192 research outputs found

    Microcoryphia (insecta) de uma floresta periodicamente inundada por água mista naamazônia central: fenologia, densidade e adaptação

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    Most of the Microcoryphia are nocturnal that live in litter, soil cavities, on tree barks, under stones and logs. Essentially they feed on algae, lichens, plant remains and decaying fruits. In Brazil scientific information about this group of insects is scarce yet. The aim of the present work is to investigate the phenology, abundance and density of the Microcoryphia inhabiting flooded mixed-water forest in Central Amazon. Two monthly samplings with ground photo-eclectors, were carried out during the dry season (August/1987 to May/1988) to register the activity and density meanwhile weekly samplings with arboreal photo-eclectors were performed to detect vertical migration on trunks upwards anddownwards. A total of 145 individuals were captured, from which 37.2% (n=54) were collected in ground photo-eclectors and 62.8% (n=91) in arboreal photo-eclectors. The species collected were:Meinertellus adisi Sturm, 1983; Neomachilellus scandensWygodzinsky, 1978 e N. adisiWygodzinisky, 1978. N. scandens were only collected on litter and their reproduction occurred at the beginning of the dry season with post-embryonic development of approximately 40 to 50 days (from egg to sub-adult). The majority of M. adisi were immature, collected on trunks and the reproduction was plurivoltine. No vertical migration was observed during the sampling periods. We found no statistical significance between the population density of neither N. scandens of M. adisi and abiotic factors in the studied area. Os Microcoryphia são na maioria noturnos que vivem na serrapilheira, sobre cascas de árvores, em fendas, sob pedras e troncos. Alimentam-se principalmente de algas, liquens, musgos, restos de vegetais e frutas em decomposição. No Brasil as informações sobre este grupo de insetos ainda são escassas. Estetrabalho teve como objetivo estudar a fenologia, a abundância e a densidade dos Microcoryphia em uma área inundável por água mista na Amazônia Central. Foram feitas 2 coletas mensais com fotoeclectores de solo, durante o período não inundado (agosto/1987 a maio/1988) para registrar a densidade de atividade e coletas semanais com fotoeclectores arbóreos para registrar a migração nos troncos. Foram capturados 145 indivíduos, dos quais 37,2% (n = 54) foram coletados em fotoeclectores de solo e 62,8% (n = 91) em fotoeclectores arbóreos direcionados para cima e para baixo. As espécies coletadas foram: Meinertellus adisi Sturm, 1983; Neomachilellus scandensWygodzinsky, 1978 e N. adisiWygodzinisky,1978. N. scandens foi coletado apenas na serrapilheira e sua reprodução ocorreu no inicio da época não inundada, com desenvolvimento pós-embrionário de aproximadamente 40 a 50 dias (de ovo a subadulto). A maioria de M. adisi foi de indivíduos imaturos, coletados nos troncos e a reprodução foi polivoltina. Não houve migração vertical no período em estudo. Não foram obtidos resultados estatisticamente significativos entre a densidade populacional de N. scandens ou de M. adisi e os fatores abióticos da área experimental

    First record of Theraphosa apophysis (Tinter, 1991) (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae) in Brazil

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    We present the first record for Theraphosa apophysis (Tinter, 1991) for Brazil. A male of T. apophysis was collected in São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas state, Brazil. This is the third species of Theraphosa in Brazil along with T. blondi (Latreille, 1804) and T. stirmi Rudloff & Weinmann, 2010

    Step-by-step Dissection Protocol of Apicotermitinae Worker (Blattaria: Isoptera)

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    Apicotermitinae are soldierless termites highly abundant in tropical forests. The taxonomy of this subfamily is based on characters of worker cast and winged forms when present. However, the procedures necessary to dissect termite workers to observe their external and internal morphological characteristics are not well detailed in any study. Here, we describe a step-by-step protocol for worker dissection of soldierless termite species. We suggest the use of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) for cleaning and visualization of the gizzard and enteric valve, and glycerin to remove tergites and sternites and describe in detail the dissection of the gizzard and enteric valve, and how visualize the insertion of Malpighian tubules

    Uma nova espécie de térmita do gênero Dihoplotermes Araujo (Blattaria, Isoptera, Termitidae) da floresta Amazônica Brasileira

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    Dihoplotermes, a previously monotypic genus, is now composed of two species. Dihoplotermes taurus sp. nov., a new Termitinae termite species, is illustrated and described based on morphological characters from soldiers, workers, and imago. The new species is distinguished from Dihoplotermes inusitatus Araujo by having a spine-like protuberance with blunt apex on the postmentum, the presence of a spine on the gizzard and the absence of dimorphic soldiers. Furthermore, the internal morphological characteristics of a Dihoplotermes worker are described for the first time. Both internal and external morphological characters were used to improve the characterization of the species.Dihoplotermes, que era um gênero monotípico, agora é composto por duas espécies. Dihoplotermes taurus sp. nov., uma nova espécie de cupim Termitinae, é descrita e ilustrada com base nos caracteres morfológicos dos soldados, operários e imago. A nova espécie se diferencia de Dihoplotermes inusitatus Araujo por apresentar uma protuberância em forma de espinho não pontiagudo no posmento, presença de um espinho na moela e ausência de soldados dimórficos. Além disso, são descritas pela primeira vez as características morfológicas internas de um operário de Dihoplotermes e utilizamos ambos caracteres morfológicos internos e externos para melhor caracterizar as espécies

    Defining a termite sampling protocol for ecological studies: An effective method to increase statistical power

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    Protocols for sampling soil fauna are usually designed to increase the number of species found when one or a few plots are heavily sampled. However, no previous study has evaluated how the number of plots sampled affect the power of statistical tests associating community composition and the environment. We test the effect of the number of transects (plots) and the sampling effort in each transect on the representation of trophic groups and on the association of termite species composition with environmental variables. Data were collected in 30 250m-long transects located in central Amazonia. Each transect was subdivided into 10 non-contiguous sections of 5 m × 2 m each (separation of 22 m between sections). We rarefied the data to determine arrangement of transects and sections that 1) best characterizes the distribution of species in trophic groups and 2) maximizes the chances to detect true associations between termite species composition and environmental predictor variables. When more than six transects (plots) were sampled with at least five non-contiguous sections each, the distribution of trophic groups was similar to the known distribution for the area. However, the detection of the association between termite species composition and environmental variables was more easily detected by increasing the number of transects sampled (plots) than the sampling effort per transect. Our results suggest that spreading sampling effort into at least 15 transects (plots) improves the ability to detect trophic groups and the performance of regression tests associating the composition of species with the environment. © 2019 Elsevier Masson SA

    Studies on the antitermitic properties of wood and bark crude extracts of forest species from Central Amazonian, Brazil

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    In wood preservation, efficiency evaluation of some natural compounds has been going on for some time, looking for substances that can be used to increase the useful life of wood species, and that are less damaging to the environment. In this context, we evaluted the potential of wood and bark extractives of the species Pouteria guianensis,Buchenavia parviflora and Dinizia excelsa in repelling Nasutitermes sp. As substrate, blocks of Simarouba amara species, of low durability, was used. The extractives were obtained in ethanol 95%, diluted in hydro-alcoholic solution (1% and 0.1%), and impregnated in a block of S. amara, according to ASTM D1413-76. The blocks were arranged on a platform in Latin square and submitted to termite attack. The effect of the solutions on termites was classified according to weight loss of the S. amara blocks. The results showed that a big majority of extractive treatments provided high resistance to S. amara wood. The best treatment was that made with the P. guianensis bark extractives, where loss was only 10% of the initial block weight. The less effective treatment was that of the D. excelsa bark extractives, with 70% loss of block weight. Thus, we concluded that the wood and bark extractives of P. guianensis and B. parviflora and wood extractives of D. excelsa present chemical compounds with repellent properties against Nasutitermes sp., while the bark extractives of D. excelsa do not.No ramo da preservação de madeira, a eficiência de compostos naturais há muito tem sido avaliada, visando encontrar substâncias que não só aumentem a vida útil de madeiras de baixa durabilidade, mas também causem menor dano ao meio ambiente. Nesse contexto, o potencial de extrativos do lenho e da casca das espécies madeireiras Pouteria guianensis,Buchenavia parviflora e Dinizia excelsa em repelir o ataque de cupins Nasutitermes sp. foi avaliado, utilizando-se como substrato a espécie Simarouba amara, de baixa durabilidade. Os extrativos foram obtidos em etanol 95%, diluídos em solução hidroalcoólica (1 e 0,1%), e impregnados em blocos de S. amara, segundo ASTM D1413-76. Os blocos foram montados em quadrado latino em uma plataforma e submetidos ao ataque dos cupins. O efeito das soluções foi classificado pela perda de peso dos blocos de S. amara. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos tratamentos conferiu ótima resistência à madeira de S. amara. O melhor tratamento foi aquele efetuado com extrativos da casca de P. guianensis, onde a perda foi somente de 10% do peso inicial dos blocos, enquanto que o menos efetivo foi aquele com extrativos da casca de D. excelsa, com perda de 70% de peso do bloco. Assim, pode-se concluir que os extrativos do lenho e da casca de P. guianensis e B. parviflora e do lenho de D. excelsa apresentam, a princípio, compostos com propriedades de repelência a Nasutitermes sp., e os extrativos da casca de D. excelsa não apresentam estes componentes

    Μελέτη της προσρόφησης του Μαγγανίου απο την αγριαγκινάρα (cynara cardunculus) σε διάφορες θερμοκασίες

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    FIGURE 9A–C. Tyrannoseira raptora: ventral head (right face); A, maxillary palp and outer lobe; B, labial palp and proximal chaetae (p.c.), "l.p." is lateral process of papilla E; C, chaetotaxy of the basomedian and basolateral fields, postlabial and cephalic groove (right face)