270 research outputs found

    Three-phase separator simulator

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    In this thesis, the goal is to compare the UIT model in the energy lab to the simulation program Aspen HYSYS. The model in the lab has consist of a three-phase separator tank with a weir, and two-component of water and cooking oil, It was made by two students at UIT in 2018. In this simulation, there will be three different variables to determine the accuracy of the simulation. The flow in and out, the purity and the layer height. The HYSYS simulation of a model used in scares, but valuable information can be achieved. There will be theoretical calculations to confirm the simulations. The challenges are the lack of the phase of gas, additional information on oil has been used, and what are the pressure and temperature. In addition, there are made tasks for the student that have challenges and understand the working of the three-phase process and recreate the model that has been made. Keywords: Simulation, three-phase separation tank, ASPEN HYSYS, MATLA

    Norway – 2003

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    When your eyes betray you: is virtual reality too close for comfort?

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    With the dawn of immersive virtual reality (VR) technologies, data-collection is taking another leap toward recording our subtlest physical reactions and even our emotional states, writes Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad, Head of section, digital services and electricity at the Norwegian Consumer Council and EU Co-chair of the Infosoc Committee of the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD)

    Bjørnegraver i Nord-Norge. Spor etter den samiske bjørnekulten

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    All men are animals: hypothetical, categorical, or material?

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    The conditional interpretation of general categorical statements like ‘All men are animals’ as universally quantified material conditionals ‘For all x, if x is F, then x is G’ suggests that the logical structure of law statements is conditional rather than categorical. Disregarding the problem that the universally quantified material conditional is trivially true whenever there are no xs that are F, there are some reasons to be sceptical of Frege’s equivalence between categorical and conditional expressions. Now many philosophers will claim that the material conditional interpretation of laws statements, dispositions ascriptions, or any causal claim is generally accepted as wrong and outdated. Still, there seem to be some basic logical assumptions that are shared by most of the participants in the debate on causal matters which at least stems from the traditional truth functional interpretation of conditionals. This is indicated by the vocabulary in the philosophical debate on causation, where one often speaks of ‘counterfactuals’, ‘possible worlds’ and ‘necessity’ without being explicit on whether or to what extent one accepts the logical-technical definition of these notions. To guarantee a non-Humean and non-extensional approach to causal relations, it is therefore important to be aware of the logical and metaphysical implications of the technical vocabulary. In this paper we want to show why extensional logic cannot deal with causal relations. Via a logical analysis of law-like statements ‘All Fs are Gs’ we hope to throw some new light on interrelated notions like causation, laws, induction, hypotheticality and modality. If successful, our analysis should be of relevance for a deeper understanding of any type of causal relations, whether we understand them to be laws, dispositions, singulars or categoricals

    Barnehagen som et inkluderende fellesskap for barn som bruker alternativ og supplerende kommunikasjon (ASK). En kvantitativ studie om ASK-bruk og tilgang.

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    Master i medborgerskap og samhandling. 2021, VID Vitenskapelige høgskole.Bakgrunn: Sosiokulturell læringsteori peker på betydningen av at læring skjer i fellesskap med andre. Tidligere forskning innen ASK vektlegger betydningen av at barn som bruker ASK erfarer at språket blir modellert i naturlige situasjoner på tvers av kontekster. Hensikten med studien var å undersøke eksisterende praksiser for hvordan og i hvilken grad ASK blir brukt i barnehagen. Problemstilling: «Hvordan tilrettelegger barnehageansatte språkmiljøet ved bruk av ASK?». Metode: Det ble gjort en totrinnsutvelgelse. Det ble gjort klyngeutvelgelse av barnehager i Rogaland. Strategisk utvelgelse førte til 42 respondenter i en elektronisk og anonym spørreundersøkelse. Data ble analysert ved bruk av deskriptiv statistikk og korrelasjonsanalyse. Funn: Majoriteten av respondentene bruker ASK med enkeltbarn. Gjennom én dag brukte respondentene ASK til å ta initiativ og til å respondere på barnas kommunikasjon. Færre hjalp barna å bruke ASK i kommunikasjon med andre. Respondentene observerte at andre voksne brukte ASK i kommunikasjon med barna, men det var få barn som brukte ASK. I løpet av en uke brukte over halvparten av respondentene multimodal ASK. Håndtegn og andre kroppslige tegn, samt grafiske symboler eller fotografi i papirform, ble hyppigst brukt. Mange brukte også fysiske konkreter eller taktile objekter, og noen bruke talemaskiner. ASK ble brukt i ulike situasjoner. Gjennomgående var det en minoritet som ikke brukte ASK. Det var god tilgang til ASK gjennom ulike aktiviteter i løpet av en uke. Samlingsstund skilte seg ut, da både bruken og tilgangen til ASK var lavere enn i de andre situasjonene. Funn avdekker behov for å styrke inkluderingen av barn som bruker ASK. Barnehageansatte bør bruke ASK under samlingsstund, gi opplæring til jevnaldrende og støtte barn som bruker ASK til å utvikle strategier for å kommunisere med jevnaldrende. Styrere må legge til rette for rom og tid for samarbeid og kompetanseheving. Økt tilrettelegging ved bruk av ASK kan bidra til at barn som bruker ASK utvikler identitet som medborger i fellesskapet. Background: Sociocultural learning theory highlights the significance of learning by interacting with others. Earlier research on AAC emphasizes the significance of children using AAC experiencing language modeling in natural situations and across contexts. The purpose of this study was to examine existing practices on how and in which degree AAC is used in the Norwegian preschool. Research question: “How do preschool staff facilitate the language environment by using AAC?”. Method: A two-stepped selection was used. A cluster selection of preschools in Rogaland was made. A strategic selection using electronic and anonymous survey resulted in 42 respondents. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. Findings: A majority of the respondents use AAC with children individually. Throughout a single day, respondents used AAC to initiate and to respond to the children’s communication. Fewer helped the children use AAC in their communication with others. The respondents observed adults using AAC to communicate with the children, but few children used AAC. More than half of the respondents used multimodal AAC during the week. Sign language or other bodily signs, as well as graphic symbols or photograph in paper form, was most frequently used. Many also used physical concrete or tactile objects, and some used speech devices. AAC was used in different situations. There was consistently a minority who did not use AAC. There was good access to AAC through different activities during a week. AAC use and access were lower in circle time compared to other situations. Findings uncover the need to strengthen the inclusion of children who use AAC. Preschool staff should use AAC in circle time, train peers, and support children who use AAC to develop strategies to communicate with peers. Managers must facilitate space and time for cooperation and competence development. Increased facilitation of AAC can contribute to a stronger community identity for children who use AAC

    Rationale and design of the Birkebeiner Ageing Study – a prospective cohort study of older endurance athletes

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    Background - While regular physical activity is associated with reduced mortality and morbidity in general populations, health outcomes and functional capacity related to upholding strenuous endurance exercise beyond the age of 65 years are only sparsely studied. The aim of this study is to assess associations of prolonged strenuous endurance sport practice with ageing, functional decline, morbidity and longevity among older recreational endurance athletes, during long-term follow-up. Methods - Prospective cohort study of older recreational endurance athletes in Norway. All skiers aged 65 years and older who participated in a long-distance endurance competition, the annual 54-km Birkebeiner cross-country ski race in 2009 or 2010, were invited. The participants answered an extensive baseline questionnaire about lifestyle habits, including leisure-time physical activity and endurance sport participation, diseases, medication use and physical and mental health, with follow-up questionnaires planned every fifth year until 2029. New participants may be invited with the aim to increase the study size. Endpoints such as all-cause and disease-specific mortality, incidence and cumulative prevalence of diseases, use of medication, physical and mental health and functional decline will be assessed subsequently. Out of 658 invited skiers (51 women), 551(84%) completed the baseline questionnaire and were included in the study. The mean age was 68.8 years (median 68, range 65- 90). At baseline, the participants had completed the Birkebeiner race for an average of 16.6 years and reported an average of 33.4 years of regular endurance exercise, with one out of five reporting at least 50 years of exercise. In all, 479 (90%) reported that they were still practicing leisure-time physical activity of moderate or vigorous intensity at least twice weekly. The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and diseases was low. Discussion - This prospective study of a cohort of recreational athletes exposed to prolonged and strenuous endurance exercise, could complement population-based studies by providing data on associations between life-long endurance sport participation, aging, functional decline and health outcomes during long-term follow-up