8 research outputs found

    A Study on Molecular Integrals II

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    Two-center exchange integrals of interatomically orthogonal 2s, 2p-hybrid orbitals are computed and tabulated as a function of the hybridization coefficient (angle parametera α) and the interatomic distance parameter ρ=δR for the case of tow like first row atoms

    Quantum Theoretical Study on Bond Energy

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    We have already studied the characteristic features of these bonds by idealizing the problem to the electronic structure of fictitious diatomic molecules. In this paper, we carry out the modified calculation in the casse of account of the modified bonding atomic orbitals. We conclude that in the case of λ=O (Heitler-Londn Approximation) the adiabatic potential curve takes minimum value

    Quantum theoretical study on bond angle for single bond between carbon atoms

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    We studied the characteristic features of single, double aud triple bonds between carbon atoms by idealizjng the problem to the electronic structure of fictitious diatomic molecules ≡C-C≡, =C=C= aud -C≡C-, where the "open" bonds of carbon atoms are represented by a suitably hybridized orbitals, associated with free spins. Using this general theory above merhoned, we study bond angle for single bond between carbon atoms. Thus we obtain the following result that in the case of tetrahedral bond angle, the single bond between carbon atoms is most stable

    A Study on Molecular Integrals II

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    Quantum Theoretical Study on Bond Energy

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    33. Deformation of an Elastic Body under the Influence of a Gravitational Field

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    When a tunnel is bored, the surface of the overlying earth falls, and the mode of deformation of the earth\u27s surface thus caused may differ in a number of respects from that caused by external stresses, since, in the former case, the mass of the earth may play an essential part. In the present study, the author obtained expressions for displacements at any point within the earth when a cylindrical hole of circular section is bored horizontally to a certain depth. In dealing with the present problem, the plasticity of the earth and the porous effect due to contraction were disregarded. Numerical values of surface displacements were culculated for various cases, for which the dimensions of the circular tunnel and its depth are given