15,394 research outputs found

    Nonlinear screening and stopping power in two-dimensional electron gases

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    We have used density functional theory to study the nonlinear screening properties of a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas. In particular, we consider the screening of an external static point charge of magnitude Z as a function of the distance of the charge from the plane of the gas. The self-consistent screening potentials are then used to determine the 2D stopping power in the low velocity limit based on the momentum transfer cross-section. Calculations as a function of Z establish the limits of validity of linear and quadratic response theory calculations, and show that nonlinear screening theory already provides significant corrections in the case of protons. In contrast to the 3D situation, we find that the nonlinearly screened potential supports a bound state even in the high density limit. This behaviour is elucidated with the derivation of a high density screening theorem which proves that the screening charge can be calculated perturbatively in the high density limit for arbitrary dimensions. However, the theorem has particularly interesting implications in 2D where, contrary to expectations, we find that perturbation theory remains valid even when the perturbing potential supports bound states.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures in RevTeX

    Deformation mechanics of deep surface flaw cracks

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    A combined analytical and experimental program was conducted to determine the deformation characteristics of deep surface cracks in Mode I loading. An approximate plane finite element analysis was performed to make a parameter study on the influence of crack depth, crack geometry, and stress level on plastic zones, crack opening displacement, and back surface dimpling in Fe-3Si steel and 2219-T87 aluminum. Surface replication and profiling techniques were used to examine back surface dimple configurations in 2219-T87 aluminum. Interferometry and holography were used to evaluate the potential of various optical techniques to detect small surface dimples on large surface areas

    Extreme Supernova Models for the Superluminous Transient ASASSN-15lh

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    The recent discovery of the unprecedentedly superluminous transient ASASSN-15lh (or SN 2015L) with its UV-bright secondary peak challenges all the power-input models that have been proposed for superluminous supernovae. Here we examine some of the few viable interpretations of ASASSN-15lh in the context of a stellar explosion, involving combinations of one or more power inputs. We model the lightcurve of ASASSN-15lh with a hybrid model that includes contributions from magnetar spin-down energy and hydrogen-poor circumstellar interaction. We also investigate models of pure circumstellar interaction with a massive hydrogen-deficient shell and discuss the lack of interaction features in the observed spectra. We find that, as a supernova ASASSN-15lh can be best modeled by the energetic core-collapse of a ~40 Msun star interacting with a hydrogen-poor shell of ~20 Msun. The circumstellar shell and progenitor mass are consistent with a rapidly rotating pulsational pair-instability supernova progenitor as required for strong interaction following the final supernova explosion. Additional energy injection by a magnetar with initial period of 1-2 ms and magnetic field of 0.1-1 x 10^14 G may supply the excess luminosity required to overcome the deficit in single-component models, but this requires more fine-tuning and extreme parameters for the magnetar, as well as the assumption of efficient conversion of magnetar energy into radiation. We thus favor a single-input model where the reverse shock formed in a strong SN ejecta-CSM interaction following a very powerful core-collapse SN explosion can supply the luminosity needed to reproduce the late-time UV-bright plateau.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamic interaction between structure and liquid propellants in a space shuttle vehicle model, part 1 Final report

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    Dynamic interaction between structure and liquid propellants in space shuttle vehicle model

    Coupling between structure and liquids in a parallel stage space shuttle design

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    A study was conducted to determine the influence of liquid propellants on the dynamic loads for space shuttle vehicles. A parallel-stage configuration model was designed and tested to determine the influence of liquid propellants on coupled natural modes. A forty degree-of-freedom analytical model was also developed for predicting these modes. Currently available analytical models were used to represent the liquid contributions, even though coupled longitudinal and lateral motions are present in such a complex structure. Agreement between the results was found in the lower few modes

    Nonlinear screening in two-dimensional electron gases

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    We have performed self-consistent calculations of the nonlinear screening of a point charge Z in a two-dimensional electron gas using a density functional theory method. We find that the screened potential for a Z=1 charge supports a bound state even in the high density limit where one might expect perturbation theory to apply. To explain this behaviour, we prove a theorem to show that the results of linear response theory are in fact correct even though bound states exist.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The chemical structure of the very young starless core L1521E

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    L1521E is a dense starless core in Taurus that was found to have relatively low molecular depletion by earlier studies, thus suggesting a recent formation. We aim to characterize the chemical structure of L1521E and compare it to the more evolved L1544 pre-stellar core. We have obtained \sim2.5×\times2.5 arcminute maps toward L1521E using the IRAM-30m telescope in transitions of various species. We derived abundances for the species and compared them to those obtained toward L1544. We estimated CO depletion factors. Similarly to L1544, cc-C3_3H2_2 and CH3_3OH peak at different positions. Most species peak toward the cc-C3_3H2_2 peak. The CO depletion factor derived toward the HerschelHerschel dust peak is 4.3±\pm1.6, which is about a factor of three lower than that toward L1544. The abundances of sulfur-bearing molecules are higher toward L1521E than toward L1544 by factors of \sim2-20. The abundance of methanol is similar toward the two cores. The higher abundances of sulfur-bearing species toward L1521E than toward L1544 suggest that significant sulfur depletion takes place during the dynamical evolution of dense cores, from the starless to pre-stellar stage. The CO depletion factor measured toward L1521E suggests that CO is more depleted than previously found. Similar CH3_3OH abundances between L1521E and L1544 hint that methanol is forming at specific physical conditions in Taurus, characterized by densities of a few ×\times104^4 cm3^{-3} and NN(H2_2)\gtrsim1022^{22} cm2^{-2}, when CO starts to catastrophically freeze-out, while water can still be significantly photodissociated, so that the surfaces of dust grains become rich in solid CO and CH3_3OH, as already found toward L1544. Methanol can thus provide selective crucial information about the transition region between dense cores and the surrounding parent cloud.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, abstract abridge

    Nonlinear dielectric effect of dipolar fluids

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    The nonlinear dielectric effect for dipolar fluids is studied within the framework of the mean spherical approximation (MSA) of hard core dipolar Yukawa fluids. Based on earlier results for the electric field dependence of the polarization our analytical results show so-called normal saturation effects which are in good agreement with corresponding NVT ensemble Monte Carlo simulation data. The linear and the nonlinear dielectric permittivities obtained from MC simulations are determined from the fluctuations of the total dipole moment of the system in the absence of an applied electric field. We compare the MSA based theoretical results with the corresponding Langevin and Debye-Weiss behaviors.Comment: 10 pages including 4 figure

    Semi-numerical resummation of event shapes

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    For many event-shape observables, the most difficult part of a resummation in the Born limit is the analytical treatment of the observable's dependence on multiple emissions, which is required at single logarithmic accuracy. We present a general numerical method, suitable for a large class of event shapes, which allows the resummation specifically of these single logarithms. It is applied to the case of the thrust major and the oblateness, which have so far defied analytical resummation and to the two-jet rate in the Durham algorithm, for which only a subset of the single logs had up to now been calculated.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures. Version 2 adds some clarifications, a reference, as well as corrections to the subleading fixed-order coefficients and to figures 4 and