11 research outputs found

    Ophthalmologic adverse events in childhood head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma survivors treated according to four different local treatment strategies

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    Introduction: Ophthalmological adverse events (OAEs) are known to frequently occur following local treatment for pediatric head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma (HNRMS). The exact nature of these OAEs and the burden they put on survivors is less well described. Moreover, it is suspected there might be differences in the prevalence and nature of OAEs depending on local treatment strategy applied: external beam radiation therapy with photons, external beam radiation therapy with protons, macroscopically radical surgery combined with brachytherapy, or microscopically radical surgery combined with external beam radiation therapy. Methods: We cross-sectionally assessed 98 HNRMS survivors with long (median 9 years) follow-up time, according to a predefined list of OAEs based on the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events system. We added information from chart reviews on the nature and management of all OAEs scored grade ≄1. We describe the prevalence of OAEs for the different tumor sites and treatment strategies separately. Results: OAEs occurred following treatment of all HNRMS sites. The most frequently observed OAEs are eyelid abnormalities, dry eyes, and cataracts. Sixty-two percent of survivors had several different OAEs simultaneously. In 27 % of survivors additional (surgical) treatment of OAEs was required during follow-up. The patterns observed suggest a possible relationship between OAE type and treatment strategy. Conclusion: OAEs in HNRMS survivors confer a high burden of chronic toxicity. The simultaneous occurrence of multiple OAEs in individual survivors present a particularly challenging clinical scenario and demand specific expertise. We propose a standardized screening scheme to detect possible OAEs in asymptomatic survivors based on primary tumor localization

    Regards sur la sĂ©paration aujourd’hui

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    Points de vue Jean-Pierre Balduyck Deux thĂšmes : Un cheminement personnel et mon expĂ©rience d’élu et de maire de Tourcoing. Le Maire de Tourcoing n’est pas un athĂ©e. Il est croyant. Il a Ă©tĂ© Ă©duquĂ© dans une famille chrĂ©tienne flamande traduisant sa foi dans la vie. Je n’ai jamais entendu dans les propos de mes parents le moindre racisme, le moindre sentiment d’exclusion. Mes parents votaient Ă  droite mais jamais Ă  l’extrĂȘme droite. La dĂ©couverte de la JOC a Ă©tĂ© pour moi un moment important. C..

    Patient-reported outcomes in childhood head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma survivors and their relation to physician-graded adverse events—A multicenter study using the FACE-Q Craniofacial module

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    Introduction: Adverse events (AE) of treatment are prevalent and diverse in head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma (HNRMS) survivors. These AEs are often reported by physicians; however, patients' perceptions of specific AE are not well known. In this study, we explored patient-reported outcomes measuring appearance, health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and facial function in HNRMS survivors. Second, we assess the relationship between physician grading of AE and patient reporting. Materials and Methods: Survivors of pediatric HNRMS, diagnosed between 1993 and 2017, who were at least 2 years after completing treatment were invited to an outpatient clinic as part of a multicenter cross-sectional cohort study. At the outpatient clinics, survivors aged ≄8 years filled out the FACE-Q Craniofacial module; a patient-reported outcome instrument measuring issues specific to patients with facial differences. AE were systematically assessed by a multidisciplinary team based on the Common Terminology Criteria of Adverse Events system. Results: Seventy-seven survivors with a median age of 16 years (range 8–43) and median follow-up of 10 years (range 2–42) completed the questionnaire and were screened for AEs. Patient-reported outcomes varied widely between survivors. Many survivors reported negative consequences: 82% on appearance items, 81% on HRQOL items, and 38% on facial function items. There was a weak correlation between physician-scored AEs and the majority of patient-reported outcomes specific for those AEs. Conclusions: Physician-graded AEs are not sufficient to provide tailored care for HNMRS survivors. Findings from this study highlight the importance of incorporating patient-reported outcome measures in survivorship follow-up

    Ophthalmologic adverse events in childhood head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma survivors treated according to four different local treatment strategies

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    Introduction: Ophthalmological adverse events (OAEs) are known to frequently occur following local treatment for pediatric head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma (HNRMS). The exact nature of these OAEs and the burden they put on survivors is less well described. Moreover, it is suspected there might be differences in the prevalence and nature of OAEs depending on local treatment strategy applied: external beam radiation therapy with photons, external beam radiation therapy with protons, macroscopically radical surgery combined with brachytherapy, or microscopically radical surgery combined with external beam radiation therapy. Methods: We cross-sectionally assessed 98 HNRMS survivors with long (median 9 years) follow-up time, according to a predefined list of OAEs based on the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events system. We added information from chart reviews on the nature and management of all OAEs scored grade ≄1. We describe the prevalence of OAEs for the different tumor sites and treatment strategies separately. Results: OAEs occurred following treatment of all HNRMS sites. The most frequently observed OAEs are eyelid abnormalities, dry eyes, and cataracts. Sixty-two percent of survivors had several different OAEs simultaneously. In 27 % of survivors additional (surgical) treatment of OAEs was required during follow-up. The patterns observed suggest a possible relationship between OAE type and treatment strategy. Conclusion: OAEs in HNRMS survivors confer a high burden of chronic toxicity. The simultaneous occurrence of multiple OAEs in individual survivors present a particularly challenging clinical scenario and demand specific expertise. We propose a standardized screening scheme to detect possible OAEs in asymptomatic survivors based on primary tumor localization

    De Georges Clemenceau Ă  Jacques Chirac : l'Ă©tat et la pratique de la Loi de SĂ©paration

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    La loi du 9 dĂ©cembre 1905 sur la SĂ©paration des Églises et de l'État est consacrĂ©e aujourd'hui comme une piĂšce essentielle du socle rĂ©publicain. Ce n'Ă©tait pas le cas Ă  la veille de son adoption. DĂšs lors, c'est dans la pratique de la loi par les pouvoirs publics qu'il faut rechercher les origines de l'adhĂ©sion progressive de la sociĂ©tĂ© française aux principes affirmĂ©s par le texte. En publiant les communications de chercheurs et les interventions d'acteurs politiques et de responsables des grandes institutions religieuses que le colloque tenu les 9 et 10 dĂ©cembre 2005, cet ouvrage permet de mesurer l'ampleur et la diversitĂ© d'une Ă©volution sĂ©culaire de la sociĂ©tĂ© française tout en identifiant les Ă©tapes et l'originalitĂ© de la laĂŻcisation française et en Ă©valuant les limites

    De Georges Clemenceau Ă  Jacques Chirac : l'Ă©tat et la pratique de la Loi de SĂ©paration

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    La loi du 9 dĂ©cembre 1905 sur la SĂ©paration des Églises et de l'État est consacrĂ©e aujourd'hui comme une piĂšce essentielle du socle rĂ©publicain. Ce n'Ă©tait pas le cas Ă  la veille de son adoption. DĂšs lors, c'est dans la pratique de la loi par les pouvoirs publics qu'il faut rechercher les origines de l'adhĂ©sion progressive de la sociĂ©tĂ© française aux principes affirmĂ©s par le texte. En publiant les communications de chercheurs et les interventions d'acteurs politiques et de responsables des grandes institutions religieuses que le colloque tenu les 9 et 10 dĂ©cembre 2005, cet ouvrage permet de mesurer l'ampleur et la diversitĂ© d'une Ă©volution sĂ©culaire de la sociĂ©tĂ© française tout en identifiant les Ă©tapes et l'originalitĂ© de la laĂŻcisation française et en Ă©valuant les limites

    Quasi-free (p,2p) reactions in inverse kinematics for studying the fission yield dependence on temperature

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    Despite the recent experimental and theoretical progress in the investigation of the nuclear fission process, a complete description still represents a challenge in nuclear physics because it is a very complex dynamical process, whose description involves the coupling between intrinsic and collective degrees of freedom, as well as different quantum-mechanical phenomena. To improve on the existing data on nuclear fission, we produce fission reactions of heavy nuclei in inverse kinematics by using quasi-free (p,2p) scattering, which induce fission through particle-hole excitations that can range from few to ten's of MeV. The measurement of the four-momenta of the two outgoing protons allows to reconstruct the excitation energy of the fissioning compound nucleus and therefore to study the evolution of the fission yields with temperature. The realization of this kind of experiment requires a complex experimental setup, providing full isotopic identification of both fission fragments and an accurate measurement of the momenta of the two outgoing protons. This was realized recently at the GSI/FAIR facility and here some preliminary results are presented