411 research outputs found


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    Perubahan nilai-nilai tenun lurik di kecamatan Cawas, kabupaten Klaten (Studi kasus di desa Tlingsing dan desa Mlese). Tesis Program Studi Kajian Budaya Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pembimbing 1 Prof. Dr Bani Sudardi, M.Hum, dan Pembimbing 2 Prof. Dr. Warto, M.Hum. Tenun lurik adalah kain tradisional Jawa yang sarat akan nilai-nilai budaya. Secara Etimologis, kata “lurik” berasal dari bahasa Jawa, yaitu lorek, yang berarti garis-garis. Jadi kata “lurik” merujuk pada nama sejenis kain tradisional yang memiliki sejarah panjang. Kain lurik memiliki motif yang sangat sederhana, yaitu hanya berupa garis-garis dan kotak-kotak yang bertumpang-tindih. Sebagai kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, kain lurik mempunyai fungsi sangat penting. Selain sebagai pakaian, kain lurik juga digunakan dalam upacara-upacara ritual dan keagamaan. Tenun lurik di Desa Tlingsing dan Desa Mlese, Kecamatan Cawa, Kabupaten Klaten adalah kain tradisional Jawa yang sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu dan masih diproduksi sampai sekarang. Sejalan dengan berkembangnya zaman, teknologi, dan sumber daya manusia, maka tenun lurik di Desa Tlingsing dan Desa Mlese juga mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan. Secara umum perubahan yang terjadi yaitu perubahan dalam hal visual, nilai estetika, dan perubahan nilai fungsional. Perubahan visual yang nampak dalam kain tenun lurik, yaitu penggunaan pewarna sintetis sehingga lurik yang dihasilkan lebih bervariasi. Dalam nilai estetika, tenun lurik juga sudah mengalami perkambangan, yang semula hanya digunakan sebagai pakaian dan kelengkapan tradisi, saat ini sudah masuk dalam ranah kebutuhan rumah tangga sampai kenutuhan mode atau fashion. Perubahan fungsional pragmatis nampak dalam pemakaian tenun lurik sebagai busana dalam berbagai kesempatan dan kondisi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan, antara lain adalah faktor perubahan pola pikir cara pandang, dari masyarakat tradisional menuju masyarakat modern; faktor ekonomi guna peningkatan pendapatan para perajin tenun; dan faktor fungsional pragmatis yaitu perkambangan lurik sebagai busana, kelengkapan perabot rumah tangga, sampai pada kebutuhan mode atau fashion yang didukung oleh modernisasi dan globalisasi. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa pergeseran nilai-nilai pada tenun lurik di Kecamatan Cawas Klaten terjadi karena perubahan sikap dan pola pikir masyarakat, dari tradisional menuju ke masyarakat modern dan majemuk. Perubahan sikap dan pola pikir tersebut lalu membentuk sistem kebudayaan baru yang menganggap tenun lurik tidak lagi menjadi simbol eksistensi kebudayaan tradisional yang sempit dan akhirnya lurik dapat diterima oleh masyarakat modern dalam skala global. Kata Kunci: Tenun, Lurik, Klate

    Performance management systems in Vietnam :antecedents and impacts on organisational performance explored through a contingency perspective

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    PhD ThesisAdopting a contingency perspective, this study employs a sequential mixed research design using a questionnaire survey and case studies to explore performance management systems (PMASs) in relation to contingent variables, namely perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU), task uncertainty and organisational culture, and organisational performance in listed Vietnamese organisations. Quantitative analyses indicate that NFPMs are adopted because these measures help managers to obtain information about different dimensions and areas of organisational performance. Although NFPMs are not used to a great extent in formulating and implementing business strategy, they are used to achieve pre-set organisational performance targets through tracking progression against these targets. Concerning organisational structure, departmental managers in today’s Vietnamese context are delegated more authority to make decisions within their departments than they were before. These managers have a relatively high level of involvement in setting targets for their firm performance. Moreover, a highly objective style of performance evaluation and rewards was evidenced. Qualitative analyses also suggest a lack of cohesion between different control elements of PMASs. Integrated findings indicate substantial impacts of PEU and task uncertainty on PMAS practices as motiving variables for changes in these practices. However, organisational culture characterised by relatively high power distance, collectivism and uncertainty avoidance hinder such changes. Simultaneously, new cultural practices, namely outcome-oriented culture and innovation-oriented culture, have emerged in Vietnam. Quantitative findings indicate that only three PMAS practices, namely the adoption of NFPMs, the decentralisation of decision-making and the participation of lower managers in setting targets for organisational performance, positively impact upon organisational performance. Moreover, only interactions between PEU and task uncertainty and the two latter PMAS practices result in improvement of organisational performance. The qualitative results suggest that changes in PMAS practices result in better organisational performance through enhancing the decision-making quality and creating both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation for individuals.Vietnamese Government and in particular Vietnam International Education Development for their financial suppor

    Vietnam and India's approach to the Indo-Pacific region implication for bilateral relation promotion

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    There have been tectonic shifts in the Indo-Pacific region, impacting relations among international actors, including traditionally close partners like Vietnam and India. By using the approach of realism and constructivism in international relations, this paper discusses Vietnam and India’s approach to the Indo-Pacific region to expand their substantive strategic relationship. The paper finds out that geopolitical changes in the Indo-Pacific directly influence the bilateral relation and create challenges as well as opportunities. By using the SWOT model, the paper analyzes driving factors and challenges to the Vietnam- India relations. Through the findings, it suggests both countries need to take advantages of the regional cooperation to further Vietnam-India’s strategic comprehensive partnership

    Optimal condition for Propagation and Growing of Dendrobium thyrsiflorum

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    Dendrobium thyrsiflorum is a medicinal orchid that is being gradually destroyed due to over-exploitation. This research focuses on in vitro production of D. thyrsiflorum plantlet under optimal acclimatization conditions. The results of the study showed that the best medium for seed germination was MS basal medium (full-strength MS nutrient plus 100 ml L-1 coconut water; 7 g L-1 agar, 30 g L-1 sucrose, and 0.5 g L-1 active charcoal) supplemented with 60 g L-1 mashed sweet potatoes, which induces 97.8% of seed germination. The shoot was well developed in MS basal medium supplemented with 60 g L-1 mashed sweet potatoes and 0.4 mg L-1 6-Benzylaminopurine (BA) and, corpulent and green in shoot morphology. The shoot multiplication rate was greatest on MS basal medium supplemented with 0.4 mg L-1 BA and 0.4 mg L-1 Kinetin with 4.53 times, and the shoot height was reported at 3.45 cm after 8 weeks of subculture. Further, The shoot was 100% rooting, with an average of 4.51 roots/shoot and 5.34 cm per root in length when the shoot was implanted on MS basal medium plus 60 g L-1 mashed sweet potatoes and 0.75 g L-1 active charcoal. Especially, plantlets after transplanting to the orchid net house reached a 94.8% survival rate on tree fern after 24 weeks. Hence, the results of the study suggested a successful production of D. thyrsiflorum plantlet on the selected media compositions

    Customers Accounting Usage and Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Customers Accounting

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    Purpose: The study aims to examine the mediating role of customer accounting information used in the relationship between the intensity of competition, marketing orientation, customer accounting, and operational performance in the case of Vietnamese enterprises.   Theoretical framework:   The research model is inherited from Guilding and McManus (2002), Gupta and Lehmann (2003), and Pfeifer et al. (2005) about the usefulness of customer accounting information to business operational performance.   Design/methodology/approach: The data were collected by using a questionnaire sent to Vietnamese accountants and business managers by email. 324 valid questionnaires were analyzed in this study. The data were analyzed using the structural equation model (SEM).   Findings: The results have shown a positive impact between market orientation and the competitive intensity of enterprises on the use of customer accounting information. The research also indicates that customer accounting information and the perceived benefits of using customer accounting information can support the development of business strategies to help enterprises achieve outstanding efficiency.   Research, Practical & Social Implications: The research evaluated the impact of the use of customer accounting on the performance of companies with the intermediary role of customer accountants with the intensity of competition, market orientation, and the performance of enterprises. Based on the results, some solutions are proposed to apply customer accounting in Vietnamese enterprises to improve operational performance.   Originality/value: The originality of this research is the role model of customer accounting information used as a mediator of the influence of customer accounting information usage on organizational performance. These findings can be helpful for Vietnamese enterprises to use customer accounting information to improve their business performance

    研究発表 ベトナムの漢文説話における「鬼退治」のモチーフに関する比較研究 ―『嶺南摭怪』を中心に―

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    Like Japan and Korea, Vietnam also brought in lots of Chinese narrations and folklore. There are many earlier studies about the Chinese narrations and folklore which seem related to the Chinese-origin narrations in Vietnam. However, about the motif of ogre conquest in Vietnamese narrations, the comparison with the Chinese, Japanese and Korean ones is still underdeveloped. In Japan, KÔNO Kimiko verified the influence of Chinese narrations and folklore on the motif of ogre conquest through discovery and examination of new similar stories (Nihon Ryoiki and Chinese Folklore). My study starts from referring to KÔNO\u27s achievements. What is the difference between that motif of Vietnam and that of China, Japan and Korea? What are those styles of reception? I would like to check the characters (his or her career, weapons, the way to conquest, incarnation, etc.) in this motif. Through that, I research the styles of reception in each country and would like to clarify the characteristic of each country


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    E-Learning and Teaching is a modern method of teaching and learning based on information technology. In particular, during the industrial revolution 4.0, information technology and digitization develop strongly and rapidly in all countries, which make the traditional teaching method lose the leading position in modern education. Because E-Learning and Teaching allows the maximum exploitation of its features and utility in online teaching and learning, reduces training costs, time and brings convenience for learners anytime and anywhere. Recognizing the importance of online teaching and learning trends in the industrial revolution 4.0, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) has applied and implemented the E-Learning and Teaching system on the basis of teaching management systems such as LMS/FHQLMS and Google Classroom. This article contributes to describing the current situation and difficulties in the implementation of E-Learning and Teaching, aiming to build an E-Learning and Teaching application on a large scale in HCMUTE in particular and Vietnam in general. Article visualizations

    Mobilité à Hanoï : représentations de la circulation, modes de déplacements et liens à la santé de la population

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    Parmi les éléments nombreux et complexes qui composent la ville, on peut distinguer d’une part les actants non mobiles, éléments fixes, « cadrants » tels que sa géographie, les reliefs, les rivières et canaux ou lacs, …, et d’autre part les acteurs mobiles tels que les habitants et leurs pratiques de déplacements, les véhicules, … Deux systèmes interdépendants et en interaction au cours du développement spontané de la ville, de ses aménagements ou de son fonctionnement. La fluidité de la circulation et la mobilité de la population, nécessaires au bon déroulement des échanges, privés, économiques, sociaux, etc., entre différentes parties de la ville, reposent sur l’offre des différents systèmes de circulation, routiers, ferroviaires, fluviaux, etc. Par ailleurs, la relation entre circulation intra-urbaine et risques en santé (pollutions et accidents) est aujourd’hui reconnue. Ainsi, la qualité de la circulation et la qualité de vie de la ville sont étroitement liées. À cette augmentation de l’utilisation des deux-roues motorisés s’ajoute celle croissante du parc automobile, malgré une limitation d’importation sur le territoire vietnamien par la mise en place de droits de douane élevés (le parc automobile de Hanoï connaît une progression annuelle de l’ordre de 13%). Les déplacements urbains sont d’autant plus difficiles que l’approvisionnement de transport collectif repose uniquement sur un réseau faible de bus avec 11% des parts modales mécanisées en 2008 .Les problèmes actuels de mobilité à Hanoï pourraient trouver des éléments de réponse en agissant de manière coordonnée dans ces trois domaines. Les deux premiers domaines concernent les éléments de structure et de conditions d’accès et le troisième porte sur les modalités d’utilisation des dispositifs de déplacements, y compris les perturbations que peuvent générer certaines pratiques. Dans le cadre de notre travail, nous souhaitons mettre l’accent sur les « acteurs mobiles », les usagers de la circulation. De façon plus précise, nous nous sommes intéressés à étudier les représentations qu’ont de la circulation les habitants de Hanoï, leurs pratiques de déplacements et leur connaissance des effets de la circulation sur la santé. Un des objectifs de ce travail est également de définir des profils d’« acteurs mobiles » selon la nature du mode de déplacements, selon leur représentation de l’« objet–véhicule » et selon leur connaissance de la pollution due à la circulation sur la santé et de sa place dans le choix d’un moyen de déplacement


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    The study is based on Chase 1994's approach to management capacity of head nurses and uses linear regression analysis to determine the relationship between the components of head nurses' management capacity with other influencing factors. The results show that factors such as age, seniority of management, degrees, seniority of work, and management degrees explain 39.1% of the change in professional capacity and 56% of the change in professional competence explaining 52% of the change in thinking ability, explaining 33% of the change in leadership skills and explaining 34% of the change in management skills of financial management. The relationship between management seniority and professional skills is statistically significant and negatively correlated. The relationship between qualifications, working seniority and human resource management skills is statistically significant and positively correlated. The relationship between qualifications, management degrees and thinking skills of head nurses is statistically significant and positively correlated. In addition, the research results also show that the relationship between the influencing factors and the components of the management capacity of head nurses is not statistically significant


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    Muskmelons are currently grown in several areas of Vietnam for domestic and international consumer markets. The fruit grows well in greenhouses in soil or soilless substrate such as coconut peat. Researchers in Vietnam are investigating the growth of muskmelons in a range of organic by-products. In this study, spent mushroom substrate was recycled for use as an organic substrate and to evaluate the growth, quality, and yield of three muskmelon varieties including RZ F1, PN 128, and TL3 in greenhouses over three months. The substrate was incubated for one month before use and contained 45% spent mushroom substrate, 30% manure, 7.7% rice husks, 1.5% phosphorus, 0.2% commercial Trichoderma (Tribac), 0.1% rice bran, 15% sand, and 0.5% micronutrients and water. Following incubation, the substrate had optimal pH for the growth of muskmelon and the concentration of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms had increased significantly. The growth of RZ F1 and TL3 cultivars was significantly better than PN 128 in terms of growth, fruit quality, and yield. Specifically, RZ F1 and TL3 species took 78 days and 75 days to complete their life cycle produced 1.76 kg and 1.62 kg of fruit, had a pericarp thickness of 4.0 cm, and possessed 14.20o Brix and 14.88o Brix of soluble solid content, respectively. These findings suggest that agricultural by-products, such as spent mushroom substrate, could be a valuable resource for the culture of muskmelons in Vietnam