1,015 research outputs found

    De Amo a Laura a The Wilderness Downtown. Una propuesta taxonómica para clasificar el audiovisual publicitario en Internet

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    Antecedentes. El escenario audiovisual ha sufrido, en los últimos años, una mutación sin precedentes gracias, entre otros factores, a la universalización de Internet y al cada vez mejor acceso a la banda ancha. Páginas web basadas en elementos audiovisuales y portales como YouTube, Vimeo o Google Video han revolucionado la forma en la que las piezas audiovisuales se distribuyen, pero también la forma en la se crean y, por supuesto, la forma en la que se consumen. Los vídeos domésticos conviven con los profesionales —de todos los campos— generando un mapa audiovisual muy complejo: es caótico y difícilmente clasificable. Objeto de estudio. La publicidad online no ha sido ajena a este contexto, integrando piezas audiovisuales en sus campañas para Internet, muy distintas desde el punto de vista estratégico, en forma y en contenido de las tradicionales piezas publicitarias para el que hasta ahora era el medio audiovisual publicitario por excelencia: la televisión. Objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigación es confeccionar una taxonomía válida para clasificar el audiovisual publicitario en Internet. Metodología. Partiendo de conceptos tradicionales (creación, producción, distribución, exhibición, resultados) y desarrollándolos atendiendo a las especificidades de los nuevos medios (Lister et al, 2009), se ha creado una taxonomía inicial que después ha sido testada clasificando las piezas audiovisuales de 80 campañas ganadoras en 2011 en la sección Cyber del Festival Internacional Cannes Lions.Background. The audiovisual scene has suffered in recent years, an unprecedented mutation because of the universalization of the Internet and an increasing access to broadband, among other factors. Websites based on visual elements and platforms like YouTube, Vimeo and Google Video have changed the way in which audiovisual productionsare distributed, but also how they are created and, of course, the way you watched. Amateur productions compete with professional ones, in every fields, generating a very complex visual map: its is chaotic and difficult to classify. Object of study. Online advertising has not been immune to this context, integrating audiovisual productions in campaigns for the Internet, which are very different from the strategic point of view, in form and content, to traditional advertising productions for television. Aim. The aimof this research is to produce a valid taxonomy for classifying audiovisual advertising on the Internet. Methodology. Based on traditional concepts (creations, production, distribution, exhibition, performance) and developed in response to the specificities of new media (Lister et al, 2009), we created a preliminary taxonomy that has been tested by classifying audiovisual pieces of 80 winning campaigns in 2011 in the section Cyber of the International Festival Cannes Lions

    Self-organized backpressure routing for the wireless mesh backhaul of small cells

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    The ever increasing demand for wireless data services has given a starring role to dense small cell (SC) deployments for mobile networks, as increasing frequency re-use by reducing cell size has historically been the most effective and simple way to increase capacity. Such densification entails challenges at the Transport Network Layer (TNL), which carries packets throughout the network, since hard-wired deployments of small cells prove to be cost-unfeasible and inflexible in some scenarios. The goal of this thesis is, precisely, to provide cost-effective and dynamic solutions for the TNL that drastically improve the performance of dense and semi-planned SC deployments. One approach to decrease costs and augment the dynamicity at the TNL is the creation of a wireless mesh backhaul amongst SCs to carry control and data plane traffic towards/from the core network. Unfortunately, these lowcost SC deployments preclude the use of current TNL routing approaches such as Multiprotocol Label Switching Traffic Profile (MPLS-TP), which was originally designed for hard-wired SC deployments. In particular, one of the main problems is that these schemes are unable to provide an even network resource consumption, which in wireless environments can lead to a substantial degradation of key network performance metrics for Mobile Network Operators. The equivalent of distributing load across resources in SC deployments is making better use of available paths, and so exploiting the capacity offered by the wireless mesh backhaul formed amongst SCs. To tackle such uneven consumption of network resources, this thesis presents the design, implementation, and extensive evaluation of a self-organized backpressure routing protocol explicitly designed for the wireless mesh backhaul formed amongst the wireless links of SCs. Whilst backpressure routing in theory promises throughput optimality, its implementation complexity introduces several concerns, such as scalability, large end-to-end latencies, and centralization of all the network state. To address these issues, we present a throughput suboptimal yet scalable, decentralized, low-overhead, and low-complexity backpressure routing scheme. More specifically, the contributions in this thesis can be summarized as follows: We formulate the routing problem for the wireless mesh backhaul from a stochastic network optimization perspective, and solve the network optimization problem using the Lyapunov-driftplus-penalty method. The Lyapunov drift refers to the difference of queue backlogs in the network between different time instants, whereas the penalty refers to the routing cost incurred by some network utility parameter to optimize. In our case, this parameter is based on minimizing the length of the path taken by packets to reach their intended destination. Rather than building routing tables, we leverage geolocation information as a key component to complement the minimization of the Lyapunov drift in a decentralized way. In fact, we observed that the combination of both components helps to mitigate backpressure limitations (e.g., scalability,centralization, and large end-to-end latencies). The drift-plus-penalty method uses a tunable optimization parameter that weight the relative importance of queue drift and routing cost. We find evidence that, in fact, this optimization parameter impacts the overall network performance. In light of this observation, we propose a self-organized controller based on locally available information and in the current packet being routed to tune such an optimization parameter under dynamic traffic demands. Thus, the goal of this heuristically built controller is to maintain the best trade-off between the Lyapunov drift and the penalty function to take into account the dynamic nature of semi-planned SC deployments. We propose low complexity heuristics to address problems that appear under different wireless mesh backhaul scenarios and conditions..

    Caracterización de la comunidad indígena Mayanhna Amak, zona de règimen especial alto Bocay (RBB) MSB 2010-2013

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    Este trabajo recoge información obtenida a lo largo de tres años de investigación por parte del equipo de voluntarios que forman el Proyecto de Extensión y Desarrollo Comunitario Amak, PEDCA. Esta iniciativa de jóvenes, surge en el año 2010 con el objetivo de brindar a la comunidad Amak, los conocimientos impartidos en las aulas de clase de forma autogestionaria, organizando, planificando y ejecutando actividades en la zona de manera interdisciplinar y sobre todo, desde los estudiantes de las diferentes carreras que ofrece la UNA. Las Variables contempladas en este estudio son: Marco histórico, Aspectos biofísicos, Morfología rural, Demografía, Población aspecto estático, población aspecto dinámico, Educación, Salud pública, Seguridad pública, Organización comunitaria, Instituciones Gubernamentales, ONGs, Economía y Apreciación comunitaria. Las Herramientas utilizadas fueron: Grupo focal, Entrevista a informantes clave, Censo, Observación Participante, Encuesta, Georreferenciación y Muestreo. La comunidad indígena Mayangna Amak está ubicada la Zona de Régimen Especial Alto Bocay, territorio Mayangna Sauni Bu, reserva de biosfera BOSAWAS. Se encuentra entre las márgenes del río Bocay y el río Amak. El núcleo habitacional consiste en agrupaciones de casas con habitantes de parentesco sanguíneo y en las afueras están ubicadas las zonas de cultivo. Está conformada por 210 familias y 1,213 personas las cuales viven en 130 viviendas. A nivel organizacional tienen su propio sistema de gobierno denominado Gobierno Territorial Indígena (GTI) conformado por un presidente, un secretario y responsables de áreas específicas quienes trabajan en conjunto con organismos e instituciones. Existe a nivel de infraestructura un centro de salud, una escuela primaria y secundaria. La actividad económica más importante es la agricultura, crianza de ganado, caza y pesca. Una de las características que convierten a esta zona en prioritaria es que a pesar de la riqueza cultural y la alta biodiversidad existente, se han desarrollado pocos estudios. Otro aspecto de importancia son las carencias y problemáticas que presenta la zona en cuanto al desarrollo en el acceso a la educación, salud y transporte representando un alto grado de vulnerabilidad en relación a fenómenos naturales, brotes epidemiológicos y seguridad alimentaria

    Trace elements and C and N isotope composition in two mushroom species from a mine-spill contaminated site

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    Fungi play a key role in the functioning of soil in terrestrial ecosystems, and in particular in the remediation of degraded soils. The contribution of fungi to carbon and nutrient cycles, along with their capability to mobilise soil trace elements, is well-known. However, the importance of life history strategy for these functions has not yet been thoroughly studied. This study explored the soil-fungi relationship of two wild edible fungi, the ectomycorrhizal Laccaria laccata and the saprotroph Volvopluteus gloiocephalus. Fruiting bodies and surrounding soils in a mine-spill contaminated area were analysed. Isotope analyses revealed Laccaria laccata fruiting bodies were 15N-enriched when compared to Volvopluteus gloiocephalus, likely due to the transfer of 15N-depleted compounds to their host plant. Moreover, Laccaria laccata fruiting bodies δ13C values were closer to host plant values than surrounding soil, while Volvopluteus gloiocephalus matched the δ13C composition to that of the soil. Fungal species presented high bioaccumulation and concentrations of Cd and Cu in their fruiting bodies. Human consumption of these fruiting bodies may represent a toxicological risk due to their elevated Cd concentrations

    Analysis of the evolution of the Spanish labour market through unsupervised learning

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    Unemployment in Spain is one of the biggest concerns of its inhabitants. Its unemployment rate is the second highest in the European Union, and in the second quarter of 2018 there is a 15.2% unemployment rate, some 3.4 million unemployed. Construction is one of the activity sectors that have suffered the most from the economic crisis. In addition, the economic crisis affected in different ways to the labour market in terms of occupation level or location. The aim of this paper is to discover how the labour market is organised taking into account the jobs that workers get during two periods: 2011-2013, which corresponds to the economic crisis period, and 2014-2016, which was a period of economic recovery. The data used are official records of the Spanish administration corresponding to 1.9 and 2.4 million job placements, respectively. The labour market was analysed by applying unsupervised machine learning techniques to obtain a clear and structured information on the employment generation process and the underlying labour mobility. We have applied two clustering methods with two different technologies, and the results indicate that there were some movements in the Spanish labour market which have changed the physiognomy of some of the jobs. The analysis reveals the changes in the labour market: the crisis forces greater geographical mobility and favours the subsequent emergence of new job sources. Nevertheless, there still exist some clusters that remain stable despite the crisis. We may conclude that we have achieved a characterisation of some important groups of workers in Spain. The methodology used, being supported by Big Data techniques, would serve to analyse any alternative job market.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55894-C2-R y TIN2017-88209-C2-2-R, CO2017-8678

    Criterios para establecer las condiciones de conservación de árboles singulares

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    La detección temprana del final de la vida útil de un árbol singular es fundamental para la evaluación de los síntomas relacionados con la seguridad, la estabilidad y la integridad del árbol, así como de los riesgos asociados cuando se encuentran cerca de edificios o existe tránsito de personas bajo el mismo. En ocasiones, la situación de los árboles protegidos obliga a decidir sobre su viabilidad en poco tiempo, puesto que un árbol puede morir en pie debido a senescencia intrínseca, por la incidencia de agentes causantes de estrés y por incapacidad para competir con éxito por los recursos. Generalmente, los árboles singulares son monumentales y de edad avanzada, y todos los agentes externos potencialmente causantes de daños son relevantes y deben vigilarse

    Quality in Blended Learning in Higher Education. A proposal for an Evaluation Model.

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    This paper presents an analysis of different models used to assess the quality of formative actions, considering classroom learning and distance education courses. Taking as starting point one of the analyzed models, the paper sets out the necessity of developing a new model that could measure the quality of a blended formation process, by selecting the applicable indicators and proposing some new. The model is composed of seven different categories, which include a sum of thirty five indicators. They will be used to represent courses quality level in Kiviat?s diagrams. This model is currently being put into practice in a real university environment

    Simplified single-phase clock scheme for MOBILE networks

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    MOBILE networks can be operated in a gate-level pipelined fashion allowing high through-output. If MOBILE gates are directly chained, a four-phase clock scheme is required for this. A single-phase scheme is possible adding latches to the MOBILE gates. Proposed and experimentally validated is a new single-phase interconnection scheme that simplifies the inter-stage element, which translates in power, area and clock load advantages with respect to using latches.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2007-67245, TEC2010-18937Junta de Andalucía TIC-296

    A little rock&love. Creative resources used by brands in mobile advertising

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    Los cambios sociológicos, culturales y simbólicos que se han producido en la era digital han tenido una gran repercusión en el ámbito de la comunicación y evidencian que es necesario que las marcas tracen nuevos caminos en su búsqueda para conectar con sus públicos. Ante esta realidad, nuestra propuesta de rock&love apuesta por un modo diferente de aproximarse a los públicos, más en sintonía con las nuevas posibilidades que brinda el contexto digital. Este artículo presenta una investigación en la que se parte de la hipótesis de que la comunicación para móviles —vehiculada a través de apps principalmente— es el terreno idóneo para que las marcas se comporten de acuerdo a los postulados del rock&love y tiene como principal objetivo la identificación de los factores que permiten determinar cuáles son los recursos creativos que responden a los conceptos de rock y love. Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis de contenido a un corpus de trabajo compuesto por las campañas ganadoras del Festival Cannes Lions 2014 en la categoría de campañas móviles (mobile). Los resultados de la investigación, efectivamente, verifican los recursos creativos que responden al postulado del rock&love en la comunicación publicitaria para móviles.The sociological, cultural and symbolic transformations that have taken place in the digital age have had a major impact in media, and show that brands need to look for new paths to connect with their audiences. Within this context, our rock&love proposition aims for a different way of approaching the public, in tune with the new possibilities offered by the digital context. This article presents a research in which we depart from the assumption that mobile media —apps, mainly— set the ideal ground for brands to behave according to the principles of rock&love. Its main objetive is the identification of the creative resources that respond to the concepts of rock and love. We have carried out a content analysis of a body of work consisting of the winning campaigns of Cannes Lions Festival 2014 in the mobile category. Results verify the creative resources that respond to the postulates of rock&love in mobile advertising campaigns

    Efficient realisation of MOS-NDR threshold logic gates

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    A novel realisation of inverted majority gates based on a programmable MOS-NDR device is presented. A comparison, in terms of area and power consumption, has been performed to demonstrate that the proposed circuit is more efficient than a similar reported structure.Gobierno de España - NDR, TEC2007-67245/MICJunta de Andalucía - Proyecto de Excelencia TIC-296
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