524 research outputs found

    Cosmological higher-curvature gravities

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    We examine higher-curvature gravities whose FLRW configurations are specified by equations of motion which are of second order in derivatives, just like in Einstein gravity. We name these theories Cosmological Gravities and initiate a systematic exploration in dimensions D3D \geq 3. First, we derive an instance of Cosmological Gravity to all curvature orders and dimensions D3D \geq 3. Second, we study Cosmological Gravities admitting non-hairy generalizations of the Schwarzschild solution characterized by a single function whose equation of motion is, at most, of second order in derivatives. We present explicit instances of such theories for all curvature orders and dimensions D4D \geq 4. Finally, we investigate the equations of motion for cosmological perturbations in the context of generic Cosmological Gravities. Remarkably, we find that the linearized equations of motion for scalar cosmological perturbations in any Cosmological Gravity in D3D\geq 3 contain no more than two time derivatives. We explicitly corroborate this aspect by presenting the equations for the scalar perturbations in some four-dimensional Cosmological Gravities up to fifth order in the curvature.Comment: 40 pages, no figures. Two appendices. Some minor fixes and some further references adde

    On the classification of Generalized Quasitopological Gravities

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    Generalized Quasitopological Gravities (GQTGs) are higher-order extensions of Einstein gravity in DD dimensions satisfying a number of interesting properties, such as possessing second-order linearized equations of motion on top of maximally symmetric backgrounds, admitting non-hairy generalizations of the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black hole which are characterized by a single metric function or forming a perturbative spanning set of the space of effective theories of gravity. In this work, we classify all inequivalent GQTGs at all curvature orders nn and spacetime dimension D4D \geq 4. This is achieved after the explicit construction of a dictionary that allows the uplift of expressions evaluated on a single-function static and spherically symmetric ansatz into fully covariant ones. On the one hand, applying such prescription for D5D \geq 5, we find the explicit covariant form of the unique inequivalent Quasitopological Gravity that exists at each nn and, for the first time, the covariant expressions of the n2n-2 inequivalent proper GQTGs existing at every curvature order nn. On the other hand, for D=4D=4, we are able to provide the first rigorous proof of the fact that there is one and only one (proper) inequivalent GQTG at each curvature order nn, deriving along the way a simple expression for such four-dimensional representative at every order nn.Comment: 42 pages, 2 appendices, no figure

    In the origins of New Granada's altarpieces: designs and contract for an altarpiece in Tunja (1586)

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    Los orígenes del retablo en la Nueva Granada (actual República de Colombia) siguen en gran medida desconocidos. Las necesidades de la evangelización y la voluntad patrocinadora de los habitantes españoles irían impulsando el arte de la escultura y la arquitectura de retablos en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI. Tunja es uno de los núcleos fundamentales de la antigua Audiencia de Santafé (Bogotá) desde el punto de vista artístico. Damos a conocer el contrato para un retablo destinado al humilladero de La Soledad, de 1586, obra del carpintero Andrés de Granado.The origins of the altarpiece art in New Granada (present Republic of Colombia) remain largely unknown. The needs of evangelization and the sponsor of the Spanish citizens would push the art of sculpture and architecture of altarpieces in the second half of the 16th century. Tunja is one of the fundamental centers of ancient Audiencia of Santafé (Bogotá) from an artistic point of view. We report the contract for an altarpiece destined to La Soledad calvary in 1586. It was made by the carpenter Andrés Granado

    Las transformaciones materiales del libro. Mediación sociotécnica y comunicación

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    La presente tesis busca abordar los aparentes cambios que está sufriendo y propiciando el libro en su adaptación a los nuevos formatos digitales. Mientras para cierto sector de la sociedad, los aparatos electrónicos emergentes son un prolongación del propio libro y se entienden como aliados capaces de multiplicar su presencia,otros sectores aplican una visión un tanto más escéptica,argumentando que la lectura es una práctica en declive, y que está siendo sustituida por otros tipos de ocio más superficiales y menos constructivos. El planteamiento de este trabajo parte una cuestión muy sencilla al respecto: ¿son las experiencias textuales emergentes, (gracias al desarrollo de la informática y las telecomunicaciones)equiparables a lo que venía siendo el libro hasta hace unos años? ¿Qué cambia y qué se mantiene?Para tratar de dar respuesta a estas preguntas, es necesariodefinir el objeto con el que vamos a trabajar. Obviamente, al definirel libro lo estamos reconstruyendo y tal reconstrucción va aresponder a las necesidades concretas de este trabajo, relevandotan sólo algunas de las (casi) infinitas caras posibles del todo el asunto. Hemos optado por varios de los autores de mayor renombre en el campo de la cultura impresa / escrita, como Roger Chartier, Elizabeth Eisenstein, Adrian Johns o Peter Burke para recoger los momentos clave en la historia del libro, así como las diferentes controversias que éste ha ido registrando. Este material lo hemos analizado desde el punto de vista de la Construcción Social de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, intentando enganchar con aspectos más identitarios y afines a la agenda de los Estudios Culturales..

    Aplicações de leitura e leitura de aplicações: sobre o livro e outras experiências textuais confluentes

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    This paper addresses the coexistence of the different material formats of books (emerging and classical) from a sociological perspective, trying to argue that textual practices, devices and digital applications available to users are enabling a rearticulation of the book as an object, and some other written content, that surrounds them with new mediations. In addition, we make a brief review of some key points in the evolution of the technologies used to copy textual pieces and try to explain that in the recreation of shared routines and senses is where the future of the book may be establishing itself, so it is not appropriate to simply address the agency in a technology (such as the printing press before or Internet nowadays) unless we understand the technology as an contingency with a strong social component, not only as purely technical innovation.Apparently, we live in a time of transition in which several strategies are being developed by different corporations in order to impose their own conceptions of readings and books among the others. Either way, it is not questionable that also the attempts to capture the legal condition of the book may have a performative desire. Therefore, the technological environment of the book is suffering a kind of reorganization in several locations, where new and old elements try to fit themselves within variant levels of conflict.El presente artículo aborda la convivencia de los distintos soportes del libro (emergentes y clásicos) desde una perspectiva sociológica, tratando de sostener que las prácticas textuales, así como los dispositivos y las herramientas digitales al alcance de los usuarios, están propiciando una rearticulacion en el libro como objeto, y en los contenidos escritos en general, que les reviste de nuevas mediaciones. Al mismo tiempo realizamos un breve repaso a algunos puntos clave en la evolución de las tecnologías empleadas para reproducir texto y argumentamos que es precisamente en las rutinas y sentidos en constante recreación donde se dirimen los futuros del libro, por lo que no es oportuno atender simplemente a la capacidad de agencia de una determinada tecnología (como la imprenta en su día o como hoy Internet) a menos que entendamos dicha tecnología con un componente social marcado, y no sólo como un avance meramente técnico. Es importante destacar que vivimos en un momento de aparente transición en el que se están desplegando diferentes estrategias por parte de la industria para tratar de imponer unas u otras líneas de evolución y que, de igual manera, los intentos por captar la realidad del libro por parte de las administraciones públicas pueden tener un afán performativo. Así pues, el concepto libro sufre una especie de reorganización de varias de sus facetas, donde lo conocido y lo novedoso buscan acoplarse con mayores o menores niveles de tensión.O presente artigo trata da convivência de distintos apoios de livro (emergentes e clássicos) a partir de uma perspectiva sociológica, sustentando que as práticas textuais, assim como os dispositivos e ferramentas digitais ao alcance dos usuários, estão propiciando uma rearticulação no livro como objeto, e nos conteúdos escritos em geral, que os revistem de novas mediações. Ao mesmo tempo realizamos um breve revisão de alguns pontos chave na  evolução das tecnologias empregadas para reproduzir texto e argumentamos que é precisamente nas rotinas e sentidos em constante recreação onde se resolvem os futuros do livro, pelo qual não é oportuno atender simplesmente à capacidade de agência de uma determinada tecnologia (como a imprensa no seu dia ou como hoje Internet) a menos que entendamos a dita tecnologia com um componente social marcado, e não apenas como um avanço meramente técnico. É importante destacar que vivemos em um momento de aparente transição no qual se estão emergindo diferentes estratégias por parte da indústria para tratar de impor umas ou outras linhas de evolução e que, da mesma maneira, as tentativas de captar a realidade do livro por parte das administrações públicas podem ter um afã performativo. Assim, portanto, o conceito livro sofre uma espécie de reorganização de várias de suas facetas, onde o conhecido e o novo buscam conectar-se com maiores ou menores níveis de tensão

    A Case Study of Anorexia Nervosa and Obsessive Personality Disorder Using Third-Generation Behavioral Therapies

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    This article presents a case study of anorexia nervosa and obsessive personality disorder as a means of describing the main therapeutic interventions in the framework of “third-generation” therapies. The sessions were videotaped by independent observers. The particulars of the therapeutic relationship (based on functional analytic psychotherapy) and the contextual strategies (based on acceptance and commitment therapy) used are analyzed here. This case highlights progressive positive changes in social behavior, including congruence of values and vital actions, resolution of the eating disorder, greater openness to experience, and decreased pervasive thoughts. The discussion associates these changes with the types of intervention specific to this therapeutic approach

    Feature Extraction

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    Feature extraction is a procedure aimed at selecting and transforming a data set in order to increase the performance of a pattern recognition or machine learning system. Nowadays, since the amount of data available and its dimension is growing exponentially, it is a fundamental procedure to avoid overfitting and the curse of dimensionality, while, in some cases, allowing a interpretative analysis of the data. The topic itself is a thriving discipline of study, and it is difficult to address every single feature extraction algorithm. Therefore, we provide an overview of the topic, introducing widely used techniques, while at the same time presenting some domain-specific feature extraction algorithms. Finally, as a case, study, we will illustrate the vastness of the field by analysing the usage and impact of feature extraction in neuroimaging

    Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Neuroimaging

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    This chapter is intended to provide an overview to the most used methods for computer-aided diagnosis in neuroimaging and its application to neurodegenerative diseases. The fundamental preprocessing steps, and how they are applied to different image modalities, will be thoroughly presented. We introduce a number of widely used neuroimaging analysis algorithms, together with a wide overview on the recent advances in brain imaging processing. Finally, we provide a general conclusion on the state of the art in brain imaging processing and possible future developments