1,665 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Pedagang Kaki Lima Notoharjo

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    The policy structuring location five-foot trader set by the local government, of course has the effect or impact on the vendors themselves and also for the environment. based on two criteria are used, internal and external. Internal is how the impact on street vendors in terms of economic improvement, a sense of justice and that is how the relationship with the external environment. Impact on the environment implies a positive environment that is well-organized, with waste treatment market, greening around the relocation market, so the market environment will be beautiful and doesn\u27t look shabby (environmentally friendly). While the negative impact of the decline in capital and revenue, increased operating costs, declining market activities (production, distribution and consumption), weakening of social networks (customers) and declining merchant opportunity to participate in social groups of non-formal. Therefore, further research requiredFrom the research conducted showed that the quality of service significantly influence the arrangement of locations although its low and have strong and significant affect on working productivity of Notoharjo\u27s five-foot trader Surakarta. And also the arrangement of locations has lower significant effect on working productivity althought it\u27s lower on Notoharjo\u27s five-foot trader of Surakarta. Keywords: quality of service, working productivity, arrangement of locatio

    Analisis Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat pada Uptd Terminal Tirtonadi Dllaj Kota Surakarta

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    The Determination of Surakarta's District Government in giving fine service in the field of public service is marked by the development of UPTD. Tirtonadi Bus Station of DLLAJ Surakarta's District is measurement as institution who gave best service if the process works fast, appropriate, and definite. Based on the analysis towards score of service index UPTD Tirtonadi Bus Station of DLLAJ Surakarta's District is 2.84. Conversed with the basic score of 25 the result is 70,9645. Based on Those calculations, quality service of UPTD Tirtonadi Bus Station of DLLAJ Surakarta's District is considered as B, meaning that service performance of UPTD Tirtonadi Bus Station of DLLAJ Surakarta's District is good. Even the overall services are fair, however researcher recommended the service appropriateness are considered time wasted and circumlocutory to the public

    The Growth of General Election as an Implementation of Democracy and Constitution in Indonesia since Parliamentary Democracy Era until Reformation Era

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    The objectives of this research are (first) to know General election growth as an implementation of democracy in Indonesia specially as an empirical description of General Election since Parliamentary Era until Reformation Era and as an assessment to know whether General election that was executed was democratic or not. This assessment used many indicators as General election order, General election organizer, General election contestant competition, freedom of elector, and controlling of General election. Second, to know the position of General election as Constitution implementation in Indonesia specially from the aspect of General election growth in Constitution and also General election law and causal factor of changing General election law in every General election that is implemented in Indonesia. Third, to give solution in order to make General election perfect in Indonesia governance system. This research use research method consist of normative law research that having descriptive character by using law approach, political approach, historical approach and comparability approach. Data in this research are secondary data with library research as an instrument. The technique to analyse data use qualitative method through categorize problems based on problems that is researched by taking conclusion based on logical idea. The result of this research indicate that General election is fluctuative. The General Election in the Parliamentary Democracy Era is democratic, The General election in Guided Democracy Era is not implementated, The General Election in New Order Era is undemocratic and The General election in Reformation Era is democratic. The growth of General election as Constitution implementation in Indonesia experiences a significant growth since Constitution of 1945, Constitution of 1949, Constitution of 1950 until amandement Constitution (reformation era). In General election law there are items that need to be defended, to be vanished and to be corrected. The basic reasons of changing General election law consist of law aspect, political aspect and sociological aspect. Small part of solution General election in governance system for Indonesian future (postscriptum) are necessity in improvement of General election democratization, necessity in repairing of General election in Constitution and General election law. Keyword: General election, constitution and democrac

    Biodiversitas dan sebaran mikroalga berbasis sistem informasi geografis (SIG) di Perairan Selatan Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur

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    The coastal region is a meeting point of land and sea. The coastal area utilization has developed intensively, which causes the sustainability or capacity of coastal ecosystems, and the pollution potential in this area exceeded due to various human activities. This condition affects the existence of microalgae, which play an important role not only in the food chain in the aquatic environment but also in humans at the end. This research was carried out in Sendang Biru Waters, South Malang Regency. The purpose of this study was to map and determine the biodiversity as well as the distribution of microalgae in coastal waters using in situ data. The data were analyzed using geographic information system techniques in the form of microalgae distribution and biodiversity maps. The results showed that the microalgae identified from the genera Chaetoceros and Navicula showing the highest frequency. The biodiversity index value at station 1 was 3,312, at station 2 was 3,184. These values indicate that the Sendang Biru waters were highly diverse in microalgae composition. The results of the temperature-water quality parameters are 27-29 ° C, salinity 32-35 ppt, and pH 7.8-8.2. The range of nitrate nutrients ranges from 0.0142 to 0.082 mg/l, while phosphate from 0.024 to 0.074 mg/l, silica showed values between 1.249 to 1.393 mg/l. Based on the analysis of chlorophyll-a, the range of chlorophyll-a values was between 1.773-1.777 mg/l. All parameters of water quality were classified as suitable for microalgae growth. Therefore, the microalgae biodiversity in this location can still be considered relatively high.Keywords:Coastal AreaBiodiversityMicroalgaeABSTRAKWilayah pesisir merupakan tempat bertemunya daratan dan lautan. Pemanfaatan wilayah pesisir secara intensif mengakibatkan terlampauinya daya dukung atau kapasitas berkelanjutan dari ekosistem pesisir dan meningkatnya potensi pencemaran pada perairan pesisir yang ditimbulkan dari berbagai aktivitas manusia. Pencemaran ini akan mempengaruhi keberadaan mikroalga yang mempunyai peranan penting bukan saja dalam rantai makanan di perairan namun manusia juga pada akhirnya.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di Perairan Sendang Biru, Kabupaten Malang. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan memetakan biodiversitas dan sebaran mikroalga di perairan pantai selatan Kabupaten Malang, dengan data in situ. Data dianalisis menggunakan peta yang dihasilkan dari teknik sistem informasi geografis dari biodiversitas dan sebaran mikroalga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mikroalga yang teridentifikasi genus Chaetoceros dan Navicula memiliki kelimpahan tertinggi. Nilai index diversitas pada stasiun 1 adalah 3,312, sedangkan pada stasiun 2 adalah 3,184. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan bahwa mikroalga di perairan Sendang Biru memiliki keanekaragaman tinggi. Hasil parameter kualitas air suhu yaitu 27-29 0C, salinitas 32-35 ppt, dan pH 7,8-8,2. Kisaran nutrien nitrat adalah 0,0142 – 0,082 mg/l, fosfat 0,024 – 0,074 mg/l, dan silica berkisar 1.249 – 1.393 mg/l. Berdasarkan hasil analisis klorofil-a didapatkan kisaran nilai klorofil-a 1,773-1,777 mg/l. Seluruh parameter kualitas air masih tergolong dalam kategori baik untuk kehidupan mikroalga sehingga dapat disimpulkan biodiversitas mikroalga di lokasi penelitian relatif tinggi.Kata kunci:Wilayah PesisirKeanekaragamanMikroalg


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas program gerakan literasi sekolah yang dilaksanakan di SD Salman Alfarisi Cibinong. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif evaluatif dengan model evaluasi Context Input Process and Product (CIPP) yang dikembangkan oleh Stufflebeam. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan penyebaran angket. Hasil penelitian program gerakan literasi sekolah dengan menggunakan model CIPP telah terlaksana dengan baik. Hal tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa pada konteks telah merancang program gerakan literasi sekolah dengan tujuan yang jelas. Untuk input program gerakan literasi sekolah sudah memenuhi sarana dan prasarana yang menunjang proses. Kemudian pada proses masih ada hambatan dalam menjalankan program gerakan literasi sekolah seperti belum lengkapnya sarana dan prasarana. Produk yang dihasilkan dari pelaksanaan program gerakan literasi sekolah yaitu baik sekali dengan rata-rata 87,5% dari enam komponen salah satunya yaitu manfaat yang diperoleh peserta didik seperti minat baca. Sama halnya dengan yang diharapkan dari tujuan gerakan literasi sekolah di SD Salman Alfarisi Cibinong yaitu menumbuhkan minat baca pada peserta didik


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    AbstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana inklusivitas pertumbuhan ekonomi pada 34 provinsi di Indonesia selama 2017-2019yang diukur melalui indeks pertumbuhan inklusif serta membandingkan inklusivitas pertumbuhan ekonomi antara Kawasan Barat Indonesia (KBI)dengan Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI). Penelitian ini menggunakan data yang diperoleh dari BPS, OJK, dan Dirjen Perimbangan Keuangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah indeks komposit denganmodel pendekatan ADB, sedangkan untuk membandingkan keadaan inklusivitas pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kawasan Barat Indonesia denganKawasan Timur Indonesia menggunakan Uji One Way ANOVA.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum indeks pertumbuhan inklusif telah mencapai status yang memuaskan, hanya ada 1 provinsi yang konsisten berada pada status tidak memuaskan yaitu Papua. Inklusivitas pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terjadi di Kawasan Barat Indonesia dengan Kawasan Timur Indonesia memiliki keadaan yang tidak sama di mana setiap kawasan menghadapi permasalahan yang berbeda

    Tembang Macapat Sebagai Metode Untuk Penanaman Dasar-Dasar Musikalitas

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     ABSTRACT This research departs from a problem, namely that students of the Mangkunegaran Art Academy in Surakarta the II semester for the academic year 2021/2022 have difficulty understanding the musicality of the tembang macapat which includes titilaras and laya. Thus, this study aims to describe the learning process of the tembang macapat as an inculcation of the basics of student musicality in the students of the karawitan arts study program at the Mangkunegaran Art Academy in Surakarta. Researchers examine learning from the learning stages (pre, process, and post), learning components (objectives, materials, models, methods, media, and evaluation) and the basics of musicality including titilaras and laya. The research subjects are II semester students for the 2020/2021 academic year. The researcher chose a qualitative method in descriptive form by engaging directly with students and lecturers during the research process to obtain information and data about the learning process. The results of this study prove that there is an influence of the tembang macapat learning process on the cultivation of the basics of musicality in the form of theory and practice. This can be seen from the success of lecturers in instilling the basics of musicality to students as evidenced by 81.25% of students when presenting tembang macapat well in emphasizing titilaras and laya, due to various factors, namely basic conditions and student skills (eg the sound of sasap, blero, false "does not match the tone notation" and the beat of each tembang macapat is not the same), there are still 18.75% of students who have not been able to present the tembang macapat according to the predetermined titilaras and laya. According to the research findings, it can be said that lecturers have succeeded in carrying out their obligations as competent educators, apply learning tools well and are able to form creative, disciplined, independent, and motivated students.ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berangkat dari sebuah permasalahan yaitu mahasiswa Akademi Seni Mangkunegaran Surakarta pada semester II tahun ajaran 2020/2021 mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami tentang musikalitas tembang macapat yang diantaranya titilaras dan laya. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran tembang macapat sebagai penanaman dasar-dasar musikalitas mahasiswa di progam studi seni karawitan Akademi Seni Mangkunegaran Surakarta. Peneliti mengkaji pembelajaran dari tahapan pembelajaran (pra, proses, dan post), komponen pembelajaran (tujuan, materi, model, metode, media, dan evaluasi) dan dasar-dasar musikalitas diantaranya titilaras dan laya. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester II tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Peneliti memilih metode kualitatif dalam bentuk deskriptif dengan melakukan keterlibatan langsung dengan mahasiswa dan dosen selama proses penelitian untuk mendapatkan informasi dan data tentang proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bawa adanya pengaruh proses pembelajaran tembang macapat terhadap penanaman dasar-dasar musikalitas dalam bentuk teori maupun praktik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari keberhasilan dosen dalam menamkan dasar-dasar musikalitas kepada mahasiswa dengan dibuktikan 81,25% mahasiswa ketika menyajikan tembang macapat dengan baik dalam penekanan titilaras dan laya, karena berbagai faktor yaitu kondisi dasar dan keterampilan mahasiswa (misal suara sasap, blero, fals “tidak sesuai notasi nada” dan ketukan setiap tembang macapat tidak sama), masih ada 18,75% mahasiswa yang belum bisa menyajikan tembang macapat sesuai dengan titilaras dan laya yang sudah ditentukan. Menurut temuan penelitian sehingga bisa dikatakan yakni dosen telah berhasil melaksanakan kewajibannya sebagai tenaga pendidik yang berkompeten, menerapkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan baik dan mampu membentuk mahasiswa yang kreatif, dispilin, mandiri, dan memiliki motivasi.

    Pengembangan media Pembelajaran Multimedia Mata Kuliah Gambar Perspektif

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    ABSiTRACI: The purpose of this development study is to devetop instructional media of Perspective Drawing subjea. The research method chosen to achieve this goal is by the type of research and development. The subjects were the researchers themselves and students who are taking Perspective Drawing subject in 2008, a total of 37 students. The object of this research is Perspective Drawing materialthat includes concepts of: perspective drawing, perspective drawing points, lines, fields, objecB, doors, and perspective drawing of the sui and lightshade. The experimentwas conducted from Aprilto November2008, atArts Education Study Program, JPBS FKIP UNS. The research procedure includes composing draft of research lessons implementation, instructional media materials, examining media by media experts, and trial on media in the classroom. Based on five basic competency of perspective Drawing subject, there are 9 learning media produced, including media of : (1) perspective drawinl concept, (2) determining the vanishing point, (3) determining the coordinates of points, (4j point perspective drawing, (5) perspective drawing of area, (6) perspective drawing of beam object, (7) perspective drawing of horizontal hinge door, (8) perspective drawing of object shade bysunlight, and (9) perspective drawingof objectshade by tamptight. Keywords: iearning media, perspective drawing, objed