disciplines and which differences, independently from the study plan or course. However it’s detected a huge number of popular attributions towards one or another profession, why is estimated the need in the future of modify some present teaching premises, more oriented to technical questions and less to establish the basis of what could be named “Role of the clinical psychologist”

    Aquatic mammals from the Mexican Caribbean; a review

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    We present a review of the aquatic mammal species occurring in the Mexican Caribbean. Several published sources were reviewed to find information about aquatic mammals reported for the Mexican Caribbean. Additionally, we consulted 29 national and international collections and museums. Based on documents, collections, direct records and local news, we analyzed 18 confirmed species of aquatic mammals for the study area [Tursiops truncatus, Stenella clymene, S. frontalis, S. longirostris, Steno bredanensis, Grampus griseus, Globicephala macrorhynchus, Peponocephala electra; Pseudorca crassidens, Orcinus orca, Physeter macrocephalus, Kogia breviceps, K. sima, Ziphius cavirostris, Mesoplodon europaeus, Trichechus manatus manatus, Lontra longicaudis annectens and Monachus tropicalis (extinct)]. In order to gather solid baseline information that enhances efficient long-term management, regular and systematic population censuses of the aquatic mammal community are recommended. We recommend the use of the Mexican Caribbean area as a separate unit of management and conservation, differently as has been included in the macro region Gulf of Mexico/Mexican Caribbean

    Propuesta de un plan de mejora del clima organizacional para el ICBF Regional Boyacá

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    EncuestasEn toda entidad debe existir un clima organizacional agradable para que los trabajadores puedan realizar sus funciones con sentido de pertenencia y a la vez dar cumplimiento a los objetivos planteados por la empresa. Esta investigación se enfocó en el diagnóstico y análisis del clima organizacional y su influencia en el ámbito laboral en los trabajadores del ICBF regional Boyacá, dicho estudio se realizó mediante la aplicación de encuestas, las cuales a través de un análisis cuantitativo permitieron obtener información relevante para proponer estrategias de mejora.In any entity there must be a pleasant organizational climate so that workers can perform their duties with a sense of belonging and at the same time meet the objectives set by the company. This research focused on the diagnosis and analysis of the organizational climate and its influence on the work environment in the workers of the ICBF regional Boyacá, this study was conducted through the application of surveys, which through a quantitative analysis allowed to obtain relevant information to propose improvement strategies

    Capitulo 2. Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias Básicas, Ingeniería y Tecnología

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    La diseminación de la Levitación Magnética, a pesar de lo antiguo de su tecnología, ha sido limitada. Debido a sus inconvenientes prácticos de implementación, su uso es bastante restringido, comparado con otras tecnologías (SCMaglev japonés, Transrapid alemán, o productos comerciales para ocio y entretenimiento). Con el boom de las tecnologías limpias y amigables con el medio ambiente y en concordancia con los objetivos del milenio, es pertinente plantearse el objetivo de optimizar el proceso de Levitación Magnética para generar un aprovechamiento de las ventajas de esta tecnología a nivel mecánico, eléctrico, y ambiental.  Actualmente la UNAD adelanta un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo es generar un modelo físico matemático de levitación magnética para aplicaciones en ingeniería. De este proyecto se ha derivado una primera revisión sistemática de los principios físicos y los modelos vigentes en Levitación Magnética

    The adaptation of the Millon Index of Personality Styles to a Peruvian population of university students

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    The purpose of the study was the adaptation of the MIPS (1994) toa population of 390 university students of Lima ( 188 men and 202 women). The inventory was adapted to the Spanishs poken in Peru. The psychometrical analysis revealed a reliability index of .70 as well as astructural internal validity. Most of the scales presented acceptable levels of internal consistency.The comparison with the studies carried out in Spain and USA showed that the levels of internal-consistency were similar to those found in the Spanish population and slightly below tothose found in the North American population. The analysis of the differences between the averages in each one of the se al es indicated greater discrepancies between the Peruvian populationand the Spanish, than between the Peruvian popular ion and the Nonh American

    Citizen Science as a Tool to Get Baseline Ecological and Biological Data on Sharks and Rays in a Data-Poor Region

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    The Mexican Caribbean is in one of the regions with the greatest diversity of elasmobranchs in the world. However, the population status of most of the shark and ray species in this region is unknown. We used a citizen science program based on divers to collect data about the diversity, abundance, and distribution of elasmobranchs in this region. We visited dive centers in six locations and performed structured interviews with divemasters, instructors, and owners of the diving centers. In total, 79 divers were interviewed, of which 69% had more than five years’ experience diving in the Mexican Caribbean. Divers could identify 24 elasmobranch species for this region. Most of the divers (82%) reported a decrease in sightings of sharks and rays. Rays were the most frequently sighted species by divers (89%), and the spotted eagle ray (A. narinari) was the most common elasmobranch species reported in the region. Citizen science was a useful approach gathering for baseline information about sharks and rays in the Mexican Caribbean, increasing our knowledge of the abundance and distribution of some species in this region. Citizen science affords the opportunity to obtain long-term data that can be useful for management and conservation

    Citizen Science as a Tool to Get Baseline Ecological and Biological Data on Sharks and Rays in a Data-Poor Region

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    The Mexican Caribbean is in one of the regions with the greatest diversity of elasmobranchs in the world. However, the population status of most of the shark and ray species in this region is unknown. We used a citizen science program based on divers to collect data about the diversity, abundance, and distribution of elasmobranchs in this region. We visited dive centers in six locations and performed structured interviews with divemasters, instructors, and owners of the diving centers. In total, 79 divers were interviewed, of which 69% had more than five years’ experience diving in the Mexican Caribbean. Divers could identify 24 elasmobranch species for this region. Most of the divers (82%) reported a decrease in sightings of sharks and rays. Rays were the most frequently sighted species by divers (89%), and the spotted eagle ray (A. narinari) was the most common elasmobranch species reported in the region. Citizen science was a useful approach gathering for baseline information about sharks and rays in the Mexican Caribbean, increasing our knowledge of the abundance and distribution of some species in this region. Citizen science affords the opportunity to obtain long-term data that can be useful for management and conservation