98 research outputs found

    Help-seeking for mental health issues in deployed Canadian Armed Forces personnel at risk for moral injury

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    Objective: Potentially morally injurious experiences (PMIE) (events that transgress an individual’s subjective moral standards) have been associated with psychologically distressing moral emotions such as shame and guilt. Military leaders and clinicians have feared that those with PMIEs may be less likely to seek help due to the withdrawing nature of shame/guilt; however, to date, help-seeking patterns of military personnel with PMIEs has not been explored. Our objective is to address this research gap. Method: Data from a nationally-representative mental health survey of active Canadian military personnel were analysed. To assess the association between exposure to three PMIEs and past-year help-seeking across different provider categories (i.e. professionals, para-professionals (those delegated with mental health advisory tasks but are not licenced to practice as medical professionals), non-professionals), a series of logistic regressions were conducted, controlling for exposure to other deployment and non-deployment-related psychological trauma, psychiatric variables, military factors, and sociodemographic variables. Analytical data frame included only personnel with a history of Afghanistan deployment (N = 4854). Results: Deployed members exposed to PMIEs were more likely to seek help from their family doctor/general practitioner (OR = 1.72; 95%CI = 1.25–2.36), paraprofessionals (OR = 1.72; 95%CI = 1.25–2.36), and non-professionals (OR = 1.44; 95%CI = 1.06–1.95) in comparison to members not exposed to PMIEs. Those exposed to PMIEs were also more likely to seek professional care from the civilian health care system (OR = 1.94; 95%CI = 1.27–2.96). Conclusion: Contrary to long-held, but untested, assumptions regarding the impact of PMIEs on help-seeking, we found those with PMIEs are more likely to seek help from gatekeeper professionals (i.e. general practitioners), para-professionals, and non-professionals rather than specialized mental health professionals (e.g. psychologists). Increased utilization of civilian professionals raises concerns that active military members may be avoiding military health services. Clinically, this highlights the need to increase awareness of moral injury to ensure that actively serving military members are provided with appropriate advice and treatment

    The influence of depression-PTSD comorbidity on health-related quality of life in treatment-seeking veterans

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    Objective: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression substantially impair healthrelated quality of life (HRQOL) for many Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) veterans. Although PTSD and depression are highly comorbid, little is known about whether the disorders may interact in their association with HRQOL. We sought to investigate whether depressive symptoms modify the relation between PTSD and HRQOL in treatment-seeking veterans. Method: We accessed the clinical data of 545 CAF veterans aged 18 to 65 years who were seeking treatment at a specialized clinic in London, Ontario. We used hierarchical linear regression to assess the additive and multiplicative relations between depression and PTSD symptoms on HRQOL, controlling for age and alcohol/substance abuse. Simple slopes were examined to probe significant interactions. Results: Probable PTSD and major depression were present in 77.4% and 85.3% of the sample, respectively, and 73.0% of the sample presented with probable PTSD-depression comorbidity. Depression symptoms significantly modified the relation between PTSD symptoms and overall mental HRQOL (β = 0.12,

    Feeling safe at work:Development and validation of the Psychological Safety Inventory

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    Psychological safety, defined as perceptions that an individual within a team is supported and feels safe to take interpersonal risks, voice opinions, and share ideas, is vital for organizational effectiveness. However, there is no consensus on how workplace psychological safety should be measured. We developed the Psychological Safety Inventory (PSI) in response to organizational needs to accurately assess psychological safety. A 70-item version of the PSI was administered to 497 employees from Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Based on factor analytic findings, we reduced the preliminary PSI to a 30-item, five-factor scale. The PSI showed high reliability and correlated as anticipated with convergent measures. Overall, the PSI is a valid and reliable measure of workplace psychological safety.</p

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and well-being of Veterans’ spouses: a cross sectional analysis

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    Background COVID-19 has negatively impacted the mental health and well-being of both Canadians and the world as a whole, with Veterans, in particular, showing increased rates of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Spouses and common-law partners often serve as primary caregivers and sources of support for Veterans, which may have a deleterious effect on mental health and increase risk of burnout. Pandemic related stressors may increase burden and further exacerbate distress; yet the effect of the pandemic on the mental health and well-being of Veterans’ spouses is currently unknown. This study explores the self-reported mental health and well-being of a group of spouses of Canadian Armed Forces Veterans and their adoption of new ways to access healthcare remotely (telehealth), using baseline data from an ongoing longitudinal survey. Methods Between July 2020 and February 2021, 365 spouses of Veterans completed an online survey regarding their general mental health, lifestyle changes, and experiences relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also completed were questions relating to their use of and satisfaction with health-care treatment services during the pandemic. Results Reported rates of probable major depressive disorder (MDD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), alcohol use disorder (AUD), and PTSD were higher than the general public, with 50–61% believing their symptoms either directly related to or were made worse by the pandemic. Those reporting being exposed to COVID-19 were found to have significantly higher absolute scores on mental health measures than those reporting no exposure. Over 56% reported using telehealth during the pandemic, with over 70% stating they would continue its use post-pandemic. Conclusions This is the first Canadian study to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic specifically on the mental health and well-being of Veterans’ spouses. Subjectively, the pandemic negatively affected the mental health of this group, however, the pre-pandemic rate for mental health issues in this population is unknown. These results have important implications pertaining to future avenues of research and clinical/programme development postpandemic, particularly relating to the potential need for increased support for spouses of Veterans, both as individuals and in their role as supports for Veterans

    The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Moral Injury in the Canadian Armed Forces

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    Background: There is increasing evidence that moral injuries (MIs) may affect the mental health of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and veterans. Despite knowledge suggesting that MIs are related to multiple negative mental health outcomes, including the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it is unknown whether pre-traumatic variables, including the presence of childhood abuse, are related to MIs. Objective: This study seeks to investigate the potential relationship between adverse childhood experiences and later onset MI in military members. Methods: Thirty-three patients newly admitted to an inpatient unit for treatment of trauma-related disorders received a standardized self-assessment package, including the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), the Moral Injury Events Scale (MIES; adapted for the Canadian context), and the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (ACE-Q), which is a retrospective measure of childhood abuse. Results: Analyses revealed a significant relation between childhood emotional abuse and the presence of MI in adulthood. Specifically, emotional abuse during childhood was correlated with total score on the MIES (p = 0.006) and with its two subscales, perceived betrayals (p = 0.022) and perceived transgressions (p = 0.016). These correlations remained significant when controlling for age and gender. Conclusions: Among CAF members and veterans, childhood events are related to the presence of MI during adulthood. These preliminary data are provocative in suggesting that emotional abuse during childhood may increase the likelihood of endorsing MI during adult military service. Further work is needed to identify pre-traumatic variables that may serve to increase risk or enhance resilience to the development of MI in military members

    The mediating roles of workplace support and ethical work environment in associations between leadership and moral distress: a longitudinal study of Canadian health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in heightened moral distress among health care workers (HCWs) worldwide. Past research has shown that effective leadership may mitigate potential for the development of moral distress. However, no research to date has considered the mechanisms by which leadership might have an influence on moral distress. We sought to evaluate longitudinally whether Canadian HCWs’ perceptions of workplace support and ethical work environment would mediate associations between leadership and moral distress.MethodsA total of 239 French- and English-speaking Canadian HCWs employed during the COVID-19 pandemic were recruited to participate in a longitudinal online survey. Participants completed measures of organizational and supervisory leadership at baseline and follow-up assessments of workplace support, perceptions of an ethical work environment, and moral distress.ResultsAssociations between both organizational and supervisory leadership and moral distress were fully mediated by workplace supports and perceptions of an ethical work environment.DiscussionTo ensure HCW well-being and quality of care, it is important to ensure that HCWs are provided with adequate workplace supports, including manageable work hours, social support, and recognition for efforts, as well as an ethical workplace environment

    Defining and Assessing the Syndrome of Moral Injury:Initial Findings of the Moral Injury Outcome Scale Consortium

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    Potentially morally injurious events (PMIEs) entail acts of commission (e.g., cruelty, proscribed or prescribed violence) or omission (e.g., high stakes failure to protect others) and bearing witness (e.g., to grave inhumanity, to the gruesome aftermath of violence), or being the victim of others' acts of commission (e.g., high stakes trust violations) or omission (e.g., being the victim of grave individual or systemic failures to protect) that transgress deeply held beliefs and expectations about right and wrong. Although there is a proliferation of interest in moral injury (the outcome associated with exposure to PMIEs), there has been no operational definition of the putative syndrome and no standard assessment scheme or measure, which has hampered research and care in this area. We describe an international effort to define the syndrome of moral injury and develop and validate the Moral Injury Outcome Scale (MIOS) in three stages. To ensure content validity, in Stage I, we conducted interviews with service members, Veterans, and clinicians/Chaplains in each country, inquiring about the lasting impact of PMIEs. Qualitative analysis yielded six operational definitions of domains of impact of PMIEs and components within domains that establish the parameters of the moral injury syndrome. From the domain definitions, we derived an initial pool of scale items. Stage II entailed scale refinement using factor analytic methods, cross-national invariance testing, and internal consistency reliability analyses of an initial 34-item MIOS. A 14-item MIOS was invariant and reliable across countries and had two factors: Shame-Related (SR) and Trust-Violation-Related (TVR) Outcomes. In Stage III, MIOS total and subscale scores had strong convergent validity, and PMIE-endorsers had substantially higher MIOS scores vs. non-endorsers. We discuss and contextualize the results and describe research that is needed to substantiate these inaugural findings to further explore the validity of the MIOS and moral injury, in particular to examine discriminant and incremental validity.</p

    Defining and Assessing the Syndrome of Moral Injury:Initial Findings of the Moral Injury Outcome Scale Consortium

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    Potentially morally injurious events (PMIEs) entail acts of commission (e.g., cruelty, proscribed or prescribed violence) or omission (e.g., high stakes failure to protect others) and bearing witness (e.g., to grave inhumanity, to the gruesome aftermath of violence), or being the victim of others' acts of commission (e.g., high stakes trust violations) or omission (e.g., being the victim of grave individual or systemic failures to protect) that transgress deeply held beliefs and expectations about right and wrong. Although there is a proliferation of interest in moral injury (the outcome associated with exposure to PMIEs), there has been no operational definition of the putative syndrome and no standard assessment scheme or measure, which has hampered research and care in this area. We describe an international effort to define the syndrome of moral injury and develop and validate the Moral Injury Outcome Scale (MIOS) in three stages. To ensure content validity, in Stage I, we conducted interviews with service members, Veterans, and clinicians/Chaplains in each country, inquiring about the lasting impact of PMIEs. Qualitative analysis yielded six operational definitions of domains of impact of PMIEs and components within domains that establish the parameters of the moral injury syndrome. From the domain definitions, we derived an initial pool of scale items. Stage II entailed scale refinement using factor analytic methods, cross-national invariance testing, and internal consistency reliability analyses of an initial 34-item MIOS. A 14-item MIOS was invariant and reliable across countries and had two factors: Shame-Related (SR) and Trust-Violation-Related (TVR) Outcomes. In Stage III, MIOS total and subscale scores had strong convergent validity, and PMIE-endorsers had substantially higher MIOS scores vs. non-endorsers. We discuss and contextualize the results and describe research that is needed to substantiate these inaugural findings to further explore the validity of the MIOS and moral injury, in particular to examine discriminant and incremental validity.</p
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