621 research outputs found

    Search for axioelectric effect of 5.5 MeV solar axions using BGO detectors

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    A search for axioelectric absorption of solar axions produced in the p+d3He+γ(5.5MeV) p + d \rightarrow {^3\rm{He}}+\gamma (5.5 \rm{MeV}) reactions has been performed with a BGO detector placed in a low-background setup. A model-independent limit on an axion-nucleon and axion-electron coupling constant has been obtained: gAe×gAN3<2.9×109| g_{Ae}\times g_{AN}^3|< 2.9\times 10^{-9} for 90% confidence level. The constrains of the axion-electron coupling have been obtained for hadronic axion with masses in (0.1 - 1) MeV range: gAe(1.49.7)×107|g_{Ae}| \leq (1.4 - 9.7)\times 10^{-7}.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to be published in EPJ C. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1007.338

    Негативное обращение диалектики в сути кризиса

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    У статті розглядається проблема негативного обернення діалектики в умовах сучасної кризи людства. Дане питання розглядається з точки зору відношення релятивізму до діалектики, філософії до науки.In the article author considers on the problem of negative transformation of dialectics in conditions of modern crisis of mankind. Author thinks that determination of essence of crisis should consist relations of relativism to dialectics, of philosophy to science. The conclusion of article is that unsteadiness, changeableness – the soul of dialectics – now becomes weapons against dialectics. The task of dialectical theorists is to overcome this reactionary tendency.В статье рассматривается проблема негативного обращения диалектики в условиях современного кризиса человечества. Автор считает, что в определение сути кризиса должны войти отношение релятивизма к диалектике, философии к науке. Автор приходит к выводу, что изменчивость, подвижность – душа диалектики – сегодня превращается в оружие, направленное против неё самой. Задачей теоретиков-диалектиков в этих условиях является сознательное преодоление этой реакционной тенденции

    Методологическая роль категории отрицания в разработке принципов философии образования

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    У статті йдеться про розвиток особистості силами розвиваючого навчання та освіти. Філософський принцип розвитку в цілому і категорія заперечення, зокрема, береться за методологічну основу для подальших досліджень в філософії освіти.This article reads about the development of personality by force of the developmental teaching and developing education. The philosophical principle of development in general and the category negation in particular affords a methodological basis for further research in the philosophy of education.В статье рассматривается развитие человеческой личности посредством развивающего обучения и образования. Философский принцип развития в целом и категория отрицания, в частности, берется в качестве методологической основы для дальнейших исследований в философии образования

    Образование и философское постижение творчества

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    У статті розглядається проблема принципового перетворення основ освіти. Автор розкриває сутнісний зв'язок історії та творчості, саморозвитку людини в розвитку її суспільної діяльності. Філософське узагальнення надає можливості розглядати освіту як саморозвиток особистості, Ії творчість.In article author considers the problem of radical, principal changing of basics of education. Author shown essential link between history and creation, selfdevelopment of human in development of it’s social activity. Philosophical generalization gives ability to consider education concentrated form as self-development of personality, it’s creation.В статье автор рассматривает проблему коренного, принципиального изменения основ образования. Автор показывает сущностную связь между историей и творчеством, саморазвития человека в развитии его общественной деятельности. Философское обобщение дает возможность рассматривать образование как саморазвитие личности, ее творчество

    Search for solar axions produced by Compton process and bremsstrahlung using the resonant absorption and axioelectric effect

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    The search for resonant absorption of Compton and bremsstrahlung solar axions by 169^{169}Tm nuclei have been performed. Such an absorption should lead to the excitation of low-lying nuclear energy level: A+169A+^{169}Tm 169\rightarrow ^{169}Tm^* 169\rightarrow ^{169}Tm +γ+ \gamma (8.41 keV). Additionally the axio-electric effect in silicon atoms is sought. The axions are detected using a Si(Li) detectors placed in a low-background setup. As a result, a new model independent restrictions on the axion-electron and the axion-nucleon coupling: gAe×gAN0+gAN32.1×1014g_{Ae}\times|g^0_{AN}+ g^3_{AN}|\leq 2.1\times10^{-14} and the axion-electron coupling constant: gAe2.2×1010|g_{Ae}| \leq 2.2\times 10^{-10} has been obtained. The limits leads to the bounds mAm_{A}\leq 7.9 eV and mAm_{A}\leq 1.3 keV for the mass of the axion in the DFSZ and KSVZ models, respectively (90%90\% C.L.).Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, contributed to the 9th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Mainz, June 24-28, 201

    Defensive Walls of Tobolsk Kremlin: a Historical and Architectural Sketch

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    The article was prepared in connection with the announcement of the year of Semyon Ulyanovich Remezov in the city of Tobolsk in 2021. Information has been collected on the history of the construction and rebuilding of the fortress walls and towers of the Tobolsk Kremlin, which rarely attracted the attention of researchers. A review of the history of the fence construction in the Sofia courtyard is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the stages of the construction of the Kremlin stone walls, the surviving elements of defensive architecture in them. The authors clarify some provisions from the classical works of V. I. Kochedamov, draw on new sources, including photographs from restoration work in the middle of the 20th century from the funds of the Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. The results of a comparative architectural analysis of the Kremlin walls of Tobolsk with synchronous and previous monuments of Russian military architecture are presented in the article. It has been established that the walls of the Tobolsk Kremlin were more of a symbolic-decorative than a military char-acter. It was determined that they represented a symbiosis of the Moscow Kremlin architecture of the late 15th century with the architecture of the Smolensk fortress wall, 17th century monastery fences and, possibly, the fence of the Bishops' court in Rostov

    Constraints on the axion-electron coupling for solar axions produced by Compton process and bremsstrahlung

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    The search for solar axions produced by Compton (γ+ee+A\gamma+e^-\rightarrow e^-+A) and bremsstrahlung-like (e+ZZ+e+Ae^-+Z \rightarrow Z+e^-+A) processes has been performed. The axion flux in the both cases depends on the axion-electron coupling constant. The resonant excitation of low-lying nuclear level of 169Tm^{169}\rm{Tm} was looked for: A+169A+^{169}Tm 169\rightarrow ^{169}Tm^* 169\rightarrow ^{169}Tm +γ+ \gamma (8.41 keV). The Si(Li) detector and 169^{169}Tm target installed inside the low-background setup were used to detect 8.41 keV γ\gamma-rays. As a result, a new model independent restriction on the axion-electron and the axion-nucleon couplings was obtained: gAe×gAN0+gAN32.1×1014g_{Ae}\times|g^0_{AN}+ g^3_{AN}|\leq 2.1\times10^{-14}. In model of hadronic axion this restriction corresponds to the upper limit on the axion-electron coupling and on the axion mass gAe×mA3.1×107g_{Ae}\times m_A\leq3.1\times10^{-7} eV (90% c.l.). The limits on axion mass are mAm_A\leq 105 eV and mAm_A\leq 1.3 keV for DFSZ- and KSVZ-axion models, correspondingly (90% c.l.).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure