201 research outputs found
Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang cara
pelaksanaan pengelolaan perpustakaan di sekolah pedesaan, yaitu di SMP
Negeri 7 Wonogiri. Fokus penelitian ini adalah hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan
pengelolaan perpustakaan sekolah pedesaan yang meliputi; 1) Karakteristik
pemeliharaan buku perpustakaan, 2) Karakteristik promosi perpustakaan, 3)
Karakteristik layanan perpustakaan.
Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan desain
etnografi yang mengambil lokasi di SMP Negeri 7 Wonogiri. Sumber data
diperoleh dari informan, peristiwa, dan dokumen. Informan dalam penelitian
ini adalah kepala sekolah, pustakawan dan guru-guru yang mengelola
perpustakaan sekolah. Peristiwa dalam penelitian ini proses kegiatan seharihari
di perpustakaan, sedang dokumen yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini
adalah dokumen yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan perpustakaan. Data-data
yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan analisis model interaktif yang meliputi
pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian : 1) pemeliharaan bahan pustaka bertujuan untuk mencegah
kerusakan dari berbagai factor yang bisa merusak bahan-bahan pustaka.
Disamping itu perlu adanya komitmen dan kesadaran bersama antara pengelola
perpustkaan dengan pengguna layanan untuk saling memelihara dan menjaga
bahan pustaka agar bisa dimanfaatkan lebih lama, 2) promosi dilakukan untuk
menyampaikan sejumlah informasi yang tujuannya untuk membujuk, mengajak
agar siswa sebagai pengguna tertarik dengan informasi yang disampaikan,
oleh karena itu, perpustakaan harus dapat menunjukkan tampilan yang cantik,
cerdas, menarik, serta memberikan layanan yang ramah kepada pemustaka
karena keberhasilan perpustakaan diukur dengan tingkat kedatangan pengguna
dan tingkat keterpakaian koleksinya, 3) layanan perpustakaan ditujukan kepada
pengguna, karena keberadaan perpustakaan sekolah sebagai sumber ilmu
pengetahuan dan informasi bagi siswa maupun guru agar dapat memberikan
pelayanan yang baik bagi pengguna, perlu didukung adanya keseriusan
pengembangan perpustakaan baik sarana maupun prasarana dengan
mengutamakan kebutuhan pengguna.
Kata Kunci: perpustakaan, sekolah pedesaan
Penanaman Pendidikan Multikultural pada Masyarakat Melalui Pendirian Rumah Ibadah Bersama
This study aims to find out how to cultivate multicultural education to the community, what lies behind the establishment of a shared house of worship in a neighborhood location of the Boyolali Regency Government, and how the conditions of harmony among religious communities in Boyolali Regency. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Multicultural education has been going well and has been socialized by religious leaders and leaders through various formal and non-formal activities in places of worship and in schools; (2) Establishment of places of worship on the initiative of the Boyolali Regent and supported by religious and masayarak leaders, with the aim of building togetherness to overcome differences, and to create harmony of religious life; (3) Religious harmony in Boyolali Regency has been going well, there has never been a conflict between followers of different religions
Penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap pola asuh yang dilakukan oleh orang tua terhadap pembentukan kedisiplinan remaja menggunakan 22 remaja ebagai subyek yang di teliti. Remaja tersebut merupakan anak anak anak antara usia 16-16 thn yang tinggal di Lembaga Orang Tua Asuh Dharma Kalyana. Penelitian ini menggumakan 2 variabel yaitu pola asuh sebagai variabel X, dan Kedisiplinan Sebagai Variabel Y dengan menerapkan metode0penelitian0kuantitatif, yang didasarkan pada0paradigma struktural fungsional. Metode analisis yang diterapkan adalah analisis parametrik, digunakan untuk menguji parameter populasi dengan memanfaatkan data sampel dengan tipe data interval atau rasio, serta memiliki distribusi yang normal. Hasil analisi Uji t untuk menguji signifikansi konstanta dan variabel independent (Pola Asuh Orang Tua). Berdasarkan besarnya t hitung 4,154 dengan Sig. 0,000 < 0,05 maka H? ditolak. Perhitungan ini mengasumsikan bahwa Pola Asuh Orang Tua Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap pembentukan kedisiplinan remaja Di Lembaga Orang Tua Asuh Dharma Kalyana Tahun 2023
Identifikasi Hama Lalat Buah (Diptera: Tephritidae) pada Berbagai Macam Buah-buahan
The research objective is to determine the type of fruit flies that attack fruit. Fruits used in this research are: mango, papaya, starfruit, stone guava, and water guava. The research was conducted in the pests laboratory of Agricultural Quarantine Class I Balikpapan. This type of research is an exploratory description that describes data that was collected in the field by using the method of rearing hosts (maintenance hosts). Â Once the fruit fly imago emerges from the fruit, then it is collected and finally identified for further identification. The results showed that from the identification, there are four types of fruit flies that attack fruits, namely: Bactrocera carambolae, Bactrocera albistrigata, Bactrocera cucurbitae, Bactrocera papaya
Pengaruh Pendidikan Buddhis Terhadap Penguatan Moralitas Pancadharma Siswa Beragama Buddha
Buddhist education pancadarma aims to guide individuals in practicing morality. This research applies quantitative research methods and focuses on correlational research. In this particular investigation, the main method used to collect data is through the distribution of questionnaires. The results of the study indicate that Buddhist education has a significant relationship with the strengthening of Pancadharma morality in Buddhist students. Linear regression indicates that about 29% of the variance in moral strengthening can be explained by Buddhist education. Statistical tests confirm that Buddhist education significantly enhances Pancadharma morality, with a low level of significance. This study highlights the important role of Buddhist education in shaping moral values in Buddhist students and provides a deep understanding of its relationship in the context of Buddhism
Echinococcosis: Past and Present Situation in Southeast Asia
In Asia, Southeast Asia is reported as a non-endemic area of the parasite. However, several indigenous echinococcoses in human and animals were reported in several countries, such as Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR). Most human infections are caused by Echinococcus granulosus and only two cases with E. ortleppi. There was no evidence case with E. multilocularis in Southeast Asia. Echinococcus granulosus infection is prevalent in areas that association with dogs and livestocks that close contact with dogs. The incidence is very low. A total of 49 cases of echinococcosis was identified in Southeast Asia from 1885 to 2015. Of which, at least 31 cases were indigenous, 14 cases were imported, and 4 cases were unknown. Thailand is the most prevalent country with echinococcosis in human, followed by very low incidence in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Cambodia and Lao PDR. However, it is very difficult to estimate the real number of human echinococcosis case in Southeast Asia due to the long asymptomatic period that is usually >5 years. The disease may be more prevalent in Southeast Asia; however, they were underdiagnosed and not reported
Hubungan antara Organisasi BEM dengan perilaku Pro-Sosial Mahasiswa STIAB Smaratungga
Membership and active involvement in BEM provides students with the opportunity to grow their leadership talents, supervise teams, and oversee ventures that benefit students and the surrounding campus community. In addition, BEM plays a role in supporting a code of ethics, integrity, and responsibility in its members, thereby shaping student behavior in a way that is achieved. This investigation uses quantitative techniques, using a correlational research design, to ascertain and examine the relationship between the BEM organizational entity and students' prosocial attitudes. at STIAB Smaratungga. The results obtained from data analysis reveal an affirmative correlation between BEM membership and students' prosocial behavior, with the regression equation strengthening this relationship. Therefore, these findings strengthen the idea that involvement in BEM has the capacity to shape students' prosocial behavior at the Smaratungga College of Buddhist Studies (STIAB), which in turn can have a beneficial influence on the campus environment and society in general
Impact Of The China-Us Trade War On The Global Value Chain Of Asia's Economies
The US-China trade war will significantly affect the world trading system. This paper evaluates the effect of the US and Chinese governments' successive rounds of tariff increases on the global value chain, including the concentration on the major economies of the Asian Region. This study simulates a trade war between the US and China that arose from the sanctions implemented by the US government and the tit-for-tat strategy adopted by China. How and to what extent changes in circumstances surrounding US-China trade affect the economies of various countries in the Asian Region. This study uses a qualitative method which is a method to explore phenomena intensively with a library research approach. The type of data used in this study is secondary data obtained from several literatures such as books, journals and other relevant literature. In this study it can be concluded that China is increasing its participation mainly as a seller to international networks, while US integration. in the Global Value Chain is decreasing. Countries in the Asian region are increasing relations with the US and increasing regional integration in the Asian region
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