823 research outputs found

    Heterotic String Field Theory

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    We construct the Neveu-Schwarz sector of heterotic string field theory using the large Hilbert space of the superghosts and the multi-string products of bosonic closed string field theory. No picture-changing operators are required as in Wess-Zumino-Witten-like open superstring field theory. The action exhibits a novel kind of nonpolynomiality: in addition to terms necessary to cover missing regions of moduli spaces, new terms arise from the boundary of the missing regions and its subspaces. We determine the action up to quintic order and a subset of terms to all orders.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e; v2: minor cosmetic change

    WZW-like Action for Heterotic String Field Theory

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    We complete the construction of the Neveu-Schwarz sector of heterotic string field theory begun in hep-th/0406212 by giving a closed-form expression for the action and gauge transformations. Just as the Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) action for open superstring field theory can be constructed from pure-gauge fields in bosonic open string field theory, our heterotic string field theory action is constructed from pure-gauge fields in bosonic closed string field theory. The construction involves a simple alternative form of the WZW action which is consistent with the algebraic structures of closed string field theory.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, LaTeX2

    Gauge theories of spacetime symmetries

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    Gauge theories of conformal spacetime symmetries are presented which merge features of Yang-Mills theory and general relativity in a new way. The models are local but nonpolynomial in the gauge fields, with a nonpolynomial structure that can be elegantly written in terms of a metric (or vielbein) composed of the gauge fields. General relativity itself emerges from the construction as a gauge theory of spacetime translations. The role of the models within a general classification of consistent interactions of gauge fields is discussed as well.Comment: 8 pages, revtex; v2: minor improvements of text and formulas; v3: typo in formula after eq. (35) correcte

    Thermal history of the string universe

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    Thermal history of the string universe based on the Brandenberger and Vafa's scenario is examined. The analysis thereby provides a theoretical foundation of the string universe scenario. Especially the picture of the initial oscillating phase is shown to be natural from the thermodynamical point of view. A new tool is employed to evaluate the multi state density of the string gas. This analysis points out that the well-known functional form of the multi state density is not applicable for the important region T≤THT \leq T_H, and derives a correct form of it.Comment: 39 pages, no figures, use revtex.sty, aps.sty, aps10.sty & preprint.st

    Light-cone Gauge NSR Strings in Noncritical Dimensions II -- Ramond Sector

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    Light-cone gauge superstring theory in noncritical dimensions corresponds to a worldsheet theory with nonstandard longitudinal part in the conformal gauge. The longitudinal part of the worldsheet theory is a superconformal field theory called X^{\pm} CFT. We show that the X^{\pm} CFT combined with the super-reparametrization ghost system can be described by free variables. It is possible to express the correlation functions in terms of these free variables. Bosonizing the free variables, we construct the spin fields and BRST invariant vertex operators for the Ramond sector in the conformal gauge formulation. By using these vertex operators, we can rewrite the tree amplitudes of the noncritical light-cone gauge string field theory, with external lines in the (R,R) sector as well as those in the (NS,NS) sector, in a BRST invariant way.Comment: 33 pages; v2: minor modification

    Spacetime Fermions in Light-cone Gauge Superstring Field Theory and Dimensional Regularization

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    We consider the dimensional regularization of the light-cone gauge type II superstring field theories in the NSR formalism. In the previous work, we have calculated the tree-level amplitudes with external lines in the (NS,NS) sector using the regularization and shown that the desired results are obtained without introducing contact term interactions. In this work, we study the tree-level amplitudes with external lines in the Ramond sector. In order to deal with them, we propose a worldsheet theory to be used instead of that for the naive dimensional regularization. With the worldsheet theory, we regularize and define the tree-level amplitudes by analytic continuation. We show that the results coincide with those of the first quantized formulation.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures; v2: more details of our manipulations in subsection 3.2 added, figures and references added; v3: clarifications adde

    Remark about Non-BPS D-Brane in Type IIA Theory

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    In this paper we would like to show simple mechanisms how from the action for non-BPS D-brane we can obtain action describing BPS D(p-1)-brane in Type IIA theory.Comment: 13 pages, completely rewritten pape

    Symmetry Factors of Feynman Diagrams for Scalar Fields

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    The symmetry factor of Feynman diagrams for real and complex scalar fields is presented. Being analysis of Wick expansion for Green functions, the mentioned factor is derived in a general form. The symmetry factor can be separated into two ones corresponding to that of connected and vacuum diagrams. The determination of symmetry factors for the vacuum diagrams is necessary as they play a role in the effective action and phase transitions in cosmology. In the complex scalar theory the diagrams different in topology may give the same contribution, hence inverse of the symmetry factor (1/S) for total contribution is a summation of each similar ones (1/S_i), i.e., 1/S = \sum_i (1/S_i).Comment: Journal version, new references adde

    Proposal of a topological M(atrix) theory

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    Keeping in mind the several models of M(atrix) theory we attempt to understand the possible structure of the topological M(atrix) theory ``underlying'' these approaches. In particular we are motivated by the issue about the nature of the structure of the vacuum of the topological M(atrix) theory and how this could be related to the vacuum of the electroweak theory. In doing so we are led to a simple topological matrix model. Moreover it is intuitively expected from the current understanding that the noncommutative nature of ``spacetime'' and background independence should lead to a topological Model. The main purpose of this note is to propose a simple topological Matrix Model which bears relation to F and M theories. Suggestions on the origin of the chemical potential term appearing in the matrix models are given.Comment: 14 pages revte

    SUSY flavor structure of generic 5D supergravity models

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    We perform a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the SUSY flavor structure of generic 5D supergravity models on S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 with multiple Z2Z_2-odd vector multiplets that generate multiple moduli. The SUSY flavor problem can be avoided due to contact terms in the 4D effective K\"ahler potential peculiar to the multi-moduli case. A detailed phenomenological analysis is provided based on an illustrative model.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures, Sec.4 is modifie
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