34 research outputs found

    Expression and Putative Function of Innate Immunity Genes under in situ Conditions in the Symbiotic Hydrothermal Vent Tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae

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    The relationships between hydrothermal vent tubeworms and sulfide-oxidizing bacteria have served as model associations for understanding chemoautotrophy and endosymbiosis. Numerous studies have focused on the physiological and biochemical adaptations that enable these symbioses to sustain some of the highest recorded carbon fixation rates ever measured. However, far fewer studies have explored the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of host and symbiont interactions, specifically those mediated by the innate immune system of the host. To that end, we conducted a series of studies where we maintained the tubeworm, Ridgeia piscesae, in high-pressure aquaria and examined global and quantitative changes in gene expression via high-throughput transcriptomics and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). We analyzed over 32,000 full-length expressed sequence tags as well as 26 Mb of transcript sequences from the trophosome (the organ that houses the endosymbiotic bacteria) and the plume (the gas exchange organ in contact with the free-living microbial community). R. piscesae maintained under conditions that promote chemoautotrophy expressed a number of putative cell signaling and innate immunity genes, including pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), often associated with recognizing microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs). Eighteen genes involved with innate immunity, cell signaling, cell stress and metabolite exchange were further analyzed using qPCR. PRRs, including five peptidoglycan recognition proteins and a Toll-like receptor, were expressed significantly higher in the trophosome compared to the plume. Although PRRs are often associated with mediating host responses to infection by pathogens, the differences in expression between the plume and trophosome also implicate similar mechanisms of microbial recognition in interactions between the host and symbiont. We posit that regulation of this association involves a molecular “dialogue” between the partners that includes interactions between the host’s innate immune system and the symbiont

    Intracorporeal versus extracorporeal anastomosis in laparoscopic right hemicolectomy: results from the CLIMHET study group

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    BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy (LRHC) is increasingly performed for the treatment of right colon disease. Nevertheless, standardization of the surgical technique regarding the performance of intracorporeal (IC) or extracorporeal (EC) anastomosis is lacking. The purpose of this study was to compare short-term postoperative outcomes in patients who had laparoscopic right colectomy either with IC or EC. METHODS: This was a retrospective, non-randomized and multicenter study conducted from January 2005 to December 2015 on the CLIMHET study group cohort from five tertiary centers in France. Data were collected for all patients with LRHC to compare patient characteristics, intraoperative data and postoperative outcomes in terms of medical and surgical complications, duration of hospitalization and mortality. A multivariate analysis was performed to compare the results in the two groups. RESULTS: Of the 597 patients undergoing LRHC, 150 had IC and 447 had EC. The incidence of medical complications (cardiac, vascular, and pulmonary complications) was lower in the IC group than in the EC group (13 vs 20%, p = 0.049). This difference remained significant in multivariate analysis after adjusting to field characteristics and patient histories (p = 0.009). Additionally, a shorter hospital stay (7 vs 8 days, p = 0.003) was observed in the IC group as compared to the EC group. This difference remained significant in favor of the IC group in multivariate analysis (p = 0.029). There was no difference between the groups as regards: surgical complications (p = 0.76), time of mobilization (p = 0.93), reintervention rate (p = 1) and 90-day mortality (p = 0.47). CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that IC anastomosis in LRHC is associated with fewer medical complications and shorter hospital stays compared to EC anastomosis

    Surgical management of gastric adenocarcinoma. Official expert recommendations delivered under the aegis of the French Association of Surgery (AFC)

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    International audienceGastric adenocarcinoma (GA) is the 5th most common cancer in the world; in France, however, its incidence has been steadily decreasing. Twenty-five experts brought together under the aegis of the French Association of Surgery collaborated in the drafting of a series of recommendations for surgical management of GA. As concerns preoperative evaluation and work-up, echo-endoscopy aimed at clarifying lymph node status should be performed in all candidates for surgical resection and exploratory laparoscopy in cases of GA cT3/T4 and/or N+ for peritoneal carcinomatosis. On the other hand, PET-scan should not be performed systematically, but only when the other modalities for diagnosis prove insufficient. Laparotomy remains the route of choice to achieve total or partial gastrectomy with D2 lymph node lymphadenectomy for advanced lesions (> T2N0). To limit the risk of dumping syndrome and esophageal reflux and as a way of reestablishing continuity, construction of a jejunal pouch on Roux-en-Y following total gastrectomy is recommended. In cases of peritoneal carcinosis in GA with a low peritoneal cancer index (PCI) (<7) in a patient in good general condition whose disease is controlled by chemotherapy, macroscopically complete cytoreduction with intraperitoneal hyperthermal chemotherapy will probably be required, and it will have to take place in an expert center. Only in the event of Child A cirrhosis may gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy be considered. Palliative gastrectomy or surgical bypass for distal stomach obstruction in a patient in good general condition may also be envisioned. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS