20 research outputs found

    Studies on nutritional and anti-​nutritional composition of Bambusa multiplex (lour.) raeusch. Ex schult

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    Bambusa multiplex, a multipurpose ornamental and com. bamboo species used for hedges, construction, basketing and as handicraft material. The shoots are edible and consumed in Southeast Asia and in North eastern regions of India. As earlier investigations does not emphasize on finding out the harvesting time, an attempt has been made to find out the harvesting time to obtain quality shoots. The bamboo shoots were harvested on different days (7-​30 days after emergence from ground) and analyzed for chem., nutritional and anti-​nutritional components. The shoots harvested at various time intervals showed variation in nutritional compn. with an overall decrease in protein and increase in dietary fiber and carbohydrate content. All the nutritional elements except calcium showed decreased content with shoot maturity. The optimum harvesting age for B. multiplex shoots were found to be 7- 10 days with high nutritional content and antinutritional component, cyanide was found to be completely absent

    A prospective analysis of polycystic ovarian syndrome in infertile women

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a frequently occurring metabolic and reproductive endocrinopathy. Young women with PCOS mainly present with reproductive problems such as hyperandrogenism, menstrual irregularities, infertility and chronic anovulation. Despite its high prevalence and implications on reproductive health, PCOS is underdiagnosed. The objective was to study the prevalence of PCO in women with infertility, their symptomatology, endocrine profiles and coexisting factors of infertility in women with PCOS.Methods: A prospective study was performed over a period of 6 months. Women presenting with infertility were subjected to detailed history taking, general and gynecological examination. Women with features of PCOS on ultrasound were identified and advised investigations such as serum FSH, LH, prolactin and laparoscopy when indicated.Results: During the study period, 102 patients consulted the infertility clinic, out of which 56 were diagnosed with PCOS. The prevalence of PCOS was found to be 54.9% among infertile women. Menstrual irregularity was found in 33 (59%) women, however, 23 (41%) had regular menstrual cycles. 4 among the 33 patients complained of dysmenorrhea, 5 had heavy menstrual bleeding. On examination, 19 (33.9%) were found hirsute, 8 (14.28%) had thyroid enlargement and 2 (3.57%) had galactorrhea. Investigations revealed mean FSH and LH levels of 8.7±2SD and 13.7±2SD respectively and mean LH/FSH ratio of 1.57±2SD.Conclusions: PCOS is a heterogenous disorder and with its high prevalence in infertile women, proper diagnosis and management is essential as it has many potential metabolic and cardiovascular risks if not managed appropriately

    Spot sputum samples are at least as good as early morning samples for identifying Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Supported by the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (Grant IP.2007.32011.011), US Agency for International Development, UK Department for International Development, Directorate General for International Cooperation of the Netherlands, Irish Aid, Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, National Institutes of Health, AIDS Clinical Trials Group. The study was also supported by grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) (UM1AI068634, UM1 AI068636, and UM1AI106701) and by NIAID grants to the University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) site 31422 (1U01AI069469); to the Perinatal HIV Research Unit, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, South Africa, ACTG site 12301 (1U01AI069453); and to the Durban International Clinical Trials Unit, South Africa, ACTG site 11201 (1U01AI069426). Bayer Healthcare for donated moxifloxacin and Sanofi donated rifampin.Background:  The use of early morning sputum samples (EMS) to diagnose tuberculosis (TB) can result in treatment delay given the need for the patient to return to the clinic with the EMS, increasing the chance of patients being lost during their diagnostic workup. However, there is little evidence to support the superiority of EMS over spot sputum samples. In this new analysis of the REMoxTB study, we compare the diagnostic accuracy of EMS with spot samples for identifying Mycobacterium tuberculosis pre- and post-treatment. Methods:  Patients who were smear positive at screening were enrolled into the study. Paired sputum samples (one EMS and one spot) were collected at each trial visit pre- and post-treatment. Microscopy and culture on solid LJ and liquid MGIT media were performed on all samples; those missing corresponding paired results were excluded from the analyses. Results:  Data from 1115 pre- and 2995 post-treatment paired samples from 1931 patients enrolled in the REMoxTB study were analysed. Patients were recruited from South Africa (47%), East Africa (21%), India (20%), Asia (11%), and North America (1%); 70% were male, median age 31 years (IQR 24–41), 139 (7%) co-infected with HIV with a median CD4 cell count of 399 cells/μL (IQR 318–535). Pre-treatment spot samples had a higher yield of positive Ziehl–Neelsen smears (98% vs. 97%, P = 0.02) and LJ cultures (87% vs. 82%, P = 0.006) than EMS, but there was no difference for positivity by MGIT (93% vs. 95%, P = 0.18). Contaminated and false-positive MGIT were found more often with EMS rather than spot samples. Surprisingly, pre-treatment EMS had a higher smear grading and shorter time-to-positivity, by 1 day, than spot samples in MGIT culture (4.5 vs. 5.5 days, P < 0.001). There were no differences in time to positivity in pre-treatment LJ culture, or in post-treatment MGIT or LJ cultures. Comparing EMS and spot samples in those with unfavourable outcomes, there were no differences in smear or culture results, and positive results were not detected earlier in Kaplan–Meier analyses in either EMS or spot samples. Conclusions:  Our data do not support the hypothesis that EMS samples are superior to spot sputum samples in a clinical trial of patients with smear positive pulmonary TB. Observed small differences in mycobacterial burden are of uncertain significance and EMS samples do not detect post-treatment positives any sooner than spot samples.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Study of fixed point computations in implementing longitudinal axis flight controller

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    This document presents a study of applying fixed point arithmetic in implementing Flight Controllers and IIR Filters. The development is based around Intel SDK-85 kit to which S/H, ADC and DAC have been interfaced

    Microprocessor based 6-channel PCM telemetry system

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    This memo presents the details and salient features of a microprocessor based 6-channel PCM Telemetry system for airborne as well as industrial applications.13; The design and development of the system was undertaken mainly to improve reliability which is of prime concern for any airborne application.13; Pulse code modulation (PCM) like PAM and PDM, is a time multiples or sampled data system in which the values of the input channels sampled are expressed in digital(binary) form. In any sampled data system, the sampling rate of a given channel dictates the frequency response which may be obtained in a given measurement. Analog reproductions of the original signals are produced by filtering of the samples of a single channel. This reproduces the original signal with all frequency components approaching the frequency, whose period equals two times the spacing between the samples. In principle, any form of digital code may be used to represent the channel values. However, the straight binary code used with the analog to digital converters is used in the system.13; The modulating signal in a binary PCM system is thus a sequence oxA3; l's and O's which are grouped in binary words describing the value of the particular channel sampled at the instant of sampling