65 research outputs found


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    The most significant land problems in Burma remain those associated with landlessness, rural poverty, inequality of access to resources, and a military regime that denies citizen rights and is determined to rule by force and not by law. A framework to ensure the sustainable development of land is needed to address social, legal, economic and technical dimensions of land management. This framework can only be created and implemented within and by a truly democratic nation.Agriculture and state -- Burma, Land use, rural--Burma, Land use, rural--Government policy--Burma, Agricultural policy -- Burma, Land administration -- Burma, Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Team-based self-directed learning enhanced studentsā€™ learning experience in undergraduate surgical teaching.

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    Introduction: To evaluate the effectiveness of team-based self-directed learning (SDL) in the teaching of the undergraduate Year 5 surgical posting. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted to develop and administer a team-based SDL versus a conventional SDL to teach undergraduate surgical topics. One hundred and seventy-four medical students who underwent the Year 5 surgical posting were recruited. They were assigned to two groups receiving either the team-based SDL or the conventional SDL. Pre- and post-SDL assessments were conducted to determine studentsā€™ understanding of selected surgical topics. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect student feedback on the team-based SDL. Results: The team-based SDL group scored significantly higher than the conventional SDL group in the post-SDL assessment (74.70 Ā± 6.81 vs. 63.77 Ā± 4.18, t = āˆ’12.72, p < 0.01). The students agreed that the team-based SDL method facilitated their learning process. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the use of a team-based SDL is an effective learning strategy for teaching the Year 5 surgical posting. This method encouraged peer discussion and promoted teamwork in completing task assignments to achieve the learning objectives

    Acute Massive Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding Secondary to Obstructive Colitis Proximal to Obstructing Cancer of the Sigmoid Colon

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    Introduction: Acute massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB) is a rare and serious manifestation of obstructive colitis that requires urgent therapeutic intervention. Here, we report a case of LGIB due to obstructive colitis in an adult patient. Presentation of Case: A 34-year-old man with large bowel obstruction secondary to sigmoid colon cancer underwent laparotomy and Hartmanns procedure (resection of rectosigmoid colon with a proximal end colostomy). Post-operatively, he had recurrent episodes of severe bleeding from the colostomy that required transfusion of a total of eleven units of packed cells and four units of fresh frozen plasma over the next two days. Urgent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy showed pan gastritis and insignificant superficial gastric erosions. Colonoscopy via the colostomy showed stigmata of recent bleed but failed to identify the exact site of bleeding. Computed tomography angiogram failed to localize the site of bleeding. A re-laparotomy was performed. On-table colonoscopy through the end colostomy followed by completion total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis was done. The patient recovered uneventfully after the surgery with no further episode of rectal bleeding. Histology findings of the resected colon were compatible with obstructive colitis. He remains well at five years follow-up with no recurrence. Discussion: The case highlights the rare occurrence of acute massive LGIB as a life-threatening complication of obstructive colitis. The diagnosis should be considered in patients who present with large bowel obstruction. Conclusion: A high index of suspicion is key to early diagnosis and an extended resection of the colon is necessary to arrest bleeding

    Early Success With Retention in Care Among People Living With HIV at Decentralized ART Satellite Sites in Yangon, Myanmar, 2015ā€“2016

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    Introduction: Myanmar is one of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region hit hardest by the HIV epidemic that is concentrated among urban areas and key populations. In 2014, the National AIDS Programme (NAP) launched a new model of decentralized service delivery with the establishment ART satellite sites with care delivered by HIV peer workers.Methods: ART satellite sites are implemented by non-government organizations to service high burden HIV areas and populations that suffer stigma or find access to public sector services difficult. They provide continuity of HIV care from outreach testing, counseling, linkage to care, and retention in care. Anti-retroviral (ART) initiation occurs at health facilities by specialist physicians. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of people living with HIV (PLHIV) who were initiated on ART from 2015 to 2016 at five ART satellite sites in Yangon, Myanmar to assess outcomes and time from enrolment to ART initiation.Results: Of 1,339 PLHIV on ART treatment in 2015ā€“16, 1,157 (89%) were retained, and 5% were lost from care and 5% reported dead, at the end of March 2018. Attrition rates (death and lost-to-follow-up) were found to be significantly associated with a CD4 count ā‰¤ 50 cells/mm3 and having baseline weight ā‰¤ 50 kg. Median time taken from enrolment to ART initiation was 1.9 months (interquartile range: 1.4ā€“2.5).Conclusion: We report high rates of retention in care of PLHIV in a new model of ART satellite sties in Yangon, Myanmar after 3 years of follow-up. The delays identified in time taken from enrolment to ART initiation need to be explored further and addressed. This initial study supports continuation of plans to scale-up ART satellite sites in Myanmar. To optimize outcomes for patients and the program and accelerate progress to reduce HIV transmission and end the HIV epidemic, operational research needs to be embedded within the response

    Laparoscopic T-tube feeding jejunostomy as an adjunct to staging laparoscopy for upper gastrointestinal malignancies: the technique and review of outcomes

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    Background: In recent years, staging laparoscopy has gained acceptance as part of the assessment of resectability of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) malignancies. Not infrequently, we encounter tumours that are either locally advanced; requiring neoadjuvant therapy or occult peritoneal disease that requires palliation. In all these cases, the establishment of enteral feeding during staging laparoscopy is important for patientsā€™ nutrition. This review describes our technique of performing laparoscopic feeding jejunostomy and the clinical outcomes. Methods: The medical records of all patients who underwent laparoscopic feeding jejunostomy following staging laparoscopy for UGI malignancies between January 2010 and July 2015 were retrospectively reviewed. The data included patient demographics, operative technique and clinical outcomes. Results: Fifteen patients (11 males) had feeding jejunostomy done when staging laparoscopy showed unresectable UGI maligancy. Eight (53.3%) had gastric carcinoma, four (26.7%) had oesophageal carcinoma and three (20%) had cardio-oesophageal junction carcinoma. The mean age was 63.3 Ā± 7.3 years. Mean operative time was 66.0 Ā± 7.4 min. Mean postoperative stay was 5.6 Ā± 2.2 days. Laparoscopic feeding jejunostomy was performed without intra-operative complications. There were no major complications requiring reoperation but four patients had excoriation at the T-tube site and three patients had tube dislodgement which required bedside replacement of the feeding tube. The mean duration of feeding tube was 127.3 Ā± 99.6 days. Conclusions: Laparoscopic feeding jejunostomy is an important adjunct to staging laparoscopy that can be performed safely with low morbidity. Meticulous attention to surgical techniques is the cornerstone of success

    National scale-up of tuberculosis-human immunodeficiency virus collaborative activities in Myanmar from 2005 to 2016 and tuberculosis treatment outcomes for patients with human immunodeficiency virus-positive tuberculosis in the Mandalay Region in 2015.

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    Background: HIV-associated TB is a serious public health problem in Myanmar. Study objectives were to describe national scale-up of collaborative activities to reduce the double burden of TB and HIV from 2005 to 2016 and to describe TB treatment outcomes of individuals registered with HIV-associated TB in 2015 in the Mandalay Region. Methods: Secondary analysis of national aggregate data and, for treatment outcomes, a cohort study of patients with HIV-associated TB in the Mandalay Region. Results: The number of townships implementing collaborative activities increased from 7 to 330 by 2016. The number of registered TB patients increased from 1577 to 139 625 in 2016, with the number of individuals tested for HIV increasing from 432 to 114 180 (82%) in 2016: 10 971 (10%) were diagnosed as HIV positive. Uptake of co-trimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT) and antiretroviral therapy (ART) nationally in 2016 was 77% and 52%, respectively. In the Mandalay Region, treatment success was 77% and mortality was 18% in 815 HIV-associated TB patients. Risk factors for unfavourable outcomes and death were older age (ā‰„45 years) and not taking CPT and/or ART. Conclusion: Myanmar is making good progress with reducing the HIV burden in TB patients, but better implementation is needed to reach 100% HIV testing and 100% CPT and ART uptake in TB-HIV co-infected patients

    High rate of virological failure and low rate of switching to second-line treatment among adolescents and adults living with HIV on first-line ART in Myanmar, 2005-2015.

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    BACKGROUND: The number of people living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment (ART) in Myanmar has been increasing rapidly in recent years. This study aimed to estimate rates of virological failure on first-line ART and switching to second-line ART due to treatment failure at the Integrated HIV Care program (IHC). METHODS: Routinely collected data of all adolescent and adult patients living with HIV who were initiated on first-line ART at IHC between 2005 and 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. The cumulative hazard of virological failure on first-line ART and switching to second-line ART were estimated. Crude and adjusted hazard ratios were calculated using the Cox regression model to identify risk factors associated with the two outcomes. RESULTS: Of 23,248 adults and adolescents, 7,888 (34%) were tested for HIV viral load. The incidence rate of virological failure among those tested was 3.2 per 100 person-years follow-up and the rate of switching to second-line ART among all patients was 1.4 per 100 person-years follow-up. Factors associated with virological failure included: being adolescent; being lost to follow-up at least once; having WHO stage 3 and 4 at ART initiation; and having taken first-line ART elsewhere before coming to IHC. Of the 1032 patients who met virological failure criteria, 762 (74%) switched to second-line ART. CONCLUSIONS: We found high rates of virological failure among one third of patients in the cohort who were tested for viral load. Of those failing virologically on first-line ART, about one quarter were not switched to second-line ART. Routine viral load monitoring, especially for those identified as having a higher risk of treatment failure, should be considered in this setting to detect all patients failing on first-line ART. Strategies also need to be put in place to prevent treatment failure and to treat more of those patients who are actually failing

    Long-term outcomes of second-line antiretroviral treatment in an adult and adolescent cohort in Myanmar.

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    BACKGROUND: Myanmar has a high burden of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and second-line antiretroviral treatment (ART) has been available since 2008 in the public health sector. However, there have been no published data about the outcomes of such patients until now. OBJECTIVE: To assess the treatment and programmatic outcomes and factors associated with unfavorable outcomes (treatment failure, death and loss to follow-up from care) among people living with HIV (aged ā‰„ 10Ā years) receiving protease inhibitor-based second-line ART under the Integrated HIV Care Program in Myanmar between October 2008 and June 2015. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study using routinely collected program data. RESULTS: Of 824 adults and adolescents on second-line ART, 52 patients received viral load testing and 19 patients were diagnosed with virological failure. However, their treatment was not modified. At the end of a total follow-up duration of 7Ā years, 88 (11%) patients died, 35 (4%) were lost to follow-up, 21 (2%) were transferred out to other health facilities and 680 (83%) were still under care. The incidence rate of unfavorable outcomes was 7.9 patients per 100 person years follow-up. Patients with a history of injecting drug use, with a history of lost to follow-up, with a higher baseline viral load and who had received didanosine and abacavir had a higher risk of unfavorable outcomes. Patients with higher baseline C4 counts, those having taken first-line ART at a private clinic, receiving ART at decentralized sites and taking zidovudine and lamivudine had a lower risk of unfavorable outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term outcomes of patients on second-line ART were relatively good in this cohort. Virological failure was relatively low, possibly because of lack of viral load testing. No patient who failed on second-line ART was switched to third-line treatment. The National HIV/AIDS Program should consider making routine viral load monitoring and third-line ART drugs available after a careful cost-benefit analysis

    Trend of Human Papillomavirus Genotypes in Cervical Neoplasia Observed in a Newly Developing Township in Yangon, Myanmar

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    Persistent infection with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most important risk factor associated with cervical cancer. This study detected the oncogenic HPV genotypes in cervical neoplasia in relation to clinicopathological findings using a cross-sectional descriptive method in 2011 and 2012. Cervical swabs and colposcopy-directed cervical biopsy tissues were collected from 108 women (median age 45 years;range 20-78) showing cervical cytological changes at Sanpya General Hospital, Yangon, Myanmar. HPV DNA testing and genotyping were performed by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. HPV was identified in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1 (44.4%), CIN2 (63.2%), CIN3 (70.6%), and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (74.1%). The association between cervical neoplasia and HPV positivity was highly significant (pļ¼0.008). Most patients infected with HPV were between 40-49 years of age, and the youngest were in the 20- to 29-year-old age group. The most common genotype was HPV 16 (65.6%) with the following distribution:70% in CIN1, 41.7% in CIN2, 91.7% in CIN3, and 60% in SCC. HPV-31 was the second-most frequent (21.9%):30% in CIN1, 33.3% in CIN2, 8.3% in CIN3, and 15% in SCC. The third-most frequent-genotype was HPV-18 (7.8%):8.3% in CIN1, and 20% in SCC. Another genotype was HPV-58 (4.7%):16.7% in CIN1 and 5% in SCC. The majority of CIN/SCC cases were associated with HPV genotypes 16, 31, 18, and 58. If oncogenic HPV genotypes are positive, the possibility of cervical neoplasia can be predicted. Knowledge of the HPV genotypes distribution can predict the effectiveness of the currently used HPV vaccine
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