515 research outputs found

    A stochastic approach for old RC structures strengthened by ties to prevent progressive collapse under seismic sequences

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    Old existing industrial reinforced concrete (RC) structures are often subjected to removal of structural elements due to degradation caused by environmental effects. So they are in a risk of progressive collapse. In oder to prevent this risk, a strengthening by cable elements (tension-ties) can be used. The probabilistic analysis of such RC structures under seismic sequences is herein numerically investigated. The unilateral behavior of the cable-elements, which can undertake tension stresses only, is strictly taken into account. Attention is given to uncertainties concerning structural input parameters, common for such old RC structures belonging to built Cultural Heritage. For their treatment, Monte Carlo techniques are applied. The proposed methodology is explained in a numerical example.Stare postojeće industrijske armiranobetonske (AB) konstrukcije često su podvrgnute uklanjanju konstruktivnih elemenata zbog degradacije uzrokovane uticajima okoline, zbog čega su u opasnosti od progresivnog kolapsa. Da bi se sprečio ovaj rizik, može se koristiti ojačanje kablovskim elementima (zatezne zatege). Ovde je numerički istražena probabilistička analiza takvih armiranobetonskih konstrukcija izloženim uticaju niza seizmičkih potresa. Strogo se uzima u obzir jednostrano ponašanje kablovskih elemenata, koji mogu da podnesu samo zatezna naprezanja. Pažnja je posvećena nejasnoćama u pogledu ulaznih parametara konstrukcije, uobičajenih za tako stare AB konstrukcije koje pripadaju kulturnom nasleđu. Za njihovo tretman primenjuju se Monte Karlo tehnike. Predložena metodologija je objašnjena na numeričkom primeru

    Stochastic vulnerability assessment of masonry structures: Concepts, modeling and restoration aspects

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    A methodology aiming to predict the vulnerability of masonry structures under seismic action is presented herein. Masonry structures, among which many are cultural heritage assets, present high vulnerability under earthquake. Reliable simulations of their response to seismic stresses are exceedingly difficult because of the complexity of the structural system and the anisotropic and brittle behavior of the masonry materials. Furthermore, the majority of the parameters involved in the problem such as the masonry material mechanical characteristics and earthquake loading characteristics have a stochastic-probabilistic nature. Within this framework, a detailed analytical methodological approach for assessing the seismic vulnerability of masonry historical and monumental structures is presented, taking into account the probabilistic nature of the input parameters by means of analytically determining fragility curves. The emerged methodology is presented in detail through application on theoretical and built cultural heritage real masonry structures

    Analiza seizmičkih performansi AB konstrukcija kulturnog nasleđa ojačanih zategama u uslovima nepouzdanih podataka

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    The probabilistic seismic analysis of existing Cultural Heritage industrial reinforced concrete (RC) structures, which are strengthened by cable elements (tension-ties), is numerically investigated. Attention is given to uncertainties for the estimation of structural input parameters, common to old RC structures. For their treatment, Monte Carlo techniques are applied. The unilateral behavior of the cable-elements, which can undertake tension stresses only, is strictly taken into account and results to inequality constitutive conditions.U raduje sprovedena numerička analiza postojećih industrijskih armiranobetonskih konstrukcija kulturnog nasleđa, ojačanih kablovskim elementima (zategama), zasnovana na probabilističkoj seizmičkoj analizi. Posebna pažnja je posvećena nepozudanosti prilikom procene ulaznih strukturnih parametara, uobičajenih za stare AB konstrukcije. Za obradu ovih parametara upotrebljene su Monte Carlo tehnike. Ponašanje kablovskih elemenata, koji mogu da prime samo zatežuću silu, strogo je uzeto u obzir i rezultira konstitutivnim uslovima nejednakosti.Zbornik radova [Elektronski izvor] = Proceedings / 14. međunarodna naučna konferencija iNDiS 2018, Novi Sad, 21-23. novembar 2018. = [14th] International Scientific Conference [iNDiS], with Subconference "Eco build", Novi Sad, 21-23 November 2018 ; [urednici Vlastimir Radonjanin, Radomir Folić]

    Comparative analysis of inspection and diagnosis tools for ancient buildings

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    The survey and inspection of the state of conservation of buildings is understood as an active process of selecting information to support decision making in the rehabilitation of the built heritage. The development of new technologies applied to the integrated management of the built heritage resulted in digital tools able to support the technicians in on-site procedures. The purpose of this study was to analyse existing methods for the survey and inspection of the state of conservation of ancient buildings. It uses a qualitative methodology, focused on bibliographical survey and comparative analysis. Only methods with identical characteristics were considered: evaluation based on visual inspection of buildings with heritage value. This research shows that structuring information in computer systems is a solution to overcome the main problems pointed out in previous studies related to survey and inspection: expensive, time-consuming, inconsequential procedures and dispersed information. However, this is only valid if computer-based methods are adapted to the different geographic and chronological contexts. Future research may contribute to the development of a method that brings together this added value with a simple but objective way to diagnose the condition of ancient buildings with heritage value.The authors would like to acknowledge the support granted by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in the scope of the Doctoral Program Eco-Construction and Rehabilitation (EcoCoRe), to the Ph.D. scholarship with the reference PD/BD/127853/2016 that was fundamental for the development of this study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A stochastic approach for historic RC structures strengthened by ties to prevent seismic progressive collapse

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    Historic old existing industrial reinforced concrete (RC) structures are often subjected to removal of structural elements due to degradation caused by environmental effects. So they are in a risk of seismic progressive collapse. In order to prevent this risk, a strengthening by cable elements (tension-ties) can be used. The probabilistic analysis of such RC structures under critical seismic loading is herein numerically investigated. The unilateral behavior of the cable-elements, which can undertake tension stresses only, is strictly taken into account. Attention is given to uncertainties concerning structural input parameters, common for such old RC structures belonging to built Cultural Heritage. For their treatment, Monte Carlo techniques are applied. The proposed methodology is explained in a numerical example.БАНИ’2022. 21-23 ноември 2022 BASA’ 2022. 21-23 november 2022 proceedings International scientific conference “PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE” Българска академия на науките и изкуствата Научен институт по Архитектура, Строителство и Градоустройство Bulgarian academy of science and arts Scientific Institute for Architecture, Construction and Urban Planning София / Sofia 2023 ISSN 2815-365