24 research outputs found

    Фитопатологическая ситуация в посевах сортов яровой пшеницы в Беларуси

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    Monitoring of phytopathological situation in crops is the basis for biological justification of the need for protective measures, allowing to obtain a yield close to the potentially possible. The results of phytopathological situation monitoring in crops of spring wheat varieties are presented in the paper. Studies were carried out in 2019–2021 in the laboratory of phytopathology and in the experimental field of the Institute of Plant Protection. Standard methods in phytopathology were used during the work. The main criteria for assessing the degree of plant infestation were disease development (%) and area under disease process curve (AUDPC, in conditional units). Analysis of phytopathological state of spring wheat crops showed that during the growing season the crop varieties were affected by diseases of vegetative and generative organs: root and byroot rots, powdery mildew, leaf and ear septoriosis, pyrenophorosis, brown rust, and fusariosis of ear. Root rot, leaf spot disease, septoriosis, and spikelet fusariosis are among the dominant diseases annually present in spring wheat crops. Variety differences in disease incidence are a factor influencing the emerging phytopathological situation in the crop. Cultivation of resistant varieties reduces the risk of epiphytotics. According to the sum of infectious loads experienced by the plants during the whole period of vegetation, the evaluated varieties of spring wheat were ranked in ascending order: Lyubava (60,5 %), Slavyanka (61,9 %), Sudarynya (66,9 %), Laska (71,3 %), and Darya (83,9 %). The results of the studies allow to give preference to the most interesting varieties, based on the available opportunities to ensure the proper level of protection against diseases.Мониторинг фитопатологической ситуации в посевах является основой для биологического обоснования необходимости проведения защитных мероприятий, позволяющих получить урожайность, приближенную к потенциально возможной. Представлены результаты мониторинга фитопатологической ситуации в посевах сортов яровой пшеницы. Исследования выполнены в 2019–2021 гг. в лаборатории фитопатологии и на опытном поле РУП «Институт защиты растений». В работе были использованы стандартные в фитопатологии методики. Основными критериями оценки степени поражения растений служили развитие болезни (%) и площадь под кривой развития болезни (ПКРБ, усл. ед.). Анализ фитопатологического состояния посевов яровой пшеницы показал, что на протяжении периода вегетации сорта культуры подвержены поражению болезнями вегетативных и генеративных органов: корневой и прикорневой гнилями, мучнистой росой, септориозом листьев и колоса, пиренофорозом, бурой ржавчиной, фузариозом колоса. К числу доминирующих болезней, ежегодно присутствующих в посевах яровой пшеницы, относятся: корневая гниль, пятнистости листьев, септориоз и фузариоз колоса. Отличия сортов по поражаемости болезнями являются фактором, влияющим на складывающуюся фитопатологическую ситуацию в посеве. Возделывание устойчивых сортов уменьшает риск возникновения эпифитотий. По сумме инфекционной нагрузки, которую испытывают растения на протяжении всего периода вегетации, оцениваемые сорта яровой пшеницы ранжированы в порядке возрастания: Любава (60,5 %), Славянка (61,9 %), Сударыня (66,9 %), Ласка (71,3 %), Дарья (83,9 %). Результаты проведенных исследований позволяют отдавать предпочтение наиболее интересным сортам, исходя из имеющихся возможностей по обеспечению должного уровня защиты от болезней.

    Content analysis for evaluation informational policy of american media concerning Iran

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    The main principles and fields of using of content analysis are represented in the paper. On the basis of content analysis the main aspects of psychological warfare of American broadcasting companies CNN and Fox News against Iran are identified

    Interdisciplinary approach to intercultural communication studies

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    The article is devoted to an actual problem of different approaches to learning and teaching intercultural communication. The authors try to draw attention of teachers and scholars to interdisciplinary and synergetic approaches to this branch of humanitarian knowledge


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    Background: Inherited connective tissue pathology is the most frequent genetic abnormality. Weakness of connective tissue in this group of disorders is manifested not only by excessive joint mobility, but also by abnormalities in other organs and systems, including vessels. In inherited connective tissue disorders brain artery aneurysms and abnormal vascular tortuosity is found that can be a risk factor for stroke.Aim: To study frequency of abnormal tortuosities of brachiocephalic vessels in post-ischemic stroke patients, as well as efficacy of secondary stroke prevention in such patients.Materials and methods: One hundred and seventy two adult patients with ischemic stroke were examined. Neurological deficiency was assessed with the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and with the modified Rankin scale. Abnormalities of precerebral arteries were found by ultrasound dopplerography and duplex scanning. To diagnose any abnormalities of connective tissue, clinical and genetic analysis, dermatoglyphic assessment and scoring of excessive joint mobility (Beyton scale) were used.Results: Abnormal tortuosity of precerebral arteries is found in 47% of patients with ischemic stroke. The screening performed in 25 of such patients showed connective tissue disorders in one third of them (in 2 patients, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, in 2 patients, connective tissue dysplasia, in 4 patients, mild symptoms of abnormal connective tissue, such as excessive joint mobility scoring to 1–2). In patients without inherited syndromes, some dermatoglyphic traits were found, i.e., distal shift of the axial palmar triradius, higher frequency of patterns on the skin of the thenar, lower pattern frequency on the skin of the hypothenar, higher frequency of simple digital patterns (A and T), lower frequency of complex patterns, such as whorls (W), lower palmar and digital ridgecounts. The results of secondary stroke prevention with antiplatelet agents, antihypertensives and cholesterol-lowering agents depended on patient compliance to medical recommendations. The odds ratio for a repeated stroke in the groups who were regularly taking these agents, compared to the groups who were not, was 0.116 for treatment with antiplatelet agents (p < 0.05) and 0.043 for antihypertensive therapy (p < 0.005).Conclusion: Dysplasia of connective tissue can lead to formation of tortuous precerebral arteries and become an additional risk factor for strokes. Conventional antiplatelet, antihypertensive and cholesterol-lowering prophylaxis is effective in patients with tortuous precerebral arteries, but its results depend on patient compliance


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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most prevalent tachiarrhythmias, with at date non fully understood etiology. Recently, the attention is paid to genetic determinants of AF.Aim. To assess the role of rs2200733 polymorhpism on the chromosome 4q25 in development of AF in Russian population.Material and methods. Totally, 76 patients studied with AF, and control group, number 73 persons without cardiovascular pathology. All participants underwent laboratory and genetic investigations.Results. A statistically significant prevalence of genotype ТТ is found (21,21% vs 4,11%, р=0,015) and allele Т (34,85% vs 19,86%, р=0,03) in the group of patients with the lone AF comparing to the controls. Therefore, TT genotype and T allele of rs2200733 chromosome 4q25 could be predictors of unknown origin AF development