607 research outputs found

    Structural analysis of behavioral freedom in free‐ranging and captive chimpanzees

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    Behavioral freedom is becoming an increasingly important issue bridging animal welfare and conservation biology. This study focused on range size and spatiotemporal variation in Western chimpanzees, creating a novel index for behavioral freedom. Direct observations were conducted on a group of seven free-ranging chimpanzees in Bossou, Guinea, during 10-hr observation periods over 10 days, and on a group of five captive individuals at the Kumamoto Sanctuary during 7-hr observation periods over 7 days. Bossou chimpanzees showed dynamic ranging patterns; their range size was larger, and their day and time-of-day ranges did not generally overlap. Additionally, the average time-of-day range was 5.2 times greater than the day range. In contrast, sanctuary chimpanzees showed a static ranging pattern, with a smaller range size and a time-of-day range to day range ratio of 1.0. Therefore, the time-of-day range to day range ratio is a suitable quantitative index of behavioral freedom in chimpanzees

    Policy Responses to the Post-bubble Adjustments in Japan: A Tentative Review

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    This paper provides a very tentative review of the monetary and prudential policy responses to the post-bubble adjustments in Japan. The adjustments after the collapse of the bubble have been prolonged due to (1) the rapid downward revision of the expected economic growth rate; (2) balance-sheet adjustments on the part of firms; and (3) the malfunctioning of the financial intermediary system stemming from its nonperforming-asset problem. We use four yardsticks, Marshallian k, Taylor rule, the equity yield spread, and the short-term real interest rate for assessing the monetary easing. The results suggest that the timing of policy reversal was swift and the magnitude of easing in the early phase could be viewed as broadly adequate for dealing with a normal business cycle. It is possible to argue that the effects of the bursting of the bubble might have not been sufficiently taken into account. It should be noted the outcome would not have differed greatly even if the drastic monetary easing that eventually took place had been decided at an earlier point in time without a fundamental cure of the nonperforming- asset problem. A considerable achievement of prudential policy in the period under review is that systemic risk was avoided with the cost being delayed in establishing a legal framework for handling troubled financial institutions and in organizing a comprehensive safety net. As a result of this delay, it took a long time to deal with the nonperforming- asset problem. This, in turn, posed a serious drag on the economy. Our preliminary conclusion about the lesson we should draw from this experience is the importance for the Bank of Japan of identifying the precise impacts of shocks on the economy as well as their transmission mechanism promptly and thereby minimizing adjustment costs. It should also be conducive for the Bank to address actively structural issues that may influence the effectiveness of its policy measures.

    Algebraic geometry of the eigenvector mapping for a free rigid body

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    AbstractThe present paper deals with the algebro-geometric aspects of the eigenvector mapping for a free rigid body. The eigenvector mapping is regarded as a rational mapping to the complex projective plane from the product of the elliptic curves, one of which is the integral curve and the other the spectral curve. This is the space of the necessary data to determine the eigenvectors. The eigenvector mapping admits a factorisation through a Kummer surface, which is a double covering of the projective plane branched along a sextic curve associated with the dynamics. The key of the argument is the Cremona transformation of the projective plane and some elliptic fibrations of the Kummer surface


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    ABSTRACT A study of the optimation of processing time to produce highly acceptable "bandeng presto" was conducted by cooking \u275. 1 of milidish (Chanos chanos) at 121°C and charatecterization of H. I the physical and chemical properties 15psi. Increasing cooking time gave softer fishbone and meat as shown by increasing water holding capacity (WHC) and score given by panelists. Cooking at high temperature decreased protein solubility, however by increasing time of cooking result in increasing in protein solubility The preferences of panelists were affected by appearance and flavour "bandeng presto" products. Cooking of milkfish aT121°C and 15psi for 60 minutes produced highly acceptable "bandeng presto" containing about 3% salt base on appearance, bone and meat softness, and flavou

    Substitusi Minyak Jagung dengan Minyak Sawit Merah dalam Produksi Susu Bubuk Rekombinasi: Pengaruhnya pada Sifat Fisik dan Gizi

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    A research on substitution of milk fat with red palm oil in Milk Powder (MP) production has been conducted. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of corn oil substitution with red palm oil on physical, chemical and nutritional properties of the recombined milk powder (RMP). Pre-formulated milk powder (PMP) was prepared by mixing of corn oil, skim milk powder, stabilizer and water followed by filtering, preheating, homogenization and spray drying. The corn oil was substituted with 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of red palm oil (RPO-0, RPO-25, RPO-50, RPO- 75 and RPO-100). RMP formula were prepared as a commercial milk powder formula with protein and fat content of 20% and 18%, respectively. Chemical and physical properties of the RMPs were analyzed. The RMPs were then reconstituted and sensory character as well as nutritional properties was examined. The result showed that substitution of 50% corn oil with red palm oil resulted in a red palm oil milk powder (RPOMP) similar to the corn oil milk powder (control milk powder) in term of panelist acceptability. This RPOMP have a higher wet ability and solubility index but lower dispersibility and similar density to the control milk powder. The RPOMP contain a lower total and beta carotene content but higher tocoferol content than the control milk powder. Spray drying in the pre-formulated milk powder processing decrease 90% of carotene content of the pre-formulated milk powder but the tocoferol content was not affected by the process. In Wistar rats, consumption of RPOMP for 4 weeks had no effects on the lipids profiles

    Droplet activation, separation, and compositional analysis: laboratory studies and atmospheric measurements [Discussion paper]

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    Droplets produced in a cloud condensation nucleus chamber as a function of supersaturation have been separated from unactivated aerosol particles using counterflow virtual impaction. Residual material after droplets were evaporated was chemically analyzed with an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer and the Particle Analysis by Laser Mass Spectrometry instrument. Experiments were initially conducted to verify activation conditions for monodisperse ammonium sulfate particles and to determine the resulting droplet size distribution as a function of supersaturation. Based on the observed droplet size, the counterflow virtual impactor cut-size was set to differentiate droplets from unactivated interstitial particles. Validation experiments were then performed to verify that only droplets with sufficient size passed through the counterflow virtual impactor for subsequent analysis. A two-component external mixture of monodisperse particles was also exposed to a supersaturation which would activate one of the types (ammonium sulfate) but not the other (polystyrene latex spheres). The mass spectrum observed after separation indicated only the former, validating separation of droplets from unactivated particles. Results from atmospheric measurements using this technique indicate that aerosol particles often activate predominantly as a function of particle size. Chemical composition is not irrelevant, however, and we observed enhancement of sulfate in droplet residuals using single particle analysis

    Droplet activation, separation, and compositional analysis: laboratory studies and atmospheric measurements

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    Droplets produced in a cloud condensation nuclei chamber (CCNC) as a function of supersaturation have been separated from unactivated aerosol particles using counterflow virtual impaction. Residual material after droplets were evaporated was chemically analyzed with an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) and the Particle Analysis by Laser Mass Spectrometry (PALMS) instrument. Experiments were initially conducted to verify activation conditions for monodisperse ammonium sulfate particles and to determine the resulting droplet size distribution as a function of supersaturation. Based on the observed droplet size, the counterflow virtual impactor cut-size was set to differentiate droplets from unactivated interstitial particles. Validation experiments were then performed to verify that only droplets with sufficient size passed through the counterflow virtual impactor for subsequent analysis. A two-component external mixture of monodisperse particles was also exposed to a supersaturation which would activate one of the types (hygroscopic salts) but not the other (polystyrene latex spheres or adipic acid). The mass spectrum observed after separation indicated only the former, validating separation of droplets from unactivated particles. Results from ambient measurements using this technique and AMS analysis were inconclusive, showing little chemical differentiation between ambient aerosol and activated droplet residuals, largely due to low signal levels. When employing as single particle mass spectrometer for compositional analysis, however, we observed enhancement of sulfate in droplet residuals

    <News> Bush Fire Control Using Arbors in Green Corridor Project at Bossou

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DX178374 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo