107 research outputs found


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    Redistribusi tanah lahan pertanian atau tanah sawah yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah bagian dari program landreform yang dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat petani. Redistribusi bertujuan agar petani yang tidak memiliki tanah maupun petani yang memiliki sedikit tanah dapat sejahtera dengan mendapatkan redistribusi tanah dari pemerintah. Segala Tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk tujuan kesejahteraan masyarakat menggunakan tataran norma teratas dalam pembentukan sebuah kebijakan yaitu filsafat. Tataran filsafat bersumber dari aliran-aliran filsafat hukum oleh para filsuf. Pemikiran tersebutlah yang menjadi fokus penelitian dalam penelitian ini, dimana dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, peneliti mencoba mengkaji tentang redistribusi tanah pertanian dalam tataran filsafat hukum. Sehingga penelitian ini diberi judul “ Redistribusi Tanah Lahan Sawah Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Hukum “. Peneliti berharap mendapatkan jawaban bagaiman filsafat mempengaruhi kebijakan redistribusi terhadap tanah sawah. Serta, dari hasil penelitian kebijakan redistribusi tanah sawah menggunakan kajian filsafat dari aliran hukum alam sebagai batu pijakan pembuatan kebijakan. Karena dalam aliran hukum alam memandang hukum Tuhan adalah tataran hukum tertinggi, sehingga rasio manusia akan mengedepankan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan tanah adalah ciptaan tuhan untuk itu penguasaanya harus berdasarkan keadilan. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan karakteristik ornamen karang bhoma sebagai salah satu bentuk ornamen yang memiliki nilai sakral pada arsitektur kori agung pada pura-pura di Kecamatan Blahbatuh. Ornamen karang bhoma memiliki berbagai varian dalam perwujudannya sebagai ornamen kedok wajah raksasa dengan mulut mengaga yang memperlihatkan gigi dan taring yang tajam, mata besar dan bulat, kuku tangan yang panjang dan tajam serta dilengkapi dengan ornamen-ornamen perwujudan binatang mitologi maupun tanaman menjalar. Di Blahbatuh terdapat pura-pura dengan perwujudan karang bhoma bervariasi pada ekspresi wajah dan elemen-elemen yang terdapat pada ornamen tersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan kajian terhadap karakteristik karang bhoma di daerah ini melalui suatu pendekatan tipologi dan hasilnya bermanfaat dalam pelestarian nilai-nilai budaya Bali pada bentuk-bentuk yang hakiki pada arsitektur kori agung pura khususnya dan umumnya pada bangunan pura yang bersangkutan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rasionalistik kualitatif melalui pendekatan konsep wujud dalam arsitektur dan konsep cerita tokoh bhoma. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan tipologi berdasarkan ekspresi wajah karang bhoma dan elemen-elemen yang melengkapi ornamen kedok wajah raksasa tersebut

    Implementation of User Anthropometry Bale “Sakenem” Buildings based on Height Bataran and Height Bale-bale in Singapadu Tengah Village, Gianyar

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    —Bale Sakenem Building is one of the buildings that were in the order of Traditional Bali House. This study identified Bale Sakenem building located in the Central Singapadu Village and that is observational research by using cross sectional design. This research was done by means of retrospective observational that is considered the factor that can affect Bale Sakenem Building Anthropometry. From the data analyze of research identification, 30% height bataran not in accordance with the average size of an ideal height bataran and 20% height bale-bale also not in accordance with the average of the ideal height bale-bale in Bale Sakenem building in the Central Singapadu Gianyar have not yet undertaken anthropometry users and more dominant to follow measurements that based on the size of Undagi, as a consequence there was uncomfortableness. Height bataran and height bale-bale is based on the tolerance of anthropometry using the 95 percentile and 5 percentile for tolerance limi

    Anthropometry and Ergonomic of Bale Sakenem (Case Study: Central Singapadu Village, Gianyar)

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    The Bale Sakenem is one of the buildings located within the Balinese traditional house setting. The development and transformation of the Sakenem bale house are influenced by many factors including high demand, lack of qualified labor, time and work management system resulting in high intervention of Balinese builders (Undagi) on the implementation of the Bale Sakenem development. This research is an observational research using cross-sectional design. The study measures a sample of "Sakenem" house bale that measures in accordance with anthropometry from homeowners. The sample of the people in this study were Owners/home users who owned the Bale "Sakenem" House that met the inclusion criteria. Samples were randomly selected using cluster random sampling method. The results of this second-year study showed that 55% of the sample of people were comfortable with the high suitability of their own "sakenem" bale house structure while 81% of the sample people felt better comfort against the bale-bale of bale "sakenem" intervention house. The convenience of high listplank also known that as many as 66% comfort felt from the high listplank house bale "sakenem" intervention. And as many as 52% chose comfort and suitability of high sakenem "sakenem" saka house height which only slightly comparison with high saka bale "sakenem" control i.e. 48%. The height of the bale "sakenem" intervention is 76 cm and the average height from waist to toe of the user of bale "sakenem" house in the village of Singapadu Tengah Gianyar is 75.75 cm which means that the height of the rod indicates the height which is not ideal and cause inconvenience. The height of bale-bale from bale house "sakenem" is 67 cm and the average height from waist to tip of user heel bale "sakenem" in the village of Singapadu Tengah Gianyar is 75.75 cm which can be analyzed that the user can easily rise to the top of bale- bale and create comfort and security. High saka in bale house "sakenem" that is 195 cm and the average height of bale house owner "sakenem" measured from the tip of the head to the tip of the heel is 165.45 cm which means that the height of saka is still included in the criteria of comfort

    A Study on EFL Learners’ Belief about Translation as a Learning Strategy in Indonesia

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    Although it sounds controversial, the practice of foreign language learning tends to consist of the use of translation. Therefore, the main aims of this study are to investigate EFL learners’ belief about translation, the use of translation as their EFL learning strategy, and to find out the correlation between their belief about translation and the use of translation as their EFL learning strategy. This study was conducted through a quantitative approach in which the data were collected by using two kinds of questionnaires. Based on the findings, Indonesian EFL learners believe that translation helps them acquire English skills and other English language aspects. They use translation as their language learning strategy for learning EFL skills and aspects such as speaking, reading, writing, listening, vocabulary, grammar, and idioms and phrases. This study also reveals that there is a correlation between EFL learners’ belief about translation and their use of translation as an EFL learning strategy

    Fuzzy Adaptive Hysteresis of RSS for Handover Decision in V2V VANET

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    A communication technology which enables the information exchanges between vehicles to support intelligent transportation system is the characteristic of vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). The vast applications of VANET including transportation safety, traffic management, and passenger amenities are also followed by some technical challenges. The rapid topology changes and high nodes mobility are the main source of the challenges. One of the prominent challenges is the handover decision, especially in vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication. In this paper, handover decision method for V2V VANET is proposed using fuzzy system. The proposed method adjusts the value of received signal strength (RSS) hysteresis adaptively using fuzzy system so that the proposed handover decision method is called fuzzy adaptive hysteresis (FAH). To adjust the value of hysteresis, fuzzy system utilizes RSS value, speed difference, and connected time as the input. Based on the simulation results, the proposed method can reduce handover rate as well as maintaining the higher value of signal to noise ratio (SNR) average


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    The aims of this study are to investigate the legal certainty of the Land Deed Official that does not meet the minimum price standard on purchasing apartment units for foreigners domiciled in Indonesia and to examine the consequences of the Land Deed Official that does not meet the minimum price standard on purchasing flats for foreigners. This study is normative legal research that uses a statutory approach and a legal concept analysis approach. Legal materials are collected using the snowball method and analyzed systematically with legal discovery techniques. The results showed that the legal certainty of the Land Deed Official that does not meet the minimum price standard in purchasing flats for foreigners according to the provisions of Article 11 of the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 103 Year 2015 on Housing Ownership or Occupancy by Foreigners Occupied in Indonesia. the law and the legal consequences of the Land Deed Official which does not meet the minimum price standard for the purchase of flats for foreigners are null and void, because they are contrary to the legal objective conditions of the agreement stipulated in the provisions of Article 1320 of the Civil Code about a particular measure that is clear, required and justified by law


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    Perkembangan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) Semakin pesat, Sehingga manusia terus meneliti dan mengembangkan teknologi terbaru tersebut untuk mempermudah kebutuhan manusia. Salah satu aplikasi sistem Pemantauan Energi listrik. Untuk dapat merealisasikan alat Pemantauan atau Monitoring konsumsi daya maka peneliti mencoba melakukan penelitian dengan mempelajari dan membuat perangkat monitoring Konsumsi Daya listrik. Metode yang digunakan berbasis arduino yang akan ditampilkan menggunakan website. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang alat pemamtauan pembebanan daya listrik melaluai kWh digital yang dapat menampilkan hasil yang secara presisi dan akurat serta menampilkan pada website yang dapat di pantau dari jarak jauh. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Rusunawa ITN Malang. Penelitian dilakukan mulai pukul 18.00 s.d 22.30. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan memperoleh data secara akurat dan presisi dimana nilai error dibawah 5% serta ditampilkan melalui website yang dapat dipantau jarak jauh

    Analisis Kinerja IP PBX Server Pada Single Board Circuit Raspberry PI

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    Raspberry PI merupakan sebuah komputer mini berukuran kartu kredit yang memiliki kemampuan komputasi yang sangat bagus. Komputer dengan ukuran yang sangat kecil memiliki keunggulan dalam flexibilitas serta penggunaan energi. Raspberry dapat dikembangkan menjadi banyak kegunaan dalam dunia komputer. Konsumsi daya Raspberry sangat rendah yang sangat berguna untuk membuat aplikasi mobile yang hemat energi. Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat sebuah server IP PBX menggunakan Asterisk yang di-install pada single board circuit Raspberry PI. Pengujian dilakukan untuk untuk mengetahui kinerja Raspberry PI sebagai server IP PBX yang meliputi jumlah panggilan yang mampu dilayani serta banyaknya panggilan bersamaan yang mampu dilayani dengan menggunakan codec yang berbeda. Sebagai perbandingan, akan dilakukan juga pengujian terhadap IPPBX server Asterisk menggunakan PC. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, Raspberry PI sebagai IP PBX server mampu menangani 60 kedatangan panggilan perdetik tanpa adanya panggilan yang gagal diproses. Raspberry PI juga mampu menangani 110 panggilan bersamaan untuk codec GSM-GSM, 100 panggilan bersamaan untuk codec G711-G711 dan 70 panggilan bersamaan untuk transcoding GSM-G711
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